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(2025-01-31 20:39):
#paper Genomic investigation of 18,421 lines reveals the genetic architecture of rice. Science 5 july 2024, DOI: 10.1126/science.adm8762](https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adm8762. 现在植物育种改良的一种方法是挖掘现有的自然变异,然后评估该变异类型对育种如产量、株高、抗性等方面的影响,后续将该自然变异通过构建群体引入,查看其作用。而一般文章中的自然变异大多数都是单个性状进行分析,后续利用分子湿实验进行验证,但是大部分性状是受多基因控制的数量性状,有时候变化的牵一发动全身,有时候是变了会有替补进行补给,所以对于基因和性状之间的复杂关系如何通过构建群体来鉴定,如何构建水稻一本基因自然变异手册对于育种改良具有重要意义。该文章基于大规模永久群体 (18K-rice) 和整合基因组学方法,构建了高质量的水稻遗传结构图谱。还开发了一种名为 RiceG2G(Rice GWAS to Gene)的整合基因组学方法,以系统地优先排序性状相关位点的因果基因和变异,类似于人类 GWAS 中实施的方法。RiceG2G 整合了遗传关联、基因注释、转录组学、功能基因组学和有害变异,并为每个候选基因生成一个评分。后续对这个方法找了两个基因验证的有效性。此外还评估了每个性状的上位性,还构建了基因互作网络和上位性互作图谱。
DOI: 10.1126/science.adm8762
Understanding how numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL) shape phenotypic variation is an important question in genetics. To address this, we established a permanent population of 18,421 (18K) rice lines with …
Understanding how numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL) shape phenotypic variation is an important question in genetics. To address this, we established a permanent population of 18,421 (18K) rice lines with reduced population structure. We generated reference-level genome assemblies of the founders and genotyped all 18K-rice lines through whole-genome sequencing. Through high-resolution mapping, 96 high-quality candidate genes contributing to variation in 16 traits were identified, including OsMADS22 and OsFTL1 verified as causal genes for panicle number and heading date, respectively. We identified epistatic QTL pairs and constructed a genetic interaction network with 19 genes serving as hubs. Overall, 170 masking epistasis pairs were characterized, serving as an important factor contributing to genetic background effects across diverse varieties. The work provides a basis to guide grain yield and quality improvements in rice.
(2024-12-31 19:56):
#paper Engineering source–sink relations by prime editing confers heat-stress resilience in tomato and rice, Cell,doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.005,该研究针对高温逆境导致的番茄落花落果、品质低下,水稻秃尖、瘪壳等引起主要粮食和蔬菜作物大幅减产的农业生产实际问题,创建了环境智能高产稳产育种技术,该技术相当于给作物源库关系调控的关键枢纽基因安装一个温度感应器,赋予该基因实时感应温度变化自动优化源库分配的能力,创制了顺境高产逆境稳产的作物新种质。
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.005
Engineering source-sink relations by prime editing confers heat-stress resilience in tomato and rice
No abstract available.
(2024-11-30 21:45):
#paper Pan-genome bridges wheat structural variations with habitat and breeding,Nature,doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08277-0文章对中国育种过程中具有代表性的17个品种进行从头组装和注释。通过整合17个新组装的基因组和4个先前发表的基因组(CS、Fielder、Kariega和Attraktion)进行泛基因组分析,并通过直系同源基因鉴定,将21个基因组中的基因归类为170,517个潜在基因家族。后续对不同时期(50-60年代、80-90年代和2000年以后)基因组中NLR基因的拷贝数进行分析,发现80-90年代育成审定的小麦品种,如XY6和YM158,具有最多的NLR基因拷贝数。随着时间推移,CC-NBARC-LRR基因的拷贝数略有下降,而其他NLR基因(如NBARC-LRR)的变化不显著。对小麦春冬性基因 VRN-A1和籽粒硬度性状基因PIN基因的结构变异进行分析,发现不同的生态型跟环境和人文饮食习惯相关。该研究一方面扩大了小麦现有的参考基因组,在测序材料选择方便考虑到中国育种过程的材料品种和饮食习惯相结合,文章的故事性更丰富。此外文章关注了小麦育种的抗性蛋白NLR基因,为后续的小麦抗性育种研究提供了宝贵的资源。
(2024-10-30 19:59):
#paper Genetic control of branching patterns in grass inflorescences 2022,The Plant Cell doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac080, 文章对禾本科植物的产量主要受花序组织控制,其中花序发育是禾本科植物的研究重点。这篇综述聚焦于花序分生组织向小穗过渡的生长时期,详细阐述了禾本科植物花序结构的生长特征,论述了一些禾本科作物花序发育的保守模块,如腋分生组织、次级和高级分支结构的形成,此外还分析了生长激素及多个基因构成的调控网络在营养生长和小穗发育中的功能,其中具体的发育进程因自然和人为选择的不同而存在显著差异。
The Plant Cell,
DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koac080
Abstract Inflorescence branching in the grasses controls the number of florets and hence the number of seeds. Recent data on the underlying genetics come primarily from rice and maize, although …
Abstract Inflorescence branching in the grasses controls the number of florets and hence the number of seeds. Recent data on the underlying genetics come primarily from rice and maize, although new data are accumulating in other systems as well. This review focuses on a window in developmental time from the production of primary branches by the inflorescence meristem through to the production of glumes, which indicate the transition to producing a spikelet. Several major developmental regulatory modules appear to be conserved among most or all grasses. Placement and development of primary branches are controlled by conserved auxin regulatory genes. Subtending bracts are repressed by a network including TASSELSHEATH4, and axillary branch meristems are regulated largely by signaling centers that are adjacent to but not within the meristems themselves. Gradients of SQUAMOSA-PROMOTER BINDING-like and APETALA2-like proteins and their microRNA regulators extend along the inflorescence axis and the branches, governing the transition from production of branches to production of spikelets. The relative speed of this transition determines the extent of secondary and higher order branching. This inflorescence regulatory network is modified within individual species, particularly as regards formation of secondary branches. Differences between species are caused both by modifications of gene expression and regulators and by presence or absence of critical genes. The unified networks described here may provide tools for investigating orphan crops and grasses other than the well-studied maize and rice.
