来自用户 刘昊辰 的文献。
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(2024-12-01 20:41):
#paper Connect6 Opening Leveraging AlphaZero Algorithm and Job-Level Computing. 这是一篇基于 AlphaZero算法和作业级计算构建 Connect6 开局库的方法的研究论文。开局库构建可提升棋类程序实力,在限时比赛中优势明显。过去依赖游戏特定知识构建开局库,存在质量依赖人类知识、方法难以通用等问题。本文提出基于 AlphaZero 构建高质量开局库的方法,不依赖领域知识。实验和比赛证明,该开局库可提升 Connect6 程序实力,在常见开局位置表现良好,助力程序在实际比赛中夺冠。本文提出的方法为构建高质量开局库提供了新思路,有望在其他棋类游戏中得到应用和推广。下载地址:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pjsai/JSAI2021/0/JSAI2021_4N4IS1c05/_pdf/-char/ja
No abstract available.
(2024-11-21 16:22):
#paper The *-Minimax Search Procedure for Trees Containing Chance Nodes. 这是一篇关于树搜索模型的研究论文。论文开发了一种将 alpha - beta 树剪枝策略扩展到包含 “概率” 节点(* 节点)的游戏树的方法,节点的值定义为其后续节点值的(可能加权的)平均值,这些树被称为 “ - minimax” 树,适用于涉及机会但无隐藏信息的游戏。基于搜索策略,重新制定并分析了几种用于 * - minimax 树的算法。首先开发了一种从左到右的深度优先算法,该算法可将穷举搜索策略的复杂度降低 25 - 30%。然后制定了一种改进算法,用于 “探测”“常规”* - minimax 树的机会节点下方,在这种树中玩家交替移动且机会事件穿插其中。在后继节点随机排序的情况下,该改进算法可减少超过 50% 的搜索量,在最优排序下,可将搜索复杂度降低一个数量级。在研究了前两种算法在更深层次树中的节省情况后,又提出并分析了另外两种算法。下载地址:https://www.cs.uleth.ca/~benkoczi/3750/data/ballard83-star_alpha_beta.pdf
Artificial Intelligence,
No abstract available.
(2024-10-12 10:09):
#paper arXiv:2409.12272v1 [cs.LG] 18 Sep 2024, Mastering Chess with a Transformer Model. 这是一篇关于Transformer模型在国际象棋中的应用的研究论文。论文证明了Transformer在国际象棋中的有效性在很大程度上取决于注意力机制中位置编码的选择。基于这一观察,论文采用了Shaw等人的通用位置编码方案,并大规模地训练了具有这种技术和其他增强功能的模型,将得到的架构称为ChessFormer。这种架构在对弈实力和解谜能力方面显著优于先前的工作,且计算成本只是其一小部分。下载地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.12272
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2409.12272
Transformer models have demonstrated impressive capabilities when trained atscale, excelling at difficult cognitive tasks requiring complex reasoning andrational decision-making. In this paper, we explore the application oftransformer models to chess, …
Transformer models have demonstrated impressive capabilities when trained atscale, excelling at difficult cognitive tasks requiring complex reasoning andrational decision-making. In this paper, we explore the application oftransformer models to chess, focusing on the critical role of the positionencoding within the attention mechanism. We show that in chess, transformersendowed with a sufficiently versatile position encoding can match existingchess-playing models at a fraction of the computational cost. Our architecturesignificantly outperforms AlphaZero at 8x fewer FLOPS and matches priorgrandmaster-level transformer-based agents at 30x fewer FLOPS.
(2024-09-06 09:51):
#paper arXiv:2012.11045v1 [cs.AI] 20 Dec 2020, Monte-Carlo Graph Search for AlphaZero. 这是一篇关于如何改进AlphaZero算法的研究论文。AlphaZero算法在棋类游戏中取得了显著成果,但传统的MCTS算法并不共享不同子树之间的信息,这限制了其效率。论文将AlphaZero的搜索树从有向树扩展到有向无环图,允许不同子树之间的信息流动,显著减少内存消耗;并提出了结合蒙特卡洛图搜索(MCGS)的一系列改进,包括 ϵ-greedy、改进的残局求解器和领域知识的整合作为约束条件。使用CrazyAra引擎在国际象棋和crazyhouse上进行评估,展示了这些改进为AlphaZero带来的显著提升。下载地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.11045
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2012.11045
The AlphaZero algorithm has been successfully applied in a range of discretedomains, most notably board games. It utilizes a neural network, that learns avalue and policy function to guide the …
The AlphaZero algorithm has been successfully applied in a range of discretedomains, most notably board games. It utilizes a neural network, that learns avalue and policy function to guide the exploration in a Monte-Carlo TreeSearch. Although many search improvements have been proposed for Monte-CarloTree Search in the past, most of them refer to an older variant of the UpperConfidence bounds for Trees algorithm that does not use a policy for planning.We introduce a new, improved search algorithm for AlphaZero which generalizesthe search tree to a directed acyclic graph. This enables information flowacross different subtrees and greatly reduces memory consumption. Along withMonte-Carlo Graph Search, we propose a number of further extensions, such asthe inclusion of Epsilon-greedy exploration, a revised terminal solver and theintegration of domain knowledge as constraints. In our evaluations, we use theCrazyAra engine on chess and crazyhouse as examples to show that these changesbring significant improvements to AlphaZero.
(2024-08-20 15:24):
#paper arXiv:2406.00741v1 [cs.AI] 2 Jun 2024, Learning to Play 7 Wonders Duel Without Human Supervision. 这篇论文介绍了玩桌游七大奇迹对决的人工智能程序ZeusAI。ZeusAI的灵感来源于AlphaZero强化学习算法,它结合了MCTS和Transformer,在没有人类监督的情况下学习游戏。ZeusAI与人类玩家的对弈结果显示,它达到了非常高的竞技水平,赢得了38局中的26局。文章以ZeusAI为工具研究了该桌游的平衡性。社区普遍认为先手玩家有显著优势,ZeusAI的自我对弈游戏证实了这一点。文章提出了一些规则变体,以减少这种不平衡,例如改变初始金币数量或改变奇迹选择阶段。下载地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.00741
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2406.00741
This paper introduces ZeusAI, an artificial intelligence system developed toplay the board game 7 Wonders Duel. Inspired by the AlphaZero reinforcementlearning algorithm, ZeusAI relies on a combination of Monte Carlo …
This paper introduces ZeusAI, an artificial intelligence system developed toplay the board game 7 Wonders Duel. Inspired by the AlphaZero reinforcementlearning algorithm, ZeusAI relies on a combination of Monte Carlo Tree Searchand a Transformer Neural Network to learn the game without human supervision.ZeusAI competes at the level of top human players, develops both known andnovel strategies, and allows us to test rule variants to improve the game'sbalance. This work demonstrates how AI can help in understanding and enhancingboard games.