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半面阳光 (2024-07-31 23:48):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2024.101137, Genet Med, 2024, Laboratory testing for preconception/prenatal carrier screening: A technical standard of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). 这是一篇ACMG最新发布的技术标准,用作实验室孕前/产前携带者筛查的技术参考。这篇技术标准是对2013年发布的关于常染色体隐性遗传和X-染色体连锁遗传的技术标准的更新和补充。在技术标准中,考虑了诸多因素,包括人群携带者频率、最佳panel大小和包含的基因,以及关于将携带者筛查分为 4 级的建议。本实验室技术标准确立了携带者筛查检测的设计和验证标准,定义了此类测试的范围和限制,制定了测试结果解释和报告的指南,并根据适用情况推荐适当的后续测试。但需要注意的是该技术标准并不作为临床实践指南使用。
孕前/产前携带者筛查的实验室检测:美国医学遗传学和基因组学学院 (ACMG) 的技术标准
Carrier screening has historically assessed a relatively small number of autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions selected based on frequency in a specific subpopulation and association with severe morbidity or mortality. … >>>
Carrier screening has historically assessed a relatively small number of autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions selected based on frequency in a specific subpopulation and association with severe morbidity or mortality. Advances in genomic technologies enable simultaneous screening of individuals for several conditions. The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics recently published a clinical practice resource that presents a framework when offering screening for autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions during pregnancy and preconception and recommends a tier-based approach when considering the number of conditions to screen for and their frequency within the US population in general. This laboratory technical standard aims to complement the practice resource and to put forth considerations for clinical laboratories and clinicians who offer preconception/prenatal carrier screening. <<<
携带者筛查历来评估相对较少的常染色体隐性遗传病和 X 连锁病症,这些病症是根据特定亚群的发生率以及与严重发病率或死亡率的关联选择的。基因组技术的进步使得可以同时筛查个体的多种疾病。美国医学遗传学和基因组学学会(American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics)最近发布了一份临床实践资源,该资源在提供妊娠和孕前常染色体隐性遗传病和X连锁病症筛查时提供了一个框架,并在考虑要筛查的疾病数量及其在美国人群中的频率时,建议采用基于等级的方法。该实验室技术标准旨在补充实践资源,并为提供孕前/产前携带者筛查的临床实验室和临床医生提出注意事项。
半面阳光 (2024-02-29 23:29):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.101012, Genetics in Medicine, 2023, Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of exome sequencing and its impact on diagnostic thinking for patients with rare disease in a publicly funded health care system: A prospective cohort study. 这篇文章是一篇前瞻性研究,文章探索的主题是评估公共资助的临床外显子测序(ES)对疑似罕见遗传疾病患者的诊断效用。在研究中,招募了297例符合纳入检测标准的罕见病先证者样本,获取了其诊疗记录。通过 Fryback 和 Thornbury效能评价体系对这些样本全外显子检测结果的实验室注释解读、对临床解读结果的临床诊断考量、以及其他可替代的分子诊断是否可以替代ES进行了评估。结果显示,实验室报告了105例分子诊断结果、165例不确定结果和新发基因。105例报告结果中,临床医生解读了102例,165例不确定结果中,解读了6例;共计得出108例(分布在104个家系中)的临床分子诊断结果。每项效能评价标准的诊断产出在30%~40%。其他可替代的分子诊断为61%。这一研究证明了纳入检测标准的稳健,同时证明了实验室ES检测结果的高临床有效性。利用ES检测检出了40%本来存在漏检风险的样本,进而凸显了临床全外显子检测的价值。
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic utility of publicly funded clinical exome sequencing (ES) for patients with suspected rare genetic diseases.METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 297 probands who met eligibility criteria and … >>>
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic utility of publicly funded clinical exome sequencing (ES) for patients with suspected rare genetic diseases.METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 297 probands who met eligibility criteria and received ES across 5 sites in Ontario, Canada, and extracted data from medical records and clinician surveys. Using the Fryback and Thornbury Efficacy Framework, we assessed diagnostic accuracy by examining laboratory interpretation of results and assessed diagnostic thinking by examining the clinical interpretation of results and whether clinical-molecular diagnoses would have been achieved via alternative hypothetical