来自杂志 Cell 的文献。
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(2024-12-31 19:56):
#paper Engineering source–sink relations by prime editing confers heat-stress resilience in tomato and rice, Cell,doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.005,该研究针对高温逆境导致的番茄落花落果、品质低下,水稻秃尖、瘪壳等引起主要粮食和蔬菜作物大幅减产的农业生产实际问题,创建了环境智能高产稳产育种技术,该技术相当于给作物源库关系调控的关键枢纽基因安装一个温度感应器,赋予该基因实时感应温度变化自动优化源库分配的能力,创制了顺境高产逆境稳产的作物新种质。
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.005
Engineering source-sink relations by prime editing confers heat-stress resilience in tomato and rice
No abstract available.
(2024-08-25 15:03):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.040 Cell, 2024, Spatiotemporal omics for biology and medicine。自从被提出以来,空间多组学技术就以其所具备的高时空分辨率在从系统学的角度理解生物过程中扮演核心角色,因而也成为组学、分子生物学、系统生物学等多个学科的前沿分支。这篇华大最近发表在Cell上的综述对当前空间多组学(尤其空间转录组学)的主流技术路线(基于成像和基于标记测序)的原理,每分支下的关键技术节点及其技术发展脉络、各技术的优势和不足。生物信息分析的主要过程和每个步骤中的常用工具,面临的主要问题及可能的解决方式。空间多组学技术在生命科学研究和临床医学中的成功应用及其挑战等进行了详细梳理。是空间多组学研究入门的良好参考,也可以帮助领域内研究者发现可能的研究目标。
The completion of the Human Genome Project has provided a foundational blueprint for understanding human life. Nonetheless, understanding the intricate mechanisms through which our genetic blueprint is involved in disease …
The completion of the Human Genome Project has provided a foundational blueprint for understanding human life. Nonetheless, understanding the intricate mechanisms through which our genetic blueprint is involved in disease or orchestrates development across temporal and spatial dimensions remains a profound scientific challenge. Recent breakthroughs in cellular omics technologies have paved new pathways for understanding the regulation of genomic elements and the relationship between gene expression, cellular functions, and cell fate determination. The advent of spatial omics technologies, encompassing both imaging and sequencing-based methodologies, has enabled a comprehensive understanding of biological processes from a cellular ecosystem perspective. This review offers an updated overview of how spatial omics has advanced our understanding of the translation of genetic information into cellular heterogeneity and tissue structural organization and their dynamic changes over time. It emphasizes the discovery of various biological phenomena, related to organ functionality, embryogenesis, species evolution, and the pathogenesis of diseases.
(2024-05-31 17:01):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.003 Biomarkers of aging for the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions 这是一篇介绍衰老生物标志物术语和表征框架的文章,描述了衰老领域关键术语,从监管和应用角度对生物标志物进行分类、对生物标志物的评估等方面建立共识,并介绍了现有的生物标志物、衰老时钟和试验。总体是一个PPT式的论文,其对于衰老术语和表征框架感觉还有欠缺,但其对于衰老研究的思考,以及提到的衰老领域的研究资源和试验还是值得去看一看。
With the rapid expansion of aging biology research, the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions in humans have become key goals of this field. Biomarkers of aging are critically important …
With the rapid expansion of aging biology research, the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions in humans have become key goals of this field. Biomarkers of aging are critically important tools in achieving these objectives over realistic time frames. However, the current lack of standards and consensus on the properties of a reliable aging biomarker hinders their further development and validation for clinical applications. Here, we advance a framework for the terminology and characterization of biomarkers of aging, including classification and potential clinical use cases. We discuss validation steps and highlight ongoing challenges as potential areas in need of future research. This framework sets the stage for the development of valid biomarkers of aging and their ultimate utilization in clinical trials and practice.
(2024-05-31 15:19):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.027 Cell. 2023 Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging 衰老过程伴随着信息丢失。遗传信息(DNA层面)和表观遗传信息(DNA组蛋白修饰等)可以类比为生物体的硬件和软件,这两个层面的信息丢失都有可能导致衰老。这篇文章主要是通过不引起突变的DNA双链断裂,利用细胞修复DNA的过程破坏其表观遗传信息全景。验证了在只有表观遗传信息丢失的情况下,哺乳动物细胞展现出了衰老特征,例如细胞特征的丢失,细胞休眠等。后续实验通过表观遗传重编程又将细胞拉回到年轻的状态,验证了表观遗传信息的丢失能够导致衰老,且该变化在一定程度上是可逆的。
No abstract available.
