来自用户 小W 的文献。
当前共找到 29 篇文献分享,本页显示第 1 - 20 篇。
小W (2024-07-01 00:01):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41590-024-01828-7 The aged tumor microenvironment limits T cell control of cancer 这是一篇探索衰老微环境是如何影响癌症浸润CD8免疫细胞的文章,通过流式细胞术 和 scRNA-seq 等技术,发现了衰老促进肿瘤生长并改变 CD8+T 细胞的命运和功能,老年 TME 中的细胞外信号驱动诱导了一种不同于 典型细胞衰竭、进化保守的与年龄相关的功能障碍 CD8+ T 细胞状态(TTAD)。同时老年肿瘤小鼠无法从治疗性 mRNA 疫苗接种中受益,而重振 cDC1 的髓系靶向免疫疗法可以改善并增强老年小鼠的 CD8+ T 细胞的免疫能力。
The etiology and effect of age-related immune dysfunction in cancer is not completely understood. Here we show that limited priming of CD8 T cells in the aged tumor microenvironment (TME) … >>>
The etiology and effect of age-related immune dysfunction in cancer is not completely understood. Here we show that limited priming of CD8 T cells in the aged tumor microenvironment (TME) outweighs cell-intrinsic defects in limiting tumor control. Increased tumor growth in aging is associated with reduced CD8 T cell infiltration and function. Transfer of T cells from young mice does not restore tumor control in aged mice owing to rapid induction of T cell dysfunction. Cell-extrinsic signals in the aged TME drive a tumor-infiltrating age-associated dysfunctional (T) cell state that is functionally, transcriptionally and epigenetically distinct from canonical T cell exhaustion. Altered natural killer cell-dendritic cell-CD8 T cell cross-talk in aged tumors impairs T cell priming by conventional type 1 dendritic cells and promotes T cell formation. Aged mice are thereby unable to benefit from therapeutic tumor vaccination. Critically, myeloid-targeted therapy to reinvigorate conventional type 1 dendritic cells can improve tumor control and restore CD8 T cell immunity in aging. <<<
癌症中与年龄相关的免疫功能障碍的病因和影响尚不完全清楚。在这里,我们发现,在老年肿瘤微环境(TME)中,CD8 T细胞的有限启动超过了限制肿瘤控制的细胞内在缺陷。衰老过程中肿瘤生长增加与 CD8 T 细胞浸润和功能减少有关。由于T细胞功能障碍的快速诱导,从年轻小鼠转移T细胞并不能恢复老年小鼠的肿瘤控制。衰老 TME 中的细胞外源信号驱动肿瘤浸润、年龄相关的功能失调 (T) 细胞状态,该状态在功能、转录和表观遗传学上与经典 T 细胞耗竭不同。老年肿瘤中自然杀伤细胞-树突状细胞-CD8 T 细胞串扰的改变会损害传统 1 型树突状细胞对 T 细胞的启动并促进 T 细胞的形成。因此,老年小鼠无法从治疗性肿瘤疫苗接种中受益。至关重要的是,髓样靶向疗法使传统的 1 型树突状细胞恢复活力,可以改善肿瘤控制并在衰老中恢复 CD8 T 细胞免疫。
小W (2024-05-31 17:01):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.003 Biomarkers of aging for the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions 这是一篇介绍衰老生物标志物术语和表征框架的文章,描述了衰老领域关键术语,从监管和应用角度对生物标志物进行分类、对生物标志物的评估等方面建立共识,并介绍了现有的生物标志物、衰老时钟和试验。总体是一个PPT式的论文,其对于衰老术语和表征框架感觉还有欠缺,但其对于衰老研究的思考,以及提到的衰老领域的研究资源和试验还是值得去看一看。
Cell, 2023-08-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.003 PMID: 37657418
With the rapid expansion of aging biology research, the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions in humans have become key goals of this field. Biomarkers of aging are critically important … >>>
With the rapid expansion of aging biology research, the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions in humans have become key goals of this field. Biomarkers of aging are critically important tools in achieving these objectives over realistic time frames. However, the current lack of standards and consensus on the properties of a reliable aging biomarker hinders their further development and validation for clinical applications. Here, we advance a framework for the terminology and characterization of biomarkers of aging, including classification and potential clinical use cases. We discuss validation steps and highlight ongoing challenges as potential areas in need of future research. This framework sets the stage for the development of valid biomarkers of aging and their ultimate utilization in clinical trials and practice. <<<
小W (2024-04-30 23:51):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41573-023-00859-3 Strategies to reduce the risks of mRNA drug and vaccine toxicity 本文是一篇介绍RNA药物在心血管疾病中开发应用的文章。介绍了 AZD8601(VEGF-A mRNA Moderna) 在血运重建的临床试验进展,miR 组合(miR-1、miR133等)相比转录因子方法将成纤维细胞重编程为心肌细胞的优势,CDR132L(antimiR miR-132-3p) 可减少心脏纤维化并预防心力衰竭,zilebesiran (siRNA 肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统)单次注射可在半年内控制高血压,Inclisiran (siRNA 靶向PCSK9)用于治疗动脉粥样硬化性心血管随着疾病和杂合子家族性高胆固醇血症等RNA药物开发逻辑和优劣势。随着现代社会心血管疾病诱因增加以及RNA药物开发体系的完善,RNA药物会成为应对心血管疾病的一个思路。
mRNA formulated with lipid nanoparticles is a transformative technology that has enabled the rapid development and administration of billions of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine doses worldwide. However, avoiding unacceptable … >>>
mRNA formulated with lipid nanoparticles is a transformative technology that has enabled the rapid development and administration of billions of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine doses worldwide. However, avoiding unacceptable toxicity with mRNA drugs and vaccines presents challenges. Lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs all present toxicity concerns. Here, we discuss these concerns, specifically how cell tropism and tissue distribution of mRNA and lipid nanoparticles can lead to toxicity, and their possible reactogenicity. We focus on adverse events from mRNA applications for protein replacement and gene editing therapies as well as vaccines, tracing common biochemical and cellular pathways. The potential and limitations of existing models and tools used to screen for on-target efficacy and de-risk off-target toxicity, including in vivo and next-generation in vitro models, are also discussed. <<<
