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半面阳光 (2023-10-31 23:28):
#paper DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00307, Frontiers in public health, 2017, Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Values: Foundations, Pliabilities, and Pitfalls in Research and Practice. 在筛查类的检测中,经常会提到灵敏度、特异性和预测值等概念。本文较为详细地介绍了这几个常用概念,并指出了研究人员和临床医生会时常对这些概念产生误解或曲解。最后探讨了正确使用这些概念对医学相关的研究、临床应用、乃至受检者获益的重要性。
Within the context of screening tests, it is important to avoid misconceptions about sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. In this article, therefore, foundations are first established concerning these metrics along … >>>
Within the context of screening tests, it is important to avoid misconceptions about sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. In this article, therefore, foundations are first established concerning these metrics along with the first of several aspects of pliability that should be recognized in relation to those metrics. Clarification is then provided about the definitions of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values and why researchers and clinicians can misunderstand and misrepresent them. Arguments are made that sensitivity and specificity should usually be applied only in the context of describing a screening test's attributes relative to a reference standard; that predictive values are more appropriate and informative in actual screening contexts, but that sensitivity and specificity can be used for screening decisions about individual people if they are extremely high; that predictive values need not always be high and might be used to advantage by adjusting the sensitivity and specificity of screening tests; that, in screening contexts, researchers should provide information about all four metrics and how they were derived; and that, where necessary, consumers of health research should have the skills to interpret those metrics effectively for maximum benefit to clients and the healthcare system. <<<
白鸟 (2023-10-31 23:02):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.005 Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions。 研究者一直在探索癌症与微生物之间的关联,研究发现肿瘤组织中存在代谢活跃、免疫反应、细胞内和癌症类型特异性的细菌和病毒群落。但与癌症相关的真菌却很少被研究。文章研究4个独立队列中 35 种癌症类型的 17,401 名患者组织、血液和血浆样本中的癌症真菌组特征。本文的亮点是1.在 35 种癌症类型中检测到真菌,并且通常存在于细胞内;2.在肿瘤中检测到多种真菌-细菌-免疫生态;3.临床分型: 瘤内真菌对分型临床结果,包括免疫治疗反应;4.非细胞而是利用真菌DNA断定健康和早期癌症患者。思考:1.瘤内真菌低丰度检测、技术背景处理,样本类型,实验需要周密设计,剔除假阳性;2.瘤内真菌的作用机制还需实质性系统研究;3.微生物(真菌)和宿主肿瘤组织的关系在肿瘤临床诊治的应用也期待开启。
符毓 Yu (2023-10-31 22:49):
#paper doi:10.1080/03772063.2020.1830862 IETE Journal of Research, 2020, Electric Vehicle Control and Driving Safety Systems: A Review。过去10年汽车电子电气架构正在快速升级中,对应包括动态实时的要求,稳定性等控制的安全测试也需要更新更可靠的测试方法,本文总结了过去和当前的电动汽车不同控制设计的解决方案
muton (2023-10-31 22:43):
#paper: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2304085120 Modeling naturalistic face processing in humans with deep convolutional neural networks 大脑在加工信息的过程中,都是一个动态变化的过程,以往使用深度卷积神经网络可以模拟出大脑在记忆过程中的动态变化过程,但是对人脸材料而言,都是基于静态的材料进行解码,少有研究使用深度卷积神经网络的方法来解释大脑加工人脸的过程。由于人脸对于人类而言是具有特殊属性的一类材料,并且具有多维属性,如性别,表情,年龄等等,使用此方法解码是非常必要的。本文中作者使用700多个陌生面孔的自然刺激,每个视频长达4s,结合行为以及FMRI成像数据,对人脸加工过程进行了解码,结果发现,深度卷积神经网络模型在中间层/阶段可以很好的解码出分类情况,此阶段与行为结果也一致(行为结果更多体现出了分类信息),但是在全连接层可能更多体现了其他认知过程,如个性化信息等,神经信号的结果包含了更多动态和其他信息加工的信息。因此此模型可以很好的预测面部分类情况,但是对于随后的认知情况和动态变化情况并不能有一个很好的分类效果,因此,解码人脸动态加工过程的深度卷积神经网络模型仍有待进一步发展。
Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) trained for face identification can rival and even exceed human-level performance. The ways in which the internal face representations in DCNNs relate to human cognitive … >>>
Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) trained for face identification can rival and even exceed human-level performance. The ways in which the internal face representations in DCNNs relate to human cognitive representations and brain activity are not well understood. Nearly all previous studies focused on static face image processing with rapid display times and ignored the processing of naturalistic, dynamic information. To address this gap, we developed the largest naturalistic dynamic face stimulus set in human neuroimaging research (700+ naturalistic video clips of unfamiliar faces). We used this naturalistic dataset to compare representational geometries estimated from DCNNs, behavioral responses, and brain responses. We found that DCNN representational geometries were consistent across architectures, cognitive representational geometries were consistent across raters in a behavioral arrangement task, and neural representational geometries in face areas were consistent across brains. Representational geometries in late, fully connected DCNN layers, which are optimized for individuation, were much more weakly correlated with cognitive and neural geometries than were geometries in late-intermediate layers. The late-intermediate face-DCNN layers successfully matched cognitive representational geometries, as measured with a behavioral arrangement task that primarily reflected categorical attributes, and correlated with neural representational geometries in known face-selective topographies. Our study suggests that current DCNNs successfully capture neural cognitive processes for categorical attributes of faces but less accurately capture individuation and dynamic features. <<<
