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当前共找到 32 篇文献分享,本页显示第 1 - 20 篇。
(2025-02-27 14:44):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41421-022-00457-4. Cell Discovery. 2022. Genetic deconvolution of fetal and maternal cell-free DNA in maternal plasma enables next-generation non-invasive prenatal screening. 这篇文章介绍了一种新的无创产前筛查(NIPS)方法,将NIPT检测范围拓展到了检测单基因遗传病。这种新的NIPT方法基于一种称为COATE-seq(coordinative allele-aware target enrichment sequencing)的测序方法,结合多维基因组分析(测序深度、等位基因频率、SNP连锁分析),克服了传统NIPS难以检测胎儿特异性遗传变异的问题。这个研究对1129例妊娠样本进行了测试,检测到54例胎儿染色体异常(如唐氏综合征T21)、8例微缺失/微重复综合征、8例单基因突变病例,且敏感性达到100%,特异性为99.3%。此外,该研究还揭示了60.3%的染色体非整倍体病例与异常减数分裂重组相关,为理解减数分裂不分离机制提供了重要见解。最终,该方法能够精确解析胎儿基因组,为未来NIPS的扩展和更全面的遗传疾病筛查奠定了基础。
Cell Discovery,
DOI: 10.1038/s41421-022-00457-4
AbstractCurrent non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) analyzes circulating fetal cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in maternal peripheral blood for selected aneuploidies or microdeletion/duplication syndromes. Many genetic disorders are refractory to NIPS largely because …
AbstractCurrent non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) analyzes circulating fetal cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in maternal peripheral blood for selected aneuploidies or microdeletion/duplication syndromes. Many genetic disorders are refractory to NIPS largely because the maternal genetic material constitutes most of the total cfDNA present in the maternal plasma, which hinders the detection of fetus-specific genetic variants. Here, we developed an innovative sequencing method, termed coordinative allele-aware target enrichment sequencing (COATE-seq), followed by multidimensional genomic analyses of sequencing read depth, allelic fraction, and linked single nucleotide polymorphisms, to accurately separate the fetal genome from the maternal background. Analytical confounders including multiple gestations, maternal copy number variations, and absence of heterozygosity were successfully recognized and precluded for fetal variant analyses. In addition, fetus-specific genomic characteristics, including the cfDNA fragment length, meiotic error origins, meiotic recombination, and recombination breakpoints were identified which reinforced the fetal variant assessment. In 1129 qualified pregnancies tested, 54 fetal aneuploidies, 8 microdeletions/microduplications, and 8 monogenic variants were detected with 100% sensitivity and 99.3% specificity. Using the comprehensive cfDNA genomic analysis tools developed, we found that 60.3% of aneuploidy samples had aberrant meiotic recombination providing important insights into the mechanism underlying meiotic nondisjunctions. Altogether, we show that the genetic deconvolution of the fetal and maternal cfDNA enables thorough and accurate delineation of fetal genome which paves the way for the next-generation prenatal screening of essentially all types of human genetic disorders.
(2025-01-31 23:02):
#paper DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.70129. Clin. Transl. Med. 2024, Advancing prenatal diagnosis through comprehensive fetal cell-free DNA screening. 这篇文章是一篇综合评述性的论文,介绍了基于coordinative allele-aware target-enrichment sequencing(COATE-seq) 测序的NIPT2.0检测方案。NIPT2.0将传统NIPT的检测范围从检测常见染色体非整倍体异常拓展到了能够检测特定类别的单基因疾病和某些拷贝数变异(CNVs)。同时NIPT2.0的检测效果表现得更优于传统的NIPT检测。
Clinical and Translational Medicine,
DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.70129
No abstract available.
