当前共找到 1063 篇文献分享,本页显示第 221 - 240 篇。
半面阳光 (2023-11-30 22:19):
#paper https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12040478, gene, 2021,Performance of Cell-Free DNA Screening for Fetal Common Aneuploidies and Sex Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Prospective Study from a Less Developed Autonomous Region in Mainland China. 这篇前瞻性研究论文主要分析研究了NIPT在86193例人群样本中对常见的T21,T18,T13三体异常、性染色体异常以及其他常染色体异常和一些CNVs中的检测效果。相对而言,这篇文章的突出特点是样本量比较大,阳性检出率和阳性预测值等这些检测性能上的参数给出了一定的参考。
IF:2.800Q2 Genes, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/genes12040478
To evaluate the performance of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in the detection of common aneuploidies in a population-based study, a total of 86,262 single pregnancies referred for NIPS were prospectively … >>>
To evaluate the performance of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in the detection of common aneuploidies in a population-based study, a total of 86,262 single pregnancies referred for NIPS were prospectively recruited. Among 86,193 pregnancies with reportable results, follow-up was successfully conducted in 1160 fetuses reported with a high-risk result by NIPS and 82,511 cases (95.7%) with a low-risk result. The screen-positive rate (SPR) of common aneuploidies and sex chromosome abnormalities (SCAs) provided by NIPS were 0.7% (586/83,671) and 0.6% (505/83,671), respectively. The positive predictive values (PPVs) for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13 and SCAs were calculated as 89.7%, 84.0%, 52.6% and 38.0%, respectively. In addition, less rare chromosomal abnormalities, including copy number variants (CNVs), were detected, compared with those reported by NIPS with higher read-depth. Among these rare abnormalities, only 23.2% (13/56) were confirmed by prenatal diagnosis. In total, four common trisomy cases were found to be false negative, resulting in a rate of 0.48/10,000 (4/83,671). In summary, this study conducted in an underdeveloped region with limited support for the new technology development and lack of cost-effective prenatal testing demonstrates the importance of implementing routine aneuploidy screening in the public sector for providing early detection and precise prognostic information. <<<
大勇 (2023-11-30 21:45):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05710-8 Nassour, J., Aguiar, L.G., Correia, A. et al. Telomere-to-mitochondria signalling by ZBP1 mediates replicative crisis. Nature 614, 767–773 (2023). 这篇文献主要是发现了永生化细胞不死的机制,通过讲端粒、衰老和和免疫结合起来,从侧面为肿瘤细胞的异常增殖提供了新的思路。全文仅仅用了简单的WB和免疫荧光等技术,完成了比较有创新性的课题并发表在了nature上。整篇文献发现永生化细胞中ZBP1表达升高和I型干扰素信号通路激活,通过分析发现ZBP1可以与端粒不稳定相关RNA结合并定位于线粒体上,从而激活MAVS和下游I型干扰素信号通路维持细胞的生长,而端粒的不稳定又会激活cGAS信号通路,引起I型干扰素信号通路激活导致ZBP1升高,从而形成了一个环路。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2023-02. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05710-8 PMID: 36755096
Cancers arise through the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations that enable cells to evade telomere-based proliferative barriers and achieve immortality. One such barrier is replicative crisis-an autophagy-dependent program that … >>>
Cancers arise through the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations that enable cells to evade telomere-based proliferative barriers and achieve immortality. One such barrier is replicative crisis-an autophagy-dependent program that eliminates checkpoint-deficient cells with unstable telomeres and other cancer-relevant chromosomal aberrations. However, little is known about the molecular events that regulate the onset of this important tumour-suppressive barrier. Here we identified the innate immune sensor Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as a regulator of the crisis program. A crisis-associated isoform of ZBP1 is induced by the cGAS-STING DNA-sensing pathway, but reaches full activation only when associated with telomeric-repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) transcripts that are synthesized from dysfunctional telomeres. TERRA-bound ZBP1 oligomerizes into filaments on the outer mitochondrial membrane of a subset of mitochondria, where it activates the innate immune adapter protein mitochondrial antiviral-signalling protein (MAVS). We propose that these oligomerization properties of ZBP1 serve as a signal amplification mechanism, where few TERRA-ZBP1 interactions are sufficient to launch a detrimental MAVS-dependent interferon response. Our study reveals a mechanism for telomere-mediated tumour suppression, whereby dysfunctional telomeres activate innate immune responses through mitochondrial TERRA-ZBP1 complexes to eliminate cells destined for neoplastic transformation. <<<
庞庞 (2023-11-30 19:59):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.074 Reproducibility of functional brain alterations in major depressive disorder: Evidence from a multisite resting-state functional MRI study with 1,434 individuals 静息态功能磁共振成像研究表明,重度抑郁症患者的脑功能存在广泛的改变。 然而,由于大样本、多站点数据集的稀缺,关于 MDD 相关改变的可重复模式的清晰一致的结论仍然有限。 研究者过五个中心的 1434 名参与者(709 名 MDD 患者和 725 名健康对照)的大型 R-fMRI 数据集来解决这个问题。 我们观察到,与对照组相比,重度抑郁症患者的眶额皮层、感觉运动皮层和视觉皮层显著减退,额顶皮层显著过度活跃。 这些改变不受不同统计分析策略、全局信号回归和药物状态的影响,并且通常可以在各个中心重现。 然而,这些组间差异部分受到患者发病状态和发病年龄的影响,并且脑-临床变量关系表现出较差的跨中心再现性
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2019-04-01. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.074 PMID: 30716456
Resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) studies have demonstrated widespread alterations in brain function in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). However, a clear and consistent conclusion regarding a repeatable pattern of … >>>
Resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) studies have demonstrated widespread alterations in brain function in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). However, a clear and consistent conclusion regarding a repeatable pattern of MDD-relevant alterations is still limited due to the scarcity of large-sample, multisite datasets. Here, we address this issue by including a large R-fMRI dataset with 1434 participants (709 patients with MDD and 725 healthy controls) from five centers in China. Individual functional activity maps that represent very local to long-range connections are computed using the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, regional homogeneity and distance-related functional connectivity strength. The reproducibility analyses involve different statistical strategies, global signal regression, across-center consistency, clinical variables, and sample size. We observed significant hypoactivity in the orbitofrontal, sensorimotor, and visual cortices and hyperactivity in the frontoparietal cortices in MDD patients compared to the controls. These alterations are not affected by different statistical analysis strategies, global signal regression and medication status and are generally reproducible across centers. However, these between-group differences are partially influenced by the episode status and the age of disease onset in patients, and the brain-clinical variable relationship exhibits poor cross-center reproducibility. Bootstrap analyses reveal that at least 400 subjects in each group are required to replicate significant alterations (an extent threshold of P < .05 and a height threshold of P < .001) at 50% reproducibility. Together, these results highlight reproducible patterns of functional alterations in MDD and relevant influencing factors, which provides crucial guidance for future neuroimaging studies of this disorder. <<<
朵朵 (2023-11-30 19:20):
#paper 王伟. “她为什么换了导师——一项导生关系的案例研究.” 华东师范大学硕士学位论文. 近年来导师和研究生的关系恶化的事件时有发生,看到这篇论文,一个是抱着八卦的心态,想看看“她到底为啥换了导师”,另外一个是好奇,作者是怎么把一起换导师事件做成一项研究的,用什么样的研究方法可以使其成为一篇硕士研究生论文。 读下来发现研究方法并不难,主要是做访谈,再加一些文献阅读与分析。作者访谈了换导师的A同学,A同学的同门师兄B,A同学的同寝室同学C,以及A同学换的新导师Z。可惜A同学的原导师Y并不愿意接受访谈,因此少了她的视角。通过访谈还原了整个换导师过程:A同学本来选择的另一个导师,被调剂到导师Y门下,一进师门就给了个下马威:随时可以走。之后写论文的选题成为导火索,A同学想要写的选题,导师Y不认可;导师Y给A同学定的选题和大纲,A同学不认可,认为导师学术水平不高,但又不敢违背,再加上在实习问题上的矛盾,A同学萌生退学、拿不到毕业证的想法。后来在系里帮助下,A同学换了新导师。 在厘清基本事实后,作者对我国现行导师制进行了分析,认为导师-学生匹配上的责权不一、导生互动中教育性和学术性的淡化以及评价机制的缺失是值得反映的问题。 有意思的案例研究,但是深度稍显欠缺,是一篇评论能容纳的信息量。
尹志 (2023-11-30 16:36):
#paper Hamed Khakzad, Ilia Igashov, Arne Schneuing, et al. A new age in protein design empowered by deep learning. Cell Systems 14, 925–939 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2023.10.006. 蛋白质作为细胞的主要组成,参与了包括酶促反应、信号转导等在内的各种生命反应,其意义毋庸置疑。但是如何通过人工的方式设计特定的蛋白质,从而解决疾病治疗、药物研发等一系列生命科学问题,一直是科学家的追求。人工智能的发展,特别是深度学习的发展,给这个主题带来了特别巨大的进展。这篇最新的综述就是对使用深度学习进行蛋白质设计的几类范式和sota方法进行了介绍。从方法角度看,介绍的非常全面。有意思的是,我们会发现目前生成式模型在AI的冲击已经迁移到蛋白质设计领域,并孵化出独有的味道。图神经网络、物理启发的模型、语言模型的模仿、深度生成模型的利用在蛋白质设计领域都展现出不错的性能,特别是当把几何先验通过数学的手段,比如群轮与深度学习进行结合,往往可以较好的捕获蛋白质精巧晦涩的结构信息。当然,考虑到蛋白质设计所涉及的序列、结构、功能三者的精密联系,如何协调序列建模、结构建模等方法,也成为未来发展的关键问题。文章中对数据、benchmark等方面的讨论也很有价值。当然,问题也是一大堆,最令人不爽的是,拥有生命科学基本属性的蛋白质设计,最终的效果需要实验甚至实际效果进行验证,因此计算方法论上再优秀的设计,也需要湿实验、临床实验的验证。希望随着技术的进步,这个领域的自动化agent技术会带来全新的范式。
IF:9.000Q1 Cell systems, 2023-11-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.cels.2023.10.006 PMID: 37972559
The rapid progress in the field of deep learning has had a significant impact on protein design. Deep learning methods have recently produced a breakthrough in protein structure prediction, leading … >>>
The rapid progress in the field of deep learning has had a significant impact on protein design. Deep learning methods have recently produced a breakthrough in protein structure prediction, leading to the availability of high-quality models for millions of proteins. Along with novel architectures for generative modeling and sequence analysis, they have revolutionized the protein design field in the past few years remarkably by improving the accuracy and ability to identify novel protein sequences and structures. Deep neural networks can now learn and extract the fundamental features of protein structures, predict how they interact with other biomolecules, and have the potential to create new effective drugs for treating disease. As their applicability in protein design is rapidly growing, we review the recent developments and technology in deep learning methods and provide examples of their performance to generate novel functional proteins. <<<
Vincent (2023-11-30 16:34):
#paper Contrastive Variational Autoencoder Enhances Salient Features, arxiv, 2019 https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.04601 最近的对比PCA采用了对比学习的思路,能够捕捉目标数据集与背景之间的差异,从而实现保留对比信号的无监督降维。然而对比PCA跟PCA类似,只能对变量做线性组合进行降维,无法捕捉变量间的非线性关系。这篇文章对对比PCA做了拓展,使用变分自编码模型(VAE)来实现对非线性关系的捕捉,该方法称为对比VAE。对比VAE通过对数据集间的共享特征以及富集在目标数据中的特征进行显式建模,从而分离和增强目标数据中的突出潜在特征。该方法的运算时间与VAE类似,并且对噪音和数据纯度有较高的鲁棒性。文章在多个数据集上(例如手写数字MNIST)验证了该方法在捕捉突出潜在特征方面的有效性,比起传统的VAE也有持续提高。同时其作为一种生成式学习工具,训练好以后也能够用这些显著潜在特征来生成新的数据。
Variational autoencoders are powerful algorithms for identifying dominantlatent structure in a single dataset. In many applications, however, we areinterested in modeling latent structure and variation that are enriched in atarget … >>>
