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(2024-10-30 20:29):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.04.010 Molecular Cell, 2017, Dynamic Rewiring of Promoter-Anchored Chromatin Loops during Adipocyte Differentiation。这篇旧文是目前已知的唯一一项以3T3-L1细胞的体外脂肪分化过程为研究对象的三维基因组学研究。作者使用Promoter capture Hi-C (PCHi-C)技术测定了分化过程中的关键时点的染色质构象图谱,结合对应时点的RNA-seq,重要转录因子和组蛋白修饰信号进行了联合分析。结果显示TAD结构在分化全称保持稳定,Promoter-enhancer相互作用(EPI)表现出明显的与分化过程中的基因表达调控模式一致的成波次状的增强和消退。这些行为与H3K27ac的富集和消退高度一致,而与H3K4me1/2无关。此外,在与Promoter相连的Enhancer上同时富集激活信号如MED1/SMC1/P300,和抑制信号如NcoR/HDAC,反映出EPI对基因表达的复杂调控作用。本文提供了一套比较全面的3T3-L1分化过程的表观组学数据,其分析和可视化方法均有可借鉴之处,尤其是对三个时点的序贯数据的分析和呈现。
(2024-09-30 14:55):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06904-0 Communications Biology, 2024, Crosslinking intensity modulates the reliability and sensitivity of chromatin conformation detection at different structural levels。甲醛(FA)是生物化学分析中常用的交联剂,用以固定生物大分子间的相互作用,其效果受反应条件的直接影响。然而对这些影响的定量分析尚十分不足。本文以染色质构象捕获技术为模型,系统性的探讨了甲醛浓度和反应体系温度两个重要参数对甲醛交联过程的影响。结果显示,甲醛的交联效率随浓度和反应温度的提升而提升,交联效率显著影响了所有已知染色质构象层次的检测。随着他们的升高,实验结果的灵敏度和可信度提高,稳定性降低。这些效果可以被一个简单的反应扩散模型解释。本文对解释三维基因组学中普遍存在的矛盾结果,和后续表观组学新技术的开发均有一定指导意义。
(2024-08-25 15:03):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.040 Cell, 2024, Spatiotemporal omics for biology and medicine。自从被提出以来,空间多组学技术就以其所具备的高时空分辨率在从系统学的角度理解生物过程中扮演核心角色,因而也成为组学、分子生物学、系统生物学等多个学科的前沿分支。这篇华大最近发表在Cell上的综述对当前空间多组学(尤其空间转录组学)的主流技术路线(基于成像和基于标记测序)的原理,每分支下的关键技术节点及其技术发展脉络、各技术的优势和不足。生物信息分析的主要过程和每个步骤中的常用工具,面临的主要问题及可能的解决方式。空间多组学技术在生命科学研究和临床医学中的成功应用及其挑战等进行了详细梳理。是空间多组学研究入门的良好参考,也可以帮助领域内研究者发现可能的研究目标。
The completion of the Human Genome Project has provided a foundational blueprint for understanding human life. Nonetheless, understanding the intricate mechanisms through which our genetic blueprint is involved in disease …
The completion of the Human Genome Project has provided a foundational blueprint for understanding human life. Nonetheless, understanding the intricate mechanisms through which our genetic blueprint is involved in disease or orchestrates development across temporal and spatial dimensions remains a profound scientific challenge. Recent breakthroughs in cellular omics technologies have paved new pathways for understanding the regulation of genomic elements and the relationship between gene expression, cellular functions, and cell fate determination. The advent of spatial omics technologies, encompassing both imaging and sequencing-based methodologies, has enabled a comprehensive understanding of biological processes from a cellular ecosystem perspective. This review offers an updated overview of how spatial omics has advanced our understanding of the translation of genetic information into cellular heterogeneity and tissue structural organization and their dynamic changes over time. It emphasizes the discovery of various biological phenomena, related to organ functionality, embryogenesis, species evolution, and the pathogenesis of diseases.