大勇 (2023-10-31 22:35):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2682-1 Cancer SLC43A2 alters T cell methionine metabolism and histone methylation 本文献以甲硫氨酸代谢为主要内容,肿瘤细胞通过SLC48A2转运体与CD8+T细胞竞争甲硫氨酸,导致T细胞甲硫氨酸摄取减少,从而影响甲硫氨酸代谢,抑制组蛋白H3K79me2,进而抑制了STAT5的通路激活,最终导致CD8+T细胞杀伤功能减退和凋亡增多。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2020-09. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2682-1 PMID: 32879489
Abnormal epigenetic patterns correlate with effector T cell malfunction in tumours, but the cause of this link is unknown. Here we show that tumour cells disrupt methionine metabolism in CD8 … >>>
Abnormal epigenetic patterns correlate with effector T cell malfunction in tumours, but the cause of this link is unknown. Here we show that tumour cells disrupt methionine metabolism in CD8 T cells, thereby lowering intracellular levels of methionine and the methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and resulting in loss of dimethylation at lysine 79 of histone H3 (H3K79me2). Loss of H3K79me2 led to low expression of STAT5 and impaired T cell immunity. Mechanistically, tumour cells avidly consumed methionine and outcompeted T cells for methionine by expressing high levels of the methionine transporter SLC43A2. Genetic and biochemical inhibition of tumour SLC43A2 restored H3K79me2 in T cells, thereby boosting spontaneous and checkpoint-induced tumour immunity. Moreover, methionine supplementation improved the expression of H3K79me2 and STAT5 in T cells, and this was accompanied by increased T cell immunity in tumour-bearing mice and patients with colon cancer. Clinically, tumour SLC43A2 correlated negatively with T cell histone methylation and functional gene signatures. Our results identify a mechanistic connection between methionine metabolism, histone patterns, and T cell immunity in the tumour microenvironment. Thus, cancer methionine consumption is an immune evasion mechanism, and targeting cancer methionine signalling may provide an immunotherapeutic approach. <<<
Ricardo (2023-10-31 22:15):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2308.01316 Patched Denoising Diffusion Models For High-Resolution Image Synthesis 最近在研究如何使用生成模型将脑分割图像映射回T1w/T2w图像,不过大多数医学图像生成算法都是基于patch的,然后将patch在体素空间拼回,但是这样的方法会出现边界不连续的现象。这篇文章提出用patch训练扩散模型,并在特征空间中消除边界效应。因此最近在尝试如何将这个方法应用于我的工作里。最近在做的工作是在全年龄段上构建脑模板图像,有机会可以和大家讲一讲这方面的工作。
We propose an effective denoising diffusion model for generatinghigh-resolution images (e.g., 1024$\times$512), trained on small-size imagepatches (e.g., 64$\times$64). We name our algorithm Patch-DM, in which a newfeature collage strategy is … >>>
We propose an effective denoising diffusion model for generatinghigh-resolution images (e.g., 1024$\times$512), trained on small-size imagepatches (e.g., 64$\times$64). We name our algorithm Patch-DM, in which a newfeature collage strategy is designed to avoid the boundary artifact whensynthesizing large-size images. Feature collage systematically crops andcombines partial features of the neighboring patches to predict the features ofa shifted image patch, allowing the seamless generation of the entire image dueto the overlap in the patch feature space. Patch-DM produces high-quality imagesynthesis results on our newly collected dataset of nature images(1024$\times$512), as well as on standard benchmarks of smaller sizes(256$\times$256), including LSUN-Bedroom, LSUN-Church, and FFHQ. We compare ourmethod with previous patch-based generation methods and achievestate-of-the-art FID scores on all four datasets. Further, Patch-DM alsoreduces memory complexity compared to the classic diffusion models. <<<
尹志 (2023-10-31 19:35):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0006074 J. Chem. Phys. 153, 024109 (2020) Recent developments in the PySCF program package, 这是pyscf的一篇介绍性文章,是pyscf主创团队写的,全面介绍了pyscf的目标、功能、应用领域,更重要的是作者详细讲述了pyscf库的设计理念,这个部分相信会比较吸引对科学计算感兴趣的小伙伴。pyscf是一个基于python的量子化学库,对于分子及固体的第一性原理模拟非常友好。自从2014年作者创建该库之后,越来越多从事量子模拟,电子结构计算的小伙伴为这个库做出贡献,现在pyscf不仅在量化领域,在数据科学、机器学习、量子计算领域也占据一席之地。文章写的很细,着重表达了作者团队希望pyscf能够更加松耦合,小结构驱动,成为更大项目的脚手架等设计理念,该理念也使得越来越多的量化项目优先使用pyscf,更大的项目吸取pyscf作为其核心组成部分;除了可用性,团队对性能的追求也使得pyscf成为众多量化软件中出色的候选。文章通过很多例子对上述观点进行了说明,极具可读性和参考价值,比如使用后HF对哈密顿量进行定制,使用一般化的CASSCF solverx实现轨道优化MP2方法,这些例子的代码都在20-30行代码左右,却能比很多书本都讲得清楚。最后,作者也展望了pyscf在机器学习,量子计算等领域的发展。考虑到本人在使用pyscf过程中的良好体验,推荐感兴趣的小伙伴读读这篇文章并尝试使用pyscf。对了,pyscf的作者也是传奇,真正做到了经营着量化基金,开发着量化软件,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