Variational autoencoders are powerful algorithms for identifying dominantlatent structure in a single dataset. In many applications, however, we areinterested in modeling latent structure and variation that are enriched in atarget dataset compared to some background---e.g. enriched in patients comparedto the general population. Contrastive learning is a principled framework tocapture such enriched variation between the target and background, butstate-of-the-art contrastive methods are limited to linear models. In thispaper, we introduce the contrastive variational autoencoder (cVAE), whichcombines the benefits of contrastive learning with the power of deep generativemodels. The cVAE is designed to identify and enhance salient latent features.The cVAE is trained on two related but unpaired datasets, one of which hasminimal contribution from the salient latent features. The cVAE explicitlymodels latent features that are shared between the datasets, as well as thosethat are enriched in one dataset relative to the other, which allows thealgorithm to isolate and enhance the salient latent features. The algorithm isstraightforward to implement, has a similar run-time to the standard VAE, andis robust to noise and dataset purity. We conduct experiments across diversetypes of data, including gene expression and facial images, showing that thecVAE effectively uncovers latent structure that is salient in a particularanalysis. <<<
小年 (2023-11-30 16:01):
#paper Augusto, D.G., Murdolo, L.D., Chatzileontiadou, D.S.M. et al. A common allele of HLA is associated with asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nature 620, 128–136 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06331-x. 大多数感染COVID-19的人会出现诸如发热、干咳、咽痛、嗅觉减退等典型临床症状。然而也有一部分人群即便感染了新冠病毒,也不会出现任何症状,这些人被称为无症状感染者。为探索这一现象的背后遗传机制中,本项研究使用了29,947名样本的高分辨HLA分型数据,发现人类白细胞抗原(HLA)基因座的变异可能是影响SARS-CoV-2感染者是否出现症状的关键因素。进一步的研究表明,这种遗传关联可能源于预先存在的T细胞免疫。来自携带HLA-B*15:01个体的大流行前样本中的T细胞对SARS-CoV-2 S蛋白衍生的主要免疫原性肽段NQKLIANQF表现出反应性。这些T细胞大多数呈现记忆表型,具有高度多功能性,并与季节性冠状病毒衍生的肽段交叉反应。除此之外,HLA-B15:01–肽段复合物的晶体结构,展示了NQKLIANQF和NQKLIANAF肽段被HLA-B15:01稳定并呈现的相似能力。最后,研究揭示了肽段结构相似性是HLA-B*15:01介导的预先存在免疫的分子基础,这种免疫是由高亲和力的公共T细胞受体的T细胞交叉反应性所决定的。综上所述,这项研究深入阐释了SARS-CoV-2无症状感染背后的遗传和免疫学机制,尤其是HLA-B*15:01基因座的作用。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2023-Aug. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06331-x PMID: 37468623
Studies have demonstrated that at least 20% of individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 remain asymptomatic. Although most global efforts have focused on severe illness in COVID-19, examining asymptomatic infection provides a … >>>
Studies have demonstrated that at least 20% of individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 remain asymptomatic. Although most global efforts have focused on severe illness in COVID-19, examining asymptomatic infection provides a unique opportunity to consider early immunological features that promote rapid viral clearance. Here, postulating that variation in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loci may underly processes mediating asymptomatic infection, we enrolled 29,947 individuals, for whom high-resolution HLA genotyping data were available, in a smartphone-based study designed to track COVID-19 symptoms and outcomes. Our discovery cohort (n = 1,428) comprised unvaccinated individuals who reported a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2. We tested for association of five HLA loci with disease course and identified a strong association between HLA-B*15:01 and asymptomatic infection, observed in two independent cohorts. Suggesting that this genetic association is due to pre-existing T cell immunity, we show that T cells from pre-pandemic samples from individuals carrying HLA-B*15:01 were reactive to the immunodominant SARS-CoV-2 S-derived peptide NQKLIANQF. The majority of the reactive T cells displayed a memory phenotype, were highly polyfunctional and were cross-reactive to a peptide derived from seasonal coronaviruses. The crystal structure of HLA-B*15:01-peptide complexes demonstrates that the peptides NQKLIANQF and NQKLIANAF (from OC43-CoV and HKU1-CoV) share a similar ability to be stabilized and presented by HLA-B*15:01. Finally, we show that the structural similarity of the peptides underpins T cell cross-reactivity of high-affinity public T cell receptors, providing the molecular basis for HLA-B*15:01-mediated pre-existing immunity. <<<
前进 (2023-11-30 10:22):
#paper GraformerDIR: Graph convolution transformer for deformable image registration Computers in Biology and Medicine 30 june 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105799 这是一篇用图卷积来进行图像配准的论文,通过将图卷积变换器(Graformer)层放在 在特征提取网络中,提出了一个基于Graformer的DIR框架,命名为GraformerDIR。Graformer层由Graformer模块和Cheby-shev图卷积模块组成。其中 Graformer模块旨在捕获高质量的长期依赖关系。Cheby-shev图卷积模块用于进一步扩大感受野。GraformerDIR的性能已经在公开的大脑数据集中进行了评估,包括OASIS、LPBA40和MGH10数据集。与VoxelMorph相比,GraformerDIR在DSC方面获得4.6%的性能改进,在平均值方面获得0.055mm的性能改进,同时折叠率更低。
PURPOSE: Deformable image registration (DIR) plays an important role in assisting disease diagnosis. The emergence of the Transformer enables the DIR framework to extract long-range dependencies, which relieves the limitations … >>>