(2024-07-31 13:54):
#paper doi: 10.1101/2024.04.18.590148 bioRxiv, 2024, Droplet Hi-C for Fast and Scalable Profiling of Chromatin Architecture in Single Cells。单细胞Hi-C技术是目前单细胞三维基因组研究的主要技术手段,然而现有单细胞Hi-C技术存在通量不高,实验流程复杂,获取的单细胞文库质量较差等缺点。在本预印本论文中,作者们介绍了一种基于微流控技术的单细胞Hi-C技术的改良,称为Droplet Hi-C。Droplet Hi-C将单细胞Hi-C中barcoding步骤改为使用微流控平台自动化进行,从而大幅加快了文库构建的自动化水平和效率。Droplet Hi-C可实现超过4万个细胞的单细胞Hi-C文库的平行构建。借助此技术,作者分析了小鼠脑神经元中的染色质构象图谱的分布,研究了结直肠癌细胞系和组织中染色体外DNA的分布,实现了高通量的单细胞Hi-C和转录组共同构建。需要指出的是,论文仅提升了文库构建的效率,并未提升单个单细胞文库的质量,这可能是本领域下一个需要突破的重要技术瓶颈。
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology,
DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.18.590148
PMID: 38712075
Comprehensive analysis of chromatin architecture is crucial for understanding the gene regulatory programs during development and in disease pathogenesis, yet current methods often inadequately address the unique challenges presented by …
Comprehensive analysis of chromatin architecture is crucial for understanding the gene regulatory programs during development and in disease pathogenesis, yet current methods often inadequately address the unique challenges presented by analysis of heterogeneous tissue samples. Here, we introduce Droplet Hi-C, which employs a commercial microfluidic device for high-throughput, single-cell chromatin conformation profiling in droplets. Using Droplet Hi-C, we mapped the chromatin architecture at single-cell resolution from the mouse cortex and analyzed gene regulatory programs in major cortical cell types. Additionally, we used this technique to detect copy number variation (CNV), structural variations (SVs) and extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) in cancer cells, revealing clonal dynamics and other oncogenic events during treatment. We further refined this technique to allow for joint profiling of chromatin architecture and transcriptome in single cells, facilitating a more comprehensive exploration of the links between chromatin architecture and gene expression in both normal tissues and tumors. Thus, Droplet Hi-C not only addresses critical gaps in chromatin analysis of heterogeneous tissues but also emerges as a versatile tool enhancing our understanding of gene regulation in health and disease.
(2024-06-30 14:57):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41588-021-00784-4 Nature genetics, 2021, Liquid chromatin Hi-C characterizes compartment-dependent chromatin interaction dynamics。对染色质区室结构(chromatin compartments)的识别是三维基因组学研究的重要课题。本研究中作者基于Flory–Huggins聚合物理论预言了在染色质构象捕获实验中,检测到不同位于不同区室的染色质片段聚合倾向与片段长度和相同/不同区室片段聚合能差异之乘积成正比。在此理论指导下,作者指出实验前预先对基因组施以不同时间的酶解,进而控制片段化后染色质长度,便可在不同水平和维度检查染色质区室结构。作者发现过度预酶解可导致实验无法检测区室和染色质环结构,与核纤层关联的结构域对预酶解是稳定的,而与核斑或多数蛋白有关的结构与对预酶解是敏感的。本研究为染色质构象捕获实验的动力学提供了一个新架构,也为解释一些实验现象提供了新思路。
Nuclear compartmentalization of active and inactive chromatin is thought to occur through microphase separation mediated by interactions between loci of similar type. The nature and dynamics of these interactions are …
Nuclear compartmentalization of active and inactive chromatin is thought to occur through microphase separation mediated by interactions between loci of similar type. The nature and dynamics of these interactions are not known. We developed liquid chromatin Hi-C to map the stability of associations between loci. Before fixation and Hi-C, chromosomes are fragmented, which removes strong polymeric constraint, enabling detection of intrinsic locus-locus interaction stabilities. Compartmentalization is stable when fragments are larger than 10-25 kb. Fragmentation of chromatin into pieces smaller than 6 kb leads to gradual loss of genome organization. Lamin-associated domains are most stable, whereas interactions for speckle- and polycomb-associated loci are more dynamic. Cohesin-mediated loops dissolve after fragmentation. Liquid chromatin Hi-C provides a genome-wide view of chromosome interaction dynamics.
(2024-05-30 10:59):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13059-024-03269-9 Genome Biology, 2024, Breaking down causes, consequences, and mediating effects of telomere length variation on human health。众所周知,端粒长度是细胞衰老凋亡和生物体寿命的重要指标,然而目前人们对影响端粒长度的公共卫生因素及端粒长度缩短可能导致的公共卫生后果的研究尚不充分。本文基于UKBioBank的大规模人群队列信息,借助孟德尔随机化技术分析了端粒长度缩短的风险因素及其可能导致的结局。作者发现饮酒、肥胖、尿酸高、女性生育等是端粒缩短的风险因素,而戒烟和教育水平提升是其保护因素。此外,作者发现端粒的缩短与心血管事件、肺病和自身免疫病等结局间存在因果关系。本文是一项标准的分子流行病学研究,通过学习其方法,读者可进一步总结基于公共数据开展分子流行病研究的研究思路,也可以学习如何开展大型数据的孟德尔随机化。
Abstract Background Telomeres form repeated DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, which shorten with each cell division. Yet, factors modulating telomere attrition and the health consequences thereof are not …
Abstract Background Telomeres form repeated DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, which shorten with each cell division. Yet, factors modulating telomere attrition and the health consequences thereof are not fully understood. To address this, we leveraged data from 326,363 unrelated UK Biobank participants of European ancestry. Results Using linear regression and bidirectional univariable and multivariable Mendelian randomization (MR), we elucidate the relationships between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and 142 complex traits, including diseases, biomarkers, and lifestyle factors. We confirm that telomeres shorten with age and show a stronger decline in males than in females, with these factors contributing to the majority of the 5.4% of LTL variance explained by the phenome. MR reveals 23 traits modulating LTL. Smoking cessation and high educational attainment associate with longer LTL, while weekly alcohol intake, body mass index, urate levels, and female reproductive events, such as childbirth, associate with shorter LTL. We also identify 24 traits affected by LTL, with risk for cardiovascular, pulmonary, and some autoimmune diseases being increased by short LTL, while longer LTL increased risk for other autoimmune conditions and cancers. Through multivariable MR, we show that LTL may partially mediate the impact of educational attainment, body mass index, and female age at childbirth on proxied lifespan. Conclusions Our study sheds light on the modulators, consequences, and the mediatory role of telomeres, portraying an intricate relationship between LTL, diseases, lifestyle, and socio-economic factors.
