DeDe宝 (2024-08-02 14:36):
#paper DOI:, eLife, 2024, An allocentric human odometer for perceiving distances on the ground plane.这篇文章分析了人类如何通过非自我中心(allocentric)的空间参考框架解决移动时静态物体的视错觉变化。研究者比较被试在静止和行走状态下对目标位置的感知,发现在行走条件下,被试对目标位置的判断显示出与基线-静止条件相比更近的偏差,这支持了非自我中心编码。此外,研究者测试在行走时进行认知任务(如倒数计数)是否影响路径整合机制,发现分心行走条件下,被试对目标位置的判断受到了影响,表明路径整合机制可能需要一定的注意力资源。然后,研究者通过被动移动被试测试路径整合机制是否在被动移动和不同方向移动下工作,发现无论是向前还是向后移动,路径整合机制都能正常工作,表明它可以使用前庭信号。最后,使用口头报告任务来确认在自我运动中的观察者是否与静止观察者有一致的空间感知效果。实验表明,无论是行动任务还是静止任务,空间感知效果是一致的。最后,研究者还发现路径整合机制在水平方向上比垂直方向上更有效。综上,研究结果表明,人类使用一个非自我中心的空间参考框架来感知在地面平面上的距离。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2024-7-18. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.88095.3
An allocentric human odometer for perceiving distances on the ground plane
We reliably judge locations of static objects when we walk despite the retinal images of these objects moving with every step we take. Here, we showed our brains solve this optical illusion by adopting an allocentric spatial reference frame. We measured perceived target location after the observer walked a short distance from the home base. Supporting the allocentric coding scheme, we found the intrinsic bias , which acts as a spatial reference frame for perceiving location of a dimly lit target in the dark, remained grounded at the home base rather than traveled along with the observer. The path-integration mechanism responsible for this can utilize both active and passive (vestibular) translational motion signals, but only along the horizontal direction. This asymmetric path-integration finding in human visual space perception is reminiscent of the asymmetric spatial memory finding in desert ants, pointing to nature’s wondrous and logically simple design for terrestrial creatures.