(2024-04-30 13:46):
#paper genome-wide spectrum of tandem repeat expansions in 338,963 humans. Cell. 2024 Apr 25;187(9):2336-2341.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.03.004. Epub 2024 Apr 5. PMID: 38582080.
阅读思考:TR-gnomAD的建立极大地丰富了我们对人类基因组中TR区域多样性的理解,并提供了一种全新的角度来观察遗传疾病与特定人种间的关联。这项研究强调了TR扩增在特定祖源中可能具有的疾病相关性,特别是在ALS、亨廷顿病等超过50种与TR扩增相关的致命性疾病中。此外,该数据库也对临床诊断提供了重要的参考,尤其是在使用TR 单元数差异来预测疾病风险方面。然而,该研究的一个限制是其主要依赖于短读测序数据,可能导致对大的TR扩增区域的等位基因长度估计不足。未来研究需结合长读测序技术,以提供更准确的TR扩增数据,从而更好地服务于遗传疾病的风险评估和诊断。
The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD), widely recognized as the gold-standard reference map of human genetic variation, has largely overlooked tandem repeat (TR) expansions, despite the fact that TRs constitute ∼6% …
The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD), widely recognized as the gold-standard reference map of human genetic variation, has largely overlooked tandem repeat (TR) expansions, despite the fact that TRs constitute ∼6% of our genome and are linked to over 50 human diseases. Here, we introduce the TR-gnomAD (https://wlcb.oit.uci.edu/TRgnomAD), a biobank-scale reference of 0.86 million TRs derived from 338,963 whole-genome sequencing (WGS) samples of diverse ancestries (39.5% non-European samples). TR-gnomAD offers critical insights into ancestry-specific disease prevalence using disparities in TR unit number frequencies among ancestries. Moreover, TR-gnomAD is able to differentiate between common, presumably benign TR expansions, which are prevalent in TR-gnomAD, from those potentially pathogenic TR expansions, which are found more frequently in disease groups than within TR-gnomAD. Together, TR-gnomAD is an invaluable resource for researchers and physicians to interpret TR expansions in individuals with genetic diseases.
(2024-03-31 23:59):
#paper doi:doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.042 Past, present, and future of CRISPR genome editing technologies 本文是对 crisper 基因编辑技术发展历程、当前应用以及未来发展方向的汇总文章。介绍了crisper 系统 对 Cas9 以外的核酸酶的探索、减少脱靶编辑的高保真 Cas9 和 递送系统 的开发,以及其在疾病建模和体内外基因治疗的展望。
Genome editing has been a transformative force in the life sciences and human medicine, offering unprecedented opportunities to dissect complex biological processes and treat the underlying causes of many genetic …
Genome editing has been a transformative force in the life sciences and human medicine, offering unprecedented opportunities to dissect complex biological processes and treat the underlying causes of many genetic diseases. CRISPR-based technologies, with their remarkable efficiency and easy programmability, stand at the forefront of this revolution. In this Review, we discuss the current state of CRISPR gene editing technologies in both research and therapy, highlighting limitations that constrain them and the technological innovations that have been developed in recent years to address them. Additionally, we examine and summarize the current landscape of gene editing applications in the context of human health and therapeutics. Finally, we outline potential future developments that could shape gene editing technologies and their applications in the coming years.
(2024-03-31 20:55):
https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0092867421005018本文应用成熟小鼠的脑组织借助merish技术对55张小鼠的冠状脑组切片测序空间转录组,同时测序对应样本的单细胞(质控后4 000 000个)。依据不同切面不同脑区的时空组表达特征的不同,每张切片都分成不同的功能分区,而大脑总的大分区11个region,时空组都可以很好地再现不同脑区的结构和空间特征。作者还应用RCTD的方法联合时空和单细胞数据,预测不同脑区的细胞类型,整个大脑组织的脑细胞分为34个亚群,其中90%的亚群种类都是神经元细胞,其中每个区的兴奋性神经元数量都是高于抑制性神经元。不同脑区神经元除了表达神经元细胞共有marker以外,还表达具有空间特异性的神经元marker,且不同脑区的神经元细胞种类差异非常大,以中脑和后脑的神经元细胞种类最为丰富。该文献展示了成年小鼠脑细胞的分子和空间特征图谱,为后来的小鼠大脑组织研究提供了数据支持。
The isocortex and hippocampal formation (HPF) in the mammalian brain play critical roles in perception, cognition, emotion, and learning. We profiled ∼1.3 million cells covering the entire adult mouse isocortex …
The isocortex and hippocampal formation (HPF) in the mammalian brain play critical roles in perception, cognition, emotion, and learning. We profiled ∼1.3 million cells covering the entire adult mouse isocortex and HPF and derived a transcriptomic cell-type taxonomy revealing a comprehensive repertoire of glutamatergic and GABAergic neuron types. Contrary to the traditional view of HPF as having a simpler cellular organization, we discover a complete set of glutamatergic types in HPF homologous to all major subclasses found in the six-layered isocortex, suggesting that HPF and the isocortex share a common circuit organization. We also identify large-scale continuous and graded variations of cell types along isocortical depth, across the isocortical sheet, and in multiple dimensions in hippocampus and subiculum. Overall, our study establishes a molecular architecture of the mammalian isocortex and hippocampal formation and begins to shed light on its underlying relationship with the development, evolution, connectivity, and function of these two brain structures.