IF:3.100Q1 The Journal of chemical physics, 2020-Jul-14. DOI: 10.1063/5.0006074 PMID: 32668948
PySCF is a Python-based general-purpose electronic structure platform that supports first-principles simulations of molecules and solids as well as accelerates the development of new methodology and complex computational workflows. This … >>>
PySCF is a Python-based general-purpose electronic structure platform that supports first-principles simulations of molecules and solids as well as accelerates the development of new methodology and complex computational workflows. This paper explains the design and philosophy behind PySCF that enables it to meet these twin objectives. With several case studies, we show how users can easily implement their own methods using PySCF as a development environment. We then summarize the capabilities of PySCF for molecular and solid-state simulations. Finally, we describe the growing ecosystem of projects that use PySCF across the domains of quantum chemistry, materials science, machine learning, and quantum information science. <<<
Vincent (2023-10-31 14:27):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41576-022-00477-6 Nat Rev Genet 2022 Making sense of the ageing methylome 衰老近些年引起了比较大的研究兴趣。这篇综述文章总结了近些年关于衰老的甲基化组学研究。文章介绍了寻找衰老关联位点的几种统计方法和对应的工具,例如最常见的使用线性模型寻找差异化位点,使用假设检验寻找变异位点,以及通过使用熵值和相关性网络等统计工具寻找更复杂的变化模式。此外文章还介绍了一些有趣的与衰老相关的甲基化证据,探讨了通过干预甲基化模式与机制来达到延长寿命的策略。最后文章还讨论了甲基化年龄机理的相关理论。
Over time, the human DNA methylation landscape accrues substantial damage, which has been associated with a broad range of age-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Various age-related DNA methylation … >>>
Over time, the human DNA methylation landscape accrues substantial damage, which has been associated with a broad range of age-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Various age-related DNA methylation changes have been described, including at the level of individual CpGs, such as differential and variable methylation, and at the level of the whole methylome, including entropy and correlation networks. Here, we review these changes in the ageing methylome as well as the statistical tools that can be used to quantify them. We detail the evidence linking DNA methylation to ageing phenotypes and the longevity strategies aimed at altering both DNA methylation patterns and machinery to extend healthspan and lifespan. Lastly, we discuss theories on the mechanistic causes of epigenetic ageing. <<<
李翛然 (2023-10-31 13:21):
#paper doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btad596 DeepCCI: a deep learning framework for identifying cell-cell interactions from single-cell RNA sequencing data 一个新的框架,在用scRNA的数据来解释细胞互作,不过我觉得最大的问题是,看了一下他的训练集和数据集,还是通过对于scRNA的初步处理数据,即做到uMAP的降维分类后就来训练,还是非常初级的想法,真正的细胞互作的机理在这个颗粒度下的解释会很糟糕。不过也算是一个跨领域的应用 值得鼓励
MOTIVATION: Cell-cell interactions (CCIs) play critical roles in many biological processes such as cellular differentiation, tissue homeostasis, and immune response. With the rapid development of high throughput single-cell RNA sequencing … >>>
MOTIVATION: Cell-cell interactions (CCIs) play critical roles in many biological processes such as cellular differentiation, tissue homeostasis, and immune response. With the rapid development of high throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies, it is of high importance to identify CCIs from the ever-increasing scRNA-seq data. However, limited by the algorithmic constraints, current computational methods based on statistical strategies ignore some key latent information contained in scRNA-seq data with high sparsity and heterogeneity.RESULTS: Here, we developed a deep learning framework named DeepCCI to identify meaningful CCIs from scRNA-seq data. Applications of DeepCCI to a wide range of publicly available datasets from diverse technologies and platforms demonstrate its ability to predict significant CCIs accurately and effectively. Powered by the flexible and easy-to-use software, DeepCCI can provide the one-stop solution to discover meaningful intercellular interactions and build CCI networks from scRNA-seq data.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The source code of DeepCCI is available online at https://github.com/JiangBioLab/DeepCCI. <<<
庞庞 (2023-10-31 11:57):