PURPOSE: Deformable image registration (DIR) plays an important role in assisting disease diagnosis. The emergence of the Transformer enables the DIR framework to extract long-range dependencies, which relieves the limitations of intrinsic locality caused by convolution operation. However, suffering from the interference of missing or spurious connections, it is a challenging task for Transformer-based methods to capture the high-quality long-range dependencies.METHODS: In this paper, by staking the graph convolution Transformer (Graformer) layer at the bottom of the feature extraction network, we propose a Graformer-based DIR framework, named GraformerDIR. The Graformer layer is consist of the Graformer module and the Cheby-shev graph convolution module. Among them, the Graformer module is designed to capture high-quality long-range dependencies. Cheby-shev graph convolution module is employed to further enlarge the receptive field.RESULTS: The performance and generalizability of GraformerDIR have been evaluated on publicly available brain datasets including the OASIS, LPBA40, and MGH10 datasets. Compared with VoxelMorph, the GraformerDIR has obtained performance improvements of 4.6% in Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and 0.055 mm in the average symmetric surface distance (ASD) while reducing the non-positive rate of Jacobin determinant (Npr.Jac) index about 60 times on publicly available OASIS dataset. On unseen dataset MGH10, the GraformerDIR has obtained the performance improvements of 4.1% in DSC and 0.084 mm in ASD compared with VoxelMorph, which demonstrates the GraformerDIR with better generalizability. The promising performance on the clinical cardiac dataset ACDC indicates the GraformerDIR is practicable.CONCLUSION: With the advantage of Transformer and graph convolution, the GraformerDIR has obtained comparable performance with the state-of-the-art method VoxelMorph. <<<
哪有情可长 (2023-11-30 10:03):
#paper Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding, Nature plants,18 July 2022,doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01190-2. 玉米杂交种表现出优越的杂种,是通过跨越属于遗传不同异种群的两个亲本近交系产生的。在这里,本文研究者装了 1,604 个历史上利用属于各种母本异质性组 (FHG) 和父本异质性组 (MHG) 的玉米系,并进行了表型和基因组测序分析。发现 FHG 和 MHG 对不同的农艺性状集经历了收敛和发散的变化。使用全基因组选择扫描和关联分析,确定了大量候选基因,这些基因有助于提高 FHG 和 MHG 的农艺性状。此外,研究人员还观察到FHGs和MHGs在育种时代的遗传分化增加,发现分化基因杂合子水平增加与杂交种杂合子杂合性呈正相关。后续验证了两个选定基因和分化基因的功能,确定其对株高和籽粒大小具有重要的影响。
IF:15.800Q1 Nature plants, 2022-07. DOI: 10.1038/s41477-022-01190-2 PMID: 35851624
Single-cross maize hybrids display superior heterosis and are produced from crossing two parental inbred lines belonging to genetically different heterotic groups. Here we assembled 1,604 historically utilized maize inbred lines … >>>
Single-cross maize hybrids display superior heterosis and are produced from crossing two parental inbred lines belonging to genetically different heterotic groups. Here we assembled 1,604 historically utilized maize inbred lines belonging to various female heterotic groups (FHGs) and male heterotic groups (MHGs), and conducted phenotyping and genomic sequencing analyses. We found that the FHGs and MHGs have undergone both convergent and divergent changes for different sets of agronomic traits. Using genome-wide selection scans and association analyses, we identified a large number of candidate genes that contributed to the improvement of agronomic traits of the FHGs and MHGs. Moreover, we observed increased genetic differentiation between the FHGs and MHGs across the breeding eras, and we found a positive correlation between increasing heterozygosity levels in the differentiated genes and heterosis in hybrids. Furthermore, we validated the function of two selected genes and a differentiated gene. This study provides insights into the genomic basis of modern hybrid maize breeding. <<<
Jarvi Coa (2023-11-30 09:39):
#paper DOI : 10.1021/jacs.2c11504 Pub Date  : 2023-01-26 Self-Stacking Autocatalytic Molecular Circuit with Minimal Catalytic DNA Assembly 本文提出了一种可扩展的自组装自催化DNNA电路(AAD),它由一个简单而有效的诱导序列反应组成。该系统由一小部分DNA分子序列反应和少量复制触发组成,且反应过程中可生成能够继续催化自身的trigger。通过深层理论模拟和系统实验演示,这些重新生成的trigger效率能够达到预期目标且具有较高特异性,因此可以很容易地改进以达到更有效且具有特征的DNA电路的信号放大。基于其指数级高信号感知性和最小反应组件,这种DNA分子电路大大加快了生物医学诊断和治疗评估的进程。
Isothermal autocatalytic DNA circuits have been proven to be versatile and powerful biocomputing platforms by virtue of their self-sustainable and self-accelerating reaction profiles, yet they are currently constrained by their … >>>
Isothermal autocatalytic DNA circuits have been proven to be versatile and powerful biocomputing platforms by virtue of their self-sustainable and self-accelerating reaction profiles, yet they are currently constrained by their complicated designs, severe signal leakages, and unclear reaction mechanisms. Herein, we developed a simpler-yet-efficient autocatalytic assembly circuit (AAC) for highly robust bioimaging in live cells and mice. The scalable and sustainable AAC system was composed of a mere catalytic DNA assembly reaction with minimal strand complexity and, upon specific stimulation, could reproduce numerous new triggers to expedite the whole reaction. Through in-depth theoretical simulations and systematic experimental demonstrations, the catalytic efficiency of these reproduced triggers was found to play a vital role in the autocatalytic profile and thus could be facilely improved to achieve more efficient and characteristic autocatalytic signal amplification. Due to its exponentially high signal amplification and minimal reaction components, our self-stacking AAC facilitated the efficient detection of trace biomolecules with low signal leakage, thus providing great clinical diagnosis and therapeutic assessment potential. <<<
龙海晨 (2023-11-30 01:51):