(2024-04-30 13:16):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13059-020-02167-0 Genome Biology, 2020, Mustache: multi-scale detection of chromatin loops from Hi-C and Micro-C maps using scale-space representation。染色质环是染色质空间构象的重要组成部分,也是启动子-增强子相互作用的重要物理背景。基于Hi-C数据的染色质环检测是当前三维基因组学的重要命题。本文立足于计算机视觉中的尺度稳定斑点检测技术开发了一种高灵敏度,高稳定的基于染色质相互作用图谱的染色质环检测算法。该算法是局部最大值搜索这一思路的最新作品,能在保证染色质换检测准确度的前体下大幅度提高其灵敏度。其综合性能为此类算法中最优者。
We present MUSTACHE, a new method for multi-scale detection of chromatin loops from Hi-C and Micro-C contact maps. MUSTACHE employs scale-space theory, a technical advance in computer vision, to detect …
We present MUSTACHE, a new method for multi-scale detection of chromatin loops from Hi-C and Micro-C contact maps. MUSTACHE employs scale-space theory, a technical advance in computer vision, to detect blob-shaped objects in contact maps. MUSTACHE is scalable to kilobase-resolution maps and reports loops that are highly consistent between replicates and between Hi-C and Micro-C datasets. Compared to other loop callers, such as HiCCUPS and SIP, MUSTACHE recovers a higher number of published ChIA-PET and HiChIP loops as well as loops linking promoters to regulatory elements. Overall, MUSTACHE enables an efficient and comprehensive analysis of chromatin loops. Available at: https://github.com/ay-lab/mustache .
(2024-03-31 16:26):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108206 Cell Reports, 2020, tagHi-C Reveals 3D Chromatin Architecture Dynamics during Mouse Hematopoiesis。高通量染色质构象捕获技术(Hi-C)一直受限于对样品量的高要求而在一些只有有限样品的场景中应用受限。本文作者介绍了一种借助tagmentation原理的改进版tagHi-C,借助Tn5的低样品损失可以将Hi-C对样品的需求降低到百细胞量级。基于此,作者解析了小鼠造血系统发育过程中的染色质构象改变。发现染色质区室结构随造血系统的发育是高度动态的,终端分化细胞染色质呈现凝聚状态,高表达基因可自身形成结构域且结构域强度与表达水平正相关等结论。本文是in situ Hi-C以来对该技术的一项重大改进。提供了一套完整的Hi-C测试数据。
Spatiotemporal chromatin reorganization during hematopoietic differentiation has not been comprehensively characterized, mainly because of the large numbers of starting cells required for current chromatin conformation capture approaches. Here, we introduce …
Spatiotemporal chromatin reorganization during hematopoietic differentiation has not been comprehensively characterized, mainly because of the large numbers of starting cells required for current chromatin conformation capture approaches. Here, we introduce a low-input tagmentation-based Hi-C (tagHi-C) method to capture the chromatin structures of hundreds of cells. Using tagHi-C, we are able to map the spatiotemporal dynamics of chromatin structure in ten primary hematopoietic stem, progenitor, and differentiated cell populations from mouse bone marrow. Our results reveal that changes in compartment dynamics and the Rabl configuration occur during hematopoietic cell differentiation. We identify gene-body-associating domains (GADs) as general structures for highly expressed genes. Moreover, we extend the body of knowledge regarding genes influenced by genome-wide association study (GWAS) loci through spatial chromatin looping. Our study provides the tagHi-C method for studying the three-dimensional (3D) genome of a small number of cells and maps the comprehensive 3D chromatin landscape of bone marrow hematopoietic cells.