(2024-12-31 22:15):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-02031-5. Sci Rep 2017, Novel Algorithms for Improved Sensitivity in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing. 这篇文章介绍了作者团队开发的旨在提升NIPT检测灵敏性和特异性的三种算法,分别是 the chi-squared-based variation reduction (χ2VR)、the regression-based Z-score (RBZ)、the Match QC score。其中The χ2VR算法用于减少样本之间每条染色体所比对上的reads数的差异,RBZ算法用于染色体三体的预测,Match QC score用于反应对照组对特定的样本是否具有代表性。此外,还将这些算法与NIPT检测中常用的算法的检测效果进行了比较。结果显示χ2VR 和 RBZ 都对减少变异性有帮助,进而提升NIPT检测灵敏性。该研究还发现一个最有的算法组合是在分析的预处理过程中使用常用的GC correction方法 和 χ2VR方法,在染色体三体预测流程中使用RBZ方法。
Scientific Reports,
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02031-5
AbstractNon-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma, which is a mixture of maternal DNA and a low percentage of fetal DNA, can detect fetal aneuploidies using massively …
AbstractNon-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma, which is a mixture of maternal DNA and a low percentage of fetal DNA, can detect fetal aneuploidies using massively parallel sequencing. Because of the low percentage of fetal DNA, methods with high sensitivity and precision are required. However, sequencing variation lowers sensitivity and hampers detection of trisomy samples. Therefore, we have developed three algorithms to improve sensitivity and specificity: the chi-squared-based variation reduction (χ2VR), the regression-based Z-score (RBZ) and the Match QC score. The χ2VR reduces variability in sequence read counts per chromosome between samples, the RBZ allows for more precise trisomy prediction, and the Match QC score shows if the control group used is representative for a specific sample. We compared the performance of χ2VR to that of existing variation reduction algorithms (peak and GC correction) and that of RBZ to trisomy prediction algorithms (standard Z-score, normalized chromosome value and median-absolute-deviation-based Z-score). χ2VR and the RBZ both reduce variability more than existing methods, and thereby increase the sensitivity of the NIPT analysis. We found the optimal combination of algorithms was to use both GC correction and χ2VR for pre-processing and to use RBZ as the trisomy prediction method.
(2024-11-30 21:35):
#paper DOI: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-57,BMC Medical Genomics, 2012, Noninvasive Fetal Trisomy (NIFTY) test: an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis methodology for fetal autosomal and sex chromosomal aneuploidies. 这是一篇由BGI发表的NIPT临床应用早期的技术方法文章。围绕的主题是WGS测序这个时期在用于T18和T13检测时的检测效果不够理想。本文的研究对不同染色体本身GC含量特点与测序reads的覆盖度之间的关系进行了研究,并将GC-bias的处理纳入了分析流程。在整体上提升了常染色体和性染色体非整倍体异常的检出效果。这篇文章发表在2012年,现在回看,感觉这个时期逐渐拉开了以NIPT为主的IVD检测行业开始“膨胀”的帷幕。
BMC Medical Genomics,
DOI: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-57
Abstract Background Conventional prenatal screening tests, such as maternal serum tests and ultrasound scan, have limited resolution and accuracy. Methods We developed an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis method based on …
Abstract Background Conventional prenatal screening tests, such as maternal serum tests and ultrasound scan, have limited resolution and accuracy. Methods We developed an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis method based on massively parallel sequencing. The Noninvasive Fetal Trisomy (NIFTY) test, combines an optimized Student’s t-test with a locally weighted polynomial regression and binary hypotheses. We applied the NIFTY test to 903 pregnancies and compared the diagnostic results with those of full karyotyping. Results 16 of 16 trisomy 21, 12 of 12 trisomy 18, two of two trisomy 13, three of four 45, X, one of one XYY and two of two XXY abnormalities were correctly identified. But one false positive case of trisomy 18 and one false negative case of 45, X were observed. The test performed with 100% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity for autosomal aneuploidies and 85.7% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity for sex chromosomal aneuploidies. Compared with three previously reported z-score approaches with/without GC-bias removal and with internal control, the NIFTY test was more accurate and robust for the detection of both autosomal and sex chromosomal aneuploidies in fetuses. Conclusion Our study demonstrates a powerful and reliable methodology for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.
(2024-10-31 17:55):
#paper DOI: 10.1097/GRF.0000000000000804, Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2023, Unique Challenges of NIPT for Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy. 这是一篇综述文章。作者主要围绕NIPT检测性染色体异常时存在的三个难点进行了总结梳理。一是性染色体异常的表型类型较多,二是性染色体异常存在较多的嵌合情况,三是NIPT检测性染色体异常的阳性预测值(PPV)比较低,尤其是跟其他常染色体比较而言。除了这三个检测中的难点之外,作者还探讨了在检测前以及检出性染色体高风险之后,如何进行遗传咨询等内容。性染色体异常的检测是NIPT检测在临床应用中的一个重要方面,同时也是问题较多、情况比较复杂的一个领域。这篇文章的主题很具实际应用性。
Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for the sex chromosome aneuploidies (45,X, 47,XXY, 47,XXX, and 47,XYY) differs significantly from that for the autosomal aneuploidies (trisomy 13, 18, and 21). As a group, …
Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for the sex chromosome aneuploidies (45,X, 47,XXY, 47,XXX, and 47,XYY) differs significantly from that for the autosomal aneuploidies (trisomy 13, 18, and 21). As a group, sex chromosome aneuploidies occur more commonly (1/400) than any one isolated autosomal aneuploidy, the phenotypic variation is greater, the role of mosaicism more challenging, and the positive predictive value of a high-risk NIPT result is substantially lower. These considerations should be identified during pretest counseling, the inclusion of sex chromosome testing offered separately, and the differences from autosomal aneuploidy NIPT clearly delineated.