#paper Janbazacyabar H, van Bergenhenegouwen J, Varasteh S, Garssen J, Folkerts G, Braber S. Repeated exposure of bronchial epithelial cells to particular matter increases allergen-induced cytokine release and permeability. Cytokine. 2022 Jun;154:155878. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155878. Epub 2022 Apr 8. PMID: 35405483. 这是一篇研究暴露在颗粒污染物下与过敏的文章。作者构建了一个通有电极的细胞模型。用以模拟检测长期暴露在柴油废气颗粒物环境下细胞的过敏反应。为进一步研究呼吸道在重污染下的过敏,哮喘提供了基础。
IF:3.700Q2 Cytokine, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155878 PMID: 35405483
Long term particulate matter (PM) exposure has been associated with an increased incidence of respiratory diseases. Here, an in vitro model was developed to study how long term diesel exhaust … >>>
Long term particulate matter (PM) exposure has been associated with an increased incidence of respiratory diseases. Here, an in vitro model was developed to study how long term diesel exhaust particle (DEP) exposure might predispose to the development of allergic reactions. Airway epithelial (16HBE) cells were exposed to low concentrations of diesel exhaust particle (DEP) for 4 days after which they were challenged with house dust mite (HDM) extract (24 h). Compared to acute exposure (24 h), 4 days DEP exposure to 16HBE cells further reduced the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and increased CXCL-8 release. DEP pre-exposure aggravated HDM-induced loss of TEER, increased tracer flux across the barrier and reduced CLDN-3 expression in these 16HBE cells. HDM-induced cytokine (IL-6, CCL-22, IL-10 and CXCL-8) release was significantly increased after DEP pre-exposure. In the current study an in vitro model with long term PM exposure was presented, which might be helpful for further understanding the interplay between long term PM exposure and allergic responses. <<<
惊鸿 (2023-11-29 11:58):
#paper DOI : 10.1007/s00417-023-06158-2 Pub Date  : 2023-06-30 Comparisons of the protein expressions between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma in human 这篇论文的结论为,与中度近视角膜相比,高度近视角膜在前角膜基质上有 36 个 DEP。高度近视眼角膜的角质形成细胞迁移和细胞骨架的结构成分减弱,这可能部分解释了高度近视眼角膜生物力学较低的原因。较低表达的KRT16在高度近视角膜中发挥重要作用。
笑对人生 (2023-11-29 11:48):
#paper doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007531. Kumuthini J, et al. Ten simple rules for providing effective bioinformatics research support. PLoS Comput Biol. 2020 Mar 26;16(3):e1007531. 高通量测序技术的普及使得生物信息分析的需求逐渐增加,然而,作为一名生物信息分析工作者,应该如何有效地与实验室科学家合作呢?本研究的作者们结合自身多年交叉学科的数据分析经验,为此总结出十条简单但有效的规则。(1)充分了解实验设计。(2)明确数据分析项目的范围、达成路径和预期结果。(3)对数据进行全面和科学的管理,例如及时备份。(4)数据分析步骤和结果应该可追溯。(5)明确包含样本信息的元数据的存储形式和内容。(6)注意数据安全。(7)在项目的整个生命周期都需要进行质量控制。(8)选择合适的数据分析工具。正确选择的前提是了解使用工具的优点和局限性,是否被科研人员广泛使用。(9)及时记录数据分析过程中的每一次修改。(10)对于不可用的数据,及时与实验科学家沟通,必要时要重新调整该数据的用途。
Life scientists are increasingly turning to high-throughput sequencing technologies in their research programs, owing to the enormous potential of these methods. In a parallel manner, the number of core facilities … >>>
Life scientists are increasingly turning to high-throughput sequencing technologies in their research programs, owing to the enormous potential of these methods. In a parallel manner, the number of core facilities that provide bioinformatics support are also increasing. Notably, the generation of complex large datasets has necessitated the development of bioinformatics support core facilities that aid laboratory scientists with cost-effective and efficient data management, analysis, and interpretation. In this article, we address the challenges-related to communication, good laboratory practice, and data handling-that may be encountered in core support facilities when providing bioinformatics support, drawing on our own experiences working as support bioinformaticians on multidisciplinary research projects. Most importantly, the article proposes a list of guidelines that outline how these challenges can be preemptively avoided and effectively managed to increase the value of outputs to the end user, covering the entire research project lifecycle, including experimental design, data analysis, and management (i.e., sharing and storage). In addition, we highlight the importance of clear and transparent communication, comprehensive preparation, appropriate handling of samples and data using monitoring systems, and the employment of appropriate tools and standard operating procedures to provide effective bioinformatics support. <<<
李翛然 (2023-11-28 20:26):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17575 AI in drug discovery and its clinical relevance 一篇综述,这篇文章是近年来我觉得还不错的从临床角度介绍了一下目前AI制药行业的发展,基本上涵盖了几种AI的功能目标。 虽然能看出来作者的AI药物设计水平不够深入,但是不方案从这件事情的本院入手,即FDA的评审通过及临床角度来进行评价。 所以作为一个入门的综述还是非常好的,大家对这个行业感兴趣都可以看一看
IF:3.400Q1 Heliyon, 2023-Jul. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17575 PMID: 37396052
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for novel drug discovery process. However, the journey from conceptualizing a drug to its eventual implementation in clinical settings is a long, complex, … >>>
