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(2022-07-05 00:03):
#paper doi:10.1093/database/baac049 Database, 2022, dbBIP: a comprehensive bipolar disorder database for genetic research. 这篇文章,正如其期刊名,是一个数据库。它的研究主题和对象是bipolar disorder(BIP,双相情感障碍,又称躁狂抑郁症)。通过整合既往关于该疾病的大规模组学数据,包括两个基于芯片的GWAS队列(PGC2和PGC3,分别贡献了20352例BIP病例和31358名对照、41917例BIP和371549对照),也包括后续多项研究的WGS/WES测序数据,还包括大规模脑组织的转录组测序数据(表达谱数据),并通过各类组学分析方法,提供了对这些数据的功能注释、连锁关联、蛋白质相互作用、时空表达模式等信息。所有这些信息都以网站形式提供查询和在线分析功能。这是典型的生物信息学类型研究工作,也是深入开启某一研究方向的有效开局方式。
Database : the journal of biological databases and curation,
DOI: 10.1093/database/baac049
PMID: 35779245
Bipolar disorder (BIP) is one of the most common hereditary psychiatric disorders worldwide. Elucidating the genetic basis of BIP will play a pivotal role in mechanistic delineation. Genome-wide association studies …
Bipolar disorder (BIP) is one of the most common hereditary psychiatric disorders worldwide. Elucidating the genetic basis of BIP will play a pivotal role in mechanistic delineation. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully reported multiple susceptibility loci conferring BIP risk, thus providing insight into the effects of its underlying pathobiology. However, difficulties remain in the extrication of important and biologically relevant data from genetic discoveries related to psychiatric disorders such as BIP. There is an urgent need for an integrated and comprehensive online database with unified access to genetic and multi-omics data for in-depth data mining. Here, we developed the dbBIP, a database for BIP genetic research based on published data. The dbBIP consists of several modules, i.e.: (i) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) module, containing large-scale GWAS genetic summary statistics and functional annotation information relevant to risk variants; (ii) gene module, containing BIP-related candidate risk genes from various sources and (iii) analysis module, providing a simple and user-friendly interface to analyze one's own data. We also conducted extensive analyses, including functional SNP annotation, integration (including summary-data-based Mendelian randomization and transcriptome-wide association studies), co-expression, gene expression, tissue expression, protein-protein interaction and brain expression quantitative trait loci analyses, thus shedding light on the genetic causes of BIP. Finally, we developed a graphical browser with powerful search tools to facilitate data navigation and access. The dbBIP provides a comprehensive resource for BIP genetic research as well as an integrated analysis platform for researchers and can be accessed online at http://dbbip.xialab.info. Database URL: http://dbbip.xialab.info.
(2022-07-04 20:59):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41467-022-31236-0, Nature Communications, 2022, A convolutional neural network highlights mutations relevant to antimicrobial resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 本文建立了一套CNN(卷积神经网络)模型,从2万多个结核分枝杆菌的测序数据中,使用18个根据先验知识挑选的与其耐药性相关的基因座,将基因座的整个序列作为输入,以此来预测耐药性。结果显示,该CNN模型性能超过了目前其他基于传统机器学习方法和非卷积的常规神经网络方法。而且,由于深度学习方法提取了序列中的隐含特征信息,可以有效帮助预测未知突变对耐药性的影响。
Nature communications,
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31236-0
PMID: 35780211
Long diagnostic wait times hinder international efforts to address antibiotic resistance in M. tuberculosis. Pathogen whole genome sequencing, coupled with statistical and machine learning models, offers a promising solution. However, …
Long diagnostic wait times hinder international efforts to address antibiotic resistance in M. tuberculosis. Pathogen whole genome sequencing, coupled with statistical and machine learning models, offers a promising solution. However, generalizability and clinical adoption have been limited by a lack of interpretability, especially in deep learning methods. Here, we present two deep convolutional neural networks that predict antibiotic resistance phenotypes of M. tuberculosis isolates: a multi-drug CNN (MD-CNN), that predicts resistance to 13 antibiotics based on 18 genomic loci, with AUCs 82.6-99.5% and higher sensitivity than state-of-the-art methods; and a set of 13 single-drug CNNs (SD-CNN) with AUCs 80.1-97.1% and higher specificity than the previous state-of-the-art. Using saliency methods to evaluate the contribution of input sequence features to the SD-CNN predictions, we identify 18 sites in the genome not previously associated with resistance. The CNN models permit functional variant discovery, biologically meaningful interpretation, and clinical applicability.