(2024-09-30 17:09):
#paper An ethylene biosynthesis enzyme controls quantitative variation in maize ear length and kernel yield, Nature Communications, 05 October 2021, DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-26123-z. 玉米穗的大小和粒数在不同品种间有所差异,然而关于穗长及其对粒数影响的分子基础所知甚少。玉米雌穗授粉后,由花序分生组织(IM)衍生的小穗分生组织(SMs)发育成籽粒,因此,IM的生长发育决定了玉米花序上的小穗和籽粒的数量。作者鉴定出一个qEL7的数量性状位点,该位点控制穗长、籽粒数目和育性,利用NIL群体发现qEL7SL17和qEL7Ye478在穗长、花期、行粒数、百粒重、穗重之间存在显著的差异。后续对SMs统计发现qEL7Ye478 长穗 NIL 品种中的小花败育率(~18.7%)显著低于 qEL7SL17 短穗 NIL 品种中的小花败育率(~44.7%)。这些结果表明,长穗 qEL7Ye478 中玉米粒的增多是由于发育成种子的小花比例更高,而不是由于小花产量增加。利用精细定位确定一个Zm0001d020686的基因为候选基因,该基因编码 1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸氧化酶 2 (ACO2),称之为 ZmACO2。对来自 QTL 亲本的 ZmACO2 进行测序,发现其 5ʹ-非翻译区 (UTR) 和启动子区中有 5 个插入/缺失 (InDels) 和 11 个单核苷酸多态性 (SNP),但编码区中的序列完全相同 。与非编码区域的这些差异一致,ZmACO2 在发育中的穗中的表达在亲本系中存在差异,长穗 qEL7Ye478 系中的表达低于短穗 qEL7SL17 系 (P < 0.01) 。这些结果表明启动子中的序列变异导致 qEL7Ye478 和 qEL7SL17 之间 ZmACO2 表达和穗表型的差异。该基因在乙烯生物合成的最后一步起作用,并特定表达于发育中的花序域中。通过编辑ZmACO2基因确认qEL7,导致发育中穗的乙烯产量减少,并促进分生组织和花朵发展,结果使得杂交种每穗谷物产量增加了约13.4%。最后作者提出,乙烯是花序发展中的关键信号,影响小穗数量、花的育性、穗长和粒数,并且还提供了一种通过优化玉米或其他谷物中的乙烯水平来提高谷物生产力的工具。
Nature Communications,
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26123-z
An ethylene biosynthesis enzyme controls quantitative variation in maize ear length and kernel yield
AbstractMaize ear size and kernel number differ among lines, however, little is known about the molecular basis of ear length and its impact on kernel number. Here, we characterize a …
AbstractMaize ear size and kernel number differ among lines, however, little is known about the molecular basis of ear length and its impact on kernel number. Here, we characterize a quantitative trait locus, qEL7, to identify a maize gene controlling ear length, flower number and fertility. qEL7 encodes 1-aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylate oxidase2 (ACO2), a gene that functions in the final step of ethylene biosynthesis and is expressed in specific domains in developing inflorescences. Confirmation of qEL7 by gene editing of ZmACO2 leads to a reduction in ethylene production in developing ears, and promotes meristem and flower development, resulting in a ~13.4% increase in grain yield per ear in hybrids lines. Our findings suggest that ethylene serves as a key signal in inflorescence development, affecting spikelet number, floral fertility, ear length and kernel number, and also provide a tool to improve grain productivity by optimizing ethylene levels in maize or in other cereals.
(2024-08-31 22:00):
#paper Convergent selection of a WD40 protein that enhances grain yield in maize and rice DOI: 10.1126/science.abg798. 文章对玉米和水稻中控制籽粒行数的基因发现趋同进化。首先在玉米中利用RIL群体鉴定到了一个关于穗行数的基因,图位克隆发现一个KRN2基因,验证分子机理后。后续又在水稻同源鉴定该及验证该基因能够控制水稻的分支数。研究人员在多种环境中种植玉米KRN2和水稻OsKRN2基因敲除系进行产量测试。经过三种环境的田间试验表明,玉米和水稻的KRN2基因敲除系KRN增加使得产量增加,其他农艺性状没有明显改变。这些发现表明,KRN2/OsKRN2等位基因完全丧失功能可提高粮食产量,但对试验环境中其他农艺性状没有明显的负面影响。最后在水稻和玉米的全基因组上鉴定这些同源进化的基因,发现玉米和水稻中都经历了趋同选择的同源基因对,不同类型的淀粉合成相关酶功能高度保守,尽管它们在玉米和水稻中的拷贝数和同工酶数量不同。这些发现表明,一些同源基因在相同的代谢或调控途径中起作用,但它们在不同作物中的选择路径可能不同。通过趋同选择实现的遗传趋同程度与给定选择的基因网络的保守性和复杂性有关。
DOI: 10.1126/science.abg7985
A better understanding of the extent of convergent selection among crops could greatly improve breeding programs. We found that the quantitative trait locus KRN2 in maize and its rice ortholog, …
A better understanding of the extent of convergent selection among crops could greatly improve breeding programs. We found that the quantitative trait locus KRN2 in maize and its rice ortholog, OsKRN2 , experienced convergent selection. These orthologs encode WD40 proteins and interact with a gene of unknown function, DUF1644, to negatively regulate grain number in both crops. Knockout of KRN2 in maize or OsKRN2 in rice increased grain yield by ~10% and ~8%, respectively, with no apparent trade-offs in other agronomic traits. Furthermore, genome-wide scans identified 490 pairs of orthologous genes that underwent convergent selection during maize and rice evolution, and these were enriched for two shared molecular pathways. KRN2 , together with other convergently selected genes, provides an excellent target for future crop improvement.
