前进 (2024-09-30 16:31):
#paper DOI 10.1186/1471-2105-12-451 Frazer Meacham, Dario Boffelli, Joseph , Identification and correction of systematic error in high-throughput sequence data 这篇论文主要研究了高通量测序数据中系统性错误的问题。系统性错误是指在基因组(或转录组)特定位置的测序读段中,以统计上不太可能的方式累积出现的错误。作者们通过使用高覆盖率数据中的重叠配对读段来表征和描述系统性错误,发现这类错误大约每1000个碱基对中发生一次,并且在不同实验中高度可复制。他们识别了在系统性错误位点频繁出现的序列,并设计了一个分类器,用于区分杂合位点和系统性错误。这个分类器可以用于处理杂合位点等位基因频率不一定为0.5的实验数据,并且可以用于单端数据集。论文的结论是,系统性错误可能很容易被误认为是个体中的杂合位点,或者是群体分析中的SNPs。作者们通过系统性错误的特征描述,开发了一个名为SysCall的程序,用于识别和纠正这类错误,并得出结论认为,在设计和解释高通量测序实验时,考虑纠正系统性错误是很重要的。
Identification and correction of systematic error in high-throughput sequence data
Abstract Background A feature common to all DNA sequencing technologies is the presence of base-call errors in the sequenced reads. The implications of such errors are application specific, ranging from minor informatics nuisances to major problems affecting biological inferences. Recently developed "next-gen" sequencing technologies have greatly reduced the cost of sequencing, but have been shown to be more error prone than previous technologies. Both position specific (depending on the location in the read) and sequence specific (depending on the sequence in the read) errors have been identified in Illumina and Life Technology sequencing platforms. We describe a new type of systematic error that manifests as statistically unlikely accumulations of errors at specific genome (or transcriptome) locations. Results We characterize and describe systematic errors using overlapping paired reads from high-coverage data. We show that such errors occur in approximately 1 in 1000 base pairs, and that they are highly replicable across experiments. We identify motifs that are frequent at systematic error sites, and describe a classifier that distinguishes heterozygous sites from systematic error. Our classifier is designed to accommodate data from experiments in which the allele frequencies at heterozygous sites are not necessarily 0.5 (such as in the case of RNA-Seq), and can be used with single-end datasets. Conclusions Systematic errors can easily be mistaken for heterozygous sites in individuals, or for SNPs in population analyses. Systematic errors are particularly problematic in low coverage experiments, or in estimates of allele-specific expression from RNA-Seq data. Our characterization of systematic error has allowed us to develop a program, called SysCall, for identifying and correcting such errors. We conclude that correction of systematic errors is important to consider in the design and interpretation of high-throughput sequencing experiments.