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DeDe宝 (2024-08-02 14:36):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.88095.3, eLife, 2024, An allocentric human odometer for perceiving distances on the ground plane.这篇文章分析了人类如何通过非自我中心(allocentric)的空间参考框架解决移动时静态物体的视错觉变化。研究者比较被试在静止和行走状态下对目标位置的感知,发现在行走条件下,被试对目标位置的判断显示出与基线-静止条件相比更近的偏差,这支持了非自我中心编码。此外,研究者测试在行走时进行认知任务(如倒数计数)是否影响路径整合机制,发现分心行走条件下,被试对目标位置的判断受到了影响,表明路径整合机制可能需要一定的注意力资源。然后,研究者通过被动移动被试测试路径整合机制是否在被动移动和不同方向移动下工作,发现无论是向前还是向后移动,路径整合机制都能正常工作,表明它可以使用前庭信号。最后,使用口头报告任务来确认在自我运动中的观察者是否与静止观察者有一致的空间感知效果。实验表明,无论是行动任务还是静止任务,空间感知效果是一致的。最后,研究者还发现路径整合机制在水平方向上比垂直方向上更有效。综上,研究结果表明,人类使用一个非自我中心的空间参考框架来感知在地面平面上的距离。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2024-7-18. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.88095.3
We reliably judge locations of static objects when we walk despite the retinal images of these objects moving with every step we take. Here, we showed our brains solve this … >>>
We reliably judge locations of static objects when we walk despite the retinal images of these objects moving with every step we take. Here, we showed our brains solve this optical illusion by adopting an allocentric spatial reference frame. We measured perceived target location after the observer walked a short distance from the home base. Supporting the allocentric coding scheme, we found the intrinsic bias , which acts as a spatial reference frame for perceiving location of a dimly lit target in the dark, remained grounded at the home base rather than traveled along with the observer. The path-integration mechanism responsible for this can utilize both active and passive (vestibular) translational motion signals, but only along the horizontal direction. This asymmetric path-integration finding in human visual space perception is reminiscent of the asymmetric spatial memory finding in desert ants, pointing to nature’s wondrous and logically simple design for terrestrial creatures. <<<
DeDe宝 (2024-04-05 01:19):
#paper, Prior probability cues bias sensory encoding with increasing task exposure, doi:https://elifesciences.org/articles/91135.先验影响被试的反应时间和反应结果,之前的计算模型通常将先验的影响归因于选择方案时的调整(即先验的影响发生在决策阶段)。然而,最近的研究表明,先验也可能直接影响感官证据(似然)。在本研究中,研究者用脑电图记录了神经活动,同时被试在多个测试过程中使用有效先验、无效先验或中性先验执行对比辨别任务。研究者通过对比依赖的稳态视觉诱发电位(SSVEP)测量了感觉证据编码,而标准调整的读数则由运动皮层上的效应器选择性 mu-β 带活动提供。研究着发现先验对运动和SSVEP 均产生了显着的调节。研究表明,除了对决策过程进行战略调整之外,先验概率信息还会引起编码的偏差。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2024. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.91135.3
When observers have prior knowledge about the likely outcome of their perceptual decisions, they exhibit robust behavioural biases in reaction time and choice accuracy. Computational modelling typically attributes these effects … >>>
When observers have prior knowledge about the likely outcome of their perceptual decisions, they exhibit robust behavioural biases in reaction time and choice accuracy. Computational modelling typically attributes these effects to strategic adjustments in the criterion amount of evidence required to commit to a choice alternative - usually implemented by a starting point shift - but recent work suggests that expectations may also fundamentally bias the encoding of the sensory evidence itself. Here, we recorded neural activity with EEG while participants performed a contrast discrimination task with valid, invalid, or neutral probabilistic cues across multiple testing sessions. We measured sensory evidence encoding via contrast-dependent steady-state visual-evoked potentials (SSVEP), while a read-out of criterion adjustments was provided by effector-selective mu-beta band activity over motor cortex. In keeping with prior modelling and neural recording studies, cues evoked substantial biases in motor preparation consistent with criterion adjustments, but we additionally found that the cues produced a significant modulation of the SSVEP during evidence presentation. While motor preparation adjustments were observed in the earliest trials, the sensory-level effects only emerged with extended task exposure. Our results suggest that, in addition to strategic adjustments to the decision process, probabilistic information can also induce subtle biases in the encoding of the evidence itself. <<<
DeDe宝 (2024-03-04 22:05):
#paper, DOI: https://elifesciences.org/articles/17086, elife, A map of abstract relational knowledge in the human hippocampal–entorhinal cortex, 海马-内嗅系统编码指导空间导航的空间地图,这是一种连续的地图(map)。对连续地图信息的处理依赖于神经系统,但处理连续地图信息的原则是否能够拓展到隐式编码的离散地图尚未可知。在这篇文章中,研究者证明海马-内嗅系统可以使用联想强度的度量表示抽象对象之间的关系(距离),即使该关系式非空间的(抽象的)、离散不连续且隐式编码的。研究者通过海马-内嗅fmri适应信号重建了类似于空间地图的知识结构,且最佳预测度量是未来状态的加权和,这和位置细胞、网格细胞放电模式的后继表示相类似。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2017-04-27. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.17086 PMID: 28448253