(2024-02-29 10:20):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-44761-x Nature communications, 2024, Orchestrating chromosome conformation capture analysis with Bioconductor。全基因组染色质构象捕获技术(Hi-C)及其衍生技术是当前研究真核细胞染色质空间构象的最主流技术手段,基于其的研究所涉及的大体量,多模、多目标的多组学分析问题对生物信息技术提出了许多重大挑战。本文系统性的总结了过去十几年来依托R语言和Bioconductor平台开发的一系列Hi-C及衍生数据分析工具包。按分析流程详细描述了数据的获取和预处理,结果的导入导出,核心数据结构,各拓扑结构单元的识别,数据可视化等数据分析的方方面面。本文的总结对学习Hi-C数据分析有重要参考价值,同时也对定制化的分析流程开发有指导意义。
Genome-wide chromatin conformation capture assays provide formidable insights into the spatial organization of genomes. However, due to the complexity of the data structure, their integration in multi-omics workflows remains challenging. …
Genome-wide chromatin conformation capture assays provide formidable insights into the spatial organization of genomes. However, due to the complexity of the data structure, their integration in multi-omics workflows remains challenging. We present data structures, computational methods and visualization tools available in Bioconductor to investigate Hi-C, micro-C and other 3C-related data, in R. An online book ( https://bioconductor.org/books/OHCA/ ) further provides prospective end users with a number of workflows to process, import, analyze and visualize any type of chromosome conformation capture data.
(2024-01-31 09:45):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41588-020-00712-y Nature Genetics, 2020, CHESS enables quantitative comparison of chromatin contact data and automatic feature extraction。本文介绍了一种基于计算机视觉中结构相似度(SSIM)的Hi-C数据相似度度量和结构变化区域的搜索算法,通过在基因组上进行滑窗计算,该算法不仅能基于Hi-C数据计算出两个样品在全基因组水平下染色质空间构象的相似程度,更能通过局部计算寻找出存在显著染色质空间构象变异的区域。该算法不仅可以进行同一物种内的比较,也可以进行跨物种比较。且对测序深度不敏感。本文将计算机视觉中的很多降噪/特征提取/形态学处理技术引入到了Hi-C相互作用图谱的处理中,对计算机上视觉技术在染色质空间构象数据的分析中的应用有重要参考价值。
Dynamic changes in the three-dimensional (3D) organization of chromatin are associated with central biological processes, such as transcription, replication and development. Therefore, the comprehensive identification and quantification of these changes …
Dynamic changes in the three-dimensional (3D) organization of chromatin are associated with central biological processes, such as transcription, replication and development. Therefore, the comprehensive identification and quantification of these changes is fundamental to understanding of evolutionary and regulatory mechanisms. Here, we present Comparison of Hi-C Experiments using Structural Similarity (CHESS), an algorithm for the comparison of chromatin contact maps and automatic differential feature extraction. We demonstrate the robustness of CHESS to experimental variability and showcase its biological applications on (1) interspecies comparisons of syntenic regions in human and mouse models; (2) intraspecies identification of conformational changes in Zelda-depleted Drosophila embryos; (3) patient-specific aberrant chromatin conformation in a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma sample; and (4) the systematic identification of chromatin contact differences in high-resolution Capture-C data. In summary, CHESS is a computationally efficient method for the comparison and classification of changes in chromatin contact data.
(2023-12-30 09:37):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13073-020-00810-w Genome Medicine, 2023, DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies。成人中DNA甲基化图谱与肥胖间存在关联这一事实已为人们所知,然而此关联性是否在少儿期存在,二者间是否存在因果关系尚不明确。本文作为一项Meta分析,检查了来自全球23项研究的超过1万名儿童青少年参与者,分析了其血液DNA甲基化图谱和体重指数(BMI)的关系。通过横断面研究识别了在儿童青少年时期与BMI有显著关联的DNA甲基化位点,通过纵向研究探讨了其因果性。结果发现,仅少量血液DNA甲基化位点与BMI显著关联,且有证据显示其可能为高BMI的结果。本研究是一项典型的分子流行病学研究,其结构和方法有很多可取之处。
AbstractBackgroundDNA methylation has been shown to be associated with adiposity in adulthood. However, whether similar DNA methylation patterns are associated with childhood and adolescent body mass index (BMI) is largely …
AbstractBackgroundDNA methylation has been shown to be associated with adiposity in adulthood. However, whether similar DNA methylation patterns are associated with childhood and adolescent body mass index (BMI) is largely unknown. More insight into this relationship at younger ages may have implications for future prevention of obesity and its related traits.MethodsWe examined whether DNA methylation in cord blood and whole blood in childhood and adolescence was associated with BMI in the age range from 2 to 18 years using both cross-sectional and longitudinal models. We performed meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies including up to 4133 children from 23 studies. We examined the overlap of findings reported in previous studies in children and adults with those in our analyses and calculated enrichment.ResultsDNA methylation at three CpGs (cg05937453, cg25212453, and cg10040131), each in a different age range, was associated with BMI at Bonferroni significance,P < 1.06 × 10−7, with a 0.96 standard deviation score (SDS) (standard error (SE) 0.17), 0.32 SDS (SE 0.06), and 0.32 BMI SDS (SE 0.06) higher BMI per 10% increase in methylation, respectively. DNA methylation at nine additional CpGs in the cross-sectional childhood model was associated with BMI at false discovery rate significance. The strength of the associations of DNA methylation at the 187 CpGs previously identified to be associated with adult BMI, increased with advancing age across childhood and adolescence in our analyses. In addition, correlation coefficients between effect estimates for those CpGs in adults and in children and adolescents also increased. Among the top findings for each age range, we observed increasing enrichment for the CpGs that were previously identified in adults (birthPenrichment = 1; childhoodPenrichment = 2.00 × 10−4; adolescencePenrichment = 2.10 × 10−7).ConclusionsThere were only minimal associations of DNA methylation with childhood and adolescent BMI. With the advancing age of the participants across childhood and adolescence, we observed increasing overlap with altered DNA methylation loci reported in association with adult BMI. These findings may be compatible with the hypothesis that DNA methylation differences are mostly a consequence rather than a cause of obesity.