(2024-09-25 15:13):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41436-019-0634-7, Genetics in Medicine, 2020, Low-pass genome sequencing versus chromosomal microarray analysis: implementation in prenatal diagnosis. 这篇文章比较了 low-pass genome sequencing (GS)与chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA)两种方法在染色体异常的产前检测中的表现。征集了1023个产前诊断的样本,同时进行了低深度WGS和CMA来检测CNVs. 分析结果显示,低深度的WGS检测出124例的染色体数目异常和致病(p)或可能致病(lp)CNVs121例,同时还检测出17例其他临床相关的p/lpCNVs. 低深度WGS检测显著降低了需要进一步进行CMA检测的重复检测率(4.6%,47/1023),并且其所需DNA样本量更低(50ng)。文章认为,与CMA相比而言,低深度的WGS能够提供共临床有效信息,并且提升了检测的分辨率,增强了检测出嵌合性(mosaicism)异常的敏感性。这篇文献为低深度的WGS用于产前检测CNVs提供了证据支持。
(2024-08-31 22:01):
#paper DOI:10.1038/nrg1767, Nature Review Genetics, 2006, Structural variation in the human genome. 发表在Nature review genetics上的一篇关于人类基因组结构变异的综述文章。文章中概括总结的信息主要有以下几点。
(2)直到近期(文章发表的时间)在技术层面才有能力在整个基因组范围内地较为稳定和准确地检测和描述 1kb ~ 3Mb 范围内的结构变异。
(4)许多研究显示,人类基因组中结构变异的总量可能等于或超过 SNP。
(5)结构变异往往与低拷贝重复 DNA(也称为片段重复)相吻合,因为这些高度相关的序列更有可能发生非等位基因重组和随后的重排。
Nature Reviews Genetics,
DOI: 10.1038/nrg1767
No abstract available.
(2024-07-31 23:48):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2024.101137, Genet Med, 2024, Laboratory testing for preconception/prenatal carrier screening: A technical standard of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). 这是一篇ACMG最新发布的技术标准,用作实验室孕前/产前携带者筛查的技术参考。这篇技术标准是对2013年发布的关于常染色体隐性遗传和X-染色体连锁遗传的技术标准的更新和补充。在技术标准中,考虑了诸多因素,包括人群携带者频率、最佳panel大小和包含的基因,以及关于将携带者筛查分为 4 级的建议。本实验室技术标准确立了携带者筛查检测的设计和验证标准,定义了此类测试的范围和限制,制定了测试结果解释和报告的指南,并根据适用情况推荐适当的后续测试。但需要注意的是该技术标准并不作为临床实践指南使用。
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics,
DOI: 10.1016/j.gim.2024.101137
PMID: 38814327
孕前/产前携带者筛查的实验室检测:美国医学遗传学和基因组学学院 (ACMG) 的技术标准
Carrier screening has historically assessed a relatively small number of autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions selected based on frequency in a specific subpopulation and association with severe morbidity or mortality. …
Carrier screening has historically assessed a relatively small number of autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions selected based on frequency in a specific subpopulation and association with severe morbidity or mortality. Advances in genomic technologies enable simultaneous screening of individuals for several conditions. The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics recently published a clinical practice resource that presents a framework when offering screening for autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions during pregnancy and preconception and recommends a tier-based approach when considering the number of conditions to screen for and their frequency within the US population in general. This laboratory technical standard aims to complement the practice resource and to put forth considerations for clinical laboratories and clinicians who offer preconception/prenatal carrier screening.
