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小W (2024-07-31 22:45):
#paper doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02799-X An empowerment model for managing menopause 一半的人会经历更年期,正好看了柳叶刀更年期2024专题四篇文章中的一篇。面对更年期绝望焦虑的严重不良症状,单纯当做医学问题进行药物治疗是不够的,一个通过提升自我认知和自信,以自我管理健康并对护理作出知情决定的方式是必要的。同时文章概述了什么是更年期 、更年期预测、更年期症状以及更年期前后的管理,为护理人员和希望获取更年期知识的人提供自信。
Menopause eventually happens to all people with typically functioning ovaries, and almost one billion women worldwide are postmenopausal. Although the biology of typical menopause is ubiquitous, the experience varies substantially. … >>>
Menopause eventually happens to all people with typically functioning ovaries, and almost one billion women worldwide are postmenopausal. Although the biology of typical menopause is ubiquitous, the experience varies substantially. Factors contributing to the experience include not only individual factors, such as the nature and severity of symptoms, but also psychological, social, and contextual considerations, many of which are modifiable. In this first paper in the Lancet Series on menopause, we argue for a new approach that goes beyond the treatment of specific symptoms, to encompass a broad model to support women transitioning this life stage, using the model of empowerment. WHO defines empowerment as an active process of gaining knowledge, confidence, and self-determination to self-manage health and make informed decisions about care. Rather than focusing on menopause as an endocrine deficiency, we propose an empowerment model that recognises factors modifying the experience, in which the patient is an expert in their own condition and the health-care worker supports the patient to become an equal and active partner in managing their own care. <<<