#paper doi:10.1093/schbul/sbaa155 Disrupted Intersubject Variability Architecture in Functional Connectomes in Schizophrenia 精神分裂症是一种高度异质性的疾病,临床表现存在个体差异。 先前在精分进行的神经影像学研究主要集中于识别患者和健康对照 (HC) 之间大脑连接组的组平均差异,忽略了被试间差异。 作者获取了 121 名 精分患者和 183 名 HC 的全脑静息态功能 MRI 数据,并检查了 患者和 HC 功能连接组的个体间差异。 然后,作者评估了 个体间差异 与 患者 临床变量之间的关系。 患者 组的全脑个体间差异模式与 HC 组基本相似。 与HC组相比,精分组在双侧感觉运动、视觉、听觉和皮质下区域表现出更高的个体间差异。 此外,个体间差异的改变与发病年龄、病程和简明精神病评定量表评分呈负相关,与临床异质性呈正相关。 精分中全脑个体间差异的改变对于理解 精分的高度临床异质性以及该疾病未来的个体化临床诊断和治疗具有潜在的意义。
IF:5.300Q1 Schizophrenia bulletin, 2021-04-29. DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbaa155 PMID: 33135075
Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a highly heterogeneous disorder with remarkable intersubject variability in clinical presentations. Previous neuroimaging studies in SCZ have primarily focused on identifying group-averaged differences in the brain connectome … >>>
Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a highly heterogeneous disorder with remarkable intersubject variability in clinical presentations. Previous neuroimaging studies in SCZ have primarily focused on identifying group-averaged differences in the brain connectome between patients and healthy controls (HCs), largely neglecting the intersubject differences among patients. We acquired whole-brain resting-state functional MRI data from 121 SCZ patients and 183 HCs and examined the intersubject variability of the functional connectome (IVFC) in SCZ patients and HCs. Between-group differences were determined using permutation analysis. Then, we evaluated the relationship between IVFC and clinical variables in SCZ. Finally, we used datasets of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) to assess the specificity of IVFC alteration in SCZ. The whole-brain IVFC pattern in the SCZ group was generally similar to that in HCs. Compared with the HC group, the SCZ group exhibited higher IVFC in the bilateral sensorimotor, visual, auditory, and subcortical regions. Moreover, altered IVFC was negatively correlated with age of onset, illness duration, and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale scores and positively correlated with clinical heterogeneity. Although the SCZ shared altered IVFC in the visual cortex with BD and MDD, the alterations of IVFC in the sensorimotor, auditory, and subcortical cortices were specific to SCZ. The alterations of whole-brain IVFC in SCZ have potential implications for the understanding of the high clinical heterogeneity of SCZ and the future individualized clinical diagnosis and treatment of this disease. <<<
小年 (2023-10-30 22:31):
#paper Andrews G, Fan K, Pratt HE, Phalke N; Zoonomia Consortium§; Karlsson EK, Lindblad-Toh K, Gazal S, Moore JE, Weng Z. Mammalian evolution of human cis-regulatory elements and transcription factor binding sites. Science. 2023 Apr 28;380(6643):eabn7930. doi: 10.1126/science.abn7930. Epub 2023 Apr 28. PMID: 37104580. 哺乳动物之所以具有高度的生物体复杂性,很大程度上是由于它们的蛋白质调节的多样性。描述人类基因组的调控景观是现代生物学的一个长期目标。现代方法测量全基因组的生化信号,包括染色质可及性、组蛋白修饰、DNA甲基化和人类基因组中约1600个转录因子(tf)的结合。本篇文章作者利用Zoonomia项目(Zoonomia project)开发的工具---胎盘哺乳动物的进化限制(evolutionary constraint)和无参考基因组的241种哺乳动物的基因组比对---对胎盘哺乳动物的进化动态进行了研究。作者探索了从表观基因组学数据中获得的ENCODE cCRE和从染色质免疫沉淀数据中获得的367种转录因子的结合位点。他们发现了哺乳动物调控元件的保护性图谱:一端是高度保守的cCRE和进化受限的TFBS,另一端是灵长类动物特有的与转座因子(transposable element)重叠的cCRE和TFBSs。保守性的调控元件主要位于在基本细胞过程(代谢、发育)中起作用的基因附近,并且在其他哺乳动物的基因组中往往具有功能性,而不存在进化限制的调控元件位于涉及与环境相互作用的基因附近。
Understanding the regulatory landscape of the human genome is a long-standing objective of modern biology. Using the reference-free alignment across 241 mammalian genomes produced by the Zoonomia Consortium, we charted … >>>
Understanding the regulatory landscape of the human genome is a long-standing objective of modern biology. Using the reference-free alignment across 241 mammalian genomes produced by the Zoonomia Consortium, we charted evolutionary trajectories for 0.92 million human candidate cis-regulatory elements (cCREs) and 15.6 million human transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs). We identified 439,461 cCREs and 2,024,062 TFBSs under evolutionary constraint. Genes near constrained elements perform fundamental cellular processes, whereas genes near primate-specific elements are involved in environmental interaction, including odor perception and immune response. About 20% of TFBSs are transposable element-derived and exhibit intricate patterns of gains and losses during primate evolution whereas sequence variants associated with complex traits are enriched in constrained TFBSs. Our annotations illuminate the regulatory functions of the human genome. <<<
四封信之林 (2023-10-30 21:22):
#paper 专利:Equalization-based image processing and spatial crosstalk attenuator。pub.No: US 2021/0350163 A1。针对基因测序过程中,cluster点之间的空间串扰的问题(cluster之间距离过近会导致,cluster之间存在信号干扰,从而导致测序错误率升高)。该专利通过机器学习的方式来得到一个提取亮度的卷积核。通过cluster重心在像素中的亚像素位置,将cluster划分为25类,然后以信噪比(或指定亮度为目标),来进行梯度下降学习到每类cluster的亮度提取卷积,从而实现去除空间串扰的作用。