(2022-07-03 00:04):
#paper doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.31987 American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2022, Genetic testing and glomerular hematuria - A nephrologist's perspective. 这篇综述介绍了Alport综合征(一种遗传性肾炎)的诊断和早期治疗方法的演变。该疾病表现为血尿,但并非急性外伤引起,而是与慢性炎症相关,且具有遗传性。该疾病发现于1920年,但直至2003年才被报道有药物可以进行治疗(之前只能选择透析和肾移植)。长期的临床病例积累和观察研究,确定了该疾病的遗传性,以及定位出COL4A3、COL4A4和COL4A5这三个基因与该疾病相关。由于血尿的原因很多,Alport综合征也存在各种不同程度症状的谱系分布,因此其诊断也需要开展对上述三个基因的突变检测。基因检测方法早期使用Sanger(一代测序),后来改为使用NGS(新一代测序,或者称为二代测序),无论哪种方法,都存在费用高昂等问题。在临床肾病专家的角度,会通过显微镜观察尿液中血细胞的形态等特征,帮助确定血尿的来源是否为肾小球,并综合考虑患者个体因素,确定是采取基因检测方法,或是肾活检方法。各种检测方法都并不完美,需要通过彼此互补来帮助进行疾病确诊。诸如对三个基因的检测,在NGS时代可以开展全外显子测序,不仅可能发现这三个基因上从未被报道过的难以判断致病性的突变,也可能发现与此疾病相关的其他基因突变,这些突变的解读,则需要依赖于遗传咨询师的辅助配合。这篇综述中展示的临床诊治路径(及其演化),反映了对这些信息的综合利用,以及从使患者受益的角度,该以何种顺序来组合不同的检测方法。
Alport syndrome is an inherited disorder of the kidneys that results from variants in three collagen IV genes-COL4A3, COL4A4, and COL4A5. Early diagnosis and pharmacologic intervention can delay the progression …
Alport syndrome is an inherited disorder of the kidneys that results from variants in three collagen IV genes-COL4A3, COL4A4, and COL4A5. Early diagnosis and pharmacologic intervention can delay the progression of chronic kidney disease and the onset of kidney failure in patients with Alport syndrome. This article describes the evolution of approaches to the diagnosis and early treatment of Alport syndrome.
(2022-07-02 20:10):
#paper Zheng Y, Jönsson J, Hao C, et al. hnRNP A1 and hnRNP A2 inhibit splicing to HPV16 splice site SA409 through a UAG-containing sequence in the E7 coding region[J]. Journal of Virology, 2020. DOI: 10.1128/jvi.01509-20 PMID: 32759322 PMCID: PMC7527060 该文章研究发现hnRNP A1和hnRNP A2通过E7编码区中含有UAG的序列抑制HPV16剪接位点SA409的剪接。人乳头瘤病毒16型(HPV16)属于HPV的高危型,并导致多种肛门,生殖器癌和头颈癌,一般大家最熟悉的就是宫颈癌,实际上高危型HPV可以引发多种癌症。HPV16的两种蛋白E6和E7可防止细胞凋亡并促进有丝分裂,对HPV16生命周期的完成、感染细胞的转化和恶性肿瘤的维持至关重要。E6和E7由两个通过选择性剪接以互斥方式生成的mRNA产生。虽然E6蛋白是由未拼接的mRNA制成的,但E7是由相同前体mRNA的拼接版本制成的。由于恶性转化需要足够数量的E6和E7,这种复杂的基因表达排列使得E6和E7的表达容易受到外部干扰。由于没有针对HPV16的抗病毒药物,详细了解HPV16 E6和E7 mRNA剪接的调节可能会发现新的治疗靶点。文章可总结为:1. E6,E7是HPV的重要蛋白他们对HPV的繁殖至关重要同时可以改变宿主的基因导致癌症。 2. E6,E7由HPV的同一段基因上的位点来调控。 3. 受到hnRNA1或者hnRNA2的调节,位点会做出不同反应从而影响E6或者E7的产生。hnRNP A1和A2对E6编码区这个非常脆弱的HPV16剪接事件有相反的影响。 4. hnrnpa1和A2对hpv16mrna剪接的影响差异主要是由于这两种蛋白的C端保守程度较低。结果还表明,hnRNP A2与其他下游RNA序列相互作用,以促进剪接到下游的3′-剪接SA742,而不是导致内含子保留在E6编码区。
Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) belongs to the high-risk-group of HPVs and is causing a variety of anogenital cancers and head and neck cancer. The two HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and …
Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) belongs to the high-risk-group of HPVs and is causing a variety of anogenital cancers and head and neck cancer. The two HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 prevent apoptosis and promote mitosis and are essential for completion of the HPV16 life cycle and for transformation of the infected cell and maintenance of malignancy. E6 and E7 are produced from two mRNAs that are generated in a mutually exclusive manner by alternative splicing. While E6 protein is made from the unspliced mRNA, E7 is made from the spliced version of the same pre-mRNA. Since sufficient quantities of both E6 and E7 are required for malignant transformation, this intricate arrangement of gene expression renders E6 and E7 expression vulnerable to external interference. Since antiviral drugs to HPV16 are not available, a detailed knowledge of the regulation of HPV16 E6 and E7 mRNA splicing may uncover novel targets for therapy.