(2024-07-31 15:18):
#paper Biofortification of iron content by regulating a NAC transcription factor in maize, Science, 7 Dec 2023, DOI: 10.1126/science.adf3256. 玉米籽粒铁的含量对人类健康具有重要的作用,该项研究发现一个NAC的转录因子能够提高籽粒中的Fe的含量,并且该基因能够在果仁基部胚乳转移层中富集表达,该蛋白可以直接调节铁转运体mRNA的丰度,并且该课题组也培育了富含铁元素的玉米品种。该项工作从GWAS找候选基因的流程,逻辑性强,一步步的验证该基因的确是籽粒富含铁的候选基因,这个方法可以借鉴。
Iron (Fe) deficiency remains widespread among people in developing countries. To help solve this problem, breeders have been attempting to develop maize cultivars with high yields and high Fe concentrations …
Iron (Fe) deficiency remains widespread among people in developing countries. To help solve this problem, breeders have been attempting to develop maize cultivars with high yields and high Fe concentrations in the kernels. We conducted a genome-wide association study and identified a gene, (), that regulates Fe concentrations in maize kernels. We cultivated maize varieties with both high yield and high Fe concentrations in their kernels by using a molecular marker developed from a 42-base pair insertion or deletion (indel) in the promoter of . expression is enriched in the basal endosperm transfer layer of kernels, and the ZmNAC78 protein directly regulates messenger RNA abundance of Fe transporters. Our results thus provide an approach to develop maize varieties with Fe-enriched kernels.
(2024-06-30 16:12):
#paper Maize smart-canopy architecture enhances yield at high densities, Nature, 6 June 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07669-6.玉米耐密性是决定玉米单位面积产量的关键因素。该实验室早期发现了一个玉米株型上部叶片夹角紧凑、中下部叶夹角相对展开的自然突变体材料,称为智慧株型,该基因命名为lac1,然后利用图位克隆,发现该基因编码一个类固醇C-22 羟化酶(DWF4),其外显子上一个273bp的转座子插入导致编码蛋白提前终止。利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术对lac1进行了编辑,纯合敲除系均展现出“上紧下松”智慧株型表型。连续4年在4个地点对lac1突变体、敲除系和F1杂交种进行了不同种植密度的田间产量试验,结果显示在高密度种植条件下,携带lac1突变等位基因的“上紧下松”株型可以显著增加群体中下部冠层透光率、增强穗位叶净光合速率、削弱密植群体的避荫反应,最终促进玉米群体产量显著增加。该实验室前期分子实验验证调控叶夹角的转录因子RAVL1可以激活lac1基因的表达,控制玉米叶环区油菜素内酯的积累,从而影响叶夹角的大小。后续利用遮荫和正常对照发现遮荫后,lac1表达下降,后续研究发现转录因子RAVL1仅能与phyA互作,而不能与phyB互作,随着种植密度增加,红光:远红光的比例(R/FR)降低,促进phyA蛋白积累,phyA与RAVL1互作并促进RAVL1蛋白的降解,从而削弱RAVL1对lac1的激活作用,最终减小高密度条件下的玉米叶夹角。在lac1_突变体中,phyA-RAVL1介导的光信号通路被阻断,从而削弱lac1突变体对遮荫的响应。
Increasing planting density is a key strategy to enhance maize yields. An ideotype for dense planting requires a 'smart canopy' with leaf angles at different canopy layers differentially optimized to …
Increasing planting density is a key strategy to enhance maize yields. An ideotype for dense planting requires a 'smart canopy' with leaf angles at different canopy layers differentially optimized to maximize light interception and photosynthesis, amongst other features. Here, we identified leaf angle architecture of smart canopy 1 (lac1), a natural mutant possessing upright upper leaves, less erect middle leaves and relatively flat lower leaves. lac1 has improved photosynthetic capacity and weakened shade-avoidance responses under dense planting. lac1 encodes a brassinosteroid C-22 hydroxylase that predominantly regulates upper leaf angle. Phytochrome A photoreceptors accumulate in shade and interact with the transcription factor RAVL1 to promote its degradation via the 26S proteasome, thereby attenuating RAVL1 activation of lac1 and reducing brassinosteroid levels. This ultimately decreases upper leaf angle in dense fields. Large-scale field trials demonstrate lac1 boosts maize yields under high densities. To quickly introduce lac1 into breeding germplasm, we transformed a haploid inducer and recovered homozygous lac1 edits from 20 diverse inbred lines. The tested doubled haploids uniformly acquired smart-canopy-like plant architecture. We provide an important target and an accelerated strategy for developing high-density-tolerant cultivars, with lac1 serving as a genetic chassis for further engineering of a smart canopy in maize.
