来自杂志 bioRxiv 的文献。
当前共找到 32 篇文献分享,本页显示第 1 - 20 篇。
muton (2025-01-31 20:21):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.01.22.576595 Memory consolidation during rest forms shortcuts in a cognitive map. 休息和睡眠不仅加强现有的记忆,还会重新组织记忆,从而生成超出直接经验的新知识。然而,记忆是如何被重新组织的,以及这种重新组织对行为的影响,目前尚不清楚。以往的研究表明,记忆的重新激活(如在睡眠中)可能有助于将记忆扩展到超出直接经验的范围,例如预测未来事件或整合知识。但具体机制尚不清楚。因此,作者设计了多任务推理及TMR的实验范式,实验结果显示,经过TMR处理的听觉线索组(TMR组)在推理测试中的表现显著优于未经过TMR处理的组(No TMR组)。这表明TMR能够增强参与者对未直接体验过的线索之间关系的推断能力。且这种增强是稳定的。这种对推理能力的提升并非通过加强直接学习的关联实现的,而是通过形成新的“捷径”来实现的。
AbstractRest and sleep not only strengthen existing memories but also reorganise memories to generate new knowledge that extends beyond direct experience. However, it remains unclear bothhowmemories are reorganised and the … >>>
AbstractRest and sleep not only strengthen existing memories but also reorganise memories to generate new knowledge that extends beyond direct experience. However, it remains unclear bothhowmemories are reorganised and the effect of this reorganisation on behaviour. Here, we designed a novel protocol to casually manipulate memory consolidation during rest using awake, contextual targeted memory reactivation (TMR). We found that promoting memory consolidation during rest qualitatively reorganises memories byforming ‘shortcuts’ between memorieswhich have not been experienced together. These shortcuts in memory extend beyond direct experience to facilitate our ability to make novel inferences. A series of control tests indicate that inference performance cannot be explained by quantitative strengthening of the experienced component links but are rather explained by qualitative changes in the cognitive map which involve formation of new shortcuts. Interestingly, we show that representing a shortcut may come with limitations, as shortcuts cannot be readily updated in response to rapid changes in the environment. Together, these findings reveal how memories are reorganised during awake rest to construct a cognitive map of our environment, while highlighting the constraints set by a trade-off between efficient and flexible behaviour. <<<
盼盼 (2024-11-30 22:11):
#paper doi:10.1101/2021.04.29.441889 Type I interferon responsive microglia shape cortical development and behavior. 在Cell杂志发表的这篇文章,研究人员发现了一类I型干扰素(IFN-Ⅰ)响应性的小胶质细胞亚群,这一类群的细胞在皮层重塑期间高度活跃,可发挥吞噬神经元的作用,而在正常大脑发育过程中罕见。实验结果还表明,IFN-Ⅰ缺陷小鼠在触觉刺激时表现出更高的敏感性,这说明IFN-Ⅰ可能参与调节触觉反应。总之,这一类独特的小胶质细胞在大脑皮层的发育和感觉功能中发挥重要作用,这些发现为理解IFN-Ⅰ在大脑对多种损伤反应过程中的作用提供了新的视角。
SummaryMicroglia are brain resident phagocytes that can engulf synaptic components and extracellular matrix as well as whole neurons. However, whether there are unique molecular mechanisms that regulate these distinct phagocytic … >>>
SummaryMicroglia are brain resident phagocytes that can engulf synaptic components and extracellular matrix as well as whole neurons. However, whether there are unique molecular mechanisms that regulate these distinct phagocytic states is unknown. Here we define a molecularly distinct microglial subset whose function is to engulf neurons in the developing brain. We transcriptomically identified a cluster of Type I interferon (IFN-I) responsive microglia that expanded 20-fold in the postnatal day 5 somatosensory cortex after partial whisker deprivation, a stressor that accelerates neural circuit remodeling.In situ, IFN-I responsive microglia were highly phagocytic and actively engulfed whole neurons. Conditional deletion of IFN-I signaling (Ifnar1fl/fl) in microglia but not neurons resulted in dysmorphic microglia with stalled phagocytosis and an accumulation of neurons with double strand DNA breaks, a marker of cell stress. Conversely, exogenous IFN-I was sufficient to drive neuronal engulfment by microglia and restrict the accumulation of damaged neurons. IFN-I deficient mice had excess excitatory neurons in the developing somatosensory cortex as well as tactile hypersensitivity to whisker stimulation. These data define a molecular mechanism through which microglia engulf neurons during a critical window of brain development. More broadly, they reveal key homeostatic roles of a canonical antiviral signaling pathway in brain development. <<<
muton (2024-11-30 21:53):
#paper An abstract relational map emerges in the human medial prefrontal cortex with consolidation. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.10.11.617652 我们在面对一个问题时,如果能够识别问题背后的结构,那么对于解决这个问题,以及面对类似问题时候的泛化是及其有帮助的。最近的理论研究强调了与感官细节完全分离的显式结构表征对于泛化的有用性。啮齿动物的研究表明,这种结构的抽象是逐渐发生的,随着时间的推移在大脑皮层中进行。然而,在人类中这种显式关系表征的直接证据很少,它与巩固机制的关系尚未研究清楚。因此,作者使用一种图形学习的范式在人类内侧前额叶皮质中找到了这样一个关系图。重要的是,这种表征在学习后早期并没有表现出来,但在几天后却出现了。说明这种抽象的关系结构图是逐渐形成并抽象化的,并且最终存储在内侧前额叶。这一结果为理解人类强大的推理能力提供了新的视角。
AbstractUnderstanding the structure of a problem, such as the relationships between stimuli, supports fast learning and flexible reasoning. Recent theoretical suggestions have highlighted the usefulness of explicit structural representations that … >>>
