钟鸣 (2024-07-31 22:11):
#paper doi:10.3389/frsps.2024.1359672 The influence of recall direction on judgments of subjective temporal distance from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns 人对一段历史的的回忆有两种方式:前向回忆(从古至今)和后向回忆(倒叙,从今至古),一般而言后向回忆会比前向回忆给人的心理感觉更近。但是在作者对约80名大学生关于新冠发生前后的7个标志性事件的访谈发现,这个结论被逆转了,即前向回忆者认为这7件标志性事件发生的时间比后向记忆者更近。针对这一现象作者分析了4个可能的原因:1新冠时候人们比较无聊;2由于聚光灯效应(印象越深刻的事情越觉得刚发生不久)的存在,且情绪会因更具前瞻性的时间顺序叙述而增强,而不是反向叙述;3事件效价,即情绪会因更具前瞻性的时间顺序叙述而增强而不是反向叙述4疫情的开放性让后向回忆感觉更加费力,从而导致判断时间距离更大
The influence of recall direction on judgments of subjective temporal distance from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns
IntroductionIn a series of 5 studies, Lam and Buehler found that first-year university students felt closer to a target event (the day they learned that they were accepted into university) when they recalled a stream of related events in a backward direction (a reverse-chronological order ending with the target event) than when they recalled those events in a forward direction (a forward-chronological order beginning with the target event).MethodsIn a conceptual replication of their Study 2, we asked participants how close they felt to the first day that lockdowns were imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the U.S. (federally mandated on March 13, 2020) following either backward or forward recall of a stream of related events.ResultsThe results of the present study ran directly counter to those of Lam and Buehler: participants rated the first day of lockdowns as feeling closer following forward recall than following backward recall.DiscussionPotential explanations for this reversal of Lam and Buehler's effect are discussed that focus on the temporal distortions that people have been found to experience when they think about autobiographical events that occurred at the beginning of the pandemic.