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for novel drug discovery process. However, the journey from conceptualizing a drug to its eventual implementation in clinical settings is a long, complex, and expensive process, with many potential points of failure. Over the past decade, a vast growth in medical information has coincided with advances in computational hardware (cloud computing, GPUs, and TPUs) and the rise of deep learning. Medical data generated from large molecular screening profiles, personal health or pathology records, and public health organizations could benefit from analysis by Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches to speed up and prevent failures in the drug discovery pipeline. We present applications of AI at various stages of drug discovery pipelines, including the inherently computational approaches of design and prediction of a drug's likely properties. Open-source databases and AI-based software tools that facilitate drug design are discussed along with their associated problems of molecule representation, data collection, complexity, labeling, and disparities among labels. How contemporary AI methods, such as graph neural networks, reinforcement learning, and generated models, along with structure-based methods, (i.e., molecular dynamics simulations and molecular docking) can contribute to drug discovery applications and analysis of drug responses is also explored. Finally, recent developments and investments in AI-based start-up companies for biotechnology, drug design and their current progress, hopes and promotions are discussed in this article. <<<
徐炳祥 (2023-11-28 11:05):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13059-023-03088-4 Genome Biology, 2023, CHESS 3: an improved, comprehensive catalog of human genes and transcripts based on large-scale expression data, phylogenetic analysis, and protein structure。本文介绍了一套针对最新人类基因组完整序列(T2T genome)的完整人类基因组编码序列注释。作者通过收集和分析来自54个组织位点的超过10000项RNA-seq数据组装了所有可能的转录本,在此基础上,通过综合利用基于序列特征和基于机器学习的编码能力预测模型,结合转录本表达的组织特异性,编码蛋白质空间构象的合理性(基于alphaFold2的预测)对其进行质控,最终获得了41,356个基因和158,377个转录本。本文的结果是基因组研究的重要基础资料,其研究方法对基于RNA测序的研究有一定参考价值。
IF:10.100Q1 Genome biology, 2023-10-30. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03088-4 PMID: 37904256 PMCID:PMC10614308
CHESS 3 represents an improved human gene catalog based on nearly 10,000 RNA-seq experiments across 54 body sites. It significantly improves current genome annotation by integrating the latest reference data … >>>
CHESS 3 represents an improved human gene catalog based on nearly 10,000 RNA-seq experiments across 54 body sites. It significantly improves current genome annotation by integrating the latest reference data and algorithms, machine learning techniques for noise filtering, and new protein structure prediction methods. CHESS 3 contains 41,356 genes, including 19,839 protein-coding genes and 158,377 transcripts, with 14,863 protein-coding transcripts not in other catalogs. It includes all MANE transcripts and at least one transcript for most RefSeq and GENCODE genes. On the CHM13 human genome, the CHESS 3 catalog contains an additional 129 protein-coding genes. CHESS 3 is available at http://ccb.jhu.edu/chess . <<<
DeDe宝 (2023-11-26 20:27):
#paper doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcac303. Implicit sensorimotor adaptation is preserved in Parkinson’s disease. 帕金森病是一种主要影响基底神经节回路的神经退行性疾病,被认为会损害获得和适应熟练运动的能力。帕金森病是否影响内隐运动适应仍然是一个有争议的研究领域:虽然多项研究显示帕金森人群的表现受损,但也有一些研究显示表现完好。这些差异可能是之前的研究混淆了隐性适应(implicit adaptation)和重新瞄准(strategic re-aiming)。这篇研究重点关注内隐运动适应中的视觉运动适应。视觉运动适应通过自动调整感觉运动来响应预期和实际感觉反馈之间的误差,从而使运动系统保持精确校准。本研究在视觉运动适应任务中匹配了对照,从而分离隐性适应和重新瞄准。结果发现帕金森病被试对视觉扰动的适应能力和对照被试相似,说明帕金森病不损害视觉运动适应。该发现为基底神经节在感觉运动学习中的作用提供了新的视角。
Our ability to enact successful goal-directed actions involves multiple learning processes. Among these processes, implicit motor adaptation ensures that the sensorimotor system remains finely tuned in response to changes in … >>>
Our ability to enact successful goal-directed actions involves multiple learning processes. Among these processes, implicit motor adaptation ensures that the sensorimotor system remains finely tuned in response to changes in the body and environment. Whether Parkinson's disease impacts implicit motor adaptation remains a contentious area of research: whereas multiple reports show impaired performance in this population, many others show intact performance. While there is a range of methodological differences across studies, one critical issue is that performance in many of the studies may reflect a combination of implicit adaptation and strategic re-aiming. Here, we revisited this controversy using a visuomotor task designed to isolate implicit adaptation. In two experiments, we found that adaptation in response to a wide range of visual perturbations was similar in Parkinson's disease and matched control participants. Moreover, in a meta-analysis of previously published and unpublished work, we found that the mean effect size contrasting Parkinson's disease and controls across 16 experiments involving over 200 participants was not significant. Together, these analyses indicate that implicit adaptation is preserved in Parkinson's disease, offering a fresh perspective on the role of the basal ganglia in sensorimotor learning. <<<
颜林林 (2023-11-25 09:20):
#paper doi:10.1016/S2589-7500(23)00219-4. The Lancet Digital Health. 2023, Operational greenhouse-gas emissions of deep learning in digital pathology: a modelling study. 这篇文章其实是针对数字病理学中大量应用深度学习技术的现状,对不同模型和分析策略的使用,进行能耗分析。而在能耗评估时,文章通过IP地址关联到相应电厂,结合该地区能源供应中可持续能源的占比等信息,换算成二氧化碳排放量,作为对环境可持续的影响评估。其研究结果显示,全球范围内深度学习在病理学中的广泛应用,可能导致大量的温室气体排放,最高可达16兆吨二氧化碳当量,需要大约86,590平方公里(0.22%)的森林来吸收这些排放,并由此呼吁大家关注相关问题。对于模型之间的比较,结果自然是使用升级后的模型或更简单的模型,可以降低能耗,从而有助于应对环境可持续问题。我个人对这种将能耗外推至碳排放的做法难以苟同,毕竟这中间的影响因素太多,将其过度简化的过程中,很容易人为操纵和引导结论,不过,这篇论文在能耗对比评估的部分还是有可取之处的。
BACKGROUND: Deep learning is a promising way to improve health care. Image-processing medical disciplines, such as pathology, are expected to be transformed by deep learning. The first clinically applicable deep-learning … >>>