The hippocampal-entorhinal system encodes a map of space that guides spatial navigation. Goal-directed behaviour outside of spatial navigation similarly requires a representation of abstract forms of relational knowledge. This information … >>>
The hippocampal-entorhinal system encodes a map of space that guides spatial navigation. Goal-directed behaviour outside of spatial navigation similarly requires a representation of abstract forms of relational knowledge. This information relies on the same neural system, but it is not known whether the organisational principles governing continuous maps may extend to the implicit encoding of discrete, non-spatial graphs. Here, we show that the human hippocampal-entorhinal system can represent relationships between objects using a metric that depends on associative strength. We reconstruct a map-like knowledge structure directly from a hippocampal-entorhinal functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation signal in a situation where relationships are non-spatial rather than spatial, discrete rather than continuous, and unavailable to conscious awareness. Notably, the measure that best predicted a behavioural signature of implicit knowledge and blood oxygen level-dependent adaptation was a weighted sum of future states, akin to the successor representation that has been proposed to account for place and grid-cell firing patterns. <<<
DeDe宝 (2024-02-15 16:06):
#paper doi:10.7554/eLife.91825.3 A spatial-attentional mechanism underlies action-related distortions of time judgment,eLife 时间绑定(Temporal binding)指一种动作和稍微延迟的感官事件之间的时间吸引力的错觉,由动作绑定(action binding,即被报告为较晚发生的动作)和结果绑定(outcome binding,即被报告为较早发生的感觉事件)组成。然而,在使用Libet时钟方法测量时间判断时,视觉空间注意力的影响被严重忽视。结果绑定通常是通过比较动作声音(AS)条件和仅声音(SO)条件来获得的,被试报告声音播放时时钟指针指向的位置,AS 条件下报告的时间比 SO 条件下的报告时间早。动作绑定通过比较AS条件和AO条件,AS 条件下报告的按键时间晚于 AO 条件下报告的按键时间。在本研究的四个实验中,研究者使用时钟方法证明了由动作和感觉刺激引起的时间绑定中注意力调节的不同模式。此外,单独使用注意力测量的计算模型可以重现时间绑定效应,为时间绑定的注意力假设提供强有力的支持证据。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2024. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.91825.3
Temporal binding has been understood as an illusion in timing judgment. When an action triggers an outcome (e.g. a sound) after a brief delay, the action is reported to occur … >>>
Temporal binding has been understood as an illusion in timing judgment. When an action triggers an outcome (e.g. a sound) after a brief delay, the action is reported to occur later than if the outcome does not occur, and the outcome is reported to occur earlier than a similar outcome not caused by an action. We show here that an attention mechanism underlies the seeming illusion of timing judgment. In one method, participants watch a rotating clock hand and report event times by noting the clock hand position when the event occurs. We find that visual spatial attention is critically involved in shaping event time reports made in this way. This occurs because action and outcome events result in shifts of attention around the clock rim, thereby biasing the perceived location of the clock hand. Using a probe detection task to measure attention, we show a difference in the distribution of visual spatial attention between a single-event condition (sound only or action only) and a two-event agency condition (action plus sound). Participants accordingly report the timing of the same event (the sound or the action) differently in the two conditions: spatial attentional shifts masquerading as temporal binding. Furthermore, computational modeling based on the attention measure can reproduce the temporal binding effect. Studies that use time judgment as an implicit marker of voluntary agency should first discount the artefactual changes in event timing reports that actually reflect differences in spatial attention. The study also has important implications for related results in mental chronometry obtained with the clock-like method since Wundt, as attention may well be a critical confounding factor in the interpretation of these studies. <<<
DeDe宝 (2023-12-13 23:02):
#paper,https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.55389,A Bayesian and efficient observer model explains concurrent attractive and repulsive history biases in visual perception,人类的视觉感知受到历史经验的影响,同时产生排斥性偏差和吸引性偏差,且二者具有不同的时间尺度:吸引性偏差的衰减速度快,只由上一个试次刺激影响产生,排斥性偏差衰减速度慢,可以持续受到过去数分钟的刺激的影响,暗示吸引性和排斥性偏差的机制是分离的。但是,目前仍不清楚吸引性的偏差和排斥性的偏差在知觉决策过程中是否相互作用以及如何相互作用。这篇研究结合了快速编码框架和贝叶斯解码模型,同时捕获了吸引性偏差和排斥性偏差的关键特征。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2020-06-01. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.55389 PMID: 32479264
Human perceptual decisions can be repelled away from (repulsive adaptation) or attracted towards recent visual experience (attractive serial dependence). It is currently unclear whether and how these repulsive and attractive … >>>
