惊鸿 (2024-09-11 14:53):
#paper Pub Date  : 2024-09-09 DOI : 10.1073/pnas.2403200121青春期是社会情感显着发展的时期,伴随着大脑结构和功能的巨大变化。由于 COVID-19 大流行而实施的封锁导致的社会隔离对青少年的心理健康产生了不利影响,其中女性的心理健康比男性受到的影响更大。我们评估了 COVID-19 大流行封锁对青少年大脑结构的影响,重点关注性别差异。我们纵向收集了大流行封锁前后青少年的 MRI 结构数据。新冠疫情前的数据用于创建典型青少年发育期间皮质厚度随年龄变化的规范模型。将新冠疫情后数据中的皮质厚度值与该规范模型进行了比较。分析显示,新冠疫情后大脑皮质加速变薄,这种现象在整个大脑中更为广泛,并且女性的程度比男性更大。当以同等发育年数来衡量时,女性的平均加速度为 4.2 岁,男性的平均加速度为 1.4 岁。发育过程中的慢性压力或逆境会导致大脑加速成熟,这一点已有充分记录。这些发现表明,与 COVID-19 大流行封锁相关的生活方式中断导致了大脑生物学的变化,并且对女性大脑的影响比男性大脑更严重。
COVID-19 lockdown effects on adolescent brain structure suggest accelerated maturation that is more pronounced in females than in males
Adolescence is a period of substantial social-emotional development, accompanied by dramatic changes to brain structure and function. Social isolation due to lockdowns that were imposed because of the COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental impact on adolescent mental health, with the mental health of females more affected than males. We assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on adolescent brain structure with a focus on sex differences. We collected MRI structural data longitudinally from adolescents prior to and after the pandemic lockdowns. The pre-COVID data were used to create a normative model of cortical thickness change with age during typical adolescent development. Cortical thickness values in the post-COVID data were compared to this normative model. The analysis revealed accelerated cortical thinning in the post-COVID brain, which was more widespread throughout the brain and greater in magnitude in females than in males. When measured in terms of equivalent years of development, the mean acceleration was found to be 4.2 y in females and 1.4 y in males. Accelerated brain maturation as a result of chronic stress or adversity during development has been well documented. These findings suggest that the lifestyle disruptions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns caused changes in brain biology and had a more severe impact on the female than the male brain.