BACKGROUND: Deep learning is a promising way to improve health care. Image-processing medical disciplines, such as pathology, are expected to be transformed by deep learning. The first clinically applicable deep-learning diagnostic support tools are already available in cancer pathology, and their number is increasing. However, data on the environmental sustainability of these tools are scarce. We aimed to conduct an environmental-sustainability analysis of a theoretical implementation of deep learning in patient-care pathology.METHODS: For this modelling study, we first assembled and calculated relevant data and parameters of a digital-pathology workflow. Data were breast and prostate specimens from the university clinic at the Institute of Pathology of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Aachen, Germany), for which commercially available deep learning was already available. Only specimens collected between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2019 were used, to omit potential biases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our final selection was based on 2 representative weeks outside holidays, covering different types of specimens. To calculate carbon dioxide (CO2) or CO2 equivalent (CO2 eq) emissions of deep learning in pathology, we gathered relevant data for exact numbers and sizes of whole-slide images (WSIs), which were generated by scanning histopathology samples of prostate and breast specimens. We also evaluated different data input scenarios (including all slide tiles, only tiles containing tissue, or only tiles containing regions of interest). To convert estimated energy consumption from kWh to CO2 eq, we used the internet protocol address of the computational server and the Electricity Maps database to obtain information on the sources of the local electricity grid (ie, renewable vs non-renewable), and estimated the number of trees and proportion of the local and world's forests needed to sequester the CO2 eq emissions. We calculated the computational requirements and CO2 eq emissions of 30 deep-learning models that varied in task and size. The first scenario represented the use of one commercially available deep-learning model for one task in one case (1-task), the second scenario considered two deep-learning models for two tasks per case (2-task), the third scenario represented a future, potentially automated workflow that could handle 7 tasks per case (7-task), and the fourth scenario represented the use of a single potential, large, computer-vision model that could conduct multiple tasks (multitask). We also compared the performance (ie, accuracy) and CO2 eq emissions of different deep-learning models for the classification of renal cell carcinoma on WSIs, also from Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. We also tested other approaches to reducing CO2 eq emissions, including model pruning and an alternative method for histopathology analysis (pathomics).FINDINGS: The pathology database contained 35 552 specimens (237 179 slides), 6420 of which were prostate specimens (10 115 slides) and 11 801 of which were breast specimens (19 763 slides). We selected and subsequently digitised 140 slides from eight breast-cancer cases and 223 slides from five prostate-cancer cases. Applying large deep-learning models on all WSI tiles of prostate and breast pathology cases would result in yearly CO2 eq emissions of 7·65 metric tons (t; 95% CI 7·62-7·68) with the use of a single deep-learning model per case; yearly CO2 eq emissions were up to 100·56 t (100·21-100·99) with the use of seven deep-learning models per case. CO2 eq emissions for different deep-learning model scenarios, data inputs, and deep-learning model sizes for all slides varied from 3·61 t (3·59-3·63) to 2795·30 t (1177·51-6482·13. For the estimated number of overall pathology cases worldwide, the yearly CO2 eq emissions varied, reaching up to 16 megatons (Mt) of CO2 eq, requiring up to 86 590 km2 (0·22%) of world forest to sequester the CO2 eq emissions. Use of the 7-task scenario and small deep-learning models on slides containing tissue only could substantially reduce CO2 eq emissions worldwide by up to 141 times (0·1 Mt, 95% CI 0·1-0·1). Considering the local environment in Aachen, Germany, the maximum CO2 eq emission from the use of deep learning in digital pathology only would require 32·8% (95% CI 13·8-76·6) of the local forest to sequester the CO2 eq emissions. A single pathomics run on a tissue could provide information that was comparable to or even better than the output of multitask deep-learning models, but with 147 times reduced CO2 eq emissions.INTERPRETATION: Our findings suggest that widespread use of deep learning in pathology might have considerable global-warming potential. The medical community, policy decision makers, and the public should be aware of this potential and encourage the use of CO2 eq emissions reduction strategies where possible.FUNDING: German Research Foundation, European Research Council, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Health, Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee. <<<
笑对人生 (2023-10-31 23:59):
