来自杂志 Nature 的文献。
当前共找到 80 篇文献分享,本页显示第 1 - 20 篇。
(2025-03-05 21:45):
#paper 【doi】10.1038/s41586-024-07954-4;【发表年份】2024年;【期刊】Nature;【标题】Temporal recording of mammalian development and precancer。该研究旨在突破传统细胞事件追踪技术的局限性,通过开发基于CRISPR的单细胞分子钟平台,实现哺乳动物发育和肿瘤起源的精准时空记录。研究者利用自突变CRISPR条形码技术,在单细胞水平同步捕获基因表达和遗传变异信息,系统解析了小鼠胚胎器官形成过程中细胞增殖、分化和克隆动态,揭示出肠道发育中未被识别的新型祖细胞群体及其功能特征。进一步将此技术应用于人类结直肠癌前病变样本(包含116个息肉的转录组和418个息肉的突变组数据),首次证实约15-30%的腺瘤起源于多个独立正常干细胞,挑战了传统单克隆致癌假说,为癌症早期起源机制研究提供了多维证据支持。
(2025-02-28 21:55):
#paper 10.1038/s41586-025-08622-x. 2025. Nature. Comparative characterization of human accelerated regions in neurons. 这项研究通过比较人类和黑猩猩诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)诱导的兴奋性神经元中的HARs,揭示了HARs在人类大脑进化中的潜在作用。研究发现,HAR202在人类神经元中通过改变多个转录因子的结合亲和力来降低NPAS3的表达,而在黑猩猩神经元中,HAR202的同源区域则增强了NPAS3的表达。此外,2xHAR.319在人类神经元中特异性地增强了PUM2的表达,这对于维持iPS细胞的多能性和神经元分化至关重要。敲除2xHAR.319会导致PUM2表达下降,影响细胞的自我更新和分化能力。最后,HAR26;2xHAR.178在人类神经元中通过增强SOCS2的表达来促进神经突起的生长,而在黑猩猩神经元中,这一区域的同源区域则没有这种作用。这些发现为理解HARs在人类大脑进化中的作用提供了新的见解。
(2025-02-28 18:53):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08328-6 nature. 2025. Accurate predictions on small data with a tabular foundation model. 过去二十年表格型数据预测一直是梯度提升决策树(gradient boosting decision tree)的天下,这篇文章开发了一种基于生成型transformer的表格基础模型。模型采用统一的嵌入方式来表示数值型和类别型特征,通过自注意力机制捕捉不同特征之间的复杂交互关系,并在数百万个合成数据上进行了大规模预训练,从而显著提升了对新任务的适应能力。实验结果显示,在多个真实小规模数据集上,该模型在预测准确度和训练效率方面都优于传统梯度提升决策树以及其他常见深度学习基线。研究还通过定量、定性和可解释性分析验证了模型在模型微调、数据生成、密度估计及表示学习等方面的多任务能力。尽管该模型在小数据场景中展现出显著优势,但真实数据分布的多样性、扩展到更高维度数据,理解模型的理论基础等问题仍有待进一步研究。
AbstractTabular data, spreadsheets organized in rows and columns, are ubiquitous across scientific fields, from biomedicine to particle physics to economics and climate science1,2. The fundamental prediction task of filling in …
AbstractTabular data, spreadsheets organized in rows and columns, are ubiquitous across scientific fields, from biomedicine to particle physics to economics and climate science1,2. The fundamental prediction task of filling in missing values of a label column based on the rest of the columns is essential for various applications as diverse as biomedical risk models, drug discovery and materials science. Although deep learning has revolutionized learning from raw data and led to numerous high-profile success stories3–5, gradient-boosted decision trees6–9 have dominated tabular data for the past 20 years. Here we present the Tabular Prior-data Fitted Network (TabPFN), a tabular foundation model that outperforms all previous methods on datasets with up to 10,000 samples by a wide margin, using substantially less training time. In 2.8 s, TabPFN outperforms an ensemble of the strongest baselines tuned for 4 h in a classification setting. As a generative transformer-based foundation model, this model also allows fine-tuning, data generation, density estimation and learning reusable embeddings. TabPFN is a learning algorithm that is itself learned across millions of synthetic datasets, demonstrating the power of this approach for algorithm development. By improving modelling abilities across diverse fields, TabPFN has the potential to accelerate scientific discovery and enhance important decision-making in various domains.