携带者筛查历来评估相对较少的常染色体隐性遗传病和 X 连锁病症,这些病症是根据特定亚群的发生率以及与严重发病率或死亡率的关联选择的。基因组技术的进步使得可以同时筛查个体的多种疾病。美国医学遗传学和基因组学学会(American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics)最近发布了一份临床实践资源,该资源在提供妊娠和孕前常染色体隐性遗传病和X连锁病症筛查时提供了一个框架,并在考虑要筛查的疾病数量及其在美国人群中的频率时,建议采用基于等级的方法。该实验室技术标准旨在补充实践资源,并为提供孕前/产前携带者筛查的临床实验室和临床医生提出注意事项。
(2024-06-30 17:33):
#paper DOI: 10.1002/pd.5620 Prenatal Diagnosis, 2019, Fetal fraction and noninvasive prenatal testing: what clinicians need to know. 这是一篇综述文章,作者总结了fetal fraction(即胎儿cfDNA浓度)在理解和解读NIPT检测结果中作为重要参数的作用。综述内容分为以下几个方面。第一,fetal freaction的定义,如何理解fetal fraction的“高”和“低”;第二fetal fraction的来源及其数值高低受到哪些生物学因素的影响;第三,NIPT流程中如何计算fetal fraction以及fetal fraction这一参数设置对NIPT结果的影响;第四,由于low fetal fraction导致NIPT结果no-call时,有什么备选方案。
The fetal fraction (FF) is a function of both biological factors and bioinformatics algorithms used to interpret DNA sequencing results. It is an essential quality control component of noninvasive prenatal …
The fetal fraction (FF) is a function of both biological factors and bioinformatics algorithms used to interpret DNA sequencing results. It is an essential quality control component of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) results. Clinicians need to understand the biological influences on FF to be able to provide optimal post-test counseling and clinical management. There are many different technologies available for the measurement of FF. Clinicians do not need to know the details behind the bioinformatics algorithms of FF measurements, but they do need to appreciate the significant variations between the different sequencing technologies used by different laboratories. There is no universal FF threshold that is applicable across all platforms and there have not been any differences demonstrated in NIPT performance by sequencing platform or method of FF calculation. Importantly, while FF should be routinely measured, there is not yet a consensus as to whether it should be routinely reported to the clinician. The clinician should know what to expect from a standard test report and whether reasons for failed NIPT results are revealed. Emerging solutions to the challenges of samples with low FF should reduce rates of failed NIPT in the future. In the meantime, having a "plan B" prepared for those patients for whom NIPT is unsuccessful is essential in today's clinical practice.
(2024-05-31 23:44):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.100879, Genetic in Medicine, 2023, Performance of prenatal cfDNA screening for sex chromosomes. 这篇文章的主要研究目的是评估和确认游离DNA (cfDNA) 筛查在未选择的产科人群中检测性染色体非整倍体 (SCAs) 的性能。采用的方法是基于SNP的实验方法,检测的性染色体异常包括monosomy X (MX) 和三种 sex chromosome trisomies (SCT: 47,XXX; 47,XXY; 47,XYY)。共有 17,538 例符合纳入标准。cfDNA 对 MX、SCT 和胎儿性别的性能分别在 17,297、10,333 和 14,486 个妊娠中进行了评估。cfDNA 对 MX 的敏感性、特异性和阳性预测值 (PPV) 分别为 83.3%、99.9% 和 22.7%;对 SCTs 的敏感性、特异性和阳性预测值分别为 70.4%、99.9% 和 82.6%。cfDNA 对胎儿性别预测的准确率为 100%。得出的结论是cfDNA 对 SCAs 的筛查性能与其他研究报告的结果相当。SCTs 的 PPV 与常染色体三体相似,而 MX 的 PPV 明显较低。在整倍体妊娠中,cfDNA 和产后遗传筛查的胎儿性别没有不一致。这些数据将有助于解释和咨询 cfDNA 性染色体结果。
No abstract available.
(2024-04-30 11:29):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/1273445.1273458 , ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2007, How to read a paper. 这是一篇讲如何如paper的paper。每个研究工作者都会花大量时间读paper,但读paper这项技能却很少被教授,从而导致因为读papar不得法而浪费大量时间。为了解决这个问题,作者在这篇papar中介绍了一种“三遍读papar”(three-pass method)法。此外,作者还简要介绍了进行文献调研的three-pass法,以及自己使用这些方法的个人经验和拓展资料。下面是对作者的“三遍读paper”方法的简要总结和整理。
C4: Contributions,这篇文章的主要贡献是什么;
C5:Clarity, 文章写得如何。
Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research papers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to much wasted effort. This article outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method …
Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research papers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to much wasted effort. This article outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. I also describe how to use this method to do a literature survey.