Human perceptual decisions can be repelled away from (repulsive adaptation) or attracted towards recent visual experience (attractive serial dependence). It is currently unclear whether and how these repulsive and attractive biases interact during visual processing and what computational principles underlie these history dependencies. Here we disentangle repulsive and attractive biases by exploring their respective timescales. We find that perceptual decisions are concurrently attracted towards the short-term perceptual history and repelled from stimuli experienced up to minutes into the past. The temporal pattern of short-term attraction and long-term repulsion cannot be captured by an ideal Bayesian observer model alone. Instead, it is well captured by an ideal observer model with efficient encoding and Bayesian decoding of visual information in a slowly changing environment. Concurrent attractive and repulsive history biases in perceptual decisions may thus be the consequence of the need for visual processing to simultaneously satisfy constraints of efficiency and stability. <<<
muton (2023-03-31 22:44):
#paper https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.82250 Extra-hippocampal contributions to pattern separation 模式分离,或记忆中高度相似的刺激或经验由不重叠的神经组合代表的过程,通常被归结为由海马体支持的过程。然而,广泛研究的证据表明,模式分离是一个由大脑区域网络支持的多阶段过程。基于这些证据,再加上文献中的相关发现,作者提出了 "皮质-海马模式分离"(CHiPS)框架,认为参与认知控制的大脑区域在模式分离中发挥了重要作用。特别是,这些区域可能通过以下方式对模式分离做出贡献:(1)解决投射到海马的感觉区域的干扰,从而调节其皮质输入;或(2)根据任务要求直接调节海马的过程。本文创新之处是作者认为模式分离也同样受到新皮层-海马而不仅仅是海马的支持。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2023-03-27. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.82250 PMID: 36972123
Pattern separation, or the process by which highly similar stimuli or experiences in memory are represented by non-overlapping neural ensembles, has typically been ascribed to processes supported by the hippocampus. … >>>
Pattern separation, or the process by which highly similar stimuli or experiences in memory are represented by non-overlapping neural ensembles, has typically been ascribed to processes supported by the hippocampus. Converging evidence from a wide range of studies, however, suggests that pattern separation is a multistage process supported by a network of brain regions. Based on this evidence, considered together with related findings from the interference resolution literature, we propose the 'cortico-hippocampal pattern separation' (CHiPS) framework, which asserts that brain regions involved in cognitive control play a significant role in pattern separation. Particularly, these regions may contribute to pattern separation by (1) resolving interference in sensory regions that project to the hippocampus, thus regulating its cortical input, or (2) directly modulating hippocampal processes in accordance with task demands. Considering recent interest in how hippocampal operations are modulated by goal states likely represented and regulated by extra-hippocampal regions, we argue that pattern separation is similarly supported by neocortical-hippocampal interactions. <<<
尹志 (2022-02-08 23:23):
#paper doi: 10.7554/eLife.58906 Anna A Ivanova, et al. Comprehension of computer code relies primarily on domain-general executive brain regions. eLife 2020;9:e58906(2020). 这是我在看一本编程小册子的时候作者引的一篇神经科学的研究工作。文章探讨了编程作为一项认知活动,到底是什么认知与神经机制在支撑它?研究者用fMRI技术对两类大脑系统进行了考察:1. multiple demand (MD) system;2. language system。 前者在数学、逻辑、解决问题中被常使用;后者在语言处理中被常使用。作者使用python和ScratchJr两种编程方式(基于文本的和基于图形界面的)进行编码和进行句子的内容匹配。他们发现MD系统在两种编程方式中,对编码活动都有强烈的反应;语言系统则只对句子的内容匹配有强烈的反应,对编码活动的反应很弱。当然这就一定程度上说明了编程活动是一项类似问题解决或者数学解题这样的认知活动。虽然编码很多时候是文字的形式,我们也习惯说编程语言,但处理它的大脑认知机制从实验上来看,似乎并不对应于常规的语言处理。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2020-12-15. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.58906 PMID: 33319744
Computer programming is a novel cognitive tool that has transformed modern society. What cognitive and neural mechanisms support this skill? Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate two … >>>
Computer programming is a novel cognitive tool that has transformed modern society. What cognitive and neural mechanisms support this skill? Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate two candidate brain systems: the multiple demand (MD) system, typically recruited during math, logic, problem solving, and executive tasks, and the language system, typically recruited during linguistic processing. We examined MD and language system responses to code written in Python, a text-based programming language (Experiment 1) and in ScratchJr, a graphical programming language (Experiment 2); for both, we contrasted responses to code problems with responses to content-matched sentence problems. We found that the MD system exhibited strong bilateral responses to code in both experiments, whereas the language system responded strongly to sentence problems, but weakly or not at all to code problems. Thus, the MD system supports the use of novel cognitive tools even when the input is structurally similar to natural language. <<<