(2023-10-31 23:02):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.005 Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions。
研究者一直在探索癌症与微生物之间的关联,研究发现肿瘤组织中存在代谢活跃、免疫反应、细胞内和癌症类型特异性的细菌和病毒群落。但与癌症相关的真菌却很少被研究。文章研究4个独立队列中 35 种癌症类型的 17,401 名患者组织、血液和血浆样本中的癌症真菌组特征。本文的亮点是1.在 35 种癌症类型中检测到真菌,并且通常存在于细胞内;2.在肿瘤中检测到多种真菌-细菌-免疫生态;3.临床分型: 瘤内真菌对分型临床结果,包括免疫治疗反应;4.非细胞而是利用真菌DNA断定健康和早期癌症患者。思考:1.瘤内真菌低丰度检测、技术背景处理,样本类型,实验需要周密设计,剔除假阳性;2.瘤内真菌的作用机制还需实质性系统研究;3.微生物(真菌)和宿主肿瘤组织的关系在肿瘤临床诊治的应用也期待开启。
No abstract available.
(2023-09-30 19:42):
#paper A membrane-associated MHC-I inhibitory axis for cancer immune evasion
Cell August 08, 2023DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2023.07.016 这篇文献使用CRISPR的文库筛选方法,通过构建特异性抗原提呈模型筛选与MHCI特异性调控相关的因子,并通过机制分析和表型探索,发现了STW复合物对其的自噬降解调控作用
Immune-checkpoint blockade has revolutionized cancer treatment, but some cancers, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), do not respond or develop resistance. A potential mode of resistance is immune evasion of …
Immune-checkpoint blockade has revolutionized cancer treatment, but some cancers, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), do not respond or develop resistance. A potential mode of resistance is immune evasion of T cell immunity involving aberrant major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) antigen presentation (AP). To map such mechanisms of resistance, we identified key MHC-I regulators using specific peptide-MHC-I-guided CRISPR-Cas9 screens in AML. The top-ranked negative regulators were surface protein sushi domain containing 6 (SUSD6), transmembrane protein 127 (TMEM127), and the E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP2. SUSD6 is abundantly expressed in AML and multiple solid cancers, and its ablation enhanced MHC-I AP and reduced tumor growth in a CD8 T cell-dependent manner. Mechanistically, SUSD6 forms a trimolecular complex with TMEM127 and MHC-I, which recruits WWP2 for MHC-I ubiquitination and lysosomal degradation. Together with the SUSD6/TMEM127/WWP2 gene signature, which negatively correlates with cancer survival, our findings define a membrane-associated MHC-I inhibitory axis as a potential therapeutic target for both leukemia and solid cancers.
(2023-08-31 22:31):
#paper doi: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8809251/ Parallel analysis of transcription, integration, and sequence of single HIV-1 proviruses
HIV-1-infected cells that persist despite antiretroviral therapy (ART) are frequently considered "transcriptionally silent," but active viral gene expression may occur in some cells, challenging the concept of viral latency. Applying …
HIV-1-infected cells that persist despite antiretroviral therapy (ART) are frequently considered "transcriptionally silent," but active viral gene expression may occur in some cells, challenging the concept of viral latency. Applying an assay for profiling the transcriptional activity and the chromosomal locations of individual proviruses, we describe a global genomic and epigenetic map of transcriptionally active and silent proviral species and evaluate their longitudinal evolution in persons receiving suppressive ART. Using genome-wide epigenetic reference data, we show that proviral transcriptional activity is associated with activating epigenetic chromatin features in linear proximity of integration sites and in their inter- and intrachromosomal contact regions. Transcriptionally active proviruses were actively selected against during prolonged ART; however, this pattern was violated by large clones of virally infected cells that may outcompete negative selection forces through elevated intrinsic proliferative activity. Our results suggest that transcriptionally active proviruses are dynamically evolving under selection pressure by host factors.