AbstractUnderstanding the structure of a problem, such as the relationships between stimuli, supports fast learning and flexible reasoning. Recent theoretical suggestions have highlighted the usefulness of explicit structural representations that are fully divorced from sensory details for generalisation. Rodent work has suggested that abstraction of structure occurs gradually, over time, in cortex. However, direct evidence of such explicit relational representations in humans is scarce, and its relationship to consolidation mechanisms is underexplored. Here, we use a graph-learning paradigm to find such a relational map in the human medial prefrontal cortex. Importantly, this representation was absent early after learning but emerged on the time scale of days. These results shed new light on neural representations underlying the remarkable human ability to draw accurate inferences from little data. <<<
白鸟 (2024-11-30 20:32):
#paper doi: 10.1101/2024.01.11.575135 Comparative analysis of multiplexed in situ gene expression profiling technologies. bioRxiv.2024. Satija团队利用seurat分析不同技术平台的小鼠大脑空间数据,构建基准分析,也可间接评价不同技术平台的优劣。 跨平台基准测试,重要指标是每个细胞的分子数量。我们可以用 “空间捕获越多越好 ”来衡量,但实际上,这些指标不同技术差异较大,也很难解释清楚差异。 原因主要有两个:一是原位数据本身的差异,二是不同技术公司使用的标记panel非常不同。Satija团队尝试只比较两种技术之间的共享基因,但还是存在问题。如星形胶质细胞标记与神经元细胞标记是相斥的,它们不应该在同一个细胞内被检测到。单细胞转录组的数据也显示,两类型的marker是互斥的,不存在共表达。但在原位数据中,互斥marker存在不同程度的共表达。原因在于不同技术的细胞分割方法,细胞边界更大的区域会捕获更多的分子。如果细胞分割算法不统一,我们无法比较两个数据集的分子计数,这是不对等的评价。 原位空间基准测试,我们不能仅从作者提供的输出结果进行评判,我们需要制定衡量标准和分割流程来控制这种现象,比较不同技术的灵敏度。
AbstractThe burgeoning interest in in situ multiplexed gene expression profiling technologies has opened new avenues for understanding cellular behavior and interactions. In this study, we present a comparative benchmark analysis … >>>
AbstractThe burgeoning interest in in situ multiplexed gene expression profiling technologies has opened new avenues for understanding cellular behavior and interactions. In this study, we present a comparative benchmark analysis of six in situ gene expression profiling methods, including both commercially available and academically developed methods, using publicly accessible mouse brain datasets. We find that standard sensitivity metrics, such as the number of unique molecules detected per cell, are not directly comparable across datasets due to substantial differences in the incidence of off-target molecular artifacts impacting specificity. To address these challenges, we explored various potential sources of molecular artifacts, developed novel metrics to control for them, and utilized these metrics to evaluate and compare different in situ technologies. Finally, we demonstrate how molecular false positives can seriously confound spatially-aware differential expression analysis, requiring caution in the interpretation of downstream results. Our analysis provides guidance for the selection, processing, and interpretation of in situ spatial technologies. <<<
muton (2024-10-31 23:48):
#paper:doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.08.29.505742 Parallel cognitive maps for short-term statistical and long-term semantic relationships in the hippocampal formation 海马-内嗅皮层不仅加工空间信息,同时也加工其它类型的信息,如关系信息(社交信息)等。但是海马到底是把刺激的不同维度整合到一个联合地图中还是每个信息纬度都是一个平行地图?作者重新分析了之前Garvert等的核磁数据,实验任务可以构建出一个包含语义信息和统计规律的地图,作者通过计算模型,mds等方法计算证明了海马中是形成了多个地图的,并不是将多个结构整合到一个地图中。
AbstractThe hippocampal-entorhinal system uses cognitive maps to represent spatial knowledge and other types of relational information, such as the transition probabilities between objects. However, objects can often be characterized in … >>>
AbstractThe hippocampal-entorhinal system uses cognitive maps to represent spatial knowledge and other types of relational information, such as the transition probabilities between objects. However, objects can often be characterized in terms of different types of relations simultaneously, e.g. semantic similarities learned over the course of a lifetime as well as transitions experienced over a brief timeframe in an experimental setting. Here we ask how the hippocampal formation handles the embedding of stimuli in multiple relational structures that differ vastly in terms of their mode and timescale of acquisition: Does it integrate the different stimulus dimensions into one conjunctive map, or is each dimension represented in a parallel map? To this end, we reanalyzed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from Garvert et al. (2017) that had previously revealed an entorhinal map which coded for newly learnt statistical regularities. We used a triplet odd-one-out task to construct a semantic distance matrix for presented items and applied fMRI adaptation analysis to show that the degree of similarity of representations in bilateral hippocampus decreases as a function of semantic distance between presented objects. Importantly, while both maps localize to the hippocampal formation, this semantic map is anatomically distinct from the originally described entorhinal map. This finding supports the idea that the hippocampal-entorhinal system forms parallel cognitive maps reflecting the embedding of objects in diverse relational structures. <<<
李翛然 (2024-10-28 13:54):
#paper Modeling protein-small molecule conformational ensembles with ChemNet doi:10.1101/2024.09.25.614868 baker 又一力作,直接把我们最近正在想的共形几何问题引入蛋白质结构与小分子互作,已经直接实现出来了, 下一步其实就是把这个和Diffusion结合,那么小分子de-novo设计就可以完全自动化了。 baker帮我完成了50%的工作~~~