(2024-05-31 16:03):
#paper Defective pollen tube tip growth inducesneo-polyploid infertility, Science,1 March 2024, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh0755. 多倍体过程与植物的进化和适应有关。自然环境中的多倍体植物形成能够进行有性生殖,而利用技术新形成的多倍体个体通常完全或几乎完全不育,不容易繁殖。研究人员利用二倍体和自然形成四倍体和秋水仙素处理的新四倍体以及新形成的四倍体与自然形成的四倍体的杂交子一代,通过鉴定其花粉管的生长速率、花粉大小、花粉管等状态鉴定出新四倍体有差异,后续发现是因为新四倍体的花粉管缺乏正常的钙离子浓度梯度,导致花粉管中微管蛋白分布异常,导致花粉管中细胞壁的酸性果胶酯化分布异常。对上述材料的花粉管进行转录组分析,鉴定到一些钙信号相关的基因。结合全基因组测序分析,发现两个基因AGC1.5和ACA8在多倍体和二倍体植物件存在显著差异,表明在多倍体中受到强烈的正向选择,且基因的表达模式存在不同程度的差异。
Genome duplication (generating polyploids) is an engine of novelty in eukaryotic evolution and a promising crop improvement tool. Yet newly formed polyploids often have low fertility. Here we report that …
Genome duplication (generating polyploids) is an engine of novelty in eukaryotic evolution and a promising crop improvement tool. Yet newly formed polyploids often have low fertility. Here we report that a severe fertility-compromising defect in pollen tube tip growth arises in new polyploids of . Pollen tubes of newly polyploid grow slowly, have aberrant anatomy and disrupted physiology, often burst prematurely, and have altered gene expression. These phenotypes recover in evolved polyploids. We also show that gametophytic (pollen tube) genotypes of two tip-growth genes under selection in natural tetraploid are strongly associated with pollen tube performance in the tetraploid. Our work establishes pollen tube tip growth as an important fertility challenge for neo-polyploid plants and provides insights into a naturally evolved multigenic solution.
(2024-04-30 22:30):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01715-9,Nature genetics, 11 April 2024. A pan-genome of 69 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions reveals a conserved genome structure throughout the global species range. 通过对来自全球不同地理起源的 72 个拟南芥种质进行SNP分析,确定了四个主要遗传群体:“欧洲”、“非洲”、“马德拉”和“亚洲”,以及三个“混合”种质。使用了长读取(PacBio HiFi,平均深度为 45×,和牛津纳米孔,平均深度为 67×)和短读取测序,结合参考导向的拼接和手动修正,为每个 72 个种质生成了基因组组装。69 个种质经确认为纯合子品系,为了解释基因组大小变异的潜在基因组特征,选择了最完整的 46 个组装,并分析了组装与基因组大小估计的比值以及着丝粒重复长度与着丝粒大小估计的比值。这些种质的组装大小范围从 130 到 148 Mb。着丝粒重复序列平均长度为 14 Mb,与组装大小高度相关。通过从个体组装的初始 TE 注释生成的 pan-TE 库注释了转座元件。TE 空间大小在基因组之间非常相似,长末端重复序列和 Helitrons 占据了最大的 TE 分数。拟南芥基因组大小变异主要由着丝粒重复长度主导,而 TE 只是次要贡献者。单个染色体的大小独立于彼此地演化。后续作者利用共线性分析,发现拟南芥的染色体臂存在高度的同源性,而在着丝粒附近存在大型的重排现象。后续对泛基因组进行基因家族分析,发现一些核心、软核心、可选和私有家族基因。
Although originally primarily a system for functional biology, Arabidopsis thaliana has, owing to its broad geographical distribution and adaptation to diverse environments, developed into a powerful model in population genomics. …
Although originally primarily a system for functional biology, Arabidopsis thaliana has, owing to its broad geographical distribution and adaptation to diverse environments, developed into a powerful model in population genomics. Here we present chromosome-level genome assemblies of 69 accessions from a global species range. We found that genomic colinearity is very conserved, even among geographically and genetically distant accessions. Along chromosome arms, megabase-scale rearrangements are rare and typically present only in a single accession. This indicates that the karyotype is quasi-fixed and that rearrangements in chromosome arms are counter-selected. Centromeric regions display higher structural dynamics, and divergences in core centromeres account for most of the genome size variations. Pan-genome analyses uncovered 32,986 distinct gene families, 60% being present in all accessions and 40% appearing to be dispensable, including 18% private to a single accession, indicating unexplored genic diversity. These 69 new Arabidopsis thaliana genome assemblies will empower future genetic research.
(2024-03-31 21:28):
#paper Systemic identification of wheat spike development regulators by integrated multiomics, transcriptional network, GWAS and genetic analyses. Molecular Plant(2024). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2024.01.010对小麦穗发育的8个关键时期,利用转录组、染色质可及性和多组蛋白质修饰测序,绘制了小麦的穗发育过程中的动态转录和表观修饰图谱,构建了一个小麦穗发育过程的转录调控网络。然后在研究中发现一个跟小麦开花相关的一个调控模块,利用分子实验进行验证其模块对开花的作用,又在调控网络中鉴定发现一个新的影响穗发育的基因,最终将这些数据整合了一个小麦穗发育的网站。也为小麦研究提供了一个数据库。
The spike architecture of wheat plays a crucial role in determining grain number, making it a key trait for optimization in wheat breeding programs. In this study, we used a …
The spike architecture of wheat plays a crucial role in determining grain number, making it a key trait for optimization in wheat breeding programs. In this study, we used a multi-omic approach to analyze the transcriptome and epigenome profiles of the young spike at eight developmental stages, revealing coordinated changes in chromatin accessibility and H3K27me3 abundance during the flowering transition. We constructed a core transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) that drives wheat spike formation and experimentally validated a multi-layer regulatory module involving TaSPL15, TaAGLG1, and TaFUL2. By integrating the TRN with genome-wide association studies, we identified 227 transcription factors, including 42 with known functions and 185 with unknown functions. Further investigation of 61 novel transcription factors using multiple homozygous mutant lines revealed 36 transcription factors that regulate spike architecture or flowering time, such as TaMYC2-A1, TaMYB30-A1, and TaWRKY37-A1. Of particular interest, TaMYB30-A1, downstream of and repressed by WFZP, was found to regulate fertile spikelet number. Notably, the excellent haplotype of TaMYB30-A1, which contains a C allele at the WFZP binding site, was enriched during wheat breeding improvement in China, leading to improved agronomic traits. Finally, we constructed a free and open access Wheat Spike Multi-Omic Database ( Our study identifies novel and high-confidence regulators and offers an effective strategy for dissecting the genetic basis of wheat spike development, with practical value for wheat breeding.
