来自杂志 Science 的文献。
当前共找到 7 篇文献分享。
(2025-02-28 17:55):
#paper DOI:10.1126/science.adp2407. Disease diagnostics using machine learning of B cell and T cell receptor sequences.Science387,eadp2407(2025).
模型3:从蛋白质语言模型中提取的免疫受体序列特征 ;
DOI: 10.1126/science.adp2407
Clinical diagnosis typically incorporates physical examination, patient history, various laboratory tests, and imaging studies but makes limited use of the human immune system’s own record of antigen exposures encoded by …
Clinical diagnosis typically incorporates physical examination, patient history, various laboratory tests, and imaging studies but makes limited use of the human immune system’s own record of antigen exposures encoded by receptors on B cells and T cells. We analyzed immune receptor datasets from 593 individuals to develop MAchine Learning for Immunological Diagnosis, an interpretive framework to screen for multiple illnesses simultaneously or precisely test for one condition. This approach detects specific infections, autoimmune disorders, vaccine responses, and disease severity differences. Human-interpretable features of the model recapitulate known immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, influenza, and human immunodeficiency virus, highlight antigen-specific receptors, and reveal distinct characteristics of systemic lupus erythematosus and type-1 diabetes autoreactivity. This analysis framework has broad potential for scientific and clinical interpretation of immune responses.
(2025-01-31 20:39):
#paper Genomic investigation of 18,421 lines reveals the genetic architecture of rice. Science 5 july 2024, DOI: 10.1126/science.adm8762](https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adm8762. 现在植物育种改良的一种方法是挖掘现有的自然变异,然后评估该变异类型对育种如产量、株高、抗性等方面的影响,后续将该自然变异通过构建群体引入,查看其作用。而一般文章中的自然变异大多数都是单个性状进行分析,后续利用分子湿实验进行验证,但是大部分性状是受多基因控制的数量性状,有时候变化的牵一发动全身,有时候是变了会有替补进行补给,所以对于基因和性状之间的复杂关系如何通过构建群体来鉴定,如何构建水稻一本基因自然变异手册对于育种改良具有重要意义。该文章基于大规模永久群体 (18K-rice) 和整合基因组学方法,构建了高质量的水稻遗传结构图谱。还开发了一种名为 RiceG2G(Rice GWAS to Gene)的整合基因组学方法,以系统地优先排序性状相关位点的因果基因和变异,类似于人类 GWAS 中实施的方法。RiceG2G 整合了遗传关联、基因注释、转录组学、功能基因组学和有害变异,并为每个候选基因生成一个评分。后续对这个方法找了两个基因验证的有效性。此外还评估了每个性状的上位性,还构建了基因互作网络和上位性互作图谱。
DOI: 10.1126/science.adm8762
Understanding how numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL) shape phenotypic variation is an important question in genetics. To address this, we established a permanent population of 18,421 (18K) rice lines with …
Understanding how numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL) shape phenotypic variation is an important question in genetics. To address this, we established a permanent population of 18,421 (18K) rice lines with reduced population structure. We generated reference-level genome assemblies of the founders and genotyped all 18K-rice lines through whole-genome sequencing. Through high-resolution mapping, 96 high-quality candidate genes contributing to variation in 16 traits were identified, including OsMADS22 and OsFTL1 verified as causal genes for panicle number and heading date, respectively. We identified epistatic QTL pairs and constructed a genetic interaction network with 19 genes serving as hubs. Overall, 170 masking epistasis pairs were characterized, serving as an important factor contributing to genetic background effects across diverse varieties. The work provides a basis to guide grain yield and quality improvements in rice.