AbstractModeling the conformational heterogeneity of protein-small molecule systems is an outstanding challenge. We reasoned that while residue level descriptions of biomolecules are efficient for de novo structure prediction, for probing … >>>
AbstractModeling the conformational heterogeneity of protein-small molecule systems is an outstanding challenge. We reasoned that while residue level descriptions of biomolecules are efficient for de novo structure prediction, for probing heterogeneity of interactions with small molecules in the folded state an entirely atomic level description could have advantages in speed and generality. We developed a graph neural network called ChemNet trained to recapitulate correct atomic positions from partially corrupted input structures from the Cambridge Structural Database and the Protein Data Bank; the nodes of the graph are the atoms in the system. ChemNet accurately generates structures of diverse organic small molecules given knowledge of their atom composition and bonding, and given a description of the larger protein context, and builds up structures of small molecules and protein side chains for protein-small molecule docking. Because ChemNet is rapid and stochastic, ensembles of predictions can be readily generated to map conformational heterogeneity. In enzyme design efforts described here and elsewhere, we find that using ChemNet to assess the accuracy and pre-organization of the designed active sites results in higher success rates and higher activities; we obtain a preorganized retroaldolase with akcat/KMof 11000 M-1min- 1, considerably higher than any pre-deep learning design for this reaction. We anticipate that ChemNet will be widely useful for rapidly generating conformational ensembles of small molecule and small molecule-protein systems, and for designing higher activity preorganized enzymes. <<<
白鸟 (2024-09-30 23:10):
#paper doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.30.547258, Mitigating autocorrelation during spatially resolved transcriptomics data analysis. 此文为预刊文章,作者提出了一种空间整合 (SPIN)方法。我们在空间分析时,通常想识别组织中具有相似分子特征的区域或生态位。 对组织特异性邻域进行聚类,产生解剖学上的 "组织区域“。大多数的方法是平滑组织的基因表达特征,把每个细胞的特征向量用自身及其空间近邻的加权和表示。平滑会增加相邻细胞间的自相关性,导致区域划分的模糊性。SPIN方法在平滑之前对每个细胞的空间邻域进行随机抽样,可降低空间自相关性 ,将细胞自身的表达谱与邻近细胞的表达谱进行差异放大,同时仍能捕捉到它们的总体分子组成,"组织区域“的识别更为真实。
AbstractSeveral computational methods have recently been developed for characterizing molecular tissue regions in spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT) data. However, each method fundamentally relies on spatially smoothing transcriptomic features across neighboring … >>>
AbstractSeveral computational methods have recently been developed for characterizing molecular tissue regions in spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT) data. However, each method fundamentally relies on spatially smoothing transcriptomic features across neighboring cells. Here, we demonstrate that smoothing increases autocorrelation between neighboring cells, causing latent space to encode physical adjacency rather than spatial transcriptomic patterns. We find that randomly sub-sampling neighbors before smoothing mitigates autocorrelation, improving the performance of existing methods and further enabling a simpler, more efficient approach that we callspatialintegration (SPIN). SPIN leverages the conventional single-cell toolkit, yielding spatial analogies to each tool: clustering identifies molecular tissue regions; differentially expressed gene analysis calculates region marker genes; trajectory inference reveals continuous, molecularly defined ana tomical axes; and integration allows joint analysis across multiple SRT datasets, regardless of tissue morphology, spatial resolution, or experimental technology. We apply SPIN to SRT datasets from mouse and marmoset brains to calculate shared and species-specific region marker genes as well as a molecularly defined neocortical depth axis along which several genes and cell types differ across species. <<<
李翛然 (2024-07-30 20:10):
#paper DOI:10.1101/2023.08.08.552403 Identifying small-molecules binding sites in RNA conformational ensembles with SHAMAN 这篇文章怎么说呢,一看就是搞计算机人写的。我来说说为啥。 介绍了一种名为SHAMAN的计算技术,可以识别RNA结构集合中的潜在小分子结合位点。与依赖静态结构的其他计算工具不同,SHAMAN旨在解决RNA分子动态性带来的挑战。该技术通过分析RNA结构的构象集合,而不仅仅是单一静态结构,来识别潜在的结合位点。这种方法对于理解小分子与RNA柔性和动态性之间的相互作用特别有用。 这里面的关键点,是RNA的构象如何确定的,但是他是使用这个方法确定rna构象的: 1.使用分子动力学(MD)模拟来生成RNA的构象集合。论文中提到使用了Amber力场和TIP3P水模型进行了100 ns的MD模拟。 2.从MD轨迹中提取出具有代表性的RNA构象集合。作者使用了聚类算法来对MD轨迹进行聚类,选择了聚类中心作为代表性构象。 3. 这些代表性构象进行分析,识别小分子可能结合的位点。SHAMAN工具就是用来分析这些构象集合,预测小分子的可能结合位点。 这就很扯了, 用聚类的方法来选取最有可能的rna 结构,这不扯呢么! 邮箱TIP3P水模型就已经是生物容忍的最低限度了,居然在这个状态下模拟rna,然后用数学聚类的方法来选取构想。 有点扯!缺乏 实验室人员的嘲讽~~~哈哈
AbstractThe rational targeting of RNA with small molecules is hampered by our still limited understanding of RNA structural and dynamic properties. Mostin silicotools for binding site identification rely on static … >>>