(2025-02-28 16:21):
#paper, Nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-025-08613-y, Humans in Africa’s wet tropical forests 150 thousand years ago, 本文研究大约 15 万年前人类在非洲西部科特迪瓦湿润热带雨林中的活动,该研究挑战传统观点:热带雨林对早期智人(Homo sapiens)构成了生态障碍。研究通过光释光(OSL)和电子自旋共振(ESR)测年方法,确定 Bété I 遗址的人类占据时间,并结合植物蜡生物标记、稳定同位素、植物硅体和花粉分析,确认当时的环境是湿润的热带森林。这是迄今为止最早的确凿证据,证明智人早在 15 万年前就适应并生活在热带雨林中,非洲雨林在智人演化和迁徙中可能发挥了更重要的作用。
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-025-08613-y
Abstract Humans emerged across Africa shortly before 300 thousand years ago (ka)1–3. Although this pan-African evolutionary process implicates diverse environments in the human story, the role of tropical forests remains …
Abstract Humans emerged across Africa shortly before 300 thousand years ago (ka)1–3. Although this pan-African evolutionary process implicates diverse environments in the human story, the role of tropical forests remains poorly understood. Here we report a clear association between late Middle Pleistocene material culture and a wet tropical forest in southern Côte d’Ivoire, a region of present-day rainforest. Twinned optically stimulated luminescence and electron spin resonance dating methods constrain the onset of human occupations at Bété I to around 150 ka, linking them with Homo sapiens. Plant wax biomarker, stable isotope, phytolith and pollen analyses of associated sediments all point to a wet forest environment. The results represent the oldest yet known clear association between humans and this habitat type. The secure attribution of stone tool assemblages with the wet forest environment demonstrates that Africa’s forests were not a major ecological barrier for H. sapiens as early as around 150 ka.
(2025-02-27 12:03):
#paper Biggest-ever AI biology model writes DNA on demand doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-025-00531-3 evo2 最近非常出名, 主要就是微软的ev2该研究可能开发了当前规模最大的基因组语言模型(Genomic Language Model, GLM),通过深度学习技术实现按需设计功能性DNA序列。其核心思路借鉴了大型语言模型(如ChatGPT)的自监督预训练方法,利用海量基因组数据学习DNA序列的“语法规则”,从而预测或生成具有特定调控功能的序列 。 虽然文章中揭示了bcra基因的突变相关影响基因。但是临床实践上,其实方法很多,暂时没有看出来哪些碾压的存在,倒是twitter讨论的很多,说是可以预测病毒突变,这个我有待观察。论文原文并没有提到这个
DOI: 10.1038/d41586-025-00531-3
No abstract available.
(2025-01-31 20:46):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0382-x Nature, 2018, Creating a functional single chromosome yeast。本文使用一系列端到端染色体融合技术将一单倍体酿酒酵母的16条核染色体融合为一,构造了一仅有一条染色体的酵母新物种。中心粒、端粒等结构的移除导致此酵母新物种染色质空间构象在各个层次均发生显著的重组,然而该酵母物种的基因表达图谱和表型均与野生型酵母无明显差异。本文强有力的支持了,至少在酵母这种简单生物中,染色质空间构象这一表观遗传学维度无实质的生物学功能。
(2024-11-30 21:45):
#paper Pan-genome bridges wheat structural variations with habitat and breeding,Nature,doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08277-0文章对中国育种过程中具有代表性的17个品种进行从头组装和注释。通过整合17个新组装的基因组和4个先前发表的基因组(CS、Fielder、Kariega和Attraktion)进行泛基因组分析,并通过直系同源基因鉴定,将21个基因组中的基因归类为170,517个潜在基因家族。后续对不同时期(50-60年代、80-90年代和2000年以后)基因组中NLR基因的拷贝数进行分析,发现80-90年代育成审定的小麦品种,如XY6和YM158,具有最多的NLR基因拷贝数。随着时间推移,CC-NBARC-LRR基因的拷贝数略有下降,而其他NLR基因(如NBARC-LRR)的变化不显著。对小麦春冬性基因 VRN-A1和籽粒硬度性状基因PIN基因的结构变异进行分析,发现不同的生态型跟环境和人文饮食习惯相关。该研究一方面扩大了小麦现有的参考基因组,在测序材料选择方便考虑到中国育种过程的材料品种和饮食习惯相结合,文章的故事性更丰富。此外文章关注了小麦育种的抗性蛋白NLR基因,为后续的小麦抗性育种研究提供了宝贵的资源。
(2024-11-28 15:55):
#paper 《'We need to be ready for a new world': scientists globally react to Trump election win》(DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-03635-4)
DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-03635-4
No abstract available.