哪有情可长 (2023-10-30 21:15):
#paper Genome resources for the elite bread wheat cultivar Aikang 58 and mining of elite homeologous haplotypes for accelerating wheat improvement,Molecular Plant, 23 October 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2023.10.015. AK58是在2005年国家审定的具有矮杆抗倒伏,稳产多抗,适应性广品质优的一个小麦品种,该品种在全国推广范围较大,在2013年获得“国家科技进步一等奖”。该品种作为人工培育的经典的现代品种跟小麦参考基因组地方种中国春相比较的话,能够揭示小麦近百年来小麦品种改良造成的基因组变异。作者构建了AK58基因、转座子、转录组、表观组、代谢组和突变体等综合的数据库。 利用比较基因组学对AK58和中国春进行比较分析,发现AK58特意表达的基因主要在光系统Ⅰ、损伤反应及氧化磷酸化途径中显著富集,而中国春的特异表达基因在植物与病原物互作途径中得到富集。在六倍体小麦中由于亚基因组二倍化与分化,使得每个多倍体位点中三个亚基因组的直系同源基因,通常显示出既有互补性又有特异性的功能。在F2遗传群体中,两个亲本的等位亚基因组直系同源基因间会发生多达27种(33)的组合,其中2种为亲本类型,而另外25种为新组合类型,每一种组合类型都有可能是一种功能独特的多倍体位点单倍型(homoeologous locus haplotype, HH),从而大大提高了六倍体小麦的遗传多样性。为便于研究,研究人员利用SNP芯片分析了AK58与CS衍生的F2群体,以特异的SNP标记重要多倍体位点的每一个亚基因组拷贝,从而可方便地区分由等位亚基因组直系同源基因组合而产生的多种HHs,并以其为基因型信息与农艺性状进行关联分析。这种基于多倍体位点单倍型差异的关联分析有别于常规的依赖单基因差异的关联分析,因而被称为HGWAS。用该方法对20个重要农艺性状进行检测,共发现393个显著的HGWAS位点,针对重要的HGWAS位点,研究人员进行了不同HHs之间遗传效应的比较。在AK58与CS中均发现了多种优异的HHs,源于AK58的HHs反映了现代育种的选择效应,存在于CS的HHs可能在现代育种选择中被遗弃,但可能仍然有利用价值。
IF:17.100Q1 Molecular plant, 2023-12-04. DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2023.10.015 PMID: 37897037
Despite recent progress in crop genomics studies, the genomic changes brought about by modern breeding selection are still poorly understood, thus hampering genomics-assisted breeding, especially in polyploid crops with compound … >>>
Despite recent progress in crop genomics studies, the genomic changes brought about by modern breeding selection are still poorly understood, thus hampering genomics-assisted breeding, especially in polyploid crops with compound genomes such as common wheat (Triticum aestivum). In this work, we constructed genome resources for the modern elite common wheat variety Aikang 58 (AK58). Comparative genomics between AK58 and the landrace cultivar Chinese Spring (CS) shed light on genomic changes that occurred through recent varietal improvement. We also explored subgenome diploidization and divergence in common wheat and developed a homoeologous locus-based genome-wide association study (HGWAS) approach, which was more effective than single homoeolog-based GWAS in unraveling agronomic trait-associated loci. A total of 123 major HGWAS loci were detected using a genetic population derived from AK58 and CS. Elite homoeologous haplotypes (HHs), formed by combinations of subgenomic homoeologs of the associated loci, were found in both parents and progeny, and many could substantially improve wheat yield and related traits. We built a website where users can download genome assembly sequence and annotation data for AK58, perform blast analysis, and run JBrowse. Our work enriches genome resources for wheat, provides new insights into genomic changes during modern wheat improvement, and suggests that efficient mining of elite HHs can make a substantial contribution to genomics-assisted breeding in common wheat and other polyploid crops. <<<
芝麻 (2023-10-30 16:32):
#paper DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320930 Exploring prognostic indicators in the pathological images of hepatocellular carcinoma based on deep learning 肿瘤病理学包含丰富的信息,包括组织结构和细胞形态,反映疾病进展和患者生存情况。 然而,表型信息微妙而复杂,使得从病理图像中发现预后指标具有挑战性。本文基于深度学习探索肝细胞癌病理图像中的预后指标,通过AI发现一个很好的临床指标,它不仅在中国人群中做出了差异,还在tcga里做了验证,作为一个与其他因素独立的marker,hr达到3.5,是一个利用AI提高患者预后准确率的成功案例
IF:23.000Q1 Gut, 2021-05. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320930 PMID: 32998878
OBJECTIVE: Tumour pathology contains rich information, including tissue structure and cell morphology, that reflects disease progression and patient survival. However, phenotypic information is subtle and complex, making the discovery of … >>>
OBJECTIVE: Tumour pathology contains rich information, including tissue structure and cell morphology, that reflects disease progression and patient survival. However, phenotypic information is subtle and complex, making the discovery of prognostic indicators from pathological images challenging.DESIGN: An interpretable, weakly supervised deep learning framework incorporating prior knowledge was proposed to analyse hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and explore new prognostic phenotypes on pathological whole-slide images (WSIs) from the Zhongshan cohort of 1125 HCC patients (2451 WSIs) and TCGA cohort of 320 HCC patients (320 WSIs). A 'tumour risk score (TRS)' was established to evaluate patient outcomes, and then risk activation mapping (RAM) was applied to visualise the pathological phenotypes of TRS. The multi-omics data of