AbstractThe rational targeting of RNA with small molecules is hampered by our still limited understanding of RNA structural and dynamic properties. Mostin silicotools for binding site identification rely on static structures and therefore cannot face the challenges posed by the dynamic nature of RNA molecules. Here, we present SHAMAN, a computational technique to identify potential small-molecule binding sites in RNA structural ensembles. SHAMAN enables exploring the conformational landscape of RNA with atomistic molecular dynamics and at the same time identifying RNA pockets in an efficient way with the aid of probes and enhanced-sampling techniques. In our benchmark composed of large, structured riboswitches as well as small, flexible viral RNAs, SHAMAN successfully identified all the experimentally resolved pockets and ranked them among the most favorite probe hotspots. Overall, SHAMAN sets a solid foundation for future drug design efforts targeting RNA with small molecules, effectively addressing the long-standing challenges in the field. <<<
颜林林 (2024-04-28 14:25):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.11.29.518309, bioRxiv, 2024, NanoTrans: an integrated computational framework for comprehensive transcriptome analysis with Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing. 这篇预发表文章,开发了一套分析流程NanoTrans,用于Nanopore直接RNA测序(DRS)数据,进行全面的转录组分析,包括各基因及其转录本的聚类、定量、poly-A尾巴长度profiling、RNA修饰分析、融合基因检测等。文章本身在技术上并没有特别的创新,但将各方面的分析步骤,比较全面地整合到一起,提供一站式的功能封装,并以单HTML形式输出结果报告,这对于使用者还是很友好且很有用的。同时,文章在多种真实数据集(包括酵母、拟南芥、人胚胎肾和癌细胞系)上进行了测试,以证明其适用于不同的生物学应用场景。我个人觉得,这种流程开发的工作,其实很难发表得比较好(当经常地,我们又不得不花大量时间来做),想要进一步提升价值,需要更深入地在某些特定场景下进行改进和优化,而不是一味求全,但相应地,针对特定场景的数据所做的优化,会进一步限制流程软件的适用范围,这种时候如果结果不出彩(比如没有一些新奇发现),最终价值也同样会非常受限。
Nanopore direct RNA sequencing (DRS) provides the direct access to native RNA strands with full-length information, shedding light on rich qualitative and quantitative properties of gene expression profiles. Here with … >>>
Nanopore direct RNA sequencing (DRS) provides the direct access to native RNA strands with full-length information, shedding light on rich qualitative and quantitative properties of gene expression profiles. Here with NanoTrans, we present an integrated computational framework that comprehensively covers all major DRS-based application scopes, including isoform clustering and quantification, poly(A) tail length estimation, RNA modification profiling, and fusion gene detection. In addition to its merit in providing such a streamlined one-stop solution, NanoTrans also shines in its workflow-orientated modular design, batch processing capability, all-in-one tabular and graphic report output, as well as automatic installation and configuration supports. Finally, by applying NanoTrans to real DRS datasets of yeast, Arabidopsis, as well as human embryonic kidney and cancer cell lines, we further demonstrated its utility, effectiveness, and efficacy across a wide range of DRS-based application settings. <<<
颜林林 (2024-03-13 05:35):
#paper doi:10.1101/2024.02.18.580107, 2024, FECDO-Flexible and Efficient Coding for DNA Odyssey. 这篇文献提出了一种新的DNA数据存储编码方法,FECDO(缩写自 Flexible and Efficient Coding for DNA Odyssey),旨在通过高效的数据压缩和灵活的编码策略来减少DNA合成成本,从而促进DNA数据存储技术的实用化。该方法首先使用深度学习方法(分别尝试了无任何先验知识的独立神经网络,以及预训练的语言模型)来提取数据特征,从而把要存储的数据,从独热编码张量(one-hot encoded tensor)转换成为边际概率序列,实现了压缩的过程;该概率序列被映射成为4字母(A、C、G、T)的碱基序列,进而再使用一个层次有限状态机(hierarchical finite state machine)排除掉不适合DNA存储的特殊编码(如连续相同碱基、有特殊二级结构等)。通过上述过程,本文方法通过实测文本和图像数据,对比bzip2方法,提高了12%-26%的压缩效率,这种压缩效率将反映到DNA合成成本的显著降低上,是DNA存储技术的关键问题。同时,本文还尝试将其中一组文字所编码的结果,实际合成为DNA(进行保存),之后使用PCR将目标片段扩增出来,使用NanoPore测序,再解码还原得到原始数据,从整个流程上对方法进行了验证。由于目前文章尚处于bioRxiv preprint(文章提交版本v2),只提供了正文全文和正文图表,并未提供补充材料、方法描述和程序源码,尚有许多实现和结果的细节未公布,我个人比较怀疑该方法的信息容错能力和实测效果,正文中图表上展现的非英语文本和图像的压缩效果看起来也不是很理想,这些都有待文章正式发表后看到相应解答。
DNA has been pursued as a compelling medium for digital data storage during the past decade. While large-scale data storage and random access have been achieved in artificial DNA, the … >>>
DNA has been pursued as a compelling medium for digital data storage during the past decade. While large-scale data storage and random access have been achieved in artificial DNA, the synthesis cost keeps hindering DNA data storage from popularizing into daily life. In this study, we proposed a more efficient paradigm for digital data compressing to DNA, while excluding arbitrary sequence constraints. Both standalone neural networks and pre-trained language models were used to extract the intrinsic patterns of data, and generated probabilistic portrayal, which was then transformed into constraint-free nucleotide sequences with a hierarchical finite state machine. Utilizing these methods, a 12%-26% improvement of compression ratio was realized for various data, which directly translated to up to 26% reduction in DNA synthesis cost. Combined with the progress in DNA synthesis, our methods are expected to facilitate the realization of practical DNA data storage. <<<
DeDe宝 (2023-10-18 10:48):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.18.553829,Temporal regularities shape perceptual decisions and striatal dopamine signals, bioRxiv, 2023。时间规律塑造感知决策和纹状体多巴胺信号,这里的时间规律指的是实验条件之间的转移概率,而不是我们一般理解的时间分布。文章对小鼠的视觉感知决策行为数据进行分析,总结行为数据关键特征并构建多试次部分可见马尔科夫强化学习模型(POMDP)捕捉并解释数据的关键特征。研究者还比对了公开数据集中99只小鼠在相似实验下的行为表现,说明小鼠更依赖2-back而非1-back决策和决策结果的权重不是由于本实验的实验设计导致,可能是知觉实验中的一种默认策略。最后,研究者发现多巴胺的分泌模式能够和强化学习中的关键预测印证。
