李翛然 (2024-08-31 14:38):
#paper Development of Free Energy calculation methods for the study of monosaccharidesconformation in computer simulations Doi:10.3389/fmolb.2021.712085 六元环状单糖的褶皱构象开发新的计算工具来研究和描述在分子动力学模拟里碳水化合物的构象特性。 最重要的问题是力场选择问题,目前力场参数(GROMOS 45a4参数集),不能复现糖成分的偏好构象对葡萄糖构象的研究存在的困难: 无论从实验上(第二流行的构象极其少见的出现)和理论计算模拟上(构象由少数结构主导,导致非遍历性的性能瓶颈 因此加速采样方法比如 metadynamics其中集体变量(CV)和对应坐标系的选择很重要, 要考虑到分子环的非平面和褶皱构象 1. 采用了新的坐标系Cremer-Pole(θ,φ) 2. 采用了新的坐标系Strauss-Pickett(α1,α2,α3) 3. 采用了笛卡尔压缩的Cremer-Pole(qx,qy)
Recent Developments in Free Energy Calculations for Drug Discovery
The grand challenge in structure-based drug design is achieving accurate prediction of binding free energies. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations enable modeling of conformational changes critical to the binding process, leading to calculation of thermodynamic quantities involved in estimation of binding affinities. With recent advancements in computing capability and predictive accuracy, MD based virtual screening has progressed from the domain of theoretical attempts to real application in drug development. Approaches including the Molecular Mechanics Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area (MM-PBSA), Linear Interaction Energy (LIE), and alchemical methods have been broadly applied to model molecular recognition for drug discovery and lead optimization. Here we review the varied methodology of these approaches, developments enhancing simulation efficiency and reliability, remaining challenges hindering predictive performance, and applications to problems in the fields of medicine and biochemistry.