(2022-07-02 00:24):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12859-022-04798-5 BMC Bioinformatics, 2022, DeepPN: a deep parallel neural network based on convolutional neural network and graph convolutional network for predicting RNA-protein binding sites. 识别RNA与蛋白的结合位点(RBP),是研究基因调控的重要内容。传统采用免疫沉淀等方法进行高通量的筛选和测定,但实验方法存在诸多局限,故人们尝试开发了许多计算工具来预测RBP,这其中大多为根据序列和结构信息进行数学计算的方法。深度学习技术,由于能够自动根据数据学习到重要且复杂的隐藏特征,因此也逐步被应用到这个问题上来。本文的研究,在考虑深度学习技术时,采用了图卷积网络(GCN)中的ChebNet。该方法过去多被用于光谱数据,且近年的研究在fMRI、图像语义分割等领域也都取得不错效果。于是本文基于CNN和ChebNet搭建了一个名为DeepPN的并行深度神经网络,并在24个真实数据集上进行测试,效果优于其他同类方法。推测可能是由于本文方法利用了统计频率来补充特征,因此取得了更好的性能。
BACKGROUND: Addressing the laborious nature of traditional biological experiments by using an efficient computational approach to analyze RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) binding sites has always been a challenging task. RBPs play …
BACKGROUND: Addressing the laborious nature of traditional biological experiments by using an efficient computational approach to analyze RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) binding sites has always been a challenging task. RBPs play a vital role in post-transcriptional control. Identification of RBPs binding sites is a key step for the anatomy of the essential mechanism of gene regulation by controlling splicing, stability, localization and translation. Traditional methods for detecting RBPs binding sites are time-consuming and computationally-intensive. Recently, the computational method has been incorporated in researches of RBPs. Nevertheless, lots of them not only rely on the sequence data of RNA but also need additional data, for example the secondary structural data of RNA, to improve the performance of prediction, which needs the pre-work to prepare the learnable representation of structural data.RESULTS: To reduce the dependency of those pre-work, in this paper, we introduce DeepPN, a deep parallel neural network that is constructed with a convolutional neural network (CNN) and graph convolutional network (GCN) for detecting RBPs binding sites. It includes a two-layer CNN and GCN in parallel to extract the hidden features, followed by a fully connected layer to make the prediction. DeepPN discriminates the RBP binding sites on learnable representation of RNA sequences, which only uses the sequence data without using other data, for example the secondary or tertiary structure data of RNA. DeepPN is evaluated on 24 datasets of RBPs binding sites with other state-of-the-art methods. The results show that the performance of DeepPN is comparable to the published methods.CONCLUSION: The experimental results show that DeepPN can effectively capture potential hidden features in RBPs and use these features for effective prediction of binding sites.