AbstractPerceptual decisions should depend on sensory evidence. However, such decisions are also influenced by past choices and outcomes. These choice history biases may reflect advantageous strategies to exploit temporal regularities … >>>
AbstractPerceptual decisions should depend on sensory evidence. However, such decisions are also influenced by past choices and outcomes. These choice history biases may reflect advantageous strategies to exploit temporal regularities of natural environments. However, it is unclear whether and how observers can adapt their choice history biases to different temporal regularities, to exploit the multitude of temporal correlations that exist in nature. Here, we show that mice adapt their perceptual choice history biases to different temporal regularities. This adaptation is well captured by a normative reinforcement learning algorithm with multi-trial belief states, comprising both current trial sensory and previous trial memory states. We demonstrate that striatal dopamine tracks predictions of the model and behavior, pointing towards the involvement of dopamine in forming adaptive history biases. Our results reveal the adaptive nature of perceptual choice history biases, and shed light on their underlying computational principles and neural implementation. <<<
Ricardo (2023-09-21 17:32):
#paper https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.09.15.557874v1.full SACNet: A Multiscale Diffeomorphic Convolutional Registration Network with Prior Neuroanatomical Constraints for Flexible Susceptibility Artifact Correction in Echo Planar Imaging 这是我最近released的一个工作。由于回波平面成像技术成像(EPI)速度较快,因此弥散磁共振成像和功能磁共振成像大都会采用EPI技术进行影像采集工作。但是EPI图像中一般会存在磁敏感性伪影(Susceptibility Artifacts, SAs),从而会导致采集的影像存在几何和信号上的扭曲。目前的伪影校正算法一般是针对特定采集序列的图像开发专门的方法,并且存在处理时间较长且校正质量有限等问题。因此,在这个研究中,我提出了一个基于无监督学习的卷积配准网络的伪影校正框架,该框架有以下几点技术创新:1. 我们建立了一个统一的数学框架,通过修正模型超参数,从而可以灵活地用于多相位编码和单相位编码数据的校正;2. 我们通过修改核物理领域内用于模拟无限深势阱的Woods-Saxon势函数,从而提出了一个微分同胚保持函数,用于生成微分同胚形变场;3. 我们设计了一个先验解剖学信息约束函数,从而将没有伪影的T1w/T2w图像中的先验结构信息纳入模型中;4. 我们最后针对该问题设计了一套多尺度的训练及推理协议用于网络的快速训练并优化模型收敛。通过在涵盖新生儿、儿童以及健康成年人的2000个脑影像扫描数据上实验证明,我们的方法比现有的方法表现出更加优异的性能。
AbstractSusceptibility artifacts (SAs), which are inevitable for modern diffusion brain MR images with single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI) protocols in wide large-scale neuroimaging datasets, severely hamper the accurate detection of … >>>
AbstractSusceptibility artifacts (SAs), which are inevitable for modern diffusion brain MR images with single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI) protocols in wide large-scale neuroimaging datasets, severely hamper the accurate detection of the human brain white matter structure. While several conventional and deep-learning based distortion correction methods have been proposed, the correction quality and model generality of these approaches are still limited. Here, we proposed the SACNet, a flexible SAs correction (SAC) framework for brain diffusion MR images of various phase-encoding EPI protocols based on an unsupervised learning-based registration convolutional neural network. This method could generate smooth diffeomorphic warps with optional neuroanatomy guidance to correct both geometric and intensity distortions of SAs. By employing near 2000 brain scans covering neonatal, child, adult and traveling participants, our SACNet consistently demonstrates state-of-the-art correction performance and effectively eliminates SAs-related multicenter effects compared with existing SAC methods. To facilitate the development of standard SAC tools for future neuroimaging studies, we also created easy-to-use command lines incorporating containerization techniques for quick user deployment. <<<
尹志 (2023-04-30 10:32):
#paper Broadly applicable and accurate protein design by integrating structure prediction networks and diffusion generative models doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.09.519842 这篇文章提出了一种全新的蛋白质设计方法,叫做rf diffusion,它使用深度生成学习生成全新的蛋白质结构。文章主要使用的是 diffusion model,考虑到蛋白质骨架的复杂几何性质以及氨基酸序列-结构的复杂关系,蛋白质生成任务一直以来的挑战很大。这篇工作 使用diffusion model的思路如下:1.使用RoseTTAFold作为去噪网络,考虑到RoseTTA本来就是baker组用来做蛋白质设计的(更多的是基于物理的),这个去噪网络的选择还是很巧妙的;2.整个加噪去噪过程主要针对alpha碳原子的坐标进行,因此rf diffusion的思路是先对骨架结构进行生成的;3.然后full 的protein structure是通过backbone tracking的技术来实现的,这个过程可以理解为基于一些几何约束、bond的长度角度参数等等为已经预测的alpha碳原子添加缺失的bond和原子,4.侧链是通过rotamer实现的,rotamer是一个已经对 每个氨基酸残基做了预先计算的库,它可以为你选择符合能量最优的构象的侧链结构。 因此整个蛋白质生成的过程可以认为是深度生成模型+物理约束+后处理(预先计算)来实现的。当然,这篇工作也做了很多的实验对设计进行验证。baker组在之后使用了rfdiffusion做了后续的一些设计工作,包括De novo design of high-affinity protein binders to bioactive helical peptides这个工作,并在不久前开源了rf diffusion的代码,也有很多蛋白质设计的研究人员开始大量尝试 基于rfdiffusion的设计,并尝试进行湿实验的验证,因此这绝对是一篇开创性的工作,值得各位小伙伴关注。
AbstractThere has been considerable recent progress in designing new proteins using deep learning methods1–9. Despite this progress, a general deep learning framework for protein design that enables solution of a … >>>