(2023-05-31 23:59):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2023.03.035
Massively parallel base editing to map variant effects in human hematopoiesis 本文介绍了一种基因编辑工具:碱基编辑器,在原代人类造血干细胞进行研究的文章。通过结合碱基编辑器和单细胞rna 测序技术,进行了以下研究:对人类全基因组关联研究发现的大量单核苷酸变异的实验评估,对患者临床测序鉴定突变的致病性评估。
Systematic evaluation of the impact of genetic variants is critical for the study and treatment of human physiology and disease. While specific mutations can be introduced by genome engineering, we …
Systematic evaluation of the impact of genetic variants is critical for the study and treatment of human physiology and disease. While specific mutations can be introduced by genome engineering, we still lack scalable approaches that are applicable to the important setting of primary cells, such as blood and immune cells. Here, we describe the development of massively parallel base-editing screens in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Such approaches enable functional screens for variant effects across any hematopoietic differentiation state. Moreover, they allow for rich phenotyping through single-cell RNA sequencing readouts and separately for characterization of editing outcomes through pooled single-cell genotyping. We efficiently design improved leukemia immunotherapy approaches, comprehensively identify non-coding variants modulating fetal hemoglobin expression, define mechanisms regulating hematopoietic differentiation, and probe the pathogenicity of uncharacterized disease-associated variants. These strategies will advance effective and high-throughput variant-to-function mapping in human hematopoiesis to identify the causes of diverse diseases.
(2023-05-30 09:12):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.02.015 Spatial CRISPR genomics identifies regulators of the tumor microenvironment
While CRISPR screens are helping uncover genes regulating many cell-intrinsic processes, existing approaches are suboptimal for identifying extracellular gene functions, particularly in the tissue context. Here, we developed an approach …
While CRISPR screens are helping uncover genes regulating many cell-intrinsic processes, existing approaches are suboptimal for identifying extracellular gene functions, particularly in the tissue context. Here, we developed an approach for spatial functional genomics called Perturb-map. We applied Perturb-map to knock out dozens of genes in parallel in a mouse model of lung cancer and simultaneously assessed how each knockout influenced tumor growth, histopathology, and immune composition. Moreover, we paired Perturb-map and spatial transcriptomics for unbiased analysis of CRISPR-edited tumors. We found that in Tgfbr2 knockout tumors, the tumor microenvironment (TME) was converted to a fibro-mucinous state, and T cells excluded, concomitant with upregulated TGFβ and TGFβ-mediated fibroblast activation, indicating that TGFβ-receptor loss on cancer cells increased TGFβ bioavailability and its immunosuppressive effects on the TME. These studies establish Perturb-map for functional genomics within the tissue at single-cell resolution with spatial architecture preserved and provide insight into how TGFβ responsiveness of cancer cells can affect the TME.
(2023-03-31 23:57):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.03.027.Chen H, et al. A Pan-Cancer Analysis of Enhancer Expression in Nearly 9000 Patient Samples. Cell. 2018 Apr 5;173(2):386-399.e12.
增强子(enhancer)通常位于结构基因的附近,是一类非编码DNA调节元件,在癌症的发展过程中起到越来越重要的作用。本研究利用TCGA数据库33癌种,总共8928肿瘤患者的RNA-seq数据,从全基因组范围识别和鉴定出大量表达的增强子。通过与正常组织进行比较,发现大多数癌种的增强子处在激活状态,且与非整倍体改变正相关,但与突变负荷无关,由此提出增强子与基因互作的染色体状态假说。为了建立因果关系的增强子-基因调控网络模型,作者通过整合eQTL分析、mRNA共表达分析以及Hi-C数据分析的结果,最终发现65个增强子-基因互作对。这些互作对经过CGC注释,总共包含22个原癌基因和8个肿瘤抑制基因。文章的最后,作者还通过CRISPR/Cas9 RNAs技术证实了存在于PD-L1基因上游140kb的一个增强子。
The role of enhancers, a key class of non-coding regulatory DNA elements, in cancer development has increasingly been appreciated. Here, we present the detection and characterization of a large number …
The role of enhancers, a key class of non-coding regulatory DNA elements, in cancer development has increasingly been appreciated. Here, we present the detection and characterization of a large number of expressed enhancers in a genome-wide analysis of 8928 tumor samples across 33 cancer types using TCGA RNA-seq data. Compared with matched normal tissues, global enhancer activation was observed in most cancers. Across cancer types, global enhancer activity was positively associated with aneuploidy, but not mutation load, suggesting a hypothesis centered on "chromatin-state" to explain their interplay. Integrating eQTL, mRNA co-expression, and Hi-C data analysis, we developed a computational method to infer causal enhancer-gene interactions, revealing enhancers of clinically actionable genes. Having identified an enhancer ∼140 kb downstream of PD-L1, a major immunotherapy target, we validated it experimentally. This study provides a systematic view of enhancer activity in diverse tumor contexts and suggests the clinical implications of enhancers.