小W (2024-03-31 23:59):
#paper doi:doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.042 Past, present, and future of CRISPR genome editing technologies 本文是对 crisper 基因编辑技术发展历程、当前应用以及未来发展方向的汇总文章。介绍了crisper 系统 对 Cas9 以外的核酸酶的探索、减少脱靶编辑的高保真 Cas9 和 递送系统 的开发,以及其在疾病建模和体内外基因治疗的展望。
Cell, 2024-Feb-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.042 PMID: 38428389
Genome editing has been a transformative force in the life sciences and human medicine, offering unprecedented opportunities to dissect complex biological processes and treat the underlying causes of many genetic … >>>
Genome editing has been a transformative force in the life sciences and human medicine, offering unprecedented opportunities to dissect complex biological processes and treat the underlying causes of many genetic diseases. CRISPR-based technologies, with their remarkable efficiency and easy programmability, stand at the forefront of this revolution. In this Review, we discuss the current state of CRISPR gene editing technologies in both research and therapy, highlighting limitations that constrain them and the technological innovations that have been developed in recent years to address them. Additionally, we examine and summarize the current landscape of gene editing applications in the context of human health and therapeutics. Finally, we outline potential future developments that could shape gene editing technologies and their applications in the coming years. <<<
小W (2024-02-29 20:28):
#paper doi:arXiv:2203.13906 Biolink Model: A Universal Schema for Knowledge Graphs in Clinical, Biomedical, and Translational Science 本文介绍了欧洲分子生物学实验室对于生命进程的认识 Biolink 模型,其使用yaml变体 linkml ( Linked data Modeling Language )定义一组分层的、相互关联的类以及它们之间的关系,以此来表征转化科学中的实体以及这些实体之间的联系。其工作包含标准生物模式、样本、TranslatorMinimal三个模型库以及使用其模型关联不同本体数据的方法。基于此模型,其他团队开发了NIH 的Biomedical Data Translator项目,以及 2023 发表于 Nat. Biotechnol 的 BioCypher 。
Within clinical, biomedical, and translational science, an increasing number of projects are adopting graphs for knowledge representation. Graph-based data models elucidate the interconnectedness between core biomedical concepts, enable data structures … >>>
Within clinical, biomedical, and translational science, an increasing number of projects are adopting graphs for knowledge representation. Graph-based data models elucidate the interconnectedness between core biomedical concepts, enable data structures to be easily updated, and support intuitive queries, visualizations, and inference algorithms. However, knowledge discovery across these "knowledge graphs" (KGs) has remained difficult. Data set heterogeneity and complexity; the proliferation of ad hoc data formats; poor compliance with guidelines on findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability; and, in particular, the lack of a universally-accepted, open-access model for standardization across biomedical KGs has left the task of reconciling data sources to downstream consumers. Biolink Model is an open source data model that can be used to formalize the relationships between data structures in translational science. It incorporates object-oriented classification and graph-oriented features. The core of the model is a set of hierarchical, interconnected classes (or categories) and relationships between them (or predicates), representing biomedical entities such as gene, disease, chemical, anatomical structure, and phenotype. The model provides class and edge attributes and associations that guide how entities should relate to one another. Here, we highlight the need for a standardized data model for KGs, describe Biolink Model, and compare it with other models. We demonstrate the utility of Biolink Model in various initiatives, including the Biomedical Data Translator Consortium and the Monarch Initiative, and show how it has supported easier integration and interoperability of biomedical KGs, bringing together knowledge from multiple sources and helping to realize the goals of translational science. <<<
小W (2024-01-31 23:23):
#paper doi:doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06377-x A high-performance speech neuroprosthesis 本文介绍了脑机接口在将脑神经信号转化为文本语言的尝试。文章在患有延髓性肌萎缩侧索硬化症 (ALS)患者的大脑6v (entral premotor cortex)区域和44 (布洛卡区)使用四个微电极阵列检测神经活动信号,训练了一个循环神经网络 (RNN) 解码器,以在每 80 毫秒的时间步长预测当时说出每个音素的概率,将这些概率与语言模型相结合,神经活动信号以每分钟 62 个单词的速度被解码。在 50 个单词的数据集中实现了 9.1% 的单词错误率,125000 个单词的数据集的单词错误率为 23.8%。 同时布洛卡区作用在语言产生的高阶方面,但它似乎几乎不包含音素或单词的信息,即使在瘫痪多年后,患者仍存在音素发音的细节,说明仅从 6v 小区域检测的神经活动信号开发出以正常会话速度恢复瘫痪患者通信设备的可行性。