molecular tests.RESULTS: Laboratories reported 105 molecular diagnoses and 165 uncertain results in known and novel genes. Of these, clinicians interpreted 102 of 105 (97%) molecular diagnoses and 6 of 165 (4%) uncertain results as clinical-molecular diagnoses. The 108 clinical-molecular diagnoses were in 104 families (35% diagnostic yield). Each eligibility criteria resulted in diagnostic yields of 30% to 40%, and higher yields were achieved when >2 eligibility criteria were met (up to 45%). Hypothetical tests would have identified 61% of clinical-molecular diagnoses.CONCLUSION: We demonstrate robustness in eligibility criteria and high clinical validity of laboratory results from ES testing. The importance of ES was highlighted by the potential 40% of patients that would have gone undiagnosed without this test. <<<
半面阳光 (2023-08-31 19:14):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.100879, genetics in medicine, 2023,Performance of prenatal cfDNA screening for sex chromosomes. 这篇文章主要是评估基于SNP方法的NIPT在所有受检人群(包括正常风险人群体和高风险群体)中,筛查性染色体异常(SCAs)的表现。这是一个多中心、前瞻性的研究,涵盖的性染色体异常SCAs包括单体X(MX)和性染色体三体(SCT:47,XXX;47,XXY;47,XYY)。 符合纳入标准的共有17,538例病例。对于MX、SCTs和胎儿性别,基于cfDNA的检测性能分别在17,297、10,333和14,486例妊娠中进行了确定。MX的敏感性、特异性和阳性预测值(PPV)分别为83.3%、99.9%和22.7%,而合并SCTs的敏感性、特异性和PPV分别为70.4%、99.9%和82.6%。 cfDNA对胎儿性别的预测准确性为100%。 研究结论是cfDNA在SCAs的筛查性能与其他研究中报告的相当。对于SCTs的PPV与常染色体三体相似,而MX的PPV则显著较低。这些数据将有助于解释和咨询基于cfDNA的NIPT性染色体异常的筛查结果。
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the performance of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening to detect sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) in an unselected obstetrical population with genetic confirmation.METHODS: … >>>
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the performance of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening to detect sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) in an unselected obstetrical population with genetic confirmation.METHODS: This was a planned secondary analysis of the multicenter, prospective SNP-based Microdeletion and Aneuploidy RegisTry (SMART) study. Patients receiving cfDNA results for autosomal aneuploidies and who had confirmatory genetic results for the relevant sex chromosomal aneuploidies were included. Screening performance for SCAs, including monosomy X (MX) and the sex chromosome trisomies (SCT: 47,XXX; 47,XXY; 47,XYY) was determined. Fetal sex concordance between cfDNA and genetic screening was also evaluated in euploid pregnancies.RESULTS: A total of 17,538 cases met inclusion criteria. Performance of cfDNA for MX, SCTs, and fetal sex was determined in 17,297, 10,333, and 14,486 pregnancies, respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) of cfDNA were 83.3%, 99.9%, and 22.7% for MX and 70.4%, 99.9%, and 82.6%, respectively, for the combined SCTs. The accuracy of fetal sex prediction by cfDNA was 100%.CONCLUSION: Screening performance of cfDNA for SCAs is comparable to that reported in other studies. The PPV for the SCTs was similar to the autosomal trisomies, whereas the PPV for MX was substantially lower. No discordance in fetal sex was observed between cfDNA and postnatal genetic screening in euploid pregnancies. These data will assist interpretation and counseling for cfDNA results for sex chromosomes. <<<
半面阳光 (2023-07-31 22:04):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.100880, Genetics in Medicine, 2023, Molecular diagnostic yield of genome sequencing versus targeted gene panel testing in racially and ethnically diverse pediatric patients.这篇文章比较了基因组测序(GS)与靶向基因panel测序(TGP)两种方式在儿科先证者查因中的患者获益情况。结果显示与基因Panel检测相比,GS检测可以使得儿科先证者的诊断提升一倍,但这一结果目前并未在所有人群中得到证实。
PURPOSE: Adoption of genome sequencing (GS) as a first-line test requires evaluation of its diagnostic yield. We evaluated the GS and targeted gene panel (TGP) testing in diverse pediatric patients … >>>