(2024-10-27 08:10):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.add7046, Science, 2023, Transcriptomic diversity of cell types across the adult human brain. 这篇文章来自瑞典卡罗琳斯卡学院(全球最顶尖的医学研究机构之一,负责颁发诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)和艾伦脑科学研究所(全球神经科学研究的重要中心之一,旨在通过大规模的脑科学研究和开放数据共享,推动对大脑结构和功能的理解)。该研究基于三位成人捐赠者的脑组织样本,采集了数百个不同脑区的样本,覆盖了包括端脑、中脑及脑干等部位,进行单核测序,得到超过三百万个细胞的表达数据,采用层次聚类和图分析技术对这些数据进行分析,将细胞划分为31个超簇及3000多个亚簇,并揭示了各簇在不同区域中的分布特点与功能关系,比较特别的是其中一个被命名为“溅射(Splatter)神经元”的超簇,因其复杂的分子特性和广泛分布,反映了神经元及其功能网络的高度异质性,成为本研究的重点之一。论文还阐明了皮层内兴奋性与抑制性神经元的层次性结构、不同脑区神经元的异质性、非神经元的星形胶质细胞的多样性和分布异质性等,从单细胞层面拓展了我们对基因表达与脑功能网络关系的理解。
DOI: 10.1126/science.add7046
The human brain directs complex behaviors, ranging from fine motor skills to abstract intelligence, but the diversity of cell types that support these skills has not been fully described. In …
The human brain directs complex behaviors, ranging from fine motor skills to abstract intelligence, but the diversity of cell types that support these skills has not been fully described. In this work, we used single-nucleus RNA sequencing to systematically survey cells across the entire adult human brain. We sampled more than three million nuclei from approximately 100 dissections across the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain in three postmortem donors. Our analysis identified 461 clusters and 3313 subclusters organized largely according to developmental origins and revealing high diversity in midbrain and hindbrain neurons. Astrocytes and oligodendrocyte-lineage cells also exhibited regional diversity at multiple scales. The transcriptomic census of the entire human brain presented in this work provides a resource for understanding the molecular diversity of the human brain in health and disease.
(2024-09-28 00:05):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.1255905, Science, 2015, Correlated gene expression supports synchronous activity in brain networks. 最近我参与到一项脑科学相关的课题中,于是,开始深入挖挖一些历史上的重要相关文献。这篇应该是第一次将fMRI(功能核磁共振)数据与转录组数据联系起来的文章。作者们先使用静息态 fMRI 数据,使用独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)方法,构建出14个功能网络,通过其 MNI 坐标,映射到来自 Allen Institute 提供的上千个转录组样本数据,确定每个样本所属功能网络。之后,通过置换检验验证了功能网络内基因表达的显著性。采用稳定性选择方法筛选出 136 个关键基因,这些基因与离子通道和突触功能相关,并在阿尔茨海默病和精神分裂症中具有显著作用。之后在青少年 IMAGEN 数据集、小鼠数据集、其他啮齿类研究以及疾病关联分析上验证了基因表达与功能网络的关系,并在不同物种和细胞类型中证实了这些基因的稳定作用。该研究首次在分子层面揭示了基因表达与大脑功能网络的关系。
DOI: 10.1126/science.1255905
Cooperating brain regions express similar genesWhen the brain is at rest, a number of distinct areas are functionally connected. They tend to be organized in networks. Richiardiet al.compared brain imaging …
Cooperating brain regions express similar genesWhen the brain is at rest, a number of distinct areas are functionally connected. They tend to be organized in networks. Richiardiet al.compared brain imaging and gene expression data to build computational models of these networks. These functional networks are underpinned by the correlated expression of a core set of 161 genes. In this set, genes coding for ion channels and other synaptic functions such as neurotransmitter release dominate.Science, this issue p.1241
(2024-08-31 22:00):
#paper Convergent selection of a WD40 protein that enhances grain yield in maize and rice DOI: 10.1126/science.abg798. 文章对玉米和水稻中控制籽粒行数的基因发现趋同进化。首先在玉米中利用RIL群体鉴定到了一个关于穗行数的基因,图位克隆发现一个KRN2基因,验证分子机理后。后续又在水稻同源鉴定该及验证该基因能够控制水稻的分支数。研究人员在多种环境中种植玉米KRN2和水稻OsKRN2基因敲除系进行产量测试。经过三种环境的田间试验表明,玉米和水稻的KRN2基因敲除系KRN增加使得产量增加,其他农艺性状没有明显改变。这些发现表明,KRN2/OsKRN2等位基因完全丧失功能可提高粮食产量,但对试验环境中其他农艺性状没有明显的负面影响。最后在水稻和玉米的全基因组上鉴定这些同源进化的基因,发现玉米和水稻中都经历了趋同选择的同源基因对,不同类型的淀粉合成相关酶功能高度保守,尽管它们在玉米和水稻中的拷贝数和同工酶数量不同。这些发现表明,一些同源基因在相同的代谢或调控途径中起作用,但它们在不同作物中的选择路径可能不同。通过趋同选择实现的遗传趋同程度与给定选择的基因网络的保守性和复杂性有关。
DOI: 10.1126/science.abg7985
A better understanding of the extent of convergent selection among crops could greatly improve breeding programs. We found that the quantitative trait locus KRN2 in maize and its rice ortholog, …
A better understanding of the extent of convergent selection among crops could greatly improve breeding programs. We found that the quantitative trait locus KRN2 in maize and its rice ortholog, OsKRN2 , experienced convergent selection. These orthologs encode WD40 proteins and interact with a gene of unknown function, DUF1644, to negatively regulate grain number in both crops. Knockout of KRN2 in maize or OsKRN2 in rice increased grain yield by ~10% and ~8%, respectively, with no apparent trade-offs in other agronomic traits. Furthermore, genome-wide scans identified 490 pairs of orthologous genes that underwent convergent selection during maize and rice evolution, and these were enriched for two shared molecular pathways. KRN2 , together with other convergently selected genes, provides an excellent target for future crop improvement.