(2023-03-31 19:51):
#paper Gut-innervating nociceptors regulate the intestinal microbiota to promote tissue protection. Cell. 2022 Oct 27;185(22):4170-4189.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.008. 伤害性疼痛是许多慢性炎症性疾病的标志,包括炎症性肠病(IBD);然而,痛觉神经元是否会影响肠道炎症仍不清楚。利用化学遗传学沉默、腺病毒介导的结肠特异性沉默和TRPV1+伤害感受器的药理学消融,我们在肠道损伤和炎症的小鼠模型中观察到更严重的炎症和有缺陷的组织保护性修复过程。破坏的伤害感受导致肠道微生物群的显著改变和可传播的微生态失调,而革兰氏+梭菌对无菌小鼠的单定殖。通过伤害感受器依赖性途径促进肠道组织保护。从机制上讲,伤害感受的破坏导致P物质水平下降,而P物质的治疗性递送以微生物群依赖的方式促进了TRPV1+伤害感受器发挥的组织保护作用。最后,在IBD患者的肠道活检中观察到伤害感受器基因表达失调。总之,这些发现表明,伤害感受、肠道微生物群和肠道稳态恢复之间存在进化上保守的功能联系。
Nociceptive pain is a hallmark of many chronic inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs); however, whether pain-sensing neurons influence intestinal inflammation remains poorly defined. Employing chemogenetic silencing, adenoviral-mediated colon-specific …
Nociceptive pain is a hallmark of many chronic inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs); however, whether pain-sensing neurons influence intestinal inflammation remains poorly defined. Employing chemogenetic silencing, adenoviral-mediated colon-specific silencing, and pharmacological ablation of TRPV1 nociceptors, we observed more severe inflammation and defective tissue-protective reparative processes in a murine model of intestinal damage and inflammation. Disrupted nociception led to significant alterations in the intestinal microbiota and a transmissible dysbiosis, while mono-colonization of germ-free mice with GramClostridium spp. promoted intestinal tissue protection through a nociceptor-dependent pathway. Mechanistically, disruption of nociception resulted in decreased levels of substance P, and therapeutic delivery of substance P promoted tissue-protective effects exerted by TRPV1 nociceptors in a microbiota-dependent manner. Finally, dysregulated nociceptor gene expression was observed in intestinal biopsies from IBD patients. Collectively, these findings indicate an evolutionarily conserved functional link between nociception, the intestinal microbiota, and the restoration of intestinal homeostasis.