AbstractThere has been considerable recent progress in designing new proteins using deep learning methods1–9. Despite this progress, a general deep learning framework for protein design that enables solution of a wide range of design challenges, includingde novobinder design and design of higher order symmetric architectures, has yet to be described. Diffusion models10,11have had considerable success in image and language generative modeling but limited success when applied to protein modeling, likely due to the complexity of protein backbone geometry and sequence-structure relationships. Here we show that by fine tuning the RoseTTAFold structure prediction network on protein structure denoising tasks, we obtain a generative model of protein backbones that achieves outstanding performance on unconditional and topology-constrained protein monomer design, protein binder design, symmetric oligomer design, enzyme active site scaffolding, and symmetric motif scaffolding for therapeutic and metal-binding protein design. We demonstrate the power and generality of the method, called RoseTTAFold Diffusion (RFdiffusion), by experimentally characterizing the structures and functions of hundreds of new designs. In a manner analogous to networks which produce images from user-specified inputs, RFdiffusionenables the design of diverse, complex, functional proteins from simple molecular specifications. <<<
张德祥 (2023-03-20 10:45):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.05.17.492325 Inferring Neural Activity Before Plasticity: A Foundation for Learning Beyond Backpropagation 超越GPT需要从更底层的技术改进,BP是深度学习的核心,生物算法比BP更高效,生物算法是超越BP的一个途径,这篇论文给出了很好的解释及后续论文有一些实验及算法,效率已经可以匹配BP,仍然有更多的优点, 更多可以参考 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lPzGvY6oOnwzVgxDr9ePpA
AbstractFor both humans and machines, the essence of learning is to pinpoint which components in its information processing pipeline are responsible for an error in its output — a challenge … >>>
AbstractFor both humans and machines, the essence of learning is to pinpoint which components in its information processing pipeline are responsible for an error in its output — a challenge that is known ascredit assignment. How the brain solves credit assignment is a key question in neuroscience, and also of significant importance for artificial intelligence. It has long been assumed that credit assignment is best solved by backpropagation, which is also the foundation of modern machine learning. However, it has been questioned whether it is possible for the brain to implement backpropagation and learning in the brain may actually be more efficient and effective than backpropagation. Here, we set out a fundamentally different principle on credit assignment, calledprospective configuration. In prospective configuration, the network first infers the pattern of neural activity that should result from learning, and then the synaptic weights are modified to consolidate the change in neural activity. We demonstrate that this distinct mechanism, in contrast to backpropagation, (1) underlies learning in a well-established family of models of cortical circuits, (2) enables learning that is more efficient and effective in many contexts faced by biological organisms, and (3) reproduces surprising patterns of neural activity and behaviour observed in diverse human and animal learning experiments. Our findings establish a new foundation for learning beyond backpropagation, for both understanding biological learning and building artificial intelligence. <<<
muton (2023-01-31 23:03):
#paper # Yu, W., Zadbood, A., Chanales, A. J., & Davachi, L. (2022). Repetition accelerates neural markers of memory consolidation. bioRxiv, 2022-12.https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.14.520481; 认知加工过程中一旦体验结束,神经记忆表征就开始通过记忆回放的过程得到加强和转化。使用功能磁共振成像技术,作者研究了编码过程中通过重复操纵而改变的记忆强度如何调节人类的编码后回放。结果显示,重复不能增强海马的回放频率,但是皮层区域的回放以及皮层海马共同协调的回放在重复事件中被显著增强,表明重复加速了记忆巩固的过程,另外在海马和皮层的回放频率可以调节即时联想辨认测试中编码较弱的信息的行为成功率,这表明了编码后回放在帮助回忆曾经出现过事件的重要作用。总的来说这篇文章突出了回放在巩固较弱记忆和加速皮层记忆巩固来增强记忆过程中的作用。
AbstractNo sooner is an experience over than its neural memory representation begins to be strengthened and transformed through the process of memory replay. Using fMRI, we examined how memory strength … >>>
AbstractNo sooner is an experience over than its neural memory representation begins to be strengthened and transformed through the process of memory replay. Using fMRI, we examined how memory strength manipulated through repetition during encoding modulates post-encoding replay in humans. Results revealed that repetition did not increase replay frequency in the hippocampus. However, replay in cortical regions and hippocampal-cortical coordinated replay were significantly enhanced for repeated events, suggesting that repetition accelerates the consolidation process. Interestingly, we found that replay frequency in both hippocampus and cortex modulated behavioral success on an immediate associative recognition test for the weakly encoded information, indicating a significant role for post-encoding replay in rescuing once-presented events. Together, our findings highlight the relationships of replay to stabilizing weak memories and accelerating cortical consolidation for strong memories. <<<