(2023-11-28 11:05):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13059-023-03088-4 Genome Biology, 2023, CHESS 3: an improved, comprehensive catalog of human genes and transcripts based on large-scale expression data, phylogenetic analysis, and protein structure。本文介绍了一套针对最新人类基因组完整序列(T2T genome)的完整人类基因组编码序列注释。作者通过收集和分析来自54个组织位点的超过10000项RNA-seq数据组装了所有可能的转录本,在此基础上,通过综合利用基于序列特征和基于机器学习的编码能力预测模型,结合转录本表达的组织特异性,编码蛋白质空间构象的合理性(基于alphaFold2的预测)对其进行质控,最终获得了41,356个基因和158,377个转录本。本文的结果是基因组研究的重要基础资料,其研究方法对基于RNA测序的研究有一定参考价值。
Genome biology,
DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03088-4
PMID: 37904256
CHESS 3 represents an improved human gene catalog based on nearly 10,000 RNA-seq experiments across 54 body sites. It significantly improves current genome annotation by integrating the latest reference data …
CHESS 3 represents an improved human gene catalog based on nearly 10,000 RNA-seq experiments across 54 body sites. It significantly improves current genome annotation by integrating the latest reference data and algorithms, machine learning techniques for noise filtering, and new protein structure prediction methods. CHESS 3 contains 41,356 genes, including 19,839 protein-coding genes and 158,377 transcripts, with 14,863 protein-coding transcripts not in other catalogs. It includes all MANE transcripts and at least one transcript for most RefSeq and GENCODE genes. On the CHM13 human genome, the CHESS 3 catalog contains an additional 129 protein-coding genes. CHESS 3 is available at http://ccb.jhu.edu/chess .
(2023-10-21 11:39):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01978-w Nature methods, 2023, scNanoHi-C: a single-cell long-read concatemer sequencing method to reveal high-order chromatin structures within individual cells。本文提出了一种将基于Nanopore的染色质空间构象捕获技术(Pore-C)推广到了单细胞水平的新技术,命名为scNanoHi-C。其在保持与其他单细胞Hi-C和bulk Hi-C结果的高度一致性前提下,提高了相互作用片段的产量。此外,基于ONT的长读长优势,scNanoHiC的结果可用于检查由多个位点参与的复杂基因组相互作用,也可用于在单细胞水平下检测拷贝数变异和基因组结构变异,并辅助基因组组装。本文的单细胞处理是通过多重标签策略实现的。其思路并不新鲜,其成功之处在于对复杂实验流程的把控和愿意投入大量资源。
The high-order three-dimensional (3D) organization of regulatory genomic elements provides a topological basis for gene regulation, but it remains unclear how multiple regulatory elements across the mammalian genome interact within …
The high-order three-dimensional (3D) organization of regulatory genomic elements provides a topological basis for gene regulation, but it remains unclear how multiple regulatory elements across the mammalian genome interact within an individual cell. To address this, herein, we developed scNanoHi-C, which applies Nanopore long-read sequencing to explore genome-wide proximal high-order chromatin contacts within individual cells. We show that scNanoHi-C can reliably and effectively profile 3D chromatin structures and distinguish structure subtypes among individual cells. This method could also be used to detect genomic variations, including copy-number variations and structural variations, as well as to scaffold the de novo assembly of single-cell genomes. Notably, our results suggest that extensive high-order chromatin structures exist in active chromatin regions across the genome, and multiway interactions between enhancers and their target promoters were systematically identified within individual cells. Altogether, scNanoHi-C offers new opportunities to investigate high-order 3D genome structures at the single-cell level.