(2024-03-31 22:31):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.15006, BJOG, 2018, No-call non-invasive prenatal testing gives important information. 这篇文章是个会议论文,发表时间相对来说也比较早了,在2018年;但是这篇文章所关注的问题却很实际,即NIPT应用中无法得出结果(no-call)的样本提示了哪些信息。文章给出的信息是大约1~3%的受检者会得到一个“no-call”的结果。”no-call”的一个最常见的原因是胎儿cfDNA比例不足,即母亲的cfDNA背景高,而造成这种情况的原因又与母亲的BMI指数有关。另外,’no-call’也与母亲存在染色体非整体风险有关。这就给临床实际处理这些问题时提供了一些参考信息;对此类‘no-call’的样本,有研究建议不仅要对受检者再次进行NIPT检测,还需进行CVS检测。此外,“no-call”样本还可能与母亲的pre-eclampsia有关。而放在实际的NIPT应用中,“no-call”样本不仅可以作为一些风险信息提供辅助参考,还与NIPT检测这项技术在临床上的运行、技术评估等有关。
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology,
DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.15006
PMID: 29090507
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of women who failed to obtain a result in non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).DESIGN: Historical cohort study.SETTING: A multicentre private practice in …
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of women who failed to obtain a result in non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).DESIGN: Historical cohort study.SETTING: A multicentre private practice in Sydney, Australia.POPULATION: Women who failed to obtain a result from NIPT (n = 131).METHODS: The maternal characteristics, antenatal investigations and pregnancy outcomes for these women were compared with those who obtained a result at the same practice and to the general Australian obstetric population.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Antenatal investigations: pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), free β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG), placental growth factor (PlGF), uterine artery pulsatility index (PI), mean arterial pressure (MAP). Pregnancy outcomes: chromosomal abnormality, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, small-for-gestational-age (SGA), preterm delivery.RESULTS: Only 1.1% of NIPT samples failed to return a result. This cohort was significantly older and had significantly increased weight compared with the general Australian obstetric population. Pregnancy outcomes were available for 94% of the cohort. There were significantly higher rates of chromosomal aneuploidies (6.5% versus 0.2%, P < 0.0001), pre-eclampsia (11% versus 1.5%, P < 0.0001) and gestational diabetes (23% versus 7.5%, P < 0.0001) compared with the general obstetric population. Rates of preterm delivery and SGA were elevated but did not reach significance. Antenatal investigations demonstrated decreased PAPP-A MoM (0.75 versus 1.14, P < 0.0001), decreased free β-hCG (0.71 versus 1.01, P < 0.0001) and increased uterine artery PI (1.79 versus 1.65, P = 0.02).CONCLUSION: Women who fail to obtain a result from NIPT are at increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, in particular chromosomal aneuploidy, gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.FUNDING: None received.TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Women who fail to obtain a result from cell-free DNA NIPT are at increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
(2024-02-29 23:29):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.101012, Genetics in Medicine, 2023, Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of exome sequencing and its impact on diagnostic thinking for patients with rare disease in a publicly funded health care system: A prospective cohort study. 这篇文章是一篇前瞻性研究,文章探索的主题是评估公共资助的临床外显子测序(ES)对疑似罕见遗传疾病患者的诊断效用。在研究中,招募了297例符合纳入检测标准的罕见病先证者样本,获取了其诊疗记录。通过 Fryback 和 Thornbury效能评价体系对这些样本全外显子检测结果的实验室注释解读、对临床解读结果的临床诊断考量、以及其他可替代的分子诊断是否可以替代ES进行了评估。结果显示,实验室报告了105例分子诊断结果、165例不确定结果和新发基因。105例报告结果中,临床医生解读了102例,165例不确定结果中,解读了6例;共计得出108例(分布在104个家系中)的临床分子诊断结果。每项效能评价标准的诊断产出在30%~40%。其他可替代的分子诊断为61%。这一研究证明了纳入检测标准的稳健,同时证明了实验室ES检测结果的高临床有效性。利用ES检测检出了40%本来存在漏检风险的样本,进而凸显了临床全外显子检测的价值。
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics,
DOI: 10.1016/j.gim.2023.101012
PMID: 37924259
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic utility of publicly funded clinical exome sequencing (ES) for patients with suspected rare genetic diseases.METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 297 probands who met eligibility criteria and …
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic utility of publicly funded clinical exome sequencing (ES) for patients with suspected rare genetic diseases.METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 297 probands who met eligibility criteria and received ES across 5 sites in Ontario, Canada, and extracted data from medical records and clinician surveys. Using the Fryback and Thornbury Efficacy Framework, we assessed diagnostic accuracy by examining laboratory interpretation of results and assessed diagnostic thinking by examining the clinical interpretation of results and whether clinical-molecular diagnoses would have been achieved via alternative hypothetical molecular tests.RESULTS: Laboratories reported 105 molecular diagnoses and 165 uncertain results in known and novel genes. Of these, clinicians interpreted 102 of 105 (97%) molecular diagnoses and 6 of 165 (4%) uncertain results as clinical-molecular diagnoses. The 108 clinical-molecular diagnoses were in 104 families (35% diagnostic yield). Each eligibility criteria resulted in diagnostic yields of 30% to 40%, and higher yields were achieved when >2 eligibility criteria were met (up to 45%). Hypothetical tests would have identified 61% of clinical-molecular diagnoses.CONCLUSION: We demonstrate robustness in eligibility criteria and high clinical validity of laboratory results from ES testing. The importance of ES was highlighted by the potential 40% of patients that would have gone undiagnosed without this test.