The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA) HCC were used to assess the potential pathogenesis underlying TRS.RESULTS: Survival analysis revealed that TRS was an independent prognosticator in both the Zhongshan cohort (p<0.0001) and TCGA cohort (p=0.0003). The predictive ability of TRS was superior to and independent of clinical staging systems, and TRS could evenly stratify patients into up to five groups with significantly different prognoses. Notably, sinusoidal capillarisation, prominent nucleoli and karyotheca, the nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and infiltrating inflammatory cells were identified as the main underlying features of TRS. The multi-omics data of TCGA HCC hint at the relevance of TRS to tumour immune infiltration and genetic alterations such as the FAT3 and RYR2 mutations.CONCLUSION: Our deep learning framework is an effective and labour-saving method for decoding pathological images, providing a valuable means for HCC risk stratification and precise patient treatment. <<<
钟鸣 (2023-10-30 16:06):
#paper doi: 10.1128/jb.00165-23 Three genes controlling streptomycin susceptibility in Agrobacterium fabrum 链霉素是一种氨基糖苷类抗生素,通过干扰16S rRNA的正常工作阻碍细菌复制,实现抗菌效果。农杆菌的链霉素抗性通常由rpsL、rsmG(也称为gidB)和rrs突变引起。本课题中,作者使用链霉菌做连续培养筛选和分析,获取了在低浓度和高浓度抗生素下筛选到的耐药菌准,由于传代筛选过程中未引入外源基因,表明内源性基因的突变调控了耐药性。由于低浓度下的突变体的耐药性高于高浓度下的突变体,因此作者分别对这两批突变体进行了测序。作者首先发现高浓度突变株的rpsL发生了突变而低浓度的没有,对突变的rpsL等位基因进行转移实现,验证了该等位基因能赋予野生型耐药性。对6株低浓度突变体的测序发现,都发生了导致rsmG功能丧失的突变,随后的敲除和回补实证实了该基因突变对链霉素抗性的影响。
ABSTRACT Streptomycin (Sm) is a commonly used antibiotic for its efficacy against diverse bacteria. The plant pathogen Agrobacterium fabrum is a model for studying pathogenesis and interkingdom gene transfer. Streptomycin-resistant … >>>
ABSTRACT Streptomycin (Sm) is a commonly used antibiotic for its efficacy against diverse bacteria. The plant pathogen Agrobacterium fabrum is a model for studying pathogenesis and interkingdom gene transfer. Streptomycin-resistant variants of A. fabrum are commonly employed in genetic analyses, yet mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility to streptomycin in this organism have not previously been investigated. We observe that resistance to a high concentration of streptomycin arises at high frequency in A. fabrum , and we attribute this trait to the presence of a chromosomal gene ( strB ) encoding a putative aminoglycoside phosphotransferase. We show how strB , along with rpsL (encoding ribosomal protein S12) and rsmG (encoding a 16S rRNA methyltransferase), modulates streptomycin sensitivity in A. fabrum . IMPORTANCE The plant pathogen Agrobacterium fabrum is a widely used model bacterium for studying biofilms, bacterial motility, pathogenesis, and gene transfer from bacteria to plants. Streptomycin (Sm) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic known for its broad efficacy against gram-negative bacteria. A. fabrum exhibits endogenous resistance to somewhat high levels of streptomycin, but the mechanism underlying this resistance has not been elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that this resistance is caused by a chromosomally encoded streptomycin-inactivating enzyme, StrB, that has not been previously characterized in A. fabrum . Furthermore, we show how the genes rsmG , rpsL , and strB jointly modulate streptomycin susceptibility in A. fabrum . <<<
前进 (2023-10-30 13:57):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ac5f70 Training low dose CT denoising network without high quality reference data 低剂量CT(LDCT)去噪领域主要是基于监督学习的方法,需要完全配准的LDCT对及其相应的干净参考图像(normal-dose CT)。然而,无干净标签的训练更具有实际意义,因为在临床上不可能获得大量的这些配对样本。本文提出了一种用于LDCT成像的自监督去噪方法。方法该方法不需要任何干净的图像。此外,在去噪过程中,利用感知损失来实现特征域的数据一致性。在解码阶段使用的注意块可以帮助进一步提高图像质量。在实验中横向对比了3种方法,并进行了6个消融实验,验证了提出的自监督框架的有效性,以及自注意模块和感知损失的有效性。
Currently, the field of low-dose CT (LDCT) denoising is dominated by supervised learning based methods, which need perfectly registered pairs of LDCT and its corresponding clean reference image (normal-dose CT). … >>>
Currently, the field of low-dose CT (LDCT) denoising is dominated by supervised learning based methods, which need perfectly registered pairs of LDCT and its corresponding clean reference image (normal-dose CT). However, training without clean labels is more practically feasible and significant, since it is clinically impossible to acquire a large amount of these paired samples. In this paper, a self-supervised denoising method is proposed for LDCT imaging.The proposed method does not require any clean images. In addition, the perceptual loss is used to achieve data consistency in feature domain during the denoising process. Attention blocks used in decoding phase can help further improve the image quality.In the experiments, we validate the effectiveness of our proposed self-supervised framework and compare our method with several state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods. The results show that our proposed model achieves competitive performance in both qualitative and quantitative aspects to other methods.Our framework can be directly applied to most denoising scenarios without collecting pairs of training data, which is more flexible for real clinical scenario. <<<