(2024-10-31 10:55):
#paper doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08133-1 2024年10月30日,深圳先进技术研究院胡政团队在Nature发表题为Polyclonal-to-monoclonal transition in colorectal precancerous evolution的研究论文,首次揭示了肿瘤从多克隆到单克隆转变的早期演化新模式,系统阐明了这一过程中细胞间的相互作用机制。通过谱系示踪技术和单细胞转录组测序,研究团队在小鼠模型和人类癌前病变组织中观察到,早期肿瘤病变往往具有多个独立的细胞克隆来源,这些克隆在肿瘤发生的早期阶段通过细胞间的通讯和合作共同推动病变进展。随着肿瘤的发展,这些多克隆逐渐被一个优势克隆所替代,转变为单克隆肿瘤。这说明单克隆肿瘤比多克隆肿瘤具有更高的恶性程度,单克隆肿瘤可能代表肿瘤发生的更“晚期”阶段。这些发现为理解肿瘤起源提供了全新的概念框架,并提出通过靶向细胞间通讯来实现早期干预的肿瘤预防新策略。
(2024-10-28 16:48):
#paper Mosquito taste responses to human and floral cues guide biting and feeding
Nature, 2024, doi:10.1038/s41586-024-08047-y
最近一篇关于蚊子的研究,研究人员首先提取了 46 种不同的味觉化合物,包括糖、盐、苦味化合物和氨基酸等,并观察蚊子味觉器官中的神经元对它们的反应。他们发现一些化合物(如糖类)会使许多神经元兴奋,而有些化合物则抑制了神经元的活动,这表明蚊子具有很强的味觉编码能力(比果蝇厉害),能区分各种各样的味觉。作者还研究了不同味道的化合物对蚊子行为的影响,发现不同味道会促进或抑制不同行为。例如,某些苦味化合物会减少蚊子的进食行为,但对蚊子产卵却无影响;盐和一些通常存在于人体汗液中的氨基酸在单独呈现时对蚊子叮咬行为无影响,但结合在一起时会促进蚊子叮咬。(盐+氨基酸=吸引蚊子)
(2024-10-11 17:06):
#paper Single-neuron representations of odours in the human brain
Pub Date : 2024-10-09
DOI : 10.1038/s41586-024-08016-5
在最近的研究中,科学家们对人脑中气味的单神经元表示进行了深入的探索。这项研究由Marcel S. Kehl及其同事发表在《Nature》杂志上,研究的DOI为10.1038/s41586-024-08016-5。研究团队记录了清醒的人类在执行气味评级和识别任务时梨状皮层和内侧颞叶中单神经元的活动。他们发现,在梨状皮层、杏仁核、内嗅皮层和海马体中存在气味调节的神经元,这些神经元的放电模式能够准确地编码气味的特性。
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08016-5
AbstractOlfaction is a fundamental sensory modality that guides animal and human behaviour1,2. However, the underlying neural processes of human olfaction are still poorly understood at the fundamental—that is, the single-neuron—level. …
AbstractOlfaction is a fundamental sensory modality that guides animal and human behaviour1,2. However, the underlying neural processes of human olfaction are still poorly understood at the fundamental—that is, the single-neuron—level. Here we report recordings of single-neuron activity in the piriform cortex and medial temporal lobe in awake humans performing an odour rating and identification task. We identified odour-modulated neurons within the piriform cortex, amygdala, entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. In each of these regions, neuronal firing accurately encodes odour identity. Notably, repeated odour presentations reduce response firing rates, demonstrating central repetition suppression and habituation. Different medial temporal lobe regions have distinct roles in odour processing, with amygdala neurons encoding subjective odour valence, and hippocampal neurons predicting behavioural odour identification performance. Whereas piriform neurons preferably encode chemical odour identity, hippocampal activity reflects subjective odour perception. Critically, we identify that piriform cortex neurons reliably encode odour-related images, supporting a multimodal role of the human piriform cortex. We also observe marked cross-modal coding of both odours and images, especially in the amygdala and piriform cortex. Moreover, we identify neurons that respond to semantically coherent odour and image information, demonstrating conceptual coding schemes in olfaction. Our results bridge the long-standing gap between animal models and non-invasive human studies and advance our understanding of odour processing in the human brain by identifying neuronal odour-coding principles, regional functional differences and cross-modal integration.