(2024-01-31 13:17):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pd.5079, Prenatal diagnosis, 2017, Comparing methods for fetal fraction determination and quality control of NIPT samples. 在无创产前筛查(NIPT)的分析流程中,胎儿游离DNA浓度(cell-free fetal DNA fraction )是一个重要的参数,尤其是检测样本中具有高背景浓度的母亲游离DNA(maternal cell-free DNA),计算fetal fraction是NIPT流程中的一个重要环节。这篇文献比较了四种计算fetal fraction的方法,分别是DEFRAG、BAYINDIR、SEQFF、SANEFALCON。作者手机了654例外周血样本,其中279例为女胎,375例为男胎,然后进行NGS测序,再分别用4种方法计算fetal fraction。研究结果发现,DEFRAG和BAYINDIR这两种基于Y染色体测序数据进行计算的方法一致性要优于另外两种可以同时计算男女胎fetal fraction的方法。其中DEFRAG在计算低胎儿浓度的样本时,表现比BAYINDIR方法更好。而SeqFF和SANEFALCON这两种可计算女胎胎儿浓度的方法,虽然不及DEFRAG和BAYINDIR的准确性,但是SANEFALCON在计算由于胎儿浓度低而分析失败样本时表现较好,甚至优于DEFRAG。此外,作者还探讨分析了孕妇BMI指数和孕周对计算fetal fraction的影响,结果显示DEFRAG在计算fetal fraction时受到这两个参数的影响较其他方法更明显。
OBJECTIVE: To compare available analysis methods for determining fetal fraction on single read next generation sequencing data. This is important as the performance of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) procedures depends …
OBJECTIVE: To compare available analysis methods for determining fetal fraction on single read next generation sequencing data. This is important as the performance of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) procedures depends on the fraction of fetal DNA.METHODS: We tested six different methods for the detection of fetal fraction in NIPT samples. The same clinically obtained data were used for all methods, allowing us to assess the effect of fetal fraction on the test result, and to investigate the use of fetal fraction for quality control.RESULTS: We show that non-NIPT methods based on body mass index (BMI) and gestational age are unreliable predictors of fetal fraction, male pregnancy specific methods based on read counts on the Y chromosome perform consistently and the fetal sex-independent new methods SeqFF and SANEFALCON are less reliable but can be used to obtain a basic indication of fetal fraction in case of a female fetus.CONCLUSION: We recommend the use of a combination of methods to prevent the issue of reports on samples with insufficient fetal DNA; SANEFALCON to check for presence of fetal DNA, SeqFF for estimating the fetal fraction for a female pregnancy and any Y-based method for estimating the fetal fraction for a male pregnancy. © 2017 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(2023-12-31 14:41):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41436-018-0295-y genetics in medicine, 2019,Performance of prenatal cfDNA screening for sex chromosomes. Copy-number variants in clinical genome sequencing: deployment and interpretation for rare and undiagnosed disease. 这篇文献是用测序的方法进行疾病相关的CNVs检测。研究分析比较了17个参考样本的测序和临床芯片检测CNVs的结果。进一步建立了以家庭为单位的基于测序技术的CNVs calling方法,并用79个罕见或未确诊案例的样本对该方法进行了验证。结果表明测序在CNV calling上与芯片效果无差。此外,文章建立的方法还可以检出UPD和三体的嵌合情况。这是一篇关注测序技术用于临床CNVsj检测文章,是了解目前临床已经广泛开展的CNV-Seq检测方法的前导和基础参考。
(2023-11-30 22:19):
#paper https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12040478, gene, 2021,Performance of Cell-Free DNA Screening for Fetal Common Aneuploidies and Sex Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Prospective Study from a Less Developed Autonomous Region in Mainland China. 这篇前瞻性研究论文主要分析研究了NIPT在86193例人群样本中对常见的T21,T18,T13三体异常、性染色体异常以及其他常染色体异常和一些CNVs中的检测效果。相对而言,这篇文章的突出特点是样本量比较大,阳性检出率和阳性预测值等这些检测性能上的参数给出了一定的参考。
To evaluate the performance of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in the detection of common aneuploidies in a population-based study, a total of 86,262 single pregnancies referred for NIPS were prospectively …
To evaluate the performance of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in the detection of common aneuploidies in a population-based study, a total of 86,262 single pregnancies referred for NIPS were prospectively recruited. Among 86,193 pregnancies with reportable results, follow-up was successfully conducted in 1160 fetuses reported with a high-risk result by NIPS and 82,511 cases (95.7%) with a low-risk result. The screen-positive rate (SPR) of common aneuploidies and sex chromosome abnormalities (SCAs) provided by NIPS were 0.7% (586/83,671) and 0.6% (505/83,671), respectively. The positive predictive values (PPVs) for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13 and SCAs were calculated as 89.7%, 84.0%, 52.6% and 38.0%, respectively. In addition, less rare chromosomal abnormalities, including copy number variants (CNVs), were detected, compared with those reported by NIPS with higher read-depth. Among these rare abnormalities, only 23.2% (13/56) were confirmed by prenatal diagnosis. In total, four common trisomy cases were found to be false negative, resulting in a rate of 0.48/10,000 (4/83,671). In summary, this study conducted in an underdeveloped region with limited support for the new technology development and lack of cost-effective prenatal testing demonstrates the importance of implementing routine aneuploidy screening in the public sector for providing early detection and precise prognostic information.