(2023-03-30 17:22):
#paper https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(21)01381-7. Differential pre-malignant programs and microenvironment chart distinct paths to malignancy in human colorectal polyps. 此文是人类肿瘤图谱网络(HTAN)联盟两年多时间在CRC肿瘤领域发的2篇cell文章之一,另一篇文章是构建肿瘤空间3D图谱。该联盟的愿景是构建肿瘤的发生、局部扩张、转移和治疗性耐药的动态3D图谱。该文章的切入点很重要,通过已有文献猜想两条CRC癌变的不同机制,提出了一个整合了单细胞转录组学、基因组学和免疫组织病理学的多组学人类癌前图谱。从功能上验证了建立不同的肿瘤景观的不同起源和分子机制过程。也是该联盟的策略从病变起源来研究,才能对晚期和高度异质性的癌症有更清晰的认识,从而为精准预防、监测和治疗的新策略铺平道路。对于多组学文章,切入点(科学猜想)和策略很重要。
Colorectal cancers (CRCs) arise from precursor polyps whose cellular origins, molecular heterogeneity, and immunogenic potential may reveal diagnostic and therapeutic insights when analyzed at high resolution. We present a single-cell …
Colorectal cancers (CRCs) arise from precursor polyps whose cellular origins, molecular heterogeneity, and immunogenic potential may reveal diagnostic and therapeutic insights when analyzed at high resolution. We present a single-cell transcriptomic and imaging atlas of the two most common human colorectal polyps, conventional adenomas and serrated polyps, and their resulting CRC counterparts. Integrative analysis of 128 datasets from 62 participants reveals adenomas arise from WNT-driven expansion of stem cells, while serrated polyps derive from differentiated cells through gastric metaplasia. Metaplasia-associated damage is coupled to a cytotoxic immune microenvironment preceding hypermutation, driven partly by antigen-presentation differences associated with tumor cell-differentiation status. Microsatellite unstable CRCs contain distinct non-metaplastic regions where tumor cells acquire stem cell properties and cytotoxic immune cells are depleted. Our multi-omic atlas provides insights into malignant progression of colorectal polyps and their microenvironment, serving as a framework for precision surveillance and prevention of CRC.
(2023-02-28 23:18):
#Paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.010 Proper acquisition of cell class identify in organoids allows definition of fate specification programs of the human cerebral cortex 这篇文章是发布了人脑类器官的发育过程中的单细胞转录组学,染色质开放组学,空间转录组学的数据。其中,选择了类器官自23天至6个月中的8个时间节点,通过对不同阶段皮层细胞类型特征的捕捉,证实了人脑类器官发育过程中的差异表达基因特征反映的是已知的内源性胚胎发育过程中发育阶段细胞类型特异性的标志基因。经过一系列细胞类型调控机制的研究,比较了人脑类器官和胚胎皮层细胞类型的重叠度,并证明了人脑类器官的细胞类型可以很好的代表内源性胚胎皮层的转录及表观状态特征。
Realizing the full utility of brain organoids to study human development requires understanding whether organoids precisely replicate endogenous cellular and molecular events, particularly since acquisition of cell identity in organoids …
Realizing the full utility of brain organoids to study human development requires understanding whether organoids precisely replicate endogenous cellular and molecular events, particularly since acquisition of cell identity in organoids can be impaired by abnormal metabolic states. We present a comprehensive single-cell transcriptomic, epigenetic, and spatial atlas of human cortical organoid development, comprising over 610,000 cells, from generation of neural progenitors through production of differentiated neuronal and glial subtypes. We show that processes of cellular diversification correlate closely to endogenous ones, irrespective of metabolic state, empowering the use of this atlas to study human fate specification. We define longitudinal molecular trajectories of cortical cell types during organoid development, identify genes with predicted human-specific roles in lineage establishment, and uncover early transcriptional diversity of human callosal neurons. The findings validate this comprehensive atlas of human corticogenesis in vitro as a resource to prime investigation into the mechanisms of human cortical development.
(2023-02-28 20:31):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.027
Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging 本文主要论述细胞对DNA断裂(DSB)修复过程中染色质修饰剂的重新定位(RCM)的变化,侵蚀了表观遗传图谱,这种表观遗传信息的丢失加速了细胞衰老和老化。本文使用I-PpoI内切酶建立 DSB 的细胞和小鼠(ICE)老化模型,通过比较十个月后肝脏、皮肤、脑、肌肉、活力等方面在代谢、基因组、表观遗传和组蛋白水平的衰老标志物,ICE 小鼠较对照小鼠 表现更高的老化速度。提出以下观点:1.哺乳动物的衰老与DSB修复效率相关,但与其他类型的修复无关,可能是因为只有对细胞生存的严重威胁才足以破坏表观基因组,从而导致衰老。2.RCM反应会发育破坏基因、DNA甲基转移酶(DNMTs)的表达模式,并释放被沉默的逆转录转座子。3.通过OSK(Yamanaka因子Oct4、Sox2、Klf4)处理,衰老细胞的衰老标记物的水平恢复到与阴性对照相似的水平,(哺乳动物衰老细胞可能保留了恢复年轻的表观遗传信息)。4.表观遗传信息的丢失是衰老的原因。
All living things experience an increase in entropy, manifested as a loss of genetic and epigenetic information. In yeast, epigenetic information is lost over time due to the relocalization of …
All living things experience an increase in entropy, manifested as a loss of genetic and epigenetic information. In yeast, epigenetic information is lost over time due to the relocalization of chromatin-modifying proteins to DNA breaks, causing cells to lose their identity, a hallmark of yeast aging. Using a system called "ICE" (inducible changes to the epigenome), we find that the act of faithful DNA repair advances aging at physiological, cognitive, and molecular levels, including erosion of the epigenetic landscape, cellular exdifferentiation, senescence, and advancement of the DNA methylation clock, which can be reversed by OSK-mediated rejuvenation. These data are consistent with the information theory of aging, which states that a loss of epigenetic information is a reversible cause of aging.