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Speech brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) have the potential to restore rapid communication to people with paralysis by decoding neural activity evoked by attempted speech into text<jats:sup>1,2</jats:sup> or sound<jats:sup>3,4</jats:sup>. Early demonstrations, although … >>>
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Speech brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) have the potential to restore rapid communication to people with paralysis by decoding neural activity evoked by attempted speech into text<jats:sup>1,2</jats:sup> or sound<jats:sup>3,4</jats:sup>. Early demonstrations, although promising, have not yet achieved accuracies sufficiently high for communication of unconstrained sentences from a large vocabulary<jats:sup>1–7</jats:sup>. Here we demonstrate a speech-to-text BCI that records spiking activity from intracortical microelectrode arrays. Enabled by these high-resolution recordings, our study participant—who can no longer speak intelligibly owing to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—achieved a 9.1% word error rate on a 50-word vocabulary (2.7 times fewer errors than the previous state-of-the-art speech BCI<jats:sup>2</jats:sup>) and a 23.8% word error rate on a 125,000-word vocabulary (the first successful demonstration, to our knowledge, of large-vocabulary decoding). Our participant’s attempted speech was decoded  at 62 words per minute, which is 3.4 times as fast as the previous record<jats:sup>8</jats:sup> and begins to approach the speed of natural conversation (160 words per minute<jats:sup>9</jats:sup>). Finally, we highlight two aspects of the neural code for speech that are encouraging for speech BCIs: spatially intermixed tuning to speech articulators that makes accurate decoding possible from only a small region of cortex, and a detailed articulatory representation of phonemes that persists years after paralysis. These results show a feasible path forward for restoring rapid communication to people with paralysis who can no longer speak.</jats:p> <<<
小W (2023-12-31 18:12):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2023.11.002 Mechanism-aware and multimodal AI: beyond model-agnostic interpretation 本文是一篇介绍通过多模态人工智能将多组学、临床数据和基因组规模代谢模型(GSMM 通量组学)结合起来,以生成更准确透明解释的生物标志物的综述文章。本文介绍了GSMM的构建方法、用于多模态数据集成的 AI 建模方法以及图神经网络方法。GSMM的构建来源于组学数据,其参考文章也验证使用转录组数据和GSMM的多模态模型对于酵母生长预测性能的提升,并揭示了仅从基因表达中无法直接推断的功能模式。
Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used for exploiting multimodal biomedical data, with increasingly accurate predictions and model-agnostic interpretations, which are however also agnostic to biological mechanisms. Combining metabolic modelling, 'omics, … >>>
Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used for exploiting multimodal biomedical data, with increasingly accurate predictions and model-agnostic interpretations, which are however also agnostic to biological mechanisms. Combining metabolic modelling, 'omics, and imaging data via multimodal AI can generate predictions that can be interpreted mechanistically and transparently, therefore with significantly higher therapeutic potential. <<<
小W (2023-11-30 23:40):
#paper doi:doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01114-1 Detection of cellular traction forces via the force-triggered Cas12a-mediated catalytic cleavage of a fluorogenic reporter strand 本文介绍了利用CRISPR相关蛋白(Cas)-Cas12a 检测活细胞表面受体分子力事件的方法,其技术路径:激活剂是固定在表面(如玻璃载玻片)上的ssDNA,激活剂通过与互补链杂交而被隐藏,互补链又与配体肽结合;当细胞被植入该表面时,表面受体和配体结合,并施加力,超过双链的机械耐受性的力会导致其断裂,暴露激活剂;激活Cas12a会高效地催化切割荧光性ssDNA报告基因。在作为测试的血小板力检测中,其具有以下优势1.活细胞2.只需要~5 μl或更少的血液来进行每次测量,降低了高通量筛选的难度3.检测结果与出血风险更高的相关4.更短的时间(30min),更易识别的信号,可能更低的成本。对 CRISPR 检测不太了解,欢迎斧正。
Molecular forces generated by cell receptors are infrequent and transient, and hence difficult to detect. Here we report an assay that leverages the CRISPR-associated protein 12a (Cas12a) to amplify the … >>>
Molecular forces generated by cell receptors are infrequent and transient, and hence difficult to detect. Here we report an assay that leverages the CRISPR-associated protein 12a (Cas12a) to amplify the detection of cellular traction forces generated by as few as 50 adherent cells. The assay involves the immobilization of a DNA duplex modified with a ligand specific for a cell receptor. Traction forces of tens of piconewtons trigger the dehybridization of the duplex, exposing a cryptic Cas12-activating strand that sets off the indiscriminate Cas12-mediated cleavage of a fluorogenic reporter strand. We used the assay to perform hundreds of force measurements using human platelets from a single blood draw to extract individualized dose-response curves and half-maximal inhibitory concentrations for a panel of antiplatelet drugs. For seven patients who had undergone cardiopulmonary bypass, platelet dysfunction strongly correlated with the need for platelet transfusion to limit bleeding. The Cas12a-mediated detection of cellular traction forces may be used to assess cell state, and to screen for genes, cell-adhesion ligands, drugs or metabolites that modulate cell mechanics. <<<