符毓 Yu
(2023-04-30 17:23):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.272.5258.85 Science, 1996, Imprint Lithography with 25-Nanometer Resolution。Stephen Chou(周郁)首次提出纳米压印方式用半导体集成电路生产上,并成功做出25nm的精度。纳米压印比起光刻具有低成本,高通量的优势。
相关行业最新进展:近年来佳能已将纳米压印应用到了 15nm 的 NAND 闪存制造上,并宣称2025年有望用此技术量产5nm芯片
A high-throughput lithographic method with 25-nanometer resolution and smooth vertical sidewalls is proposed and demonstrated. The technique uses compression molding to create a thickness contrast pattern in a thin resist …
A high-throughput lithographic method with 25-nanometer resolution and smooth vertical sidewalls is proposed and demonstrated. The technique uses compression molding to create a thickness contrast pattern in a thin resist film carried on a substrate, followed by anisotropic etching to transfer the pattern through the entire resist thickness. Metal patterns with a feature size of 25 nanometers and a period of 70 nanometers were fabricated with the use of resist templates created by imprint lithography in combination with a lift-off process. With further development, imprint lithography should allow fabrication of sub-10-nanometer structures and may become a commercially viable technique for manufacturing integrated circuits and other nanodevices.
(2022-11-12 18:32):
#paper DOI: 10.1126/science.35.896.340 Science, 1912, First use of word “genotype”. 这篇文章1921年3月1日发表在Science杂志,是一篇Letter,作者Henry Fairfield Osborn。文章非常短,只有几百字。主要内容是讨论“genotype”这个词的使用起源。作者向当时的一位权威命名学和分类学家Dr Joel Asaph Allen询问“genotype”这个词首次被使用的情形。Dr Joel Asaph Allen回复说他认为genotype这个词最早使用是在1903年,并且在1910年之前获得了国际动物学委员会(International Zoological Commission)官方认可,最早应该是被Nature或Annals and magazine of Natural History杂志的作者所用。Genotype词源于希腊语的两个词,语义是“kind, genus” 和“type”。这个合成词中间用“O”这个元音进行连接。但是作者提出为什么没有像genetic和genesis一样用元音“E”来连接呢?作者提出理清“genotype”一词的使用问题,可以避免后续使用中可能出现的混淆情况。这篇Letter类似“社交媒体”类的分享,感觉很像1900年代的朋友圈。因为本文的信息量太少,原文中有些内容读起来有点一头雾水。根据文章提到的一些人和概念,去回溯了几篇文章,发现当时对“Genotype”这个词的使用似乎很有争议,类似于引发了一波当时的“骂战”。1921年3月29日的Science杂志的Letter版块,又有一篇名为The use of the word “genotype”的文章,讨论学术界对这个词使用中的不同意见。另外,这个词还引出了一个对遗传学发展有重要影响的人Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen,他被认为是Gene、Genotype、Phenotype这些概念的创造者,以及遗传学科的奠基人之一。在双螺旋结构发现之前,遗传学领域的发展和历史应该很热闹,只是课本以及平时工作研究所看的文献中,很少有机会读到这种更偏向于生物学历史研究的文章。另外,这个作者Henry Fairfield Osborn除了是一个著名的古生物学者,担任美国自然历史博物馆馆长达25年,还是个富二代,他的父亲是当时著名的铁路大亨William Henry Osborn。
No abstract available.