(2023-09-24 14:05):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13059-023-03019-3 Genome Biology, 2023, The relationship between regulatory changes in cis and trans and the evolution of gene expression in humans and chimpanzees。对灵长类动物进行比较基因组学研究受限于伦理因素和材料获取的困难而一直进展缓慢。由iPSC细胞诱导获得的胚胎样团(EB)是进行此类研究的好材料。本文作者使用人类和大猩猩的iPSC细胞分别诱导获得了EB,并使用单细胞RNA-seq进行了基因表达的比较分析。结果显示,胚胎样团中已包含大量已知细胞类型。对不同类型的细胞进行人-猩猩的基因差异表达分析鉴定了一系列差异表达基因。与序列保守性和基因功能注释进行比对发现在多个细胞类型中存在差异的基因与更低的序列保守性和人与猩猩的差异有关,而在各细胞类型中表达保守的基因集中于基础生命过程。进一步,作者使用人-猩猩融合细胞构建了EB并借此将表达差异分解为顺式和反式两类,证明了反式差异与两个物种的基因表达调控网络差异有关。作为一项干湿结合的研究,本文仅有3位作者。新产出数据量也不大。是资源/规模有限的研究组通过发挥专长和优化的实验设计在避免堆砌数据的前提下解决重大生物问题的良好范例。
BACKGROUND: Comparative gene expression studies in apes are fundamentally limited by the challenges associated with sampling across different tissues. Here, we used single-cell RNA sequencing of embryoid bodies to collect …
BACKGROUND: Comparative gene expression studies in apes are fundamentally limited by the challenges associated with sampling across different tissues. Here, we used single-cell RNA sequencing of embryoid bodies to collect transcriptomic data from over 70 cell types in three humans and three chimpanzees.RESULTS: We find hundreds of genes whose regulation is conserved across cell types, as well as genes whose regulation likely evolves under directional selection in one or a handful of cell types. Using embryoid bodies from a human-chimpanzee fused cell line, we also infer the proportion of inter-species regulatory differences due to changes in cis and trans elements between the species. Using the cis/trans inference and an analysis of transcription factor binding sites, we identify dozens of transcription factors whose inter-species differences in expression are affecting expression differences between humans and chimpanzees in hundreds of target genes.CONCLUSIONS: Here, we present the most comprehensive dataset of comparative gene expression from humans and chimpanzees to date, including a catalog of regulatory mechanisms associated with inter-species differences.
(2023-08-14 21:58):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2023.07.001 Cell Chemical Biology, 2023, Small molecule targeting of transcription-replication conflict for selective chemotherapy。本文是最近肿瘤治化疗领域内的一项重要新闻,作者在之前研究的基础上设计了一种新的小分子药物AOH1996,该药物通过增强PCNA与RPB1的结合从而将PCNA带离染色质,进而引起伴随转录的DNA复制抑制和不能被修复的DNA双链断裂损伤。通过此机制,AOH1996实现了对癌细胞的特异性杀灭,而对正常细胞几乎无毒性。动物实验和细胞实验均证明单独使用AOH1996或与其他药物联合对大部分实体肿瘤均有或多或少的疗效。本文再一次展现了针对DNA损伤修复机制的抗肿瘤药物设计的潜力。
Targeting transcription replication conflicts, a major source of endogenous DNA double-stranded breaks and genomic instability could have important anticancer therapeutic implications. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is critical to DNA …
Targeting transcription replication conflicts, a major source of endogenous DNA double-stranded breaks and genomic instability could have important anticancer therapeutic implications. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is critical to DNA replication and repair processes. Through a rational drug design approach, we identified a small molecule PCNA inhibitor, AOH1996, which selectively kills cancer cells. AOH1996 enhances the interaction between PCNA and the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, RPB1, and dissociates PCNA from actively transcribed chromatin regions, while inducing DNA double-stranded breaks in a transcription-dependent manner. Attenuation of RPB1 interaction with PCNA, by a point mutation in RPB1's PCNA-binding region, confers resistance to AOH1996. Orally administrable and metabolically stable, AOH1996 suppresses tumor growth as a monotherapy or as a combination treatment but causes no discernable side effects. Inhibitors of transcription replication conflict resolution may provide a new and unique therapeutic avenue for exploiting this cancer-selective vulnerability.
(2023-07-26 17:11):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2011.10.001. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2012, Transcriptional networks and chromatin remodeling controlling adipogenesis。脂肪生成过程受一系列转录因子和表观遗传信号的控制,从而在时间上形成多波次的级联调控关系。此过程不仅是代谢研究的核心,也是表观遗传研究的重要载体。这篇旧文对脂肪生成过程中重要的转录因子的行为和调控关系,及其与其他表观信号的关系进行了梳理,并按照脂肪分化过程早期和晚期分别进行了系统性介绍。受限于时代,文中未涉及染色质空间构象和启动子-增强子相互作用的内容,但其主要观点至今仍有重要的参考价值。
Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM,
DOI: 10.1016/j.tem.2011.10.001
PMID: 22079269
Adipocyte differentiation is tightly controlled by a transcriptional cascade, which directs the extensive reprogramming of gene expression required to convert fibroblast-like precursor cells into mature lipid-laden adipocytes. Recent global analyses …
Adipocyte differentiation is tightly controlled by a transcriptional cascade, which directs the extensive reprogramming of gene expression required to convert fibroblast-like precursor cells into mature lipid-laden adipocytes. Recent global analyses of transcription factor binding and chromatin remodeling have revealed 'snapshots' of this cascade and the chromatin landscape at specific time-points of differentiation. These studies demonstrate that multiple adipogenic transcription factors co-occupy hotspots characterized by an open chromatin structure and specific epigenetic modifications. Such transcription factor hotspots are likely to represent key signaling nodes which integrate multiple adipogenic signals at specific chromatin sites, thereby facilitating coordinated action on gene expression.