(2024-02-29 21:01):
#paper A quantitative genomics map of rice provides genetic insights and guides breeding, Nature genetics,01 February 2021, doi.org/10.1038/s41588-020-00769-9. 这篇文章先收集水稻中各种性状前人已经定位的QTL,对QTL区间内的关键功能变异位点锚定到水稻基因组精确的位置上,获取了一个包含348个变异位点和562个等位基因的分子图谱(QTN)。然后对另外收集的404份种质材料,构建包含前面鉴定的等位基因的数据库,方便后人进行遗传改良过程亲本的选择。作者有对基因变异的遗传效应进行评估,来鉴定变异位点的效应方向和量化变化的强弱关系。利用水稻QTN图谱和遗传图,论文作者系统分析了水稻基因组中存在的遗传累赘,并针对杂交-回交-自交、群体样本量、导入位点数等各类情形进行了大数据仿真模拟,获得了育种设计路线的优化参数。这篇文章对我与现在处理大量的小麦GWAS得到的显著的SNP位点,如何进行量化管理,形成对育种家有用的数据很有启发。
Extensive allelic variation in agronomically important genes serves as the basis of rice breeding. Here, we present a comprehensive map of rice quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) and inferred QTN effects …
Extensive allelic variation in agronomically important genes serves as the basis of rice breeding. Here, we present a comprehensive map of rice quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) and inferred QTN effects based on eight genome-wide association study cohorts. Population genetic analyses revealed that domestication, local adaptation and heterosis are all associated with QTN allele frequency changes. A genome navigation system, RiceNavi, was developed for QTN pyramiding and breeding route optimization, and implemented in the improvement of a widely cultivated indica variety. This work presents an efficient platform that bridges ever-increasing genomic knowledge and diverse improvement needs in rice.
(2024-01-31 14:34):
#paper Cell-cycle-linked growth reprogramming encodes developmental time into leaf morphogenesis, Current Biology, 19 January 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.050. 这篇文章开发出了针对植物活体组织生长的延时摄影体系,对拟南芥的幼小的叶片和成年叶片的发育进程从原基分化起始到形态分化进行全过程的追踪。该技术能够直观的展示植物年龄增长如何改变细胞的生长和增值,以及植物叶片内同等细胞层的组织形成潜力。后续为了验证这个体系的可靠性,选择了一个在拟南芥中前人鉴定发现的控制叶片的基因SPL9的突变体进行验证。本文的这个体系只能用于漏在外边的植物活体组织,但是像小麦穗和玉米穗这样前期被包裹的材料,进行活体组织生长的延时摄影应该还不能应用。
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric …
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric analyses, fate-mapping through live-imaging, computational analyses, and genetics, we identify age-dependent changes in cell-cycle-associated growth and histogenesis that underpin leaf heteroblasty. We show that in juvenile leaves, cell proliferation competence is rapidly released in a "proliferation burst" coupled with fast growth, whereas in adult leaves, proliferative growth is sustained for longer and at a slower rate. These effects are mediated by the SPL9 transcription factor in response to inputs from both shoot age and individual leaf maturation along the proximodistal axis. SPL9 acts by activating CyclinD3 family genes, which are sufficient to bypass the requirement for SPL9 in the control of leaf shape and in heteroblastic reprogramming of cellular growth. In conclusion, we have identified a mechanism that bridges across cell, tissue, and whole-organism scales by linking cell-cycle-associated growth control to age-dependent changes in organ geometry.
(2023-12-30 19:00):
#paper Transcriptome-wide association analyses reveal the impact of regulatory variants on rice panicle architecture and causal gene regulatory networks, Nature Communications, 18 November 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43077-6 。利用转录组和全基因组关联分析鉴定控制水稻穗型结构的基因。研究人员利用275份水稻1-2mm幼穗转录组数据,鉴定出表达水平与性状相关的基因,后续又对鉴定到的显著的基因和受小效应位点影响,对等位基因差异选择影响基因的表达和穗部性状,后续利用顺式表达成分和和反式表达成分来构建了水稻穗发育的基因表达调控网络。
Panicle architecture is a key determinant of rice grain yield and is mainly determined at the 1-2 mm young panicle stage. Here, we investigated the transcriptome of the 1-2 mm …
Panicle architecture is a key determinant of rice grain yield and is mainly determined at the 1-2 mm young panicle stage. Here, we investigated the transcriptome of the 1-2 mm young panicles from 275 rice varieties and identified thousands of genes whose expression levels were associated with panicle traits. Multimodel association studies suggested that many small-effect genetic loci determine spikelet per panicle (SPP) by regulating the expression of genes associated with panicle traits. We found that alleles at cis-expression quantitative trait loci of SPP-associated genes underwent positive selection, with a strong preference for alleles increasing SPP. We further developed a method that integrates the associations of cis- and trans-expression components of genes with traits to identify causal genes at even small-effect loci and construct regulatory networks. We identified 36 putative causal genes of SPP, including SDT (MIR156j) and OsMADS17, and inferred that OsMADS17 regulates SDT expression, which was experimentally validated. Our study reveals the impact of regulatory variants on rice panicle architecture and provides new insights into the gene regulatory networks of panicle traits.