小W (2023-10-31 23:52):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.stem.2023.09.014 Decoding aging-dependent regenerative decline across tissues at single-cell resolution 本文主要讲述了衰老对组织损伤修复的的影响,作者构建了小鼠的八个不同组织损伤模型,对年轻和衰老小鼠的损伤前、修复开始、修复进展和修复消退四个阶段,进行单细胞转录组分析,绘画不同年纪、损伤修复阶段和组织独特和共享的基因特征和细胞特征。本文主要的两个观点:衰老和年轻小鼠在损伤修复时激活不同 MuSC 亚型的干细胞,衰老MuSC 亚型的干细胞具有较弱的分化能力;Arg1+ 巨噬细胞在各种组织的再生和修复中激增,衰老小鼠 Arg1+ 巨噬细胞受到削弱,其可能通过影响血管生成能力,,导致衰老个体损伤修复能力的衰退。
Regeneration across tissues and organs exhibits significant variation throughout the body and undergoes a progressive decline with age. To decode the relationships between aging and regenerative capacity, we conducted a … >>>
Regeneration across tissues and organs exhibits significant variation throughout the body and undergoes a progressive decline with age. To decode the relationships between aging and regenerative capacity, we conducted a comprehensive single-cell transcriptome analysis of regeneration in eight tissues from young and aged mice. We employed diverse analytical models to study tissue regeneration and unveiled the intricate cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the attenuated regenerative processes observed in aged tissues. Specifically, we identified compromised stem cell mobility and inadequate angiogenesis as prominent contributors to this age-associated decline in regenerative capacity. Moreover, we discovered a unique subset of Arg1 macrophages that were activated in young tissues but suppressed in aged regenerating tissues, suggesting their important role in age-related immune response disparities during regeneration. This study provides a comprehensive single-cell resource for identifying potential targets for interventions aimed at enhancing regenerative outcomes in the aging population. <<<
小W (2023-10-01 00:00):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06511-9 CD300ld on neutrophils is required for tumour-driven immune suppression 以髓系细胞含量高为特征的免疫抑制肿瘤微环境(TME)是免疫治疗的主要障碍,在肿瘤环境中,大多数髓系细胞被鉴定为具有免疫抑制的病理异常活化的中性粒细胞(PMN-MDSCs)。 跨膜蛋白 CD300ld的表达仅限于骨髓细胞,且在中性粒细胞中高表达。本文 开发了 CD300ld 敲除小鼠模型(Cd300ld-KO),验证了CD300ld通过PMN-MDSCs起作用。Cd300ld-KO小鼠肿瘤中的大多数免疫抑制细胞群减少,大多数抗肿瘤作用细胞群增加,免疫微环境从促肿瘤变为抗肿瘤。CD300ld通过下游路径 S100A8/A9 在PMN-MDSC向肿瘤的迁移和募集以及中性粒细胞向病理抑制过度中起关键作用。
The immune-suppressive tumour microenvironment represents a major obstacle to effective immunotherapy. Pathologically activated neutrophils, also known as polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSCs), are a critical component of the tumour microenvironment … >>>
The immune-suppressive tumour microenvironment represents a major obstacle to effective immunotherapy. Pathologically activated neutrophils, also known as polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSCs), are a critical component of the tumour microenvironment and have crucial roles in tumour progression and therapy resistance. Identification of the key molecules on PMN-MDSCs is required to selectively target these cells for tumour treatment. Here, we performed an in vivo CRISPR-Cas9 screen in a tumour mouse model and identified CD300ld as a top candidate of tumour-favouring receptors. CD300ld is specifically expressed in normal neutrophils and is upregulated in PMN-MDSCs upon tumour-bearing. CD300ld knockout inhibits the development of multiple tumour types in a PMN-MDSC-dependent manner. CD300ld is required for the recruitment of PMN-MDSCs into tumours and their function to suppress T cell activation. CD300ld acts via the STAT3-S100A8/A9 axis, and knockout of Cd300ld reverses the tumour immune-suppressive microenvironment. CD300ld is upregulated in human cancers and shows an unfavourable correlation with patient survival. Blocking CD300ld activity inhibits tumour development and has synergistic effects with anti-PD1. Our study identifies CD300ld as a critical immune suppressor present on PMN-MDSCs, being required for tumour immune resistance and providing a potential target for cancer immunotherapy. <<<
小W (2023-08-31 22:27):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06291-2 Large language models encode clinical knowledge 本文是谷歌一篇介绍医学LLM(大型语言模型)的文章。作者进行了以下工作,1. 提出了包含医学考试、研究和医患问答数据 的医学问答基准测试数据集MultiMedQA 2. 从科学基础、理解推理能力、答案准确和完整、误诊伤害等方面提出了人类对医学LMM的评估框架 3.基于Flan-PaLM模型,使用 instruction prompt tuning 迁移到新知识,生成 Med-PaLM 模型 4. 对 PaLM ,Flan-PaLM 和 Med-PaLM 模型进行评估,Med-PaLM 在其中几个指标上大大缩小了与临床医生的差距,还没找到试用。
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities, but the bar for clinical applications is high. Attempts to assess the clinical knowledge of models typically rely on automated evaluations based … >>>