muton (2022-12-31 22:43):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.03.510672 Human hippocampal ripples signal encoding of episodic memories biorixv 2022 海马尖波涟漪是在哺乳动物电生理中发现的一个很特别具有代表性的成分,最开始是在小鼠研究中被发现,随着人类脑电记录的发展,颅内记录的出现让研究尖波涟漪在人类中变为现实,以往在人类的研究中更多关注于ripple和记忆提取之间的关系,很少研究在编码信息,尤其是单个项目时ripple的作用,本文则填补了这一空白,通过124名被试的情景记忆任务表现,作者发现虽然在MTL等重要脑区能够发现高频信号的随后记忆效应,但ripple并未表现出差异,但令人新奇的是ripple会在记忆item在编码时间上相近或语义相近的item时表现出更频繁的发放,也被称为一种聚类效应,并且这一现象在编码和提取阶段都能够被发现,这种现象可能代表了一种对于记忆的保留,有助于预测和提取记忆。本篇文章对于探究ripple这一脑电成分在人类情景记忆中的功能有重要提示。
AbstractRecent human electrophysiology work has uncovered the presence of high frequency oscillatory events, termed ripples, during awake behavior. This prior work focuses on ripples in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) … >>>
AbstractRecent human electrophysiology work has uncovered the presence of high frequency oscillatory events, termed ripples, during awake behavior. This prior work focuses on ripples in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) during memory retrieval. Few studies, however, investigate ripples during item encoding. Many studies have found neural activity during encoding that predicts later recall, termed subsequent memory effects (SMEs), but it is unclear if ripples during encoding also predict subsequent recall. Detecting ripples in 124 neurosurgical participants performing an episodic memory task, we find insignificant ripple SMEs in any MTL region, even as these regions exhibit robust high frequency activity (HFA) SMEs. Instead, hippocampal ripples increase during encoding of items leading to recall of temporally or semantically associated items, a phenomenon known as clustering. This subsequent clustering effect (SCE) arises specifically when hippocampal ripples occur during both encoding and retrieval, suggesting that ripples mediate the encoding and future reinstatement of episodic memories. <<<
Ricardo (2022-10-31 23:13):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/251512 Unbiased construction of a temporally consistent morphological atlas of neonatal brain development 这是UCL一名已毕业的博士在博士期间做的新生儿脑模板构建的工作,但是一直没有见刊,至今还挂在bioRxiv上。为构建无偏的脑模板,作者首先通过成对的线性配准寻找公共空间,在这个全局配准阶段,模板构建算法可以暂时忽略全局的形状变化,而专注于局部的形变。其次,作者介绍了一个快速且无偏的配准算法。最后,作者利用kernel regression的方法分配每个被试的权重,用于生成对应孕周的脑模板。
bioRxiv, 2018. DOI: 10.1101/251512
AbstractPremature birth increases the risk of developing neurocognitive and neurobe-havioural disorders. The mechanisms of altered brain development causing these disorders are yet unknown. Studying the morphology and function of the … >>>
AbstractPremature birth increases the risk of developing neurocognitive and neurobe-havioural disorders. The mechanisms of altered brain development causing these disorders are yet unknown. Studying the morphology and function of the brain during maturation provides us not only with a better understanding of normal development, but may help us to identify causes of abnormal development and their consequences. A particular difficulty is to distinguish abnormal patterns of neurodevelopment from normal variation. The Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) seeks to create a detailed four-dimensional (4D) connectome of early life. This connectome may provide insights into normal as well as abnormal patterns of brain development. As part of this project, more than a thousand healthy fetal and neonatal brains will be scanned in vivo. This requires computational methods which scale well to larger data sets. We propose a novel groupwise method for the construction of a spatio-temporal model of mean morphology from cross-sectional brain scans at different gestational ages. This model scales linearly with the number of images and thus improves upon methods used to build existing public neonatal atlases, which derive correspondence between all pairs of images. By jointly estimating mean shape and longitudinal change, the atlas created with our method overcomes temporal inconsistencies, which are encountered when mean shape and intensity images are constructed separately for each time point. Using this approach, we have constructed a spatio-temporal atlas from 275 healthy neonates between 35 and 44 weeks post-menstrual age (PMA). The resulting atlas qualitatively preserves cortical details significantly better than publicly available atlases. This is moreover confirmed by a number of quantitative measures of the quality of the spatial normalisation and sharpness of the resulting template brain images. <<<
周周复始 (2022-10-26 20:17):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.04.433968,Deep Diffusion MRI Registration (DDMReg): A Deep Learning Method for Diffusion MRI Registration。本文基于深度学习提出了新的配准框架,用于dmri数据的配准。由于dmri数据既包含水分子扩散强度也包含水扩散方向信息,所以配准dmri,既要使全脑解剖结构对齐也要让纤维束方向保持一致,传统配准方法存在的问题是要么不包含方向信息,要么是专门针对纤维束进行配准不能保证全脑结构的对齐。本文方法的输入数据包含了代表全脑解剖结构信息的FA图像和代表纤维束方向的TOM图像,通过一个基于voxelmorph改进后的DDMReg网络架构,训练出的模型效果与最先进的四种方法(SyN,DTI-Tk,MRReg,voxelmorph)相比是最优的。
AbstractIn this paper, we present a deep learning method, DDMReg, for accurate registration between diffusion MRI (dMRI) datasets. In dMRI registration, the goal is to spatially align brain anatomical structures … >>>