(2023-10-31 23:28):
#paper DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00307, Frontiers in public health, 2017, Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Values: Foundations, Pliabilities, and Pitfalls in Research and Practice. 在筛查类的检测中,经常会提到灵敏度、特异性和预测值等概念。本文较为详细地介绍了这几个常用概念,并指出了研究人员和临床医生会时常对这些概念产生误解或曲解。最后探讨了正确使用这些概念对医学相关的研究、临床应用、乃至受检者获益的重要性。
Within the context of screening tests, it is important to avoid misconceptions about sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. In this article, therefore, foundations are first established concerning these metrics along …
Within the context of screening tests, it is important to avoid misconceptions about sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. In this article, therefore, foundations are first established concerning these metrics along with the first of several aspects of pliability that should be recognized in relation to those metrics. Clarification is then provided about the definitions of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values and why researchers and clinicians can misunderstand and misrepresent them. Arguments are made that sensitivity and specificity should usually be applied only in the context of describing a screening test's attributes relative to a reference standard; that predictive values are more appropriate and informative in actual screening contexts, but that sensitivity and specificity can be used for screening decisions about individual people if they are extremely high; that predictive values need not always be high and might be used to advantage by adjusting the sensitivity and specificity of screening tests; that, in screening contexts, researchers should provide information about all four metrics and how they were derived; and that, where necessary, consumers of health research should have the skills to interpret those metrics effectively for maximum benefit to clients and the healthcare system.
(2023-09-30 19:16):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12040478,Genes,2021,Performance of Cell-Free DNA Screening for Fetal Common Aneuploidies and Sex Chromosomal Abnormalities:A Prospective Study from a Less Developed Autonomous Region in Mainland China. 拓展的NIPT检测,即除了检测21,18和13三条常见染色体三体异常之外,拓展到检测性染色体、其他常染色体的检测,乃至一些拷贝数异常的检测。这篇文章收集了86262例单胎妊娠的NIPT受检样本,其中86193例样本能够获得检测结果。这篇文章最主要的意义是将这8万例受检样本按照人群特征进行分类,并统计计算了不同人群中,NIPT检测检出常见三种染色体三体、不常见的常染色体三体、性染色体异常以及CNV的PPV、NPV、检测的敏感性特异性等统计数据。这给临床检测中应用拓展性NIPT技术提供了参考依据。
To evaluate the performance of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in the detection of common aneuploidies in a population-based study, a total of 86,262 single pregnancies referred for NIPS were prospectively …
To evaluate the performance of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in the detection of common aneuploidies in a population-based study, a total of 86,262 single pregnancies referred for NIPS were prospectively recruited. Among 86,193 pregnancies with reportable results, follow-up was successfully conducted in 1160 fetuses reported with a high-risk result by NIPS and 82,511 cases (95.7%) with a low-risk result. The screen-positive rate (SPR) of common aneuploidies and sex chromosome abnormalities (SCAs) provided by NIPS were 0.7% (586/83,671) and 0.6% (505/83,671), respectively. The positive predictive values (PPVs) for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13 and SCAs were calculated as 89.7%, 84.0%, 52.6% and 38.0%, respectively. In addition, less rare chromosomal abnormalities, including copy number variants (CNVs), were detected, compared with those reported by NIPS with higher read-depth. Among these rare abnormalities, only 23.2% (13/56) were confirmed by prenatal diagnosis. In total, four common trisomy cases were found to be false negative, resulting in a rate of 0.48/10,000 (4/83,671). In summary, this study conducted in an underdeveloped region with limited support for the new technology development and lack of cost-effective prenatal testing demonstrates the importance of implementing routine aneuploidy screening in the public sector for providing early detection and precise prognostic information.
