哪有情可长 (2024-09-30 17:09):
#paper An ethylene biosynthesis enzyme controls quantitative variation in maize ear length and kernel yield, Nature Communications, 05 October 2021, DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-26123-z. 玉米穗的大小和粒数在不同品种间有所差异,然而关于穗长及其对粒数影响的分子基础所知甚少。玉米雌穗授粉后,由花序分生组织(IM)衍生的小穗分生组织(SMs)发育成籽粒,因此,IM的生长发育决定了玉米花序上的小穗和籽粒的数量。作者鉴定出一个qEL7的数量性状位点,该位点控制穗长、籽粒数目和育性,利用NIL群体发现qEL7SL17和qEL7Ye478在穗长、花期、行粒数、百粒重、穗重之间存在显著的差异。后续对SMs统计发现qEL7Ye478 长穗 NIL 品种中的小花败育率(~18.7%)显著低于 qEL7SL17 短穗 NIL 品种中的小花败育率(~44.7%)。这些结果表明,长穗 qEL7Ye478 中玉米粒的增多是由于发育成种子的小花比例更高,而不是由于小花产量增加。利用精细定位确定一个Zm0001d020686的基因为候选基因,该基因编码 1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸氧化酶 2 (ACO2),称之为 ZmACO2。对来自 QTL 亲本的 ZmACO2 进行测序,发现其 5ʹ-非翻译区 (UTR) 和启动子区中有 5 个插入/缺失 (InDels) 和 11 个单核苷酸多态性 (SNP),但编码区中的序列完全相同 。与非编码区域的这些差异一致,ZmACO2 在发育中的穗中的表达在亲本系中存在差异,长穗 qEL7Ye478 系中的表达低于短穗 qEL7SL17 系 (P < 0.01) 。这些结果表明启动子中的序列变异导致 qEL7Ye478 和 qEL7SL17 之间 ZmACO2 表达和穗表型的差异。该基因在乙烯生物合成的最后一步起作用,并特定表达于发育中的花序域中。通过编辑ZmACO2基因确认qEL7,导致发育中穗的乙烯产量减少,并促进分生组织和花朵发展,结果使得杂交种每穗谷物产量增加了约13.4%。最后作者提出,乙烯是花序发展中的关键信号,影响小穗数量、花的育性、穗长和粒数,并且还提供了一种通过优化玉米或其他谷物中的乙烯水平来提高谷物生产力的工具。
An ethylene biosynthesis enzyme controls quantitative variation in maize ear length and kernel yield
AbstractMaize ear size and kernel number differ among lines, however, little is known about the molecular basis of ear length and its impact on kernel number. Here, we characterize a quantitative trait locus, qEL7, to identify a maize gene controlling ear length, flower number and fertility. qEL7 encodes 1-aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylate oxidase2 (ACO2), a gene that functions in the final step of ethylene biosynthesis and is expressed in specific domains in developing inflorescences. Confirmation of qEL7 by gene editing of ZmACO2 leads to a reduction in ethylene production in developing ears, and promotes meristem and flower development, resulting in a ~13.4% increase in grain yield per ear in hybrids lines. Our findings suggest that ethylene serves as a key signal in inflorescence development, affecting spikelet number, floral fertility, ear length and kernel number, and also provide a tool to improve grain productivity by optimizing ethylene levels in maize or in other cereals.