(2023-02-26 23:52):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.10.001. Epub 2017 Oct 26. McGranahan N, et al. Allele-Specific HLA Loss and Immune Escape in Lung Cancer Evolution. Cell. 2017 Nov 30;171(6):1259-1271.e11.
背景:CD8+ T细胞在机体内的杀伤肿瘤的免疫应答起到至关重要的作用。肿瘤细胞表面的肿瘤抗原并不能直接激活CD8+ T细胞,而必须经抗原提呈细胞(APC)摄入后加工成短肽,并通过表面的MHC-I类分子呈递至CD8+ T细胞。因此,MHC-抗原肽-TCR复合物的形成是CD8+ T细胞激活肿瘤免疫杀伤的关键一步(后续还需要有共刺激分子提供的第二信号,例如CD28)。人类组织相容性复合体(major histocompatibility complex,MHC)是一组编码动物主要组织相容性抗原基因群的统称。人类白细胞抗原(human leucocyte antigen,HLA)是MHC的表达产物。HLA I类分子存在于所有有核细胞(含血小板和网织红细胞)表面。过去的研究表明,HLA的杂合性缺失(loss of heterozygosity in human leukocyte antigen ,LOHHLA)会影响T细胞的肿瘤抗原识别,导致肿瘤免疫逃逸。人体大部分细胞都含有两套HLA分子编码基因,它们分别来自父本和母本,如果HLA发生LOH,则意味着其中一套的编码基因可能发生完全或部分丢失。每个人的基因组包含多达6种不同HLA I类分子的等位基因,它们由三个基因(HLA-A,HLA-B和HLA-C)编码,位于6号染色体上。
研究内容:本研究开发一个基于高通量测序数据,专门计算HLA等位基因拷贝数变化,用于发现HLA的LOH的计算工具,名为LOHHLA。LOHHLA的主要分析流程包括:(1)从来自肿瘤和正常对照的样本的bam文件中提取HLA区域的reads,并转换成fastq文件。(2)将提取的reads重新比对到多个HLA等位基因区域,利用OptiType或Polysolver进行HLA分型。利用samtools计算mpileup,每一个比对位点的覆盖深度。(3)根据每个位点的测序深度的不同,确定同源HLA等位基因的多态性位点(call SNP)。(4)获取HLA等位基因区域的logR(tumor/normal coverage ratio,肿瘤组织和正常组织深度的比值)和BAF(类似VAF,对于每个多态性位点,HLA allele 1深度/(HLA allel1深度+HLA allel2))。(5)在考虑肿瘤纯度和倍性的情况下,对每个HLA基因计算HLA等位基因拷贝数变化。
Immune evasion is a hallmark of cancer. Losing the ability to present neoantigens through human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loss may facilitate immune evasion. However, the polymorphic nature of the locus …
Immune evasion is a hallmark of cancer. Losing the ability to present neoantigens through human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loss may facilitate immune evasion. However, the polymorphic nature of the locus has precluded accurate HLA copy-number analysis. Here, we present loss of heterozygosity in human leukocyte antigen (LOHHLA), a computational tool to determine HLA allele-specific copy number from sequencing data. Using LOHHLA, we find that HLA LOH occurs in 40% of non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) and is associated with a high subclonal neoantigen burden, APOBEC-mediated mutagenesis, upregulation of cytolytic activity, and PD-L1 positivity. The focal nature of HLA LOH alterations, their subclonal frequencies, enrichment in metastatic sites, and occurrence as parallel events suggests that HLA LOH is an immune escape mechanism that is subject to strong microenvironmental selection pressures later in tumor evolution. Characterizing HLA LOH with LOHHLA refines neoantigen prediction and may have implications for our understanding of resistance mechanisms and immunotherapeutic approaches targeting neoantigens. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
(2023-01-01 00:00):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.11.016. Epub 2022 Dec 13.