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities, but the bar for clinical applications is high. Attempts to assess the clinical knowledge of models typically rely on automated evaluations based on limited benchmarks. Here, to address these limitations, we present MultiMedQA, a benchmark combining six existing medical question answering datasets spanning professional medicine, research and consumer queries and a new dataset of medical questions searched online, HealthSearchQA. We propose a human evaluation framework for model answers along multiple axes including factuality, comprehension, reasoning, possible harm and bias. In addition, we evaluate Pathways Language Model (PaLM, a 540-billion parameter LLM) and its instruction-tuned variant, Flan-PaLM on MultiMedQA. Using a combination of prompting strategies, Flan-PaLM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on every MultiMedQA multiple-choice dataset (MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA and Measuring Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) clinical topics), including 67.6% accuracy on MedQA (US Medical Licensing Exam-style questions), surpassing the prior state of the art by more than 17%. However, human evaluation reveals key gaps. To resolve this, we introduce instruction prompt tuning, a parameter-efficient approach for aligning LLMs to new domains using a few exemplars. The resulting model, Med-PaLM, performs encouragingly, but remains inferior to clinicians. We show that comprehension, knowledge recall and reasoning improve with model scale and instruction prompt tuning, suggesting the potential utility of LLMs in medicine. Our human evaluations reveal limitations of today's models, reinforcing the importance of both evaluation frameworks and method development in creating safe, helpful LLMs for clinical applications. <<<
小W (2023-07-31 23:45):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02429-x A multi-ancestry polygenic risk score improves risk prediction for coronary artery disease 本文使用不同祖先来源人群队列的 冠状动脉疾病(CAD) GWASs分析结果,开发了 CAD 多基因风险评分模型(gps) GPSMult ,用于识别 CAD 风险。其模型分为两层:1.使用LDpred2方法为每个群体分层CAD GWAS构建单独的gps, ,综合 不同群体间gps 构建多祖先来源模型;2.采用步进法选择多祖先gps + 临床性状 的最佳组合,构建逻辑回归模型 GPSMult 。本文验证了GPSMult模型 相对于已发布的CAD风险模型在年轻人群或非欧洲人群风险预测性能的提升,倡导GPSMult辅助指导处于边缘或中度CAD风险个体的他汀类药物治疗决策。
Identification of individuals at highest risk of coronary artery disease (CAD)-ideally before onset-remains an important public health need. Prior studies have developed genome-wide polygenic scores to enable risk stratification, reflecting … >>>
Identification of individuals at highest risk of coronary artery disease (CAD)-ideally before onset-remains an important public health need. Prior studies have developed genome-wide polygenic scores to enable risk stratification, reflecting the substantial inherited component to CAD risk. Here we develop a new and significantly improved polygenic score for CAD, termed GPS, that incorporates genome-wide association data across five ancestries for CAD (>269,000 cases and >1,178,000 controls) and ten CAD risk factors. GPS strongly associated with prevalent CAD (odds ratio per standard deviation 2.14, 95% confidence interval 2.10-2.19, P < 0.001) in UK Biobank participants of European ancestry, identifying 20.0% of the population with 3-fold increased risk and conversely 13.9% with 3-fold decreased risk as compared with those in the middle quintile. GPS was also associated with incident CAD events (hazard ratio per standard deviation 1.73, 95% confidence interval 1.70-1.76, P < 0.001), identifying 3% of healthy individuals with risk of future CAD events equivalent to those with existing disease and significantly improving risk discrimination and reclassification. Across multiethnic, external validation datasets inclusive of 33,096, 124,467, 16,433 and 16,874 participants of African, European, Hispanic and South Asian ancestry, respectively, GPS demonstrated increased strength of associations across all ancestries and outperformed all available previously published CAD polygenic scores. These data contribute a new GPS for CAD to the field and provide a generalizable framework for how large-scale integration of genetic association data for CAD and related traits from diverse populations can meaningfully improve polygenic risk prediction. <<<
小W (2023-06-30 23:48):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2023.05.008 Ketogenic diet promotes tumor ferroptosis but induces relative corticosterone deficiency that accelerates cachexia 一项关于生酮饮食(KD)饿死肿瘤的研究。之前的研究(2022)指出生酮饮食的代谢产物β-羟丁酸(BHB,脂肪酸代谢后产生的酮体)可通过与细胞表面受体Hcar2结合,诱导转录调节因子Hopx表达增加,从而抑制肿瘤细胞增殖。本文则发现在产生IL-6相关(肝脏生酮损伤)的癌症小鼠模型,生酮饮食的抗癌作用与存活率(OS)不符合。生酮饮食延缓小鼠的肿瘤生长,但加速恶病质的进展,导致总体生存期缩短。作者通过代谢组学和转录组学数据,证明在肿瘤中,KD不仅通过营养剥夺,同时脂质过氧化增加,导致癌细胞的铁死亡。在宿主系统中KD增加了脂质氢过氧化物(looh)的产生,使GSH通路饱和,消耗NADPH储存,同时导致LPPs的积累,导致应激引起的食欲抑制因子GDF-15的升高。NADPH辅助因子的不足,导致下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴缺陷,诱导相对低皮质酮血症,导致应激反应缺陷和癌症恶病质的早期发作。地塞米松(皮质类固醇)给药,降低了正常饮食喂养小鼠的PFS和OS,延长了KD喂养小鼠的PFS和OS。IL-6相关癌症小鼠OS:KD / 正常 + 地塞米松 < 正常 < KD + 地塞米松。IL-6相关癌症小鼠PFS:正常 + 地塞米松 < 正常 < KD / KD + 地塞米松。