# paper doi: 10.1038/s41591-022-01906-z. Fu B, et al. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing of the BCL11A enhancer for pediatric β0/β0 transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia. Nat Med. 2022 Aug;28(8):1573-1580. 研究背景:B细胞淋巴瘤/白血病11A蛋白(B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A,BCL11A)是一种转录因子,可抑制红系细胞中的γ-珠蛋白和胎儿血红蛋白表达。因此,理论上靶向抑制BCL11A的表达可能使γ-珠蛋白表达抑制解除。地中海贫血(Thalassemia)是由于珠蛋白基因突变、缺失导致的珠蛋白链合成减少或完全缺失所引起的遗传性慢性溶血性疾病。根据临床症状严重程度和是否需要定期输血将地贫分为输血依赖型地贫(TDT)和非输血依赖型地贫(NTDT)。TDT需终身依赖输血,包括重型β地贫、重型Hb E/β地贫、非缺失型HbH病和重型α地贫。人出生后不久胎儿期γ-珠蛋白 (γ-globin)基因沉默表达,成体则主要表达β-珠蛋白 (β-globin),它在红细胞中与a-珠蛋白组成血红蛋白四聚体(HbA : α2β2)运载氧气。过去的研究表明,胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)水平升高可以减轻镰状细胞病 (SCD)和β-地中海贫血的临床严重程度,利用HbF替代功能受损的HbA可能是治疗β地贫的可行方案之一。在2020年,NEJM同期分别发表了两项分别利用CRISPR-Cas9和慢病毒介导的shRNA治疗β-地中海贫血症患者和镰刀状细胞贫血症患者临床试验。第一项是利用CRISPR-Cas9对患者自体CD34+细胞BCL11A的增强子区域(GATA1结合位点)进行编辑,激活γ-珠蛋白表达,最终提高血液中HbF含量。第二项是慢病毒介导的shRNA,在体外特异性靶向敲低患者自体CD34+细胞的BCL11A基因的mRNA。 研究内容:本研究是中国,也是世界首个通过CRISPR基因编辑技术重激活γ珠蛋白治疗β0/β0型重度地中海贫血儿童(两名TDT患者)并获得成功的研究。两名患者体内红细胞数量和总体Hb水平在75天左右达到健康水平。此外,研究还利用scRNAseq分析了两名健康人、一名患者治疗前和两名患者治疗后的PBMC,在单细胞水平验证了他们之间各种细胞类型比例均无显著差异。
IF:58.700Q1 Nature medicine, 2022-08. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-01906-z PMID: 35922667
Gene editing to disrupt the GATA1-binding site at the +58 BCL11A erythroid enhancer could induce γ-globin expression, which is a promising therapeutic strategy to alleviate β-hemoglobinopathy caused by HBB gene … >>>
Gene editing to disrupt the GATA1-binding site at the +58 BCL11A erythroid enhancer could induce γ-globin expression, which is a promising therapeutic strategy to alleviate β-hemoglobinopathy caused by HBB gene mutation. In the present study, we report the preliminary results of an ongoing phase 1/2 trial (NCT04211480) evaluating safety and efficacy of gene editing therapy in children with blood transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (TDT). We transplanted BCL11A enhancer-edited, autologous, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells into two children, one carrying the β/β genotype, classified as the most severe type of TDT. Primary endpoints included engraftment, overall survival and incidence of adverse events (AEs). Both patients were clinically well with multilineage engraftment, and all AEs to date were considered unrelated to gene editing and resolved after treatment. Secondary endpoints included achieving transfusion independence, editing rate in bone marrow cells and change in hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. Both patients achieved transfusion independence for >18 months after treatment, and their Hb increased from 8.2 and 10.8 g dl at screening to 15.0 and 14.0 g dl at the last visit, respectively, with 85.46% and 89.48% editing persistence in bone marrow cells. Exploratory analysis of single-cell transcriptome and indel patterns in edited peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed no notable side effects of the therapy. <<<
林海onrush (2023-10-31 23:55):
#paper,Quantum Brain Dynamics in 2 + 1 dimensions:Non-equilibrium analysis towards memory formations,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2022.127397,量子脑动力学(英语:Quantum Brain Dynamics,缩写:QBD)是神经系统科学中的一种假说,目的是在量子场论(QFT)的理论框架下解释大脑的功能。本文的研究人员通过数值模拟,描述了在 2 + 1 维量子脑动力学(QBD)中导致对称性破缺的非平衡过程。采用相干电场、偶极矩密度和偶极矩密度时间导数的时间演化方程,以及非相干偶极子和光子的Kadanoff–Baym方程。最终证明了玻色-爱因斯坦分布适用于非相干偶极子和光子的时间演化。在非零初始电场的触发下,系统的偶极子朝同一方向排列。 这些结果可以作为 QBD 中记忆形成的代表。 其实QBD早在1967年就被人们所关注和研究了,Hiroomi Umezawa 等人提出了脑细胞内部和脑细胞之间的长程相干(long range correlation) 的量子脑动力学理论,并展示了通过南部-戈德斯通玻色子(Nambu-Goldstone bosons) 来实现记忆的存储和检索的可能机制。占大脑70% 的水分子有两个电极,其中水分子的电偶极矩形 成了一个称为“皮层场”的量子场,皮层场中的量子被称为“皮层子”(corticon)。皮层场和神经细胞中的生物分子产生的量子相干波相互作用,可以在神经元和神经网络中传播。这种波在传播过程种能从ATP(三磷酸腺苷) 中获得能量,进而控制神经元的离子通道,并控制信号流向神经突触。量子大脑动力学的研究者们认为,意识并非由某种确定的途径所产生。一方面,吉布(Mari Jibu) 和雅苏(Kunio Yasue)认为,在神经网络中,皮层场和生物分子波的能量量子之间的相互作用产生了意识。另一方面,维泰罗(Giuseppe Vitiello)认为,量子脑动力学中的量子状态产生了两极,一极是主观的外部世界的表现,另一极是向外部世界表现开放的自我。QBD是一种新颖的、用于研究大脑的高级功能(如意识和记忆) 的量子框架,描述了在大脑神经活动层面上经典行为涌现的原因和方式。
小W (2023-10-31 23:52):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.stem.2023.09.014 Decoding aging-dependent regenerative decline across tissues at single-cell resolution 本文主要讲述了衰老对组织损伤修复的的影响,作者构建了小鼠的八个不同组织损伤模型,对年轻和衰老小鼠的损伤前、修复开始、修复进展和修复消退四个阶段,进行单细胞转录组分析,绘画不同年纪、损伤修复阶段和组织独特和共享的基因特征和细胞特征。本文主要的两个观点:衰老和年轻小鼠在损伤修复时激活不同 MuSC 亚型的干细胞,衰老MuSC 亚型的干细胞具有较弱的分化能力;Arg1+ 巨噬细胞在各种组织的再生和修复中激增,衰老小鼠 Arg1+ 巨噬细胞受到削弱,其可能通过影响血管生成能力,,导致衰老个体损伤修复能力的衰退。
IF:19.800Q1 Cell stem cell, 2023-12-07. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2023.09.014 PMID: 37898124
Regeneration across tissues and organs exhibits significant variation throughout the body and undergoes a progressive decline with age. To decode the relationships between aging and regenerative capacity, we conducted a … >>>
Regeneration across tissues and organs exhibits significant variation throughout the body and undergoes a progressive decline with age. To decode the relationships between aging and regenerative capacity, we conducted a comprehensive single-cell transcriptome analysis of regeneration in eight tissues from young and aged mice. We employed diverse analytical models to study tissue regeneration and unveiled the intricate cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the attenuated regenerative processes observed in aged tissues. Specifically, we identified compromised stem cell mobility and inadequate angiogenesis as prominent contributors to this age-associated decline in regenerative capacity. Moreover, we discovered a unique subset of Arg1 macrophages that were activated in young tissues but suppressed in aged regenerating tissues, suggesting their important role in age-related immune response disparities during regeneration. This study provides a comprehensive single-cell resource for identifying potential targets for interventions aimed at enhancing regenerative outcomes in the aging population. <<<