(2022-07-01 07:57):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.06.27.497710 bioRxiv, 2022, PaliDIS: A tool for fast discovery of novel insertion sequences. 这是一篇有关的生信工具的文章,通讯作者来自Wellcome Sanger Institute。该工具从宏基因组数据中,寻找彼此之间含有相同重复片段的序列,将其比对到各组装好的微生物基因组上,将连锁位于同一组装序列且彼此反向互补的重复片段筛选出来,并经过一系列质控过滤,从而鉴别出在微生物基因组上发生的倒位形式的移动元件,以此帮助对耐药基因及其在不同菌种之间传播进行研究。类似流程在人类基因组分析中并不少见,且基本都是根据基因组事件及其序列特征直接进行实现,方法本身算不上有什么特别的创新之处。只不过应用于特定场景的特定数据集(在这篇文章里,数据是来自HMP,Human Microbiome Project,人类微生物计划),对分析结果进行(关于该移动元件的)统计描述和分析,倒是可行且常见的研究套路。
DOI: 10.1101/2022.06.27.497710
The diversity of microbial insertion sequences, crucial mobile genetic elements in generating diversity in microbial genomes, needs to be better represented in current microbial databases. Identification of these sequences in …
The diversity of microbial insertion sequences, crucial mobile genetic elements in generating diversity in microbial genomes, needs to be better represented in current microbial databases. Identification of these sequences in microbiome communities presents some significant problems that have led to their underrepresentation. Here, we present a software tool called PaliDIS that recognises insertion sequences in metagenomic sequence data rapidly by identifying inverted terminal repeat regions from mixed microbial community genomes. Applying this software to 266 human metagenomes identifies 11,681 unique insertion sequences. Querying this catalogue against a large database of isolate genomes reveals evidence of horizontal gene transfer events of clinically relevant antimicrobial resistance genes between classes of bacteria. We will continue to apply this tool more widely, building the Insertion Sequence Catalogue, a valuable resource for researchers wishing to query their microbial genomes for insertion sequences.
(2022-06-30 23:59):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.aaw9021. Epub 2022 Jan 7.Tissue geometry drives deterministic organoid patterning该研究提出了一种指导基于干细胞的器官发生的方法,该过程完全由“随机”自组织驱动。该研究还验证了长期存在但未充分探索的形态发生范例,其中组织的当前形状可以帮助图案化和指定组织的发育过程,从而确定组织的未来形状。在肠隐窝形成的情况下,出芽不仅可以跟随Paneth细胞的出现,而且还可以先于它。该研究的类器官培养物可用于回答现有类器官和动物模型无法解决的问题,它们可以将类器官技术转化为现实世界的应用。
Epithelial organoids are stem cell–derived tissues that approximate aspects of real organs, and thus they have potential as powerful tools in basic and translational research. By definition, they self-organize, but …
Epithelial organoids are stem cell–derived tissues that approximate aspects of real organs, and thus they have potential as powerful tools in basic and translational research. By definition, they self-organize, but the structures formed are often heterogeneous and irreproducible, which limits their use in the lab and clinic. We describe methodologies for spatially and temporally controlling organoid formation, thereby rendering a stochastic process more deterministic. Bioengineered stem cell microenvironments are used to specify the initial geometry of intestinal organoids, which in turn controls their patterning and crypt formation. We leveraged the reproducibility and predictability of the culture to identify the underlying mechanisms of epithelial patterning, which may contribute to reinforcing intestinal regionalization in vivo. By controlling organoid culture, we demonstrate how these structures can be used to answer questions not readily addressable with the standard, more variable, organoid models.
(2022-06-30 23:48):
#paper BCL-XL inhibition induces an FGFR4-mediated rescue response in colorectal cancer.Cell Rep. 2022 Feb 15;38(7):110374. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110374
世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构(IARC)公布的2020年全球最新癌症负担数据显示,我国结直肠癌的总体发病率已升至第二位。早期的结直肠癌患者,在采取有效治疗的情况下,5年生存率能达到90%。然而,如果对于晚期,尤其是发生转移的结直肠癌患者,尽管采取化疗和靶向治疗,生存率也仅为5%-15%。耐药性是治疗失败产生的重要原因之一。前期的研究表明,瘤内肿瘤干细胞(CSC)是导致结直肠癌患者发生耐药的潜在帮凶,未被杀死的CSC往往会利用本身干细胞特性,促进肿瘤的发生和发展。BCL-XL是Bcl-2家族成员之一,具有抗凋亡的功能。BCL-XL主要是通过两种机制来防止凋亡,一是通过与凋亡蛋白结合来抑制其凋亡作用,二是直接在线粒体外膜上形成寡聚体通道以在细胞应激时维持线粒体膜正常形态。BH3 mimetics是BCL-2、MCL1、BCL-XL 的特异性抑制剂。临床上,使用高剂量的BH3 mimetics虽然能够很好诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡,但也对大大损伤正常细胞。本研究通过一种高效的药物靶点筛选系统,发现了FGFR4是在使用低剂量BCL-XL抑制剂下,负反馈调节通路中的一个重要协同物。同时,通过实验证实了FGFR4介导的信号通路下游分子ERK和MCL-1。ERK和MCL-1蛋白分别是促进细胞增殖和存活重要分子。体外细胞实验和患者来源体外类器官证实,FGFR4抑制剂能通过抑制MCL-1的表达,提高低剂量BCL-XL抑制剂对CSC的促凋亡作用,并且对正常结肠细胞和血小板的损伤较少。
The heterogeneous therapy response observed in colorectal cancer is in part due to cancer stem cells (CSCs) that resist chemotherapeutic insults. The anti-apoptotic protein BCL-XL plays a critical role in …
The heterogeneous therapy response observed in colorectal cancer is in part due to cancer stem cells (CSCs) that resist chemotherapeutic insults. The anti-apoptotic protein BCL-XL plays a critical role in protecting CSCs from cell death, where its inhibition with high doses of BH3 mimetics can induce apoptosis. Here, we screen a compound library for synergy with low-dose BCL-XL inhibitor A-1155463 to identify pathways that regulate sensitivity to BCL-XL inhibition and reveal that fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)4 inhibition effectively sensitizes to A-1155463 both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, we identify a rescue response that is activated upon BCL-XL inhibition and leads to rapid FGF2 secretion and subsequent FGFR4-mediated post-translational stabilization of MCL-1. FGFR4 inhibition prevents MCL-1 upregulation and thereby sensitizes CSCs to BCL-XL inhibition. Altogether, our findings suggest a cell transferable induction of a FGF2/FGFR4 rescue response in CRC that is induced upon BCL-XL inhibition and leads to MCL-1 upregulation.