AbstractIn this paper, we present a deep learning method, DDMReg, for accurate registration between diffusion MRI (dMRI) datasets. In dMRI registration, the goal is to spatially align brain anatomical structures while ensuring that local fiber orientations remain consistent with the underlying white matter fiber tract anatomy. DDMReg is a novel method that uses joint whole-brain and tract-specific information for dMRI registration. Based on the successful VoxelMorph framework for image registration, we propose a novel registration architecture that leverages not only whole brain information but also tract-specific fiber orientation information. DDMReg is an unsupervised method for deformable registration between pairs of dMRI datasets: it does not require nonlinearly pre-registered training data or the corresponding deformation fields as ground truth. We perform comparisons with four state-of-the-art registration methods on multiple independently acquired datasets from different populations (including teenagers, young and elderly adults) and different imaging protocols and scanners. We evaluate the registration performance by assessing the ability to align anatomically corresponding brain structures and ensure fiber spatial agreement between different subjects after registration. Experimental results show that DDMReg obtains significantly improved registration performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Importantly, we demonstrate successful generalization of DDMReg to dMRI data from different populations with varying ages and acquired using different acquisition protocols and different scanners. <<<
颜林林 (2022-09-11 23:59):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.09.09.453067 bioRxiv, 2022, HexSE: Simulating evolution in overlapping reading frames. 重叠基因是在病毒(质粒)中发现的一种有趣现象,即同一段核酸序列,因为翻译蛋白质的起始位置不同(即阅读框不同)导致形成不同蛋白。到目前为止的研究,发现在许多物种中都存在此现象。本文通过分析序列演化速率,来从积累的大量已被测序的基因组数据中,寻找这样的重叠基因。其基本假设是,如果存在重叠基因,则相应序列上受到的演化选择压力会有所不同,于是在结果上呈现出不同的演化速率。这是个很有意思的思路和研究课题。
Motivation: Gene overlap occurs when two or more genes are encoded by the same nucleotides. This phenomenon is found in all taxonomic domains, but is particularly common in viruses, where … >>>
Motivation: Gene overlap occurs when two or more genes are encoded by the same nucleotides. This phenomenon is found in all taxonomic domains, but is particularly common in viruses, where it may provide a mechanism to increase the information content of compact genomes. The presence of overlapping reading frames (OvRFs) can skew estimates of selection based on the rates of non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions, since a substitution that is synonymous in one reading frame may be non-synonymous in another, and vice versa. Results: To understand the impact of OvRFs on molecular evolution, we implemented a versatile simulation model of nucleotide sequence evolution along a phylogeny with an arbitrary distribution of reading frames. We use a custom data structure to track the substitution rates at every nucleotide site, which is determined by the stationary nucleotide frequencies, transition bias, and the distribution of selection biases (dN/dS) in the respective reading frames. Availability and implementation: Our simulation model is implemented in the Python scripting language. All source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3, and is available at https://github.com/PoonLab/HexSE. <<<
颜林林 (2022-08-26 23:18):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.08.24.505159 bioRxiv, 2022, A genome-wide atlas of recurrent repeat expansions in human cancer. 这篇来自斯坦福大学的Michael Snyder团队。通过重分析来自ICGC和TCGA的2622个癌症全基因组测序数据,涉及29个癌种,从中鉴定出160个重复序列扩张(recurrent repeat expansions, rRE)事件,且这些事件绝大多数都与特定癌症亚型相关。这些重复序列所处基因组区域,也富集在某些基因的调控元件附近,提示了它们在基因调控方面可能发挥作用。其中一个GAAA重复发生在UGT2B7基因的内含子中,在34%的肾细胞癌样本中都能观察到,于是通过斯坦福癌症中心入组了12例肾癌病例,对其样本开展了二代测序(Illumina NovaSeq)和三代测序(PacBio),验证了该rRE事件的发生。
Expansion of a single repetitive DNA sequence, termed a tandem repeat (TR), is known to cause more than 50 diseases. However, repeat expansions are often not explored beyond neurological and … >>>
Expansion of a single repetitive DNA sequence, termed a tandem repeat (TR), is known to cause more than 50 diseases. However, repeat expansions are often not explored beyond neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. In some cancers, mutations accumulate in short tracts of TRs (STRs), a phenomenon termed microsatellite instability (MSI); however larger repeat expansions have not been systematically analyzed in cancer. Here, we identified TR expansions in 2,622 cancer genomes, spanning 29 cancer types. In 7 cancer types, we found 160 recurrent repeat expansions (rREs); most of these (155/160) were subtype specific. We found that rREs were non-uniformly distributed in the genome with an enrichment near candidate cis-regulatory elements, suggesting a role in gene regulation. One rRE located near a regulatory element in the first intron of UGT2B7 was detected in 34% of renal cell carcinoma samples and was validated by long-read DNA sequencing. Moreover, targeting cells harboring this rRE with a rationally designed, sequence-specific DNA binder led to a dose-dependent decrease in cell proliferation. Overall, our results demonstrate that rREs are an important but unexplored source of genetic variation in human cancers, and we provide a comprehensive catalog for further study. <<<