(2024-10-01 00:41):
#paper, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08032-5, Addendum: A graph placement methodology for fast chip design, 谷歌Deepmind团队更新了Alpha智能体家族,提出用于芯片领域的AlphaChip,这种基于深度强化学习的芯片设计方法,已经在生成高效芯片布局方面表现出超越人类专家的能力。通过预训练,AlphaChip能够随着解决更多的芯片布局问题而变得更快更强。这种方法已应用于谷歌多代Tensor处理单元(TPU)芯片设计中,并且在减少布线长度和提升性能方面显著超越了人类专家的成果。AlphaChip的方法对AI驱动的芯片设计领域产生了广泛而深刻的影响。Deepmind的Alpha系列,基本每次提出,必登Nature,而且几乎霸榜了Nature的主刊封面,可见实力之强。
(2024-09-30 23:40):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07973-1 Human hippocampal and entorhinal neurons encode the temporal structure of experience.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07973-1
AbstractExtracting the underlying temporal structure of experience is a fundamental aspect of learning and memory that allows us to predict what is likely to happen next. Current knowledge about the …
AbstractExtracting the underlying temporal structure of experience is a fundamental aspect of learning and memory that allows us to predict what is likely to happen next. Current knowledge about the neural underpinnings of this cognitive process in humans stems from functional neuroimaging research1–5. As these methods lack direct access to the neuronal level, it remains unknown how this process is computed by neurons in the human brain. Here we record from single neurons in individuals who have been implanted with intracranial electrodes for clinical reasons, and show that human hippocampal and entorhinal neurons gradually modify their activity to encode the temporal structure of a complex image presentation sequence. This representation was formed rapidly, without providing specific instructions to the participants, and persisted when the prescribed experience was no longer present. Furthermore, the structure recovered from the population activity of hippocampal–entorhinal neurons closely resembled the structural graph defining the sequence, but at the same time, also reflected the probability of upcoming stimuli. Finally, learning of the sequence graph was related to spontaneous, time-compressed replay of individual neurons’ activity corresponding to previously experienced graph trajectories. These findings demonstrate that neurons in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex integrate the ‘what’ and ‘when’ information to extract durable and predictive representations of the temporal structure of human experience.
(2024-09-29 12:48):
#paper doi.org:10.1038/s41586-024-07970-4, Nature, 2024, Intragenic DNA inversions expand bacterial coding capacity.