(2023-06-25 09:39):
#paper doi:10.1186/s13059-023-02970-5 Genome Biology, 2023, Genomic and epigenomic determinants of heat stress‑induced transcriptional memory in Arabidopsis。热刺激是植物细胞经常面临的环境压力,能引起细胞内大规模转录响应。热刺激诱导的转录记忆是其中重要的调控模式,然而其形成机制尚不清楚。本文结合前后两次热刺激后的HSFA2和HSFA3结合位点、H3K4me3信号分布、ATAC-seq标记的染色质开放性和基因表达谱数据,从表观遗传层面对该问题进行了探讨。结果显示具有热刺激诱导记忆行为的基因有特征性的热刺激因子结合模式、在常温下有低表达水平但有开放的启动子区域,刺激后富集H3K4me3信号等特征。本文为刺激反应的表观遗传研究提供了一个可供借鉴的范式。
BACKGROUND: Transcriptional regulation is a key aspect of environmental stress responses. Heat stress induces transcriptional memory, i.e., sustained induction or enhanced re-induction of transcription, that allows plants to respond more …
BACKGROUND: Transcriptional regulation is a key aspect of environmental stress responses. Heat stress induces transcriptional memory, i.e., sustained induction or enhanced re-induction of transcription, that allows plants to respond more efficiently to a recurrent HS. In light of more frequent temperature extremes due to climate change, improving heat tolerance in crop plants is an important breeding goal. However, not all heat stress-inducible genes show transcriptional memory, and it is unclear what distinguishes memory from non-memory genes. To address this issue and understand the genome and epigenome architecture of transcriptional memory after heat stress, we identify the global target genes of two key memory heat shock transcription factors, HSFA2 and HSFA3, using time course ChIP-seq.RESULTS: HSFA2 and HSFA3 show near identical binding patterns. In vitro and in vivo binding strength is highly correlated, indicating the importance of DNA sequence elements. In particular, genes with transcriptional memory are strongly enriched for a tripartite heat shock element, and are hallmarked by several features: low expression levels in the absence of heat stress, accessible chromatin environment, and heat stress-induced enrichment of H3K4 trimethylation. These results are confirmed by an orthogonal transcriptomic data set using both de novo clustering and an established definition of memory genes.CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide an integrated view of HSF-dependent transcriptional memory and shed light on its sequence and chromatin determinants, enabling the prediction and engineering of genes with transcriptional memory behavior.
(2023-05-29 09:11):
#paper doi: 10.1073/pnas.2023347118 PNAS, 2021, DNA methylation-linked chromatin accessibility affects genomic architecture in Arabidopsis。DNA甲基化是重要的表观遗传调控维度,CpG岛甲基化水平的改变对基因表达起了重要的调控作用。然而DNA甲基化和表观遗传的其他维度之间的关系研究尚十分缺乏。本文通过对具有不同DNA甲基转移酶活性的拟南芥品系进行染色质开放性图谱和染色质空间构象图谱的测定和比较,对此问题进行了研究。结果显示,低DNA甲基化确实与染色质开放和染色质区室从B向A的转换有关。该研究是目前仅有的几项DNA甲基化与染色质空间构象直接关联的研究,但不同品系的相互比较仍不能说明二者之间是否以及具有何种因果关系。
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2023347118
PMID: 33495321
DNA methylation is a major epigenetic modification found across species and has a profound impact on many biological processes. However, its influence on chromatin accessibility and higher-order genome organization remains …
DNA methylation is a major epigenetic modification found across species and has a profound impact on many biological processes. However, its influence on chromatin accessibility and higher-order genome organization remains unclear, particularly in plants. Here, we present genome-wide chromatin accessibility profiles of 18 mutants that are deficient in CG, CHG, or CHH DNA methylation. We find that DNA methylation in all three sequence contexts impacts chromatin accessibility in heterochromatin. Many chromatin regions maintain inaccessibility when DNA methylation is lost in only one or two sequence contexts, and signatures of accessibility are particularly affected when DNA methylation is reduced in all contexts, suggesting an interplay between different types of DNA methylation. In addition, we found that increased chromatin accessibility was not always accompanied by increased transcription, suggesting that DNA methylation can directly impact chromatin structure by other mechanisms. We also observed that an increase in chromatin accessibility was accompanied by enhanced long-range chromatin interactions. Together, these results provide a valuable resource for chromatin architecture and DNA methylation analyses and uncover a pivotal role for methylation in the maintenance of heterochromatin inaccessibility.