(2023-11-30 10:03):
#paper Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding, Nature plants,18 July 2022,doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01190-2. 玉米杂交种表现出优越的杂种,是通过跨越属于遗传不同异种群的两个亲本近交系产生的。在这里,本文研究者装了 1,604 个历史上利用属于各种母本异质性组 (FHG) 和父本异质性组 (MHG) 的玉米系,并进行了表型和基因组测序分析。发现 FHG 和 MHG 对不同的农艺性状集经历了收敛和发散的变化。使用全基因组选择扫描和关联分析,确定了大量候选基因,这些基因有助于提高 FHG 和 MHG 的农艺性状。此外,研究人员还观察到FHGs和MHGs在育种时代的遗传分化增加,发现分化基因杂合子水平增加与杂交种杂合子杂合性呈正相关。后续验证了两个选定基因和分化基因的功能,确定其对株高和籽粒大小具有重要的影响。
Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding
Single-cross maize hybrids display superior heterosis and are produced from crossing two parental inbred lines belonging to genetically different heterotic groups. Here we assembled 1,604 historically utilized maize inbred lines …
Single-cross maize hybrids display superior heterosis and are produced from crossing two parental inbred lines belonging to genetically different heterotic groups. Here we assembled 1,604 historically utilized maize inbred lines belonging to various female heterotic groups (FHGs) and male heterotic groups (MHGs), and conducted phenotyping and genomic sequencing analyses. We found that the FHGs and MHGs have undergone both convergent and divergent changes for different sets of agronomic traits. Using genome-wide selection scans and association analyses, we identified a large number of candidate genes that contributed to the improvement of agronomic traits of the FHGs and MHGs. Moreover, we observed increased genetic differentiation between the FHGs and MHGs across the breeding eras, and we found a positive correlation between increasing heterozygosity levels in the differentiated genes and heterosis in hybrids. Furthermore, we validated the function of two selected genes and a differentiated gene. This study provides insights into the genomic basis of modern hybrid maize breeding.
(2023-10-30 21:15):
#paper Genome resources for the elite bread wheat cultivar Aikang 58 and mining of elite homeologous haplotypes for accelerating wheat improvement,Molecular Plant, 23 October 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2023.10.015. AK58是在2005年国家审定的具有矮杆抗倒伏,稳产多抗,适应性广品质优的一个小麦品种,该品种在全国推广范围较大,在2013年获得“国家科技进步一等奖”。该品种作为人工培育的经典的现代品种跟小麦参考基因组地方种中国春相比较的话,能够揭示小麦近百年来小麦品种改良造成的基因组变异。作者构建了AK58基因、转座子、转录组、表观组、代谢组和突变体等综合的数据库。 利用比较基因组学对AK58和中国春进行比较分析,发现AK58特意表达的基因主要在光系统Ⅰ、损伤反应及氧化磷酸化途径中显著富集,而中国春的特异表达基因在植物与病原物互作途径中得到富集。在六倍体小麦中由于亚基因组二倍化与分化,使得每个多倍体位点中三个亚基因组的直系同源基因,通常显示出既有互补性又有特异性的功能。在F2遗传群体中,两个亲本的等位亚基因组直系同源基因间会发生多达27种(33)的组合,其中2种为亲本类型,而另外25种为新组合类型,每一种组合类型都有可能是一种功能独特的多倍体位点单倍型(homoeologous locus haplotype, HH),从而大大提高了六倍体小麦的遗传多样性。为便于研究,研究人员利用SNP芯片分析了AK58与CS衍生的F2群体,以特异的SNP标记重要多倍体位点的每一个亚基因组拷贝,从而可方便地区分由等位亚基因组直系同源基因组合而产生的多种HHs,并以其为基因型信息与农艺性状进行关联分析。这种基于多倍体位点单倍型差异的关联分析有别于常规的依赖单基因差异的关联分析,因而被称为HGWAS。用该方法对20个重要农艺性状进行检测,共发现393个显著的HGWAS位点,针对重要的HGWAS位点,研究人员进行了不同HHs之间遗传效应的比较。在AK58与CS中均发现了多种优异的HHs,源于AK58的HHs反映了现代育种的选择效应,存在于CS的HHs可能在现代育种选择中被遗弃,但可能仍然有利用价值。
Despite recent progress in crop genomics studies, the genomic changes brought about by modern breeding selection are still poorly understood, thus hampering genomics-assisted breeding, especially in polyploid crops with compound …
Despite recent progress in crop genomics studies, the genomic changes brought about by modern breeding selection are still poorly understood, thus hampering genomics-assisted breeding, especially in polyploid crops with compound genomes such as common wheat (Triticum aestivum). In this work, we constructed genome resources for the modern elite common wheat variety Aikang 58 (AK58). Comparative genomics between AK58 and the landrace cultivar Chinese Spring (CS) shed light on genomic changes that occurred through recent varietal improvement. We also explored subgenome diploidization and divergence in common wheat and developed a homoeologous locus-based genome-wide association study (HGWAS) approach, which was more effective than single homoeolog-based GWAS in unraveling agronomic trait-associated loci. A total of 123 major HGWAS loci were detected using a genetic population derived from AK58 and CS. Elite homoeologous haplotypes (HHs), formed by combinations of subgenomic homoeologs of the associated loci, were found in both parents and progeny, and many could substantially improve wheat yield and related traits. We built a website where users can download genome assembly sequence and annotation data for AK58, perform blast analysis, and run JBrowse. Our work enriches genome resources for wheat, provides new insights into genomic changes during modern wheat improvement, and suggests that efficient mining of elite HHs can make a substantial contribution to genomics-assisted breeding in common wheat and other polyploid crops.