惊鸿 (2023-10-30 11:51):
#paper DOI:10.1007/s00417-023-06158-2 Pub Date:2023-06-30 Comparisons of the protein expressions between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma in human 这篇文章告诉了前角膜基质上存在高度近视和中度近视之间的36个DEP,其中11个蛋白上调,25个蛋白下调。GO分析显示,高度近视角膜中角质细胞迁移和细胞骨架结构成分发生显着变化,大部分蛋白质减少。角蛋白 16 (KRT16) 和红细胞膜蛋白带 4.1 样蛋白 4B 是仅有的两种参与这两种功能的蛋白。PPI 分析显示角蛋白 II 型细胞骨架 6A (KRT6A) 和 KRT16 具有很强的联系。免疫球蛋白lambda变量8-61(IGLV8-61)和烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶(NAMPT)与TMT的结果一致。 得出结论为与中度近视角膜相比,高度近视角膜在前角膜基质上有 36 个 DEP。高度近视眼角膜的角质形成细胞迁移和细胞骨架的结构成分减弱,这可能部分解释了高度近视眼角膜生物力学较低的原因。较低表达的KRT16在高度近视角膜中发挥重要作用。
PURPOSE: To investigate the differentially expressed proteins (DEP) between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma.METHODS: Tandem mass tag (TMT) quantitative proteomics was utilized to reveal proteins. … >>>
PURPOSE: To investigate the differentially expressed proteins (DEP) between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma.METHODS: Tandem mass tag (TMT) quantitative proteomics was utilized to reveal proteins. DEPs were screened by the multiple change of more than 1.2 times or less than 0.83 and the P value < 0.05. The DEPs were functional annotated by Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Proteins and protein interaction (PPI) networks were conducted with String online tool. Parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) data processing was used to verify the TMT proteomics results.RESULTS: There are 36 DEPs between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma, of which 11 proteins are upregulated, 25 proteins are downregulated. The GO analysis demonstrated keratinocyte migration and structural constituent of cytoskeleton that are significantly changed with most of the proteins decreased in high myopic corneas. Keratin 16 (KRT16) and erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like protein 4B are the only two proteins involved in both functions. The PPI analysis showed keratin type II cytoskeletal 6A (KRT6A) and KRT16 that have strong connections. Immunoglobulin lambda variable 8-61(IGLV8-61) and nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase (NAMPT) have consistent results with the TMT.CONCLUSIONS: The high myopic corneas have 36 DEPs compared to the moderate myopic corneas on the anterior corneal stroma. Keratinocyte migrations and structural constituent of cytoskeleton are weakened in high myopic corneas, which may partly account for the lower corneal biomechanics in high myopic eyes. The lower expressed KRT16 plays important roles in high myopic corneas. <<<
颜林林 (2023-10-27 12:22):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41592-023-02043-2. Nature Methods, 2023, Comprehensive benchmarking and guidelines of mosaic variant calling strategies. 本文是一篇方法学评估对比的文章,对11个嵌合体突变鉴定工具(这其中也包括我读博期间参与的MosaicHunter)进行了系统评估。嵌合体突变是精卵结合形成合子后,在生物个体发育早期发生的一类体细胞突变,这类突变会随着发育和器官形成,被携带并分布到生物个体的不同部位。本文使用预先确定了胚系突变信息的细胞系,分步骤进行混合,以模拟生物个体早期不同阶段发生的嵌合体突变,由此得到一组拥有不同频率嵌合体突变结果(ground truth)的参考样品,用来测试和评估各鉴定工具(这个参考品制备方法,在过去几年里,也被我们用于癌症基因检测产品研发,对体细胞突变鉴定进行技术验证)。本文的评估结果显示,嵌合体突变鉴定,很大程度上取决于研究目的(及由此考虑的假设条件),根据不同目的所选择的工具及参数,可能对结果产生较大影响,本文根据评估结果对不同工具的特点进行了描述,为后续其他关于嵌合体突变的研究,以及分析工具开发,提供了参考指导和建议。
IF:36.100Q1 Nature methods, 2023-Dec. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-023-02043-2 PMID: 37828153
Rapid advances in sequencing and analysis technologies have enabled the accurate detection of diverse forms of genomic variants represented as heterozygous, homozygous and mosaic mutations. However, the best practices for … >>>
Rapid advances in sequencing and analysis technologies have enabled the accurate detection of diverse forms of genomic variants represented as heterozygous, homozygous and mosaic mutations. However, the best practices for mosaic variant calling remain disorganized owing to the technical and conceptual difficulties faced in evaluation. Here we present our benchmark of 11 feasible mosaic variant detection approaches based on a systematically designed whole-exome-level reference standard that mimics mosaic samples, supported by 354,258 control positive mosaic single-nucleotide variants and insertion-deletion mutations and 33,111,725 control negatives. We identified not only the best practice for mosaic variant detection but also the condition-dependent strengths and weaknesses of the current methods. Furthermore, feature-level evaluation and their combinatorial usage across multiple algorithms direct the way for immediate to prolonged improvements in mosaic variant detection. Our results will guide researchers in selecting suitable calling algorithms and suggest future strategies for developers. <<<