Glucose dependency of cancer cells can be targeted with a high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (KD). However, in IL-6-producing cancers, suppression of the hepatic ketogenic potential hinders the utilization of KD … >>>
Glucose dependency of cancer cells can be targeted with a high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (KD). However, in IL-6-producing cancers, suppression of the hepatic ketogenic potential hinders the utilization of KD as energy for the organism. In IL-6-associated murine models of cancer cachexia, we describe delayed tumor growth but accelerated cachexia onset and shortened survival in mice fed KD. Mechanistically, this uncoupling is a consequence of the biochemical interaction of two NADPH-dependent pathways. Within the tumor, increased lipid peroxidation and, consequently, saturation of the glutathione (GSH) system lead to the ferroptotic death of cancer cells. Systemically, redox imbalance and NADPH depletion impair corticosterone biosynthesis. Administration of dexamethasone, a potent glucocorticoid, increases food intake, normalizes glucose levels and utilization of nutritional substrates, delays cachexia onset, and extends the survival of tumor-bearing mice fed KD while preserving reduced tumor growth. Our study emphasizes the need to investigate the effects of systemic interventions on both the tumor and the host to accurately assess therapeutic potential. These findings may be relevant to clinical research efforts that investigate nutritional interventions such as KD in patients with cancer. <<<
小W (2023-05-31 23:59):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2023.03.035 Massively parallel base editing to map variant effects in human hematopoiesis 本文介绍了一种基因编辑工具:碱基编辑器,在原代人类造血干细胞进行研究的文章。通过结合碱基编辑器和单细胞rna 测序技术,进行了以下研究:对人类全基因组关联研究发现的大量单核苷酸变异的实验评估,对患者临床测序鉴定突变的致病性评估。
Cell, 2023-05-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.03.035 PMID: 37137305
Systematic evaluation of the impact of genetic variants is critical for the study and treatment of human physiology and disease. While specific mutations can be introduced by genome engineering, we … >>>
Systematic evaluation of the impact of genetic variants is critical for the study and treatment of human physiology and disease. While specific mutations can be introduced by genome engineering, we still lack scalable approaches that are applicable to the important setting of primary cells, such as blood and immune cells. Here, we describe the development of massively parallel base-editing screens in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Such approaches enable functional screens for variant effects across any hematopoietic differentiation state. Moreover, they allow for rich phenotyping through single-cell RNA sequencing readouts and separately for characterization of editing outcomes through pooled single-cell genotyping. We efficiently design improved leukemia immunotherapy approaches, comprehensively identify non-coding variants modulating fetal hemoglobin expression, define mechanisms regulating hematopoietic differentiation, and probe the pathogenicity of uncharacterized disease-associated variants. These strategies will advance effective and high-throughput variant-to-function mapping in human hematopoiesis to identify the causes of diverse diseases. <<<
小W (2023-04-30 23:21):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s43018-023-00533-y inferring early genetic progression in cancers with unobtainable premalignant disease. 作者基于原发肿瘤中亚克隆之间进化关系开发了 PhylogicNDT 方法,使用原发性肿瘤样本的外显子组测序数据来推断癌症的早期遗传进展。作者进行了以下分析,(1)PhylogicNDT 方法能够重现 HPV- HNSCC 的已知遗传进展(Califano 等人的HNSCC经验进展模型) ;(2)PhylogicNDT 方法能够揭示难以获得癌前组织的 HPV+ HNSCC 的癌前遗传进展;(3)比较了 PhylogicNDT 方法 HPV+ 和 HPV– 遗传进展差异;(4)不同驱动事件的进展时间。最后,作者讨论了他们的方法在癌症早期检测、干预和预后评估方面的潜在应用,并指出了一些局限性和未来的改进方向,如考虑肿瘤内空间异质性、增加更多类型的突变、改进突变特征等。 关于HPV+ HNSCC 的 一个观点:根据PhylogicNDT 方法结果提出 ,驱动事件可能发生在诊断之前 25-35 年或更早, HPV 整合位点出现在肿瘤发展的早期,并在整个肿瘤发展过程中发生额外的整合,HPV 整合是 HPV+ 癌症发生的主要贡献者。
Analysis of premalignant tissue has identified the typical order of somatic events leading to invasive tumors in several cancer types. For other cancers, premalignant tissue is unobtainable, leaving genetic progression … >>>
