钟鸣 (2024-08-30 20:53):
#paper doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002771 A taxon-restricted duplicate of Iroquois3 is required for patterning the spider waist 蜘蛛有极其纤细的腰,其形成机制在发育生物学中引人注目但仍未阐明,这里作者使用RNA测序的方法发现了一个此前没有被注意到的基因,无腰基因。作者选择了个体较大容易解剖的蜘蛛,狼蛛。在其不同的发育阶段,对不同部位进行了解剖并分别建库测序。随后分析在不同发育阶段和不同部位(前体后体)中表达趋势明显变化的基因。通过更换筛选策略并结合RNA沉默技术进行功能验证。最后还结合原位杂交技术,观察了沉默无腰基因后的胚胎的形态学变化。
A taxon-restricted duplicate of Iroquois3 is required for patterning the spider waist
The chelicerate body plan is distinguished from other arthropod groups by its division of segments into 2 tagmata: the anterior prosoma (“cephalothorax”) and the posterior opisthosoma (“abdomen”). Little is understood about the genetic mechanisms that establish the prosomal-opisthosomal (PO) boundary. To discover these mechanisms, we created high-quality genomic resources for the large-bodied spider Aphonopelma hentzi. We sequenced specific territories along the antero-posterior axis of developing embryos and applied differential gene expression analyses to identify putative regulators of regional identity. After bioinformatic screening for candidate genes that were consistently highly expressed in only 1 tagma (either the prosoma or the opisthosoma), we validated the function of highly ranked candidates in the tractable spider model Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Here, we show that an arthropod homolog of the Iroquois complex of homeobox genes is required for proper formation of the boundary between arachnid tagmata. The function of this homolog had not been previously characterized, because it was lost in the common ancestor of Pancrustacea, precluding its investigation in well-studied insect model organisms. Knockdown of the spider copy of this gene, which we designate as waist-less, in P. tepidariorum resulted in embryos with defects in the PO boundary, incurring discontinuous spider germ bands. We show that waist-less is required for proper specification of the segments that span the prosoma-opisthosoma boundary, which in adult spiders corresponds to the narrowed pedicel. Our results demonstrate the requirement of an ancient, taxon-restricted paralog for the establishment of the tagmatic boundary that defines Chelicerata.