源自单个细菌的细菌种群并非严格意义上的克隆,通常包含具有不同表型的亚群。细菌可以通过相位变异产生异质性——这是一种预先编程的可逆机制,可改变整个种群的基因表达水平。一种研究充分的相位变异类型涉及酶介导的基因组 DNA 特定区域的倒位。通常,这些 DNA 倒位会改变启动子的方向,从而打开或关闭相邻编码区域的转录。通过这种机制,倒位可以影响适应性、生存或群体动态。在这里,Bhatt 实验室开发了 PhaVa,这是一种使用长读长数据集识别 DNA 倒位的计算工具。研究者们还在细菌和古细菌分离株的基因组中鉴定了 372 个“基因内倒位”,这是一类完全在基因内发现的新型 DNA 倒位。基因内倒位允许基因通过翻转编码区内的 DNA 序列来编码两个或更多版本的蛋白质,从而在不增加基因组大小的情况下增加编码能力。 研究者们也验证了肠道共生菌 Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 中的十种基因内转化子,并通过实验表征了硫胺素生物合成基因 thiC 中的基因内转化子。
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07970-4
基因内 DNA 倒置扩展了细菌编码能力
No abstract available.
(2024-08-31 23:47):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1923-7, Nature volume 577, pages706–710 (2020), Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning, alphafold1的原始文献,在当时是一个非常重要的突破,让深度学习在生物领域开始大放光彩。后续各种围绕深度学习的改进,将AI+生物学推到了风口浪尖。虽然这篇alphafold1的工作现在来看,性能已经无法和当前的版本或者类似模型媲美,但创新性的引入深度学习,同时考虑蛋白质序列信息、二级结构、三维构象信息等多尺度信息建模的方式,都成为了后续的蛋白质折叠问题的研究的data driven的方法的基线模型。当然现在看来,使用potential of mean force这样比较物理的方式处理,可能是一种俘获问题的物理本质的有益尝试,对于data driven的方式的使用反而不是那么大胆。但对比后续越来越依靠大力出奇迹,我也更倾向于通过物理描述去俘获折叠问题的本质及动力学机制。
(2024-08-31 23:17):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07661-0 Interactions between immune cell types facilitate the evolution of immune traits 宏观上,作者想了解生物自然群体在与病原体做生存斗争,免疫系统是如何进化的?用群体遗传学方法GWAS研究免疫系统。
进化知识: 为了适应性-->基因型变异-->性状表型改变-->物种进化;免疫相关基因进化最快;免疫进化两个因素:个体免疫细胞类型存在差异,免疫进化是不同免疫细胞的相互作用;
An essential prerequisite for evolution by natural selection is variation among individuals in traits that affect fitness. The ability of a system to produce selectable variation, known as evolvability, thus …
An essential prerequisite for evolution by natural selection is variation among individuals in traits that affect fitness. The ability of a system to produce selectable variation, known as evolvability, thus markedly affects the rate of evolution. Although the immune system is among the fastest-evolving components in mammals, the sources of variation in immune traits remain largely unknown. Here we show that an important determinant of the immune system's evolvability is its organization into interacting modules represented by different immune cell types. By profiling immune cell variation in bone marrow of 54 genetically diverse mouse strains from the Collaborative Cross, we found that variation in immune cell frequencies is polygenic and that many associated genes are involved in homeostatic balance through cell-intrinsic functions of proliferation, migration and cell death. However, we also found genes associated with the frequency of a particular cell type that are expressed in a different cell type, exerting their effect in what we term cyto-trans. The vertebrate evolutionary record shows that genes associated in cyto-trans have faced weaker negative selection, thus increasing the robustness and hence evolvability of the immune system. This phenomenon is similarly observable in human blood. Our findings suggest that interactions between different components of the immune system provide a phenotypic space in which mutations can produce variation with little detriment, underscoring the role of modularity in the evolution of complex systems.