(2023-04-24 15:24):
#paper doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009325,PLOS GENETICS, 2021, Ablation of DNA-methyltransferase 3A in skeletal muscle does not affect energy metabolism or exercise capacity。早年的研究表明,运动负荷后肌纤维DNA甲基化水平发生了明显改变,然而二者之间是否存在因果关系仍未被深入研究,该研究以小鼠比目鱼肌为实验材料,研究在肌纤维特异性DNMT3A敲除后运动负荷引起的DNA甲基化、运动负荷诱导的基因表达谱重塑和运动负荷诱导后的表型变化。结果显示DNMT3A敲除诱导的全基因组去甲基化与其余诸项均无显著关联,因而认为DNA甲基化图谱的重塑仅是运动负荷诱导的基因表达重编程过程的副产品。该研究的一个明显缺陷是DNMT3A的敲除效率和由此诱导的全基因组去甲基化幅度均不足。该研究提供了运动负荷调控DNA甲基化图谱的有益信息,同时提供了合理报告阴性结果的范例。
In response to physical exercise and diet, skeletal muscle adapts to energetic demands through large transcriptional changes. This remodelling is associated with changes in skeletal muscle DNA methylation which may …
In response to physical exercise and diet, skeletal muscle adapts to energetic demands through large transcriptional changes. This remodelling is associated with changes in skeletal muscle DNA methylation which may participate in the metabolic adaptation to extracellular stimuli. Yet, the mechanisms by which muscle-borne DNA methylation machinery responds to diet and exercise and impacts muscle function are unknown. Here, we investigated the function of de novo DNA methylation in fully differentiated skeletal muscle. We generated muscle-specific DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) knockout mice (mD3AKO) and investigated the impact of DNMT3A ablation on skeletal muscle DNA methylation, exercise capacity and energy metabolism. Loss of DNMT3A reduced DNA methylation in skeletal muscle over multiple genomic contexts and altered the transcription of genes known to be influenced by DNA methylation, but did not affect exercise capacity and whole-body energy metabolism compared to wild type mice. Loss of DNMT3A did not alter skeletal muscle mitochondrial function or the transcriptional response to exercise however did influence the expression of genes involved in muscle development. These data suggest that DNMT3A does not have a large role in the function of mature skeletal muscle although a role in muscle development and differentiation is likely.
(2023-03-30 13:13):
#paper doi: 10.1101/gad.333708.119. Genes Dev, 2020, Upon microbial challenge, human neutrophils undergo rapid changes in nuclear architecture and chromatin folding to orchestrate an immediate inflammatory gene program。中性粒细胞免疫应答过程中伴随着核型和染色质构象的剧烈变化,这些变化与免疫应答诱导的转录调控过程之间的关系尚不清楚。本文使用人类中性粒细胞为实验材料,以PMA和大肠杆菌为刺激源诱发免疫反应,以Hi-C测定应答前后的染色质空间构象并进行比较。结果显示,应答之前,炎性基因处于转录抑制的空间构象中,应答后这些基因所在区域发生常染色质化,由核周进入核内部,并与增强子靠近,这些过程与应答过程中转录的快速响应有关。这些染色质构象的重排可能是由cohesin驱动的。本研究处理时长已达3h,但仍未见染色质构象的大范围改变。这些结论提示虽然染色质构象的全基因组重构是罕见事件,其局部的改变依然有研究的价值。
Differentiating neutrophils undergo large-scale changes in nuclear morphology. How such alterations in structure are established and modulated upon exposure to microbial agents is largely unknown. Here, we found that prior …
Differentiating neutrophils undergo large-scale changes in nuclear morphology. How such alterations in structure are established and modulated upon exposure to microbial agents is largely unknown. Here, we found that prior to encounter with bacteria, an armamentarium of inflammatory genes was positioned in a transcriptionally passive environment suppressing premature transcriptional activation. Upon microbial exposure, however, human neutrophils rapidly (<3 h) repositioned the ensemble of proinflammatory genes toward the transcriptionally permissive compartment. We show that the repositioning of genes was closely associated with the swift recruitment of cohesin across the inflammatory enhancer landscape, permitting an immediate transcriptional response upon bacterial exposure. We found that activated enhancers, marked by increased deposition of H3K27Ac, were highly enriched for cistromic elements associated with PU.1, CEBPB, TFE3, JUN, and FOSL2 occupancy. These data reveal how upon microbial challenge the cohesin machinery is recruited to an activated enhancer repertoire to instruct changes in chromatin folding, nuclear architecture, and to activate an inflammatory gene program.