Engineered cell entry links receptor biology with single-cell genomics
1.本文开发了一个模块化病毒展示和递送平台(ENTER),通过向靶细胞中递送配体,以解码细胞间配体-受体相互作用,并将配体-受体的相互作用与细胞状态联系起来,可以系统地对TCR-pMHC、抗体抗原、共刺激配体受体和BCR在内的相互作用进行展示。pMHC结果显示该病毒递送平台比mhc四聚体检测抗原特异性T细胞更敏感,在添加高滴度病毒(40 ng p24)时,ENTER能够检测到低至10.8 mM的TCR亲和力。ENTER能够通过抗原特异性递送自杀基因在T或B细胞池中选择性地耗尽一个T或B淋巴细胞克隆,或递送对抗细胞死亡受体使抗原特异性T细胞选择性存活,其可能在筛选免疫原性抗原或精英TCR,用于疫苗开发或癌症免疫治疗的合理设计;筛选靶向病毒抗原的BCR,促进治疗性抗体的开发;恢复耗竭的抗肿瘤T细;避免免疫相关的不良事件;杀死自身反应性T细胞或B细胞以治疗自身免疫疾病等方向发挥作用。2.ENTER平台与单细胞RNA-seq结合开发了ENTER-seq,捕获每个液滴中病毒RNA上的MHC肽信息,绘制TCR库和同源HLA抗原肽的相互作用。
Cells communicate with each other via receptor-ligand interactions. Here, we describe lentiviral-mediated cell entry by engineered receptor-ligand interaction (ENTER) to display ligand proteins, deliver payloads, and record receptor specificity. We …
Cells communicate with each other via receptor-ligand interactions. Here, we describe lentiviral-mediated cell entry by engineered receptor-ligand interaction (ENTER) to display ligand proteins, deliver payloads, and record receptor specificity. We optimize ENTER to decode interactions between T cell receptor (TCR)-MHC peptides, antibody-antigen, and other receptor-ligand pairs. A viral presentation strategy allows ENTER to capture interactions between B cell receptor and any antigen. We engineer ENTER to deliver genetic payloads to antigen-specific T or B cells to selectively modulate cellular behavior in mixed populations. Single-cell readout of ENTER by RNA sequencing (ENTER-seq) enables multiplexed enumeration of antigen specificities, TCR clonality, cell type, and states of individual T cells. ENTER-seq of CMV-seropositive patient blood samples reveals the viral epitopes that drive effector memory T cell differentiation and inter-clonal vs. intra-clonal phenotypic diversity targeting the same epitope. ENTER technology enables systematic discovery of receptor specificity, linkage to cell fates, and antigen-specific cargo delivery.
(2022-12-31 21:51):
#paper Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions. Cell. 2022 Sep 29;185(20):3789-3806.e17. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.005. 本文通过对包括TCGA数据库在内的四个独立队列中的35种癌症类型的17,401名患者的组织和血液中的真菌群落进行全面表征,研究队列使用的测序方法包括ITS2扩增子测序、WGS及RNA-Seq。研究结果表明真菌普遍存在于多种肿瘤内,且不同癌症类型具有癌症特异性真菌群。肿瘤内真菌-细菌-免疫细胞相互作用分析表明真菌-细菌-免疫细胞间的关联性相对“宽容”,而非此消彼长的竞争关系,最后本文探索了真菌在癌症预后和诊断中的应用。本研究的意义在于构建了首个泛癌真菌微生物组图谱,为癌症与真菌的关系提供清晰的联系。
Cancer-microbe associations have been explored for centuries, but cancer-associated fungi have rarely been examined. Here, we comprehensively characterize the cancer mycobiome within 17,401 patient tissue, blood, and plasma samples across …
Cancer-microbe associations have been explored for centuries, but cancer-associated fungi have rarely been examined. Here, we comprehensively characterize the cancer mycobiome within 17,401 patient tissue, blood, and plasma samples across 35 cancer types in four independent cohorts. We report fungal DNA and cells at low abundances across many major human cancers, with differences in community compositions that differ among cancer types, even when accounting for technical background. Fungal histological staining of tissue microarrays supported intratumoral presence and frequent spatial association with cancer cells and macrophages. Comparing intratumoral fungal communities with matched bacteriomes and immunomes revealed co-occurring bi-domain ecologies, often with permissive, rather than competitive, microenvironments and distinct immune responses. Clinically focused assessments suggested prognostic and diagnostic capacities of the tissue and plasma mycobiomes, even in stage I cancers, and synergistic predictive performance with bacteriomes.