(2022-06-30 23:44):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41556-020-0477-0 Nat Cell Biol. 2020 Transcriptional diversity and bioenergetic shift in human breast cancer metastasis revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing. 本文建立了患者来源的乳腺癌异种移植(PDX)小鼠模型,利用单细胞测序技术来检测乳腺癌转移过程中少量转移细胞的转录组变化。通路分析显示线粒体氧化磷酸化是微转移肿瘤上调的top通路,而乳腺癌原发灶主要是糖酵解酶上调。利用流式细胞分析,qPCR以及代谢组学证明微转移灶中氧化磷酸化途径的上调。当使用寡霉素抑制氧化磷酸化途径时,可显著减弱乳腺癌肿瘤转移至肺,表明线粒体氧化磷酸化途径可作为防止乳腺癌患者转移的治疗靶点。本研究表明,转移的乳腺癌细胞不是通过糖酵解来获得能量,而是优先通过线粒体氧化磷酸化途径供能,这为预防癌症的扩散提供了新思路。
Although metastasis remains the cause of most cancer-related mortality, mechanisms governing seeding in distal tissues are poorly understood. Here, we establish a robust method for the identification of global transcriptomic …
Although metastasis remains the cause of most cancer-related mortality, mechanisms governing seeding in distal tissues are poorly understood. Here, we establish a robust method for the identification of global transcriptomic changes in rare metastatic cells during seeding using single-cell RNA sequencing and patient-derived-xenograft models of breast cancer. We find that both primary tumours and micrometastases display transcriptional heterogeneity but micrometastases harbour a distinct transcriptome program conserved across patient-derived-xenograft models that is highly predictive of poor survival of patients. Pathway analysis revealed mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation as the top pathway upregulated in micrometastases, in contrast to higher levels of glycolytic enzymes in primary tumour cells, which we corroborated by flow cytometric and metabolomic analyses. Pharmacological inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation dramatically attenuated metastatic seeding in the lungs, which demonstrates the functional importance of oxidative phosphorylation in metastasis and highlights its potential as a therapeutic target to prevent metastatic spread in patients with breast cancer.