PURPOSE: Adoption of genome sequencing (GS) as a first-line test requires evaluation of its diagnostic yield. We evaluated the GS and targeted gene panel (TGP) testing in diverse pediatric patients (probands) with suspected genetic conditions.METHODS: Probands with neurologic, cardiac, or immunologic conditions were offered GS and TGP testing. Diagnostic yield was compared using a fully paired study design.RESULTS: A total of 645 probands (median age 9 years) underwent genetic testing, and 113 (17.5%) received a molecular diagnosis. Among 642 probands with both GS and TGP testing, GS yielded 106 (16.5%) and TGPs yielded 52 (8.1%) diagnoses (P < .001). Yield was greater for GS vs TGPs in Hispanic/Latino(a) (17.2% vs 9.5%, P < .001) and White/European American (19.8% vs 7.9%, P < .001) but not in Black/African American (11.5% vs 7.7%, P = .22) population groups by self-report. A higher rate of inconclusive results was seen in the Black/African American (63.8%) vs White/European American (47.6%; P = .01) population group. Most causal copy number variants (17 of 19) and mosaic variants (6 of 8) were detected only by GS.CONCLUSION: GS may yield up to twice as many diagnoses in pediatric patients compared with TGP testing but not yet across all population groups. <<<
半面阳光 (2023-04-30 23:55):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41436-019-0467-4, Genet Med. 2019, Clinical utility of noninvasive prenatal screening for expanded chromosome disease syndromes. 这篇文章研究了无创产前检测(NIPT)用于拷贝数变异检测的检测能力。这一研究征集了9万多名孕妇外周血样本,进行了拓展性NIPT检测。研究结果显示,拓展性NIPT在检测常见的染色体非整体时的检出效果更佳,对于拷贝数变异具有一定的检出能力。总体上看,拓展性NIPT对产前染色体异常检测的检出效果由于常规的NIPT。
PURPOSE: To assess the clinical performance of an expanded noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) test ("NIPS-Plus") for detection of both aneuploidy and genome-wide microdeletion/microduplication syndromes (MMS).METHODS: A total of 94,085 women … >>>
PURPOSE: To assess the clinical performance of an expanded noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) test ("NIPS-Plus") for detection of both aneuploidy and genome-wide microdeletion/microduplication syndromes (MMS).METHODS: A total of 94,085 women with a singleton pregnancy were prospectively enrolled in the study. The cell-free plasma DNA was directly sequenced without intermediate amplification and fetal abnormalities identified using an improved copy-number variation (CNV) calling algorithm.RESULTS: A total of 1128 pregnancies (1.2%) were scored positive for clinically significant fetal chromosome abnormalities. This comprised 965 aneuploidies (1.026%) and 163 (0.174%) MMS. From follow-up tests, the positive predictive values (PPVs) for T21, T18, T13, rare trisomies, and sex chromosome aneuploidies were calculated as 95%, 82%, 46%, 29%, and 47%, respectively. For known MMS (n = 32), PPVs were 93% (DiGeorge), 68% (22q11.22 microduplication), 75% (Prader-Willi/Angleman), and 50% (Cri du Chat). For the remaining genome-wide MMS (n = 88), combined PPVs were 32% (CNVs ≥10 Mb) and 19% (CNVs <10 Mb).CONCLUSION: NIPS-Plus yielded high PPVs for common aneuploidies and DiGeorge syndrome, and moderate PPVs for other MMS. Our results present compelling evidence that NIPS-Plus can be used as a first-tier pregnancy screening method to improve detection rates of clinically significant fetal chromosome abnormalities. <<<
半面阳光 (2023-02-28 14:45):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2022.11.004 Genetics in Medicine, 2023, Noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) for fetal chromosome abnormalities in a general-risk population: An evidence-based clinical guideline of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). ACMG在2022年12月发表了最新版的NIPT应用指南。这个版本的指南是对2016版指南的更新。这次更新过程中,ACMG的NIPS专项小组采用系统性综述和GRADE“证据到决策”框架等分析评估方法,对NIPS用于一般风险人群的各项参数进行了评估,形成了6条主要应用性建议。相较于传统的筛查方法,NIPS在21、18和13三体的筛查性检测中,无论单胎妊娠还是双胎妊娠,都展现了其优越性。ACMG给出明确意见,建议一般风险人群采用NIPS进行21、18和13三体的筛查,以替代传统筛查手段。同时明确指出,建议使用NIPS来筛查胎儿性染色体非整倍体异常。除了这几条给出“强烈建议”的意见之外,指南还对NIPS用于小片段缺失以及其他类型CNVs的检测给出了指导性建议。