朵朵 (2023-10-25 21:06):
#paper 徐宗阳. "农民行动的观念基础——以一个公司型农场的作物失窃事件为例." 社会学研究. 前一阵南阳音乐节偷盗事件引发舆论热议。村民为什么偷盗?是否“素质低,道德水平低下”单一因素就能够解释?中国社会科学院社会学研究所助理研究员徐宗阳的这篇论文,试图分析农民偷窃行为背后的观念世界与行动逻辑,读来很有意思。 作者在兴民农场及周边村庄进行了4个月的田野调查,调查的核心事件是随着玉米成熟,每天多达三四百仁来兴民农场偷玉米,农场管理人员根本无力控制,即使出动警察抓捕偷盗也没有消失。与之相对应的是,参与偷窃的村民谈及此事不仅不刻意回避,反而有一些“应该”“该当”等理直气壮的表述,甚至“谁拿得多谁光荣”。在讲述时也并不使用“偷盗”这个词,而是用“拿”“掰”等中性词。为什么周边村民会大规模地参与到针对兴民农场的偷窃中,而且对自己的偷窃行为理直气壮?支撑周边村民这种“正当的偷窃”行为背后的观念基础或者行动逻辑是什么? 作者通过访谈给出的解释框架是: 1. 被建构的“集体”:兴民农场依靠政府强力推动在极短时间内将数千亩土地流转完成,再加上类似于人民公社时期的经营活动,使周边村民在观念上将其建构为“集体”并以对待“集体”和公家的态度与之相处。这种观念的正当性镶嵌于历史传统之中。 2. 被排斥的“外人”:村民进入了匿名的陌生人社会。兴民农场与村民互不熟悉,很难对偷窃进行定位;村民和兴民农场没有交情,将其视为外人,偷窃不会不好意思。而且,村民返回熟人社会中受到村庄舆论的影响。村庄舆论体系非但没有对村民的偷窃行为形成制约,反而发挥了支持和激励作用。 3. 被惩罚的“坏人”:兴民农场为解决玉米失窃而采用的应对措施不仅没能起到消弭偷窃的效果,反而在客观上制造并加剧了与周边村庄相互对立的紧张关系。不少村民将兴民农场视为乡土意义上的“坏人”,为他们偷窃玉米赋予了针对性反抗的意义。 在兴民农场的玉米失窃事件中,呈现了村民的三种观念结构。“集体”“外人”“坏人”的出场顺序,与这一事件的发展逻辑密切相关。首先,被建构的“集体”出场,这是此事件的发生机制。周边村民亲身经历了快速完成的土地流转,目睹了兴民农场的经营状况,产生了“公家的玉米可以拿”的想法。其次,被排斥的“外人”出场,这是此事件的扩大机制。在村民的观念中,“集体”逻辑之外还有内外有别的逻辑,村内舆论默许、支持和激励了对于“外人”的偷窃行为。最后,被惩罚的“坏人”出场,这是此事件的固化机制。兴民农场的强力回应在固化周边村民关于“集体”与“外人”观念的同时又增添了“坏人”的逻辑,致使行动开始出现对立的意味。三种观念的相互缠绕也是兴民农场玉米失窃事件难以解决的关键。 建构“集体”、排斥“外人”、惩罚“坏人”是当地村民视角的叙事结构,“外人”和“坏人”也是兴民农场和当地村民给对方贴上的标签。按照“行动—伦—理”的顺序,我们发现农民面对外来者时首先会界定彼此的关系,然后再根据关系背后的原则与之相处。当他们在观念世界中无从判断外来者的位置时,会转而从个体经历或集体记忆中去找寻。之所以农民会将当下的土地流转与历史上的集体化联系起来、将私人经营与开明地主相互挂钩,都是因为他们在界定关系。确定了关系,背后的相处原则和相关期待也随之而来。我们能够发现农民认为“拿点集体的东西不犯什么大错”或者对待外人应该如何行事等行动之“理”的根源。这些支撑行动和关系的“理”并非来源于现实的理性计算,而是来源于历史和传统,这正是行动伦理的动态体现。 总之,很难从一个普遍标准来对农民的行为做出道德评价,同样是偷窃,村民并非根据行为本身来判断对错,而是依据对象来定义是非。正如费孝通先生在《维系着私人的道德》中所言,在差序社会里,“一切普遍的标准并不发生作用,一定要问清了,对象是谁,和自己是什么关系之后,才能决定拿出什么标准来”(费孝通)。从差序社会向上追溯,这些行动的标准则又根植于传统中国伦理本位的社会结构与传统儒家的人伦结构(梁漱溟)。
龙海晨 (2023-10-25 12:35):
#paper Chaves DG, de Oliveira LC, da Silva Malta MCF, de Oliveira IR, Barbosa-Stancioli EF, Teixeira MM, Martins ML. Pro-inflammatory immune profile mediated by TNF and IFN-γ and regulated by IL-10 is associated to IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic blood donors. Cytokine. 2022 Jun;154:155874. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155874. Epub 2022 Apr 4. PMID: 35397248; PMCID: PMC8977499. 文章是巴西在新冠时期做的研究,对7837名献血者做的研究检测血液中的抗体水平。发现症状严重的TNF、IFN-γ和IL-10浓度较高。症状的严重程度与IgG抗体的中和能力有关。而IgG抗体的中和能力和血清的CCL5和CXCL10显著相关。文章据此假设维持在IL-10调节良好的促炎微环境中可以提高对新冠的免疫适应性。
IF:3.700Q2 Cytokine, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155874 PMID: 35397248
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected and killed millions of people, but little is known about the risk factors that lead to the development of severe, mild or asymptomatic conditions after … >>>
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected and killed millions of people, but little is known about the risk factors that lead to the development of severe, mild or asymptomatic conditions after infection. The individual immune response and the balance of cytokines and chemokines have been shown to be important for the prognosis of patients. Additionally, it is essential to understand how the production of specific antibodies with viral neutralizing capacity is established. In this context, this study aimed to identify positive individuals for IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 in a large population of blood donors (n = 7837) to establish their immune response profile and to evaluate its viral neutralization capacity. The prevalence found for IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 was 5.6% (n = 441), with male blood donors (61.9%) being more prevalent among the positive ones. The results showed that positive individuals for IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 have high serum concentrations of chemokines, TNF, IFN-γ and IL-10. The analyses showed that the positivity index for IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 is associated with the neutralizing capacity of the antibodies, which, in turn, is significantly related to lower serum concentrations of CCL5 and CXCL10. The results allow us to hypothesize that the development and maintenance of IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in infected individuals occurs in a pro-inflammatory microenvironment well regulated by IL-10 with great capacity for recruiting cells from the innate and adaptive immune systems. <<<