(2022-06-30 23:25):
#paper doi: DOI: 10.1038/s41590-022-01244-9 Glucocorticoid signaling and regulatory T cells cooperate to maintain the hair-follicle
stem-cell niche 本篇文章主要讲述利用小鼠模型研究糖皮质激素信号传导和调节性 T 细胞协同维持毛囊干细胞的生态位。在本研究中,通过特异性性敲除小鼠(GR cKO) Treg 细胞中的糖皮质激素受体 ( GR),证明GR 和 Foxp3 在 Treg 细胞中协同作用以诱导转化生长因子 β3 (TGF-β3),从而激活 HFSCs 中的 Smad2/3 并促进 HFSC 增殖,促进毛发的再生。实验过程:在 HF 处于静止期(休止期)时去除毛干,pSmad1/5 信号通路呈阳性,48 小时内,局部皮肤中的糖皮质激素水平逐渐增加,对 PD4 天对从 GR cKO 和 WT 对照小鼠分离的 CD34+进行RNA-seq 差异基因表达和多细胞相互作用网络分析,发现Tgfβ3--Tgfbr 信号通路具有较高得分。免疫荧光和流式细胞术分析评估,Treg 细胞中 GR 的消融不会破坏脱毛后的整体皮肤免疫稳态。染色质免疫沉淀和CRISPRi系统,证实Tgfb3 和 Ttll5 的内含子区域中的 GR 和 Foxp3 结合峰是 GR 和 Foxp3 用于直接调节 Treg 细胞中 Tgfb3 表达的增强子,WT 小鼠pSmad2/3 呈阳性,确定了由 GR--TGF-β3 轴介导的 Treg 细胞和 HFSC 之间的通路。其他:1.不同组织驻留 Treg 细胞是否共享的共同调节模块2.不同浓度的糖皮质激素通过不同途径来促进和抑制斑秃
Maintenance of tissue homeostasis is dependent on the communication between stem cells and supporting cells in the same niche. Regulatory T cells (T cells) are emerging as a critical component …
Maintenance of tissue homeostasis is dependent on the communication between stem cells and supporting cells in the same niche. Regulatory T cells (T cells) are emerging as a critical component of the stem-cell niche for supporting their differentiation. How T cells sense dynamic signals in this microenvironment and communicate with stem cells is mostly unknown. In the present study, by using hair follicles (HFs) to study T cell-stem cell crosstalk, we show an unrecognized function of the steroid hormone glucocorticoid in instructing skin-resident T cells to facilitate HF stem-cell (HFSC) activation and HF regeneration. Ablation of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in T cells blocks hair regeneration without affecting immune homeostasis. Mechanistically, GR and Foxp3 cooperate in T cells to induce transforming growth factor β3 (TGF-β3), which activates Smad2/3 in HFSCs and facilitates HFSC proliferation. The present study identifies crosstalk between T cells and HFSCs mediated by the GR-TGF-β3 axis, highlighting a possible means of manipulating T cells to support tissue regeneration.
(2022-06-30 23:08):
#paper 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-17-1134 Cancer Discov. The Pancreatic Cancer Microbiome Promotes Oncogenesis by Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immune Suppression 文章要点 1.与正常的胰腺相比,癌性胰腺有明显更丰富的微生物组 2.肿瘤胰腺特定细菌数量有所增加 3.微生物群消融可以防止侵袭前和侵袭性PDA 4.细菌消融与肿瘤微环境免疫原性重编程有关 5. 上述变化包括髓源性抑制细胞的减少和 M1 巨噬细胞分化的增加,促进 CD4 + T 细胞和 CD8 + 的Th1 分化T 细胞活化 6.细菌消融通过上调 PD-1 表达来提高检查点靶向免疫疗法的疗效 7.PDA 微生物组通过差异激活单核细胞中的选择 toll 样受体来产生耐受性免疫程序 8.内源性微生物群促进了 PDA 的免疫抑制特性,微生物组具有作为调节疾病进展的治疗靶点的潜力 9.文章发现独特而丰富的微生物组通过选择性 toll 样受体连接导致 T 细胞无反应性驱动抑制性单核细胞分化。靶向微生物组可防止肿瘤发生、逆转肿瘤内免疫耐受性,并使基于检查点的免疫疗法有效。这些数据对于理解胰腺癌中的免疫抑制及其在临床中的逆转具有重要意义。
We found that the cancerous pancreas harbors a markedly more abundant microbiome compared with normal pancreas in both mice and humans, and select bacteria are differentially increased in the tumorous …
We found that the cancerous pancreas harbors a markedly more abundant microbiome compared with normal pancreas in both mice and humans, and select bacteria are differentially increased in the tumorous pancreas compared with gut. Ablation of the microbiome protects against preinvasive and invasive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA), whereas transfer of bacteria from PDA-bearing hosts, but not controls, reverses tumor protection. Bacterial ablation was associated with immunogenic reprogramming of the PDA tumor microenvironment, including a reduction in myeloid-derived suppressor cells and an increase in M1 macrophage differentiation, promoting TH1 differentiation of CD4 T cells and CD8 T-cell activation. Bacterial ablation also enabled efficacy for checkpoint-targeted immunotherapy by upregulating PD-1 expression. Mechanistically, the PDA microbiome generated a tolerogenic immune program by differentially activating select Toll-like receptors in monocytic cells. These data suggest that endogenous microbiota promote the crippling immune-suppression characteristic of PDA and that the microbiome has potential as a therapeutic target in the modulation of disease progression. We found that a distinct and abundant microbiome drives suppressive monocytic cellular differentiation