PURPOSE: This workgroup aimed to develop an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the use of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) for pregnant individuals at general risk for fetal trisomy 21, trisomy … >>>
PURPOSE: This workgroup aimed to develop an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the use of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) for pregnant individuals at general risk for fetal trisomy 21, trisomy 18, or trisomy 13 and to evaluate the utility of NIPS for other chromosomal disorders.METHODS: The NIPS Evidence-Based Guideline Work Group (n = 7) relied on the results from the recent American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) systematic review to form the evidentiary basis of this guideline. Workgroup members used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation Evidence to Decision framework to draft recommendations. The guideline underwent extensive internal and external peer review with a public comment period before approval by the ACMG Board of Directors.RESULTS: Evidence consistently demonstrated improved accuracy of NIPS compared with traditional screening methods for trisomies 21, 18, and 13 in singleton and twin gestations. Identification of rare autosomal trisomies and other microdeletion syndromes with NIPS is an emerging area of interest.CONCLUSION: ACMG strongly recommends NIPS over traditional screening methods for all pregnant patients with singleton and twin gestations for fetal trisomies 21, 18, and 13 and strongly recommends NIPS be offered to patients to screen for fetal sex chromosome aneuploidy. <<<
半面阳光 (2022-12-31 22:55):
#paper doi: 10.1097/GIM.0b013e3182217a3a, Genetics in Medicine, 2011, American College of Medical Genetics standards and guidelines for interpretation and reporting of postnatal constitutional copy number variants. 临床CNV变异解读的早期指南。这篇指南是目前广泛使用的2019版CNV解读指南的“前传”。这个版本的指南中清晰地界定了进行临床解读的CNV的定义和范围,并且提出了在解读时,要区分CNV的“致病性”和“临床意义”(也就是表型的对应和关联)这两个维度的信息。虽然在将近10年后的2019年发布了将CNV致病性解读进行半定量评分的重大更新,但是这篇指南的意义同样重要,对临床场景的CNV解读的流程、信息证据的搜集整理评估、报告的撰写发布、技术平台的局限性等等关键问题都进行了清晰地讨论和分析,是一篇承上启下的指南。
Genomic microarrays used to assess DNA copy number are now recommended as first-tier tests for the postnatal evaluation of individuals with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, and/or multiple congenital anomalies. … >>>
Genomic microarrays used to assess DNA copy number are now recommended as first-tier tests for the postnatal evaluation of individuals with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, and/or multiple congenital anomalies. Application of this technology has resulted in the discovery of widespread copy number variation in the human genome, both polymorphic variation in healthy individuals and novel pathogenic copy number imbalances. To assist clinical laboratories in the evaluation of copy number variants and to promote consistency in interpretation and reporting of genomic microarray results, the American College of Medical Genetics has developed the following professional guidelines for the interpretation and reporting of copy number variation. These guidelines apply primarily to evaluation of constitutional copy number variants detected in the postnatal setting. <<<