(2024-08-31 22:13):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07185-7. APOE4/4 is linked to damaging lipid droplets in Alzheimer’s disease microglia 美国斯坦福大学医学院的Tony 团队在Nature上发表题目为APOE4/4 is linked to damaging lipid droplets in Alzheimer’s disease microglia的文章,通过对AD患者死后脑组织的核RNA测序,发现一种表达由脂滴相关酶ACSL1的小胶质细胞状态,其中ACSL1阳性的小胶质细胞在APOE4/4基因型AD患者中最为丰富。在iMG中证实纤维状淀粉样蛋白-β(fAβ)可以以APOE依赖的方式诱导ACSL1表达和脂滴积累,并且含有脂滴积累的小胶质细胞的培养基可以APOE依赖的方式介导Tau磷酸化和神经毒性。这歌研究提示我们小胶质细胞代谢状态的改变,可能是神经退行性疾病进展因素,这为AD的治疗提供了新策略。
Several genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease implicate genes involved in lipid metabolism and many of these lipid genes are highly expressed in glial cells. However, the relationship between lipid …
Several genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease implicate genes involved in lipid metabolism and many of these lipid genes are highly expressed in glial cells. However, the relationship between lipid metabolism in glia and Alzheimer's disease pathology remains poorly understood. Through single-nucleus RNA sequencing of brain tissue in Alzheimer's disease, we have identified a microglial state defined by the expression of the lipid droplet-associated enzyme ACSL1 with ACSL1-positive microglia being most abundant in patients with Alzheimer's disease having the APOE4/4 genotype. In human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglia, fibrillar Aβ induces ACSL1 expression, triglyceride synthesis and lipid droplet accumulation in an APOE-dependent manner. Additionally, conditioned media from lipid droplet-containing microglia lead to Tau phosphorylation and neurotoxicity in an APOE-dependent manner. Our findings suggest a link between genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease with microglial lipid droplet accumulation and neurotoxic microglia-derived factors, potentially providing therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer's disease.
(2024-07-29 13:18):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07566-y ,AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data。Nature关于大模型合成语料的探讨文章,讨论了在训练数据中,合成语料的加入(可能是被动,由于现有网络资料已经大量的大模型合成语料),导致模型崩溃的问题。当然,合成语料的使用易燃是大模型的训练的有效方式,但是要做好对合成语料的筛选工作
AbstractStable diffusion revolutionized image creation from descriptive text. GPT-2 (ref. 1), GPT-3(.5) (ref. 2) and GPT-4 (ref. 3) demonstrated high performance across a variety of language tasks. ChatGPT introduced such …
AbstractStable diffusion revolutionized image creation from descriptive text. GPT-2 (ref. 1), GPT-3(.5) (ref. 2) and GPT-4 (ref. 3) demonstrated high performance across a variety of language tasks. ChatGPT introduced such language models to the public. It is now clear that generative artificial intelligence (AI) such as large language models (LLMs) is here to stay and will substantially change the ecosystem of online text and images. Here we consider what may happen to GPT-{n} once LLMs contribute much of the text found online. We find that indiscriminate use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models, in which tails of the original content distribution disappear. We refer to this effect as ‘model collapse’ and show that it can occur in LLMs as well as in variational autoencoders (VAEs) and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs). We build theoretical intuition behind the phenomenon and portray its ubiquity among all learned generative models. We demonstrate that it must be taken seriously if we are to sustain the benefits of training from large-scale data scraped from the web. Indeed, the value of data collected about genuine human interactions with systems will be increasingly valuable in the presence of LLM-generated content in data crawled from the Internet.
(2024-06-30 23:17):
#paper The complete sequence and comparative analysis of ape sex chromosomes. Nature. 2024 Jun 13. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07473-2.