(2023-09-28 21:40):
#paper A de novo evolved gene contributes to rice grain shape difference between indica and japonica, Nature Communications, 22 September 2023. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41669-w. 该论文首先对粳稻和梗稻亚群组成的群体对籽粒长度和籽粒重量分别进行全基因组关联分析,关联分析的结果表型在9号染色体上都具有GSE9这个位点。其中在这个基因附近具有15个基因,对粳稻和梗稻亚群分别进行转录组鉴定其基因表达量后,最终缺点给一个ORF家族的基因,认为该基因是GSE9。后续实验验证发现该基因在粳稻中花11和日本晴背景下,敲除GSE9导致粒长显著增加、粒宽减小、长宽比增大;而过表达该基因导致粒长和粒宽均显著增加,表明水稻GSE9基因参与水稻粒型的调控。GSE9在稻属物种O. sativa、O. rufipogon、O. barthii、O. glumaepatula和O. longistaminata中存在高度同源的DNA序列,且仅在大部分粳稻品种和少数普通野生稻(O. rufipogon)中具有编码序列特征,而在其它稻属物种中的起始密码子位点为GTG,并非真核生物的起始密码子ATG,表明该基因可能通过de novo起源方式最早起源于普通野生稻的原非编码区,并传递到绝大部分粳稻品种中。对GSE9基因区段的序列分析,发现绝大部分粳稻品种具有起始密码子ATG,而绝大部分籼稻品种则不具备起始密码子(起始密码子位点为GTG,gse9),且序列变异表现出明显的籼粳亚种间分化特征。进一步结合系统进化树和单倍型网络分析,发现gse9型籼稻和GSE9型粳稻独立起源于Or-I和Or-III型普通野生稻。关于de novo origination在小麦重的研究还没有人有一个完整的基因list出来,也查看该专业祖师爷龙漫远的文章,拟南芥重从头起源的基因讲解的也很精彩。
The role of de novo evolved genes from non-coding sequences in regulating morphological differentiation between species/subspecies remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a rice de novo gene GSE9 contributes …
The role of de novo evolved genes from non-coding sequences in regulating morphological differentiation between species/subspecies remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a rice de novo gene GSE9 contributes to grain shape difference between indica/xian and japonica/geng varieties. GSE9 evolves from a previous non-coding region of wild rice Oryza rufipogon through the acquisition of start codon. This gene is inherited by most japonica varieties, while the original sequence (absence of start codon, gse9) is present in majority of indica varieties. Knockout of GSE9 in japonica varieties leads to slender grains, whereas introgression to indica background results in round grains. Population evolutionary analyses reveal that gse9 and GSE9 are derived from wild rice Or-I and Or-III groups, respectively. Our findings uncover that the de novo GSE9 gene contributes to the genetic and morphological divergence between indica and japonica subspecies, and provide a target for precise manipulation of rice grain shape.
(2023-08-31 20:32):
#paper Whole-genome sequencing of diverse wheat accessions uncovers the genetic changes during modern breeding in China and the United States,The Plant Cell, 30 August 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koad229. 该论文对中国和美国目前的小麦育成品种以及地方品种进行表型鉴定和重测序分析,发现现代育成品种的表型和遗传多样性与地方品种相比发生了很大的变化。其中中美育种品种跟地方品种相比具有产量高,株高低,花期短等特征。在产量提高方面,中国和美国的育种偏好不同,中国育种家侧重增加籽粒大小,穗粒数和千粒重等因素来提高小麦的产量,而美国主要是依靠增加小麦的分蘖数目提高单位面积穗数,从而提高小麦的产量。这些表型数据结果表明了中美两国对小麦表型的重塑方面存在差异。依据重测序结果,对21个农艺性状进行GWAS分析,共鉴定到207个控制农艺性状的位点,并绘制了这些位点的指纹图谱。发现大部分位点的优异等位变异频率在中美品种均增加,但是增加幅度有所差异,说明这些控制性状的位点在现代育种过程中的不同地区进行了趋同选择。此外作者还进行选择信号分析,其中15%区域受到选择。比较有趣的是,中美育种家可能是通过选择同一基因,或者同一基因不同单倍型或同一基因在不同亚基因组上的同源基因来实现对同一性状的重塑。这篇文章对中国小麦育种进程分析提供了一些思路。
Breeding has dramatically changed the plant architecture of wheat (Triticum aestivum), resulting in the development of high-yielding varieties adapted to modern farming systems. However, how wheat breeding shaped the genomic …
Breeding has dramatically changed the plant architecture of wheat (Triticum aestivum), resulting in the development of high-yielding varieties adapted to modern farming systems. However, how wheat breeding shaped the genomic architecture of this crop remains poorly understood. Here, we performed a comprehensive comparative analysis of a whole-genome resequencing panel of 355 common wheat accessions (representing diverse landraces and modern cultivars from China and the United States) at the phenotypic and genomic levels. The genetic diversity of modern wheat cultivars was clearly reduced compared to landraces. Consistent with these genetic changes, most phenotypes of cultivars from China and the United States were significantly altered. Of the 21 agronomic traits investigated, 8 showed convergent changes between the 2 countries. Moreover, of the 207 loci associated with these 21 traits, more than half overlapped with genomic regions that showed evidence of selection. The distribution of selected loci between the Chinese and American cultivars suggests that breeding for increased productivity in these 2 regions was accomplished by pyramiding both shared and region-specific variants. This work provides a framework to understand the genetic architecture of the adaptation of wheat to diverse agricultural production environments, as well as guidelines for optimizing breeding strategies to design better wheat varieties.