半面阳光 (2022-10-31 19:53):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41436-019-0686-8, 2019, Technical standards for the interpretation and reporting of constitutional copy-number variants: a joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) and the Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen). 这篇文献是ACMG和ClinGen发布的关于临床上拷贝数变异(CNVs)检测结果解读的指南。过去十几年中染色体芯片chromosomal microarray(CMA)技术已被广泛用于拷贝数变异检测,近年来基于二代测序(NGS)的CNV-Seq技术也被越来越广泛地应用于临床染色体拷贝数变异检测中。大部分检出的CNVs是独特的,需要进一步对其致病性进行评估。准确地进行临床CNVs致病性解读至关重要,并且需要一个标准化的解读方法和流程,来确保不同实验室之间解读的一致性。这篇指南首先确定了可用于对CNVs进行分类的证据类型,包括:基因组成分、剂量敏感性预测和梳理、预测功能效应、与临床文献报道病例的重叠与否、病例与对照数据库证据、以及个体CNVs的遗传模式。接着对这些不同类型的证据分配的不同的权重,最后形成了一个半定量的计分系统。这篇指南对这个评分系统的形成过程、各个记分点的说明、记分系统的使用、以及应用举例进行了详细的阐释。这一指南是目前国内外进行CNVs解读的主要参考文献。读这篇文章的体会有二,一是信息量极大,需要反复详细阅读;二是需要配合案例实际操作,才能充分理解。
PURPOSE: Copy-number analysis to detect disease-causing losses and gains across the genome is recommended for the evaluation of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or multiple congenital anomalies, as well as for … >>>
PURPOSE: Copy-number analysis to detect disease-causing losses and gains across the genome is recommended for the evaluation of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or multiple congenital anomalies, as well as for fetuses with ultrasound abnormalities. In the decade that this analysis has been in widespread clinical use, tremendous strides have been made in understanding the effects of copy-number variants (CNVs) in both affected individuals and the general population. However, continued broad implementation of array and next-generation sequencing-based technologies will expand the types of CNVs encountered in the clinical setting, as well as our understanding of their impact on human health.METHODS: To assist clinical laboratories in the classification and reporting of CNVs, irrespective of the technology used to identify them, the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics has developed the following professional standards in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) project.RESULTS: This update introduces a quantitative, evidence-based scoring framework; encourages the implementation of the five-tier classification system widely used in sequence variant classification; and recommends "uncoupling" the evidence-based classification of a variant from its potential implications for a particular individual.CONCLUSION: These professional standards will guide the evaluation of constitutional CNVs and encourage consistency and transparency across clinical laboratories. <<<
半面阳光 (2022-09-30 20:30):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2022.05.011 Detection and characterization of male sex chromosome abnormalities in the UK Biobank study. 这篇文章发表在2022年9月的Genetics in Medicine,可以概括为一篇综合分析类的文章。 作者以UK Biobank数据库中的20万欧洲血统的男性的基因检测(SNV芯片)数据和健康记录作为数据来源,系统性地分析研究了两种常见的男性性染色体异常(47,XXY和47,XYY)以及这两种性染色体异常所关联的疾病风险。 这篇研究的一个主要切入点是以往研究中存在的样本采集偏差(sampling bias)。47,XXY(即Klinefelter综合征简称(KS))的特征和相关风险疾病报道较多,而相比较之下,47,XYY的特征和相关联的疾病则没有较为系统的归纳,主要原因是很多XYY的人没有到临床机构就诊,进而无从得知自己的基因型。这些性染色体异常表型特征报道受到样本采集偏差(sampling bias)的影响,就导致我们无法全面地了解此类染色体异常相关的临床特征。 一个尽量减小样本采集偏差研究方法是基于大规模人群进行系统性评估分析。本研究就采样了这一方法来研究这两种性染色体异常的发病率和疾病表型特征。作者首先根据UK Biobank数据库中的基因检测数据筛选出213例XXY和143例XYY,得到了成年男性性染色体异常的发病率数据,同时发现这些病例大部分未能在常规临床中检出。对这些性染色体异常人群的医疗健康记录进一步研究还发现XXY和XYY在生殖相关的表型上有明显差异,但是两者在其他相关疾病风险上却表现出惊人一致,比如2型糖尿病、肺栓塞和动脉硬化等,但是对这种现象目前还没有比较明确的解释。最后作者提到,在未来的研究中,如果针对某种疾病风险(如血栓风险)进行基因检测时,可以考虑同时将性染色体异常的评估纳入进来。
PURPOSE: The study aimed to systematically ascertain male sex chromosome abnormalities, 47,XXY (Klinefelter syndrome [KS]) and 47,XYY, and characterize their risks of adverse health outcomes.METHODS: We analyzed genotyping array or … >>>