在本篇文章中,作者通过对五种大猿(倭黑猩猩、黑猩猩、西部低地大猩猩、婆罗洲猩猩和苏门答腊猩猩)和一种小猿(长臂猿)的X和Y染色体进行了端到端(T2T)无间隙组装,并对其性染色体的结构和进化进行了详细分析。研究发现,Y染色体在大小、序列对齐度和结构重排方面存在显著变异,而X染色体则相对更为稳定。具体来说,Y染色体在不同物种间的大小从30 Mb到68 Mb不等,而X染色体的大小范围较小,约为154 Mb到178 Mb。Y染色体表现出大量的结构重排,如倒位和插入,这些重排与基因功能的进化密切相关。此外,研究还发现Y染色体的放大区和倒位重复区显著扩展,并在不同物种中表现出快速进化。
Apes possess two sex chromosomes-the male-specific Y chromosome and the X chromosome, which is present in both males and females. The Y chromosome is crucial for male reproduction, with deletions …
Apes possess two sex chromosomes-the male-specific Y chromosome and the X chromosome, which is present in both males and females. The Y chromosome is crucial for male reproduction, with deletions being linked to infertility. The X chromosome is vital for reproduction and cognition. Variation in mating patterns and brain function among apes suggests corresponding differences in their sex chromosomes. However, owing to their repetitive nature and incomplete reference assemblies, ape sex chromosomes have been challenging to study. Here, using the methodology developed for the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) human genome, we produced gapless assemblies of the X and Y chromosomes for five great apes (bonobo (Pan paniscus), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii)) and a lesser ape (the siamang gibbon (Symphalangus syndactylus)), and untangled the intricacies of their evolution. Compared with the X chromosomes, the ape Y chromosomes vary greatly in size and have low alignability and high levels of structural rearrangements-owing to the accumulation of lineage-specific ampliconic regions, palindromes, transposable elements and satellites. Many Y chromosome genes expand in multi-copy families and some evolve under purifying selection. Thus, the Y chromosome exhibits dynamic evolution, whereas the X chromosome is more stable. Mapping short-read sequencing data to these assemblies revealed diversity and selection patterns on sex chromosomes of more than 100 individual great apes. These reference assemblies are expected to inform human evolution and conservation genetics of non-human apes, all of which are endangered species.
(2024-06-30 23:00):
#paper Alagapan, S., Choi, K. S., Heisig, S., Riva-Posse, P., Crowell, A., Tiruvadi, V., Obatusin, M., Veerakumar, A., Waters, A. C., Gross, R. E., Quinn, S., Denison, L., O'Shaughnessy, M., Connor, M., Canal, G., Cha, J., Hershenberg, R., Nauvel, T., Isbaine, F., Afzal, M. F., … Rozell, C. J. (2023). Cingulate dynamics track depression recovery with deep brain stimulation. Nature, 622(7981), 130–138. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06541-3 扣带下扣带回(SCC)的脑深部刺激(DBS)可以为难治性抑郁症(TRD)提供长期的症状缓解,但是不一定能够实现稳定的康复,但是作者使用了一种新的设备叫做SCC DBS,记录了抑郁症患者24周的治疗成果,结果发现90%的患者表现出了稳定的临床响应,70%的患者症状达到缓解。用其中6个人的局部场电位结合AI可以达到识别SCC局部场电位变化进而预测病人当下的临床状态。总体来说,作者使用一种新的电刺激技术和手段大幅成功治愈了抑郁症患者,且发现了抑郁状态的神经指标。
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subcallosal cingulate (SCC) can provide long-term symptom relief for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). However, achieving stable recovery is unpredictable, typically requiring trial-and-error stimulation adjustments due …
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subcallosal cingulate (SCC) can provide long-term symptom relief for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). However, achieving stable recovery is unpredictable, typically requiring trial-and-error stimulation adjustments due to individual recovery trajectories and subjective symptom reporting. We currently lack objective brain-based biomarkers to guide clinical decisions by distinguishing natural transient mood fluctuations from situations requiring intervention. To address this gap, we used a new device enabling electrophysiology recording to deliver SCC DBS to ten TRD participants (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01984710). At the study endpoint of 24 weeks, 90% of participants demonstrated robust clinical response, and 70% achieved remission. Using SCC local field potentials available from six participants, we deployed an explainable artificial intelligence approach to identify SCC local field potential changes indicating the patient's current clinical state. This biomarker is distinct from transient stimulation effects, sensitive to therapeutic adjustments and accurate at capturing individual recovery states. Variable recovery trajectories are predicted by the degree of preoperative damage to the structural integrity and functional connectivity within the targeted white matter treatment network, and are matched by objective facial expression changes detected using data-driven video analysis. Our results demonstrate the utility of objective biomarkers in the management of personalized SCC DBS and provide new insight into the relationship between multifaceted (functional, anatomical and behavioural) features of TRD pathology, motivating further research into causes of variability in depression treatment.