(2023-07-31 20:26):
#paper Two complementary genes in a presence-absence variation contribute to _indica_-_japonica_ reproductive isolation in rice,Nature Communications,28 July 2023. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-0. 亚洲的栽培稻包括粳稻和梗稻两个亚种,两个亚种之间在形态、生理以及基因水平上存在显著差异,不同种之间的遗传差异会产生强大的杂种优势,而两个亚种之间的生殖隔离也会导致育性下降,结实率降低。该文章通过对两个亚种品种的PAV找到了一个粳稻杂种不育基因座Se,该基因座包含了两个相邻且具有互补效应的基因ORF3和ORF4. ORF3是编码一个具有毒性作用的孢子体花粉的杀手,而ORF4则以配子体方式保护花粉。而粳稻和籼稻杂交F1种。粳型单倍型的花粉由于缺乏ORF4的保护,会受到籼型ORF3的毒性作用导致花粉败育。另外作者又想追溯下Se位点的进化关系,利用14个稻属847分水稻进行基因座的PAV验证,分析。表明Se基因座的出现与AA基因组稻属物种的进化相关。单倍型分析结果表明,Se基因座共包含37种单倍型。根据ORF3_和ORF4的功能和来源,这37种单倍型又可以被进一步得分为5个大类。其中有功能的ORF3以中等频率(74/236)在籼稻中保持,而大多数(132/148)粳稻都缺失了ORF3和ORF4,表明Se基因座的PAV促进了亚洲栽培稻籼粳亚种之间生殖隔离的形成,同时也支持了籼稻和粳稻是由不同的普通野生稻独立驯化而来的理论。同时这个基因座也是cell A natural gene drive system confers reproductive
isolation in rice这篇文章定到的位点。CELL更详细的讲了这个基因的分子机理,主要是OPR3可以跟细胞中线粒体的核心功能蛋白互作,干扰线粒体产生能量后导致花粉败育。而ORF4和ORF3互作,使得ORF3不能与核心蛋白互作,解除破坏作用。且ORF3和ORF4形成的复合体可以通过自噬体细胞器进行讲解,彻底消除ORF3的作用。CELL也分析了该基因座的起源和进化,在祖先中不存在,主要是在亚洲的栽培稻祖先-普通野生稻中分化出ORF3和ORF4的功能。经过驯化后,被籼稻继承。
Understanding the evolutionary forces in speciation is a central goal in evolutionary biology. Asian cultivated rice has two subspecies, indica and japonica, but the underlying mechanism of the partial reproductive …
Understanding the evolutionary forces in speciation is a central goal in evolutionary biology. Asian cultivated rice has two subspecies, indica and japonica, but the underlying mechanism of the partial reproductive isolation between them remains obscure. Here we show a presence-absence variation (PAV) at the Se locus functions as an indica-japonica reproductive barrier by causing hybrid sterility (HS) in indica-japonica crosses. The locus comprises two adjacent genes: ORF3 encodes a sporophytic pollen killer, whereas ORF4 protects pollen in a gametophytic manner. In F of indica-japonica crosses, pollen with the japonica haplotype, which lacks the sequence containing the protective ORF4, is aborted due to the pollen-killing effect of ORF3 from indica. Evolutionary analysis suggests ORF3 is a gene associated with the Asian cultivated rice species complex, and the PAV has contributed to the reproductive isolation between the two subspecies of Asian cultivated rice. Our analyses provide perspectives on rice inter-subspecies post-zygotic isolation, and will promote efforts to overcome reproductive barriers in indica-japonica hybrid rice breeding.
(2023-06-30 16:14):
#paper Characterization of novel loci controlling seed oil content in Brassica napus by marker metabolite-based multi-omics analysis,Genome biology, 19 June 2023, doi.org/10.1186/s13059-023-02984-z 文章利用广泛靶向代谢物分析共检测到2173种代谢物,对代谢物和油菜含油量进行相关性分析,最终鉴定到131个跟含油量高度相关的代谢物,并将代谢物作为含油量的代谢标志物。对131个含有代谢物进行全基因组关联分析,鉴定到446个mQTL位点,结合群体转录组关联分析,共鉴定到与含油量标志物显著关联的7316个基因,后面作者们有找到催化黄酮生物合成第一步反应的一个基因,对该基因进行后续验证。现在作物上数据整合的落脚点还得是找基因进行验证
BACKGROUND: Seed oil content is an important agronomic trait of Brassica napus (B. napus), and metabolites are considered as the bridge between genotype and phenotype for physical traits.RESULTS: Using a …
BACKGROUND: Seed oil content is an important agronomic trait of Brassica napus (B. napus), and metabolites are considered as the bridge between genotype and phenotype for physical traits.RESULTS: Using a widely targeted metabolomics analysis in a natural population of 388 B. napus inbred lines, we quantify 2172 metabolites in mature seeds by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, in which 131 marker metabolites are identified to be correlated with seed oil content. These metabolites are then selected for further metabolite genome-wide association study and metabolite transcriptome-wide association study. Combined with weighted correlation network analysis, we construct a triple relationship network, which includes 21,000 edges and 4384 nodes among metabolites, metabolite quantitative trait loci, genes, and co-expression modules. We validate the function of BnaA03.TT4, BnaC02.TT4, and BnaC05.UK, three candidate genes predicted by multi-omics analysis, which show significant impacts on seed oil content through regulating flavonoid metabolism in B. napus.CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the advantage of utilizing marker metabolites integrated with multi-omics analysis to dissect the genetic basis of agronomic traits in crops.