PURPOSE: The study aimed to systematically ascertain male sex chromosome abnormalities, 47,XXY (Klinefelter syndrome [KS]) and 47,XYY, and characterize their risks of adverse health outcomes.METHODS: We analyzed genotyping array or exome sequence data in 207,067 men of European ancestry aged 40 to 70 years from the UK Biobank and related these to extensive routine health record data.RESULTS: Only 49 of 213 (23%) of men whom we identified with KS and only 1 of 143 (0.7%) with 47,XYY had a diagnosis of abnormal karyotype on their medical records or self-report. We observed expected associations for KS with reproductive dysfunction (late puberty: risk ratio [RR] = 2.7; childlessness: RR = 4.2; testosterone concentration: RR = -3.8 nmol/L, all P < 2 × 10-8), whereas XYY men appeared to have normal reproductive function. Despite this difference, we identified several higher disease risks shared across both KS and 47,XYY, including type 2 diabetes (RR = 3.0 and 2.6, respectively), venous thrombosis (RR = 6.4 and 7.4, respectively), pulmonary embolism (RR = 3.3 and 3.7, respectively), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (RR = 4.4 and 4.6, respectively) (all P < 7 × 10-6).CONCLUSION: KS and 47,XYY were mostly unrecognized but conferred substantially higher risks for metabolic, vascular, and respiratory diseases, which were only partially explained by higher levels of body mass index, deprivation, and smoking. <<<
半面阳光 (2022-08-31 21:17):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2022.04.021. Recommendations for next generation sequencing data reanalysis of unsolved cases with suspected Mendelian disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 这篇文章发表在2022年8月的Genetics in Medicine上,是一篇系统综述。基于NGS的临床全外显子组(WES)和临床全基因组(WGS)测序给孟德尔遗传病的诊断带来了很多进展,但是有超过50%的病例无法从测序结果中得到明确的致病原因。周期性地对这些没有明确结论的测序数据进行重新分析有助于进一步确定致病变异。那么重新分析的患者获益有多少、临床应用的可行性有多大,还有在初次测序后多长时间进行重新分析,以及选择什么方法和工具进行分析都是尚待探究讨论的问题。这篇文章意图分析和解答这些问题。作者采用了meta分析的方法首先对2007年到2021年发表的相关文献进行了检索和初步筛选。接着针对文章的主题,设计了一个文献筛选标准,最终筛选得到29篇研究性文献,包含了9419个未确诊的孟德尔遗传病患者。研究发现,重新分析的整体诊断产出为0.10(95% CI = 0.06-0.13)。大部分诊断结果的更新取决于遗传变异的新文献报道。重新分析得到确诊结果在初次检测的24个月后比较多,但是这个数据并没有统计意义。基于AI的一些新分析工具对于提高重新分析的诊断率并没有显著的价值。此外,对测序数据进行重新分析的研究文章有很大的差异性,这也使得本文的一些关键问题无法得出有意义的结论,作者最后也提出希望可以有标准化指南来指导后续的重新分析研究。除了研究结果和结论本身,这篇文章另一个值得借鉴的内容是其研究方法。在研究方法部分作者参考了很多筛选文献、评估研究数据的标准化方法和指南,这对于我们平时管理文献和数据、从文献中提取关键信息、对变异进行biocuration都很有帮助。作为ACMG的官方期刊,Genetics in Medicine最近发表了不少这方面的综述性文章,以及AI与临床NGS数据分析结合的文章。
PURPOSE: The study aimed to determine the diagnostic yield, optimal timing, and methodology of next generation sequencing data reanalysis in suspected Mendelian disorders.METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis … >>>
PURPOSE: The study aimed to determine the diagnostic yield, optimal timing, and methodology of next generation sequencing data reanalysis in suspected Mendelian disorders.METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that conducted data reanalysis in patients with suspected Mendelian disorders. Random effects model was used to pool the estimated outcome with subgroup analysis stratified by timing, sequencing methodology, sample size, segregation, use of research validation, and artificial intelligence (AI) variant curation tools.RESULTS: A search of PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science between 2007 and 2021 yielded 9327 articles, of which 29 were selected. Significant heterogeneity was noted between studies. Reanalysis had an overall diagnostic yield of 0.10 (95% CI = 0.06-0.13). Literature updates accounted for most new diagnoses. Diagnostic yield was higher after 24 months, although this was not statistically significant. Increased diagnoses were obtained with research validation and data sharing. AI-based tools did not adversely affect reanalysis diagnostic rate.CONCLUSION: Next generation sequencing data reanalysis can improve diagnostic yield. Owing to the heterogeneity of the studies, the optimal time to reanalysis and the impact of AI-based tools could not be determined with confidence. We propose standardized guidelines for future studies to reduce heterogeneity and improve the quality of the conclusions. <<<