(2023-08-31 19:14):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.100879, genetics in medicine, 2023,Performance of prenatal cfDNA screening for sex chromosomes. 这篇文章主要是评估基于SNP方法的NIPT在所有受检人群(包括正常风险人群体和高风险群体)中,筛查性染色体异常(SCAs)的表现。这是一个多中心、前瞻性的研究,涵盖的性染色体异常SCAs包括单体X(MX)和性染色体三体(SCT:47,XXX;47,XXY;47,XYY)。
符合纳入标准的共有17,538例病例。对于MX、SCTs和胎儿性别,基于cfDNA的检测性能分别在17,297、10,333和14,486例妊娠中进行了确定。MX的敏感性、特异性和阳性预测值(PPV)分别为83.3%、99.9%和22.7%,而合并SCTs的敏感性、特异性和PPV分别为70.4%、99.9%和82.6%。 cfDNA对胎儿性别的预测准确性为100%。
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics,
DOI: 10.1016/j.gim.2023.100879
PMID: 37154148
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the performance of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening to detect sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) in an unselected obstetrical population with genetic confirmation.METHODS: …
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the performance of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening to detect sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) in an unselected obstetrical population with genetic confirmation.METHODS: This was a planned secondary analysis of the multicenter, prospective SNP-based Microdeletion and Aneuploidy RegisTry (SMART) study. Patients receiving cfDNA results for autosomal aneuploidies and who had confirmatory genetic results for the relevant sex chromosomal aneuploidies were included. Screening performance for SCAs, including monosomy X (MX) and the sex chromosome trisomies (SCT: 47,XXX; 47,XXY; 47,XYY) was determined. Fetal sex concordance between cfDNA and genetic screening was also evaluated in euploid pregnancies.RESULTS: A total of 17,538 cases met inclusion criteria. Performance of cfDNA for MX, SCTs, and fetal sex was determined in 17,297, 10,333, and 14,486 pregnancies, respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) of cfDNA were 83.3%, 99.9%, and 22.7% for MX and 70.4%, 99.9%, and 82.6%, respectively, for the combined SCTs. The accuracy of fetal sex prediction by cfDNA was 100%.CONCLUSION: Screening performance of cfDNA for SCAs is comparable to that reported in other studies. The PPV for the SCTs was similar to the autosomal trisomies, whereas the PPV for MX was substantially lower. No discordance in fetal sex was observed between cfDNA and postnatal genetic screening in euploid pregnancies. These data will assist interpretation and counseling for cfDNA results for sex chromosomes.
(2023-07-31 22:04):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.100880, Genetics in Medicine, 2023, Molecular diagnostic yield of genome sequencing versus targeted gene panel testing in racially and ethnically diverse pediatric patients.这篇文章比较了基因组测序(GS)与靶向基因panel测序(TGP)两种方式在儿科先证者查因中的患者获益情况。结果显示与基因Panel检测相比,GS检测可以使得儿科先证者的诊断提升一倍,但这一结果目前并未在所有人群中得到证实。
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics,
DOI: 10.1016/j.gim.2023.100880
PMID: 37158195
PURPOSE: Adoption of genome sequencing (GS) as a first-line test requires evaluation of its diagnostic yield. We evaluated the GS and targeted gene panel (TGP) testing in diverse pediatric patients …
PURPOSE: Adoption of genome sequencing (GS) as a first-line test requires evaluation of its diagnostic yield. We evaluated the GS and targeted gene panel (TGP) testing in diverse pediatric patients (probands) with suspected genetic conditions.METHODS: Probands with neurologic, cardiac, or immunologic conditions were offered GS and TGP testing. Diagnostic yield was compared using a fully paired study design.RESULTS: A total of 645 probands (median age 9 years) underwent genetic testing, and 113 (17.5%) received a molecular diagnosis. Among 642 probands with both GS and TGP testing, GS yielded 106 (16.5%) and TGPs yielded 52 (8.1%) diagnoses (P < .001). Yield was greater for GS vs TGPs in Hispanic/Latino(a) (17.2% vs 9.5%, P < .001) and White/European American (19.8% vs 7.9%, P < .001) but not in Black/African American (11.5% vs 7.7%, P = .22) population groups by self-report. A higher rate of inconclusive results was seen in the Black/African American (63.8%) vs White/European American (47.6%; P = .01) population group. Most causal copy number variants (17 of 19) and mosaic variants (6 of 8) were detected only by GS.CONCLUSION: GS may yield up to twice as many diagnoses in pediatric patients compared with TGP testing but not yet across all population groups.