颜林林 (2024-08-18 05:49):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03701-6, Scientific data, 2024, ChineseMPD: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset of Chinese Martial Arts Classic Movie Props. 只做数据清洗和整理,提供公开的数据集,也是可以发表文章的,Scientific Data杂志上就大量收录此类文章。这篇文章分享的数据很有意思,是来自大批量的中国武侠电影,通过语义分割算法,从中识别出枪、剑、棍、刀、钩、箭等武侠道具,动用了包括11名本科生在内的21人,历时半年,进行人工标注和审核,填补了现有语义分割数据集在动作电影道具方面的研究空白。数据集以CC BY 4.0许可发布,可供非商业用途的重新分发、修改、调整和构建作品,下载地址:https://www.scidb.cn/en/anonymous/SlpaelFy
IF:5.800Q1 Scientific data, 2024-Aug-14. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-03701-6 PMID: 39143093 PMCID:PMC11325024
ChineseMPD: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset of Chinese Martial Arts Classic Movie Props
Recent advances in computer vision and deep learning techniques have facilitated significant progress in video scene understanding, thus helping film and television practitioners achieve accurate video editing. However, so far, publicly available semantic segmentation datasets are mostly limited to indoor scenes, city streets, and natural images, often ignoring example objects in action movies, which is a research gap that needs to be urgently filled. In this paper, we introduce a large-scale, high-precision semantic segmentation dataset of props in Chinese martial arts movie clips, named ChineseMPD. Specifically, this dataset first establishes segmentation rules and general review criteria for audiovisual data, and then provides semantic segmentation annotations for six weapon props (Gun, Sword, Stick, Knife, Hook, and Arrow) with a summary of 32,992 objects.To the best of our knowledge, this dataset is the largest semantic segmentation dataset for movie props to date. ChineseMPD dataset not only significantly expands the application of traditional tasks of computer vision such as object detection and scene understanding, but also opens up new avenues for interdisciplinary research.