徐炳祥 (2024-08-25 15:03):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.040 Cell, 2024, Spatiotemporal omics for biology and medicine。自从被提出以来,空间多组学技术就以其所具备的高时空分辨率在从系统学的角度理解生物过程中扮演核心角色,因而也成为组学、分子生物学、系统生物学等多个学科的前沿分支。这篇华大最近发表在Cell上的综述对当前空间多组学(尤其空间转录组学)的主流技术路线(基于成像和基于标记测序)的原理,每分支下的关键技术节点及其技术发展脉络、各技术的优势和不足。生物信息分析的主要过程和每个步骤中的常用工具,面临的主要问题及可能的解决方式。空间多组学技术在生命科学研究和临床医学中的成功应用及其挑战等进行了详细梳理。是空间多组学研究入门的良好参考,也可以帮助领域内研究者发现可能的研究目标。
Cell, 2024-Aug-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.040 PMID: 39178830
Spatiotemporal omics for biology and medicine
The completion of the Human Genome Project has provided a foundational blueprint for understanding human life. Nonetheless, understanding the intricate mechanisms through which our genetic blueprint is involved in disease or orchestrates development across temporal and spatial dimensions remains a profound scientific challenge. Recent breakthroughs in cellular omics technologies have paved new pathways for understanding the regulation of genomic elements and the relationship between gene expression, cellular functions, and cell fate determination. The advent of spatial omics technologies, encompassing both imaging and sequencing-based methodologies, has enabled a comprehensive understanding of biological processes from a cellular ecosystem perspective. This review offers an updated overview of how spatial omics has advanced our understanding of the translation of genetic information into cellular heterogeneity and tissue structural organization and their dynamic changes over time. It emphasizes the discovery of various biological phenomena, related to organ functionality, embryogenesis, species evolution, and the pathogenesis of diseases.