Analysis of premalignant tissue has identified the typical order of somatic events leading to invasive tumors in several cancer types. For other cancers, premalignant tissue is unobtainable, leaving genetic progression unknown. Here, we demonstrate how to infer progression from exome sequencing of primary tumors. Our computational method, PhylogicNDT, recapitulated the previous experimentally determined genetic progression of human papillomavirus-negative (HPV) head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). We then evaluated HPV HNSCC, which lacks premalignant tissue, and uncovered its previously unknown progression, identifying early drivers. We converted relative timing estimates of driver mutations and HPV integration to years before diagnosis based on a clock-like mutational signature. We associated the timing of transitions to aneuploidy with increased intratumor genetic heterogeneity and shorter overall survival. Our approach can establish previously unknown early genetic progression of cancers with unobtainable premalignant tissue, supporting development of experimental models and methods for early detection, interception and prognostication. <<<
小W (2023-03-31 16:57):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41576-022-00511-7 Measuring biological age using omics data. 生物老化是随着实际年龄的增长而发生的系统完整性进行性下降 ,最终导致疾病、残疾和死亡。本文是利用组学数据量化生物衰老方法(衰老时钟)研究的综述文章,介绍了表观遗传、转录组学、蛋白质组学、代谢组学等方面衰老时钟的研究原理、局限性和优化。比较有意思的一点,第一代表观时钟彼此之间只有轻微的相关性,增大样本量的情况下训练第一代甲基化时钟过拟合,又消除了年龄和生物学年龄之间的联系。这里提出对之后开发衰老时钟的展望,定义衰老时钟的应用场景,通过有目的的特征选择或通过开发复合训练指标,将衰老生物学的特定方面纳入其中的建模方法应有助于提高模型的可解释性,并指导它们识别衰老的因果特征。一个大胆的方法是在时钟的训练中排除年龄,从而更接近于测量老化生物学特征。
Age is the key risk factor for diseases and disabilities of the elderly. Efforts to tackle age-related diseases and increase healthspan have suggested targeting the ageing process itself to 'rejuvenate' … >>>
Age is the key risk factor for diseases and disabilities of the elderly. Efforts to tackle age-related diseases and increase healthspan have suggested targeting the ageing process itself to 'rejuvenate' physiological functioning. However, achieving this aim requires measures of biological age and rates of ageing at the molecular level. Spurred by recent advances in high-throughput omics technologies, a new generation of tools to measure biological ageing now enables the quantitative characterization of ageing at molecular resolution. Epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic data can be harnessed with machine learning to build 'ageing clocks' with demonstrated capacity to identify new biomarkers of biological ageing. <<<
小W (2023-02-28 20:31):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.027 Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging 本文主要论述细胞对DNA断裂(DSB)修复过程中染色质修饰剂的重新定位(RCM)的变化,侵蚀了表观遗传图谱,这种表观遗传信息的丢失加速了细胞衰老和老化。本文使用I-PpoI内切酶建立 DSB 的细胞和小鼠(ICE)老化模型,通过比较十个月后肝脏、皮肤、脑、肌肉、活力等方面在代谢、基因组、表观遗传和组蛋白水平的衰老标志物,ICE 小鼠较对照小鼠 表现更高的老化速度。提出以下观点:1.哺乳动物的衰老与DSB修复效率相关,但与其他类型的修复无关,可能是因为只有对细胞生存的严重威胁才足以破坏表观基因组,从而导致衰老。2.RCM反应会发育破坏基因、DNA甲基转移酶(DNMTs)的表达模式,并释放被沉默的逆转录转座子。3.通过OSK(Yamanaka因子Oct4、Sox2、Klf4)处理,衰老细胞的衰老标记物的水平恢复到与阴性对照相似的水平,(哺乳动物衰老细胞可能保留了恢复年轻的表观遗传信息)。4.表观遗传信息的丢失是衰老的原因。
Cell, 2023-01-19. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.027 PMID: 36638792
All living things experience an increase in entropy, manifested as a loss of genetic and epigenetic information. In yeast, epigenetic information is lost over time due to the relocalization of … >>>
All living things experience an increase in entropy, manifested as a loss of genetic and epigenetic information. In yeast, epigenetic information is lost over time due to the relocalization of chromatin-modifying proteins to DNA breaks, causing cells to lose their identity, a hallmark of yeast aging. Using a system called "ICE" (inducible changes to the epigenome), we find that the act of faithful DNA repair advances aging at physiological, cognitive, and molecular levels, including erosion of the epigenetic landscape, cellular exdifferentiation, senescence, and advancement of the DNA methylation clock, which can be reversed by OSK-mediated rejuvenation. These data are consistent with the information theory of aging, which states that a loss of epigenetic information is a reversible cause of aging. <<<
小W (2023-01-31 23:13):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35320-3 Tumor fractions deciphered from circulating cell-free DNA methylation for cancer early diagnosis. Nat Commun 13, 7694 (2022) 本文是清华大学团队开发的使用 cfDNA 甲基化特征来构建SRFD-Bayes诊断模型,通过去卷积混合甲基化特征来估计cfDNA的肿瘤的起源组织 (TOO),用于预测原发性肿瘤的位置和对癌症早期诊断。本文分为三个部分,使用肿瘤和正常样本甲基化数据模拟 cfdna 数据;甲基化标记物选择,使用半参考反卷积(SRFD)从血浆cfDNA甲基化谱中学习的参考数据库, 构建SRFD-Bayes 模型;在早期患者和健康个体上验证时,该模型对癌症早期检测的敏感性为86.1%,对肿瘤定位的平均准确性为76.9%,特异性为94.7%。
Tumor-derived circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) provides critical clues for cancer early diagnosis, yet it often suffers from low sensitivity. Here, we present a cancer early diagnosis approach using tumor fractions … >>>
Tumor-derived circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) provides critical clues for cancer early diagnosis, yet it often suffers from low sensitivity. Here, we present a cancer early diagnosis approach using tumor fractions deciphered from circulating cfDNA methylation signatures. We show that the estimated fractions of tumor-derived cfDNA from cancer patients increase significantly as cancer progresses in two independent datasets. Employing the predicted tumor fractions, we establish a Bayesian diagnostic model in which training samples are only derived from late-stage patients and healthy individuals. When validated on early-stage patients and healthy individuals, this model exhibits a sensitivity of 86.1% for cancer early detection and an average accuracy of 76.9% for tumor localization at a specificity of 94.7%. By highlighting the potential of tumor fractions on cancer early diagnosis, our approach can be further applied to cancer screening and tumor progression monitoring. <<<
小W (2023-01-01 00:00):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.11.016. Epub 2022 Dec 13. Engineered cell entry links receptor biology with single-cell genomics 1.本文开发了一个模块化病毒展示和递送平台(ENTER),通过向靶细胞中递送配体,以解码细胞间配体-受体相互作用,并将配体-受体的相互作用与细胞状态联系起来,可以系统地对TCR-pMHC、抗体抗原、共刺激配体受体和BCR在内的相互作用进行展示。pMHC结果显示该病毒递送平台比mhc四聚体检测抗原特异性T细胞更敏感,在添加高滴度病毒(40 ng p24)时,ENTER能够检测到低至10.8 mM的TCR亲和力。ENTER能够通过抗原特异性递送自杀基因在T或B细胞池中选择性地耗尽一个T或B淋巴细胞克隆,或递送对抗细胞死亡受体使抗原特异性T细胞选择性存活,其可能在筛选免疫原性抗原或精英TCR,用于疫苗开发或癌症免疫治疗的合理设计;筛选靶向病毒抗原的BCR,促进治疗性抗体的开发;恢复耗竭的抗肿瘤T细;避免免疫相关的不良事件;杀死自身反应性T细胞或B细胞以治疗自身免疫疾病等方向发挥作用。2.ENTER平台与单细胞RNA-seq结合开发了ENTER-seq,捕获每个液滴中病毒RNA上的MHC肽信息,绘制TCR库和同源HLA抗原肽的相互作用。
Cell, 2022-12-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.11.016 PMID: 36516854
Cells communicate with each other via receptor-ligand interactions. Here, we describe lentiviral-mediated cell entry by engineered receptor-ligand interaction (ENTER) to display ligand proteins, deliver payloads, and record receptor specificity. We … >>>
Cells communicate with each other via receptor-ligand interactions. Here, we describe lentiviral-mediated cell entry by engineered receptor-ligand interaction (ENTER) to display ligand proteins, deliver payloads, and record receptor specificity. We optimize ENTER to decode interactions between T cell receptor (TCR)-MHC peptides, antibody-antigen, and other receptor-ligand pairs. A viral presentation strategy allows ENTER to capture interactions between B cell receptor and any antigen. We engineer ENTER to deliver genetic payloads to antigen-specific T or B cells to selectively modulate cellular behavior in mixed populations. Single-cell readout of ENTER by RNA sequencing (ENTER-seq) enables multiplexed enumeration of antigen specificities, TCR clonality, cell type, and states of individual T cells. ENTER-seq of CMV-seropositive patient blood samples reveals the viral epitopes that drive effector memory T cell differentiation and inter-clonal vs. intra-clonal phenotypic diversity targeting the same epitope. ENTER technology enables systematic discovery of receptor specificity, linkage to cell fates, and antigen-specific cargo delivery. <<<
小W (2022-11-30 23:58):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41577-022-00796-z TGFβ control of immune responses in cancer: a holistic immuno-oncology perspective TGFβ对癌症免疫反应的控制。作为一种进化上古老的调节细胞因子,TGFβ在免疫系统内外具有多效性功能,其促肿瘤或抗肿瘤免疫活性取决于其来源、剂量、环境和白细胞及其靶点,以及癌症类型和疾病阶段。本文使用小鼠肿瘤模型数据,在 TGFβ对不同免疫细胞调节效应 和 TGFβ在癌症先天免疫中的作用 进行了详细的论述,最后介绍了 TGFβ途径的全身阻断 和 靶向阻断TGFβ途径 两类将 TGFβ 用于癌症免疫治疗的尝试。有意思的一点,在本文介绍的 作用于 TGFβ 的 制剂多 与 其他治疗方式连用 ,而去年的 PD-L1/TGFβ双抗 临床试验全都铩羽而归。
The immune system responds to cancer in two main ways. First, there are prewired responses involving myeloid cells, innate lymphocytes and innate-like adaptive lymphocytes that either reside in premalignant tissues … >>>
The immune system responds to cancer in two main ways. First, there are prewired responses involving myeloid cells, innate lymphocytes and innate-like adaptive lymphocytes that either reside in premalignant tissues or migrate directly to tumours, and second, there are antigen priming-dependent responses, in which adaptive lymphocytes are primed in secondary lymphoid organs before homing to tumours. Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) - one of the most potent and pleiotropic regulatory cytokines - controls almost every stage of the tumour-elicited immune response, from leukocyte development in primary lymphoid organs to their priming in secondary lymphoid organs and their effector functions in the tumour itself. The complexity of TGFβ-regulated immune cell circuitries, as well as the contextual roles of TGFβ signalling in cancer cells and tumour stromal cells, necessitates the use of rigorous experimental systems that closely recapitulate human cancer, such as autochthonous tumour models, to uncover the underlying immunobiology. The diverse functions of TGFβ in healthy tissues further complicate the search for effective and safe cancer therapeutics targeting the TGFβ pathway. Here we discuss the contextual complexity of TGFβ signalling in tumour-elicited immune responses and explain how understanding this may guide the development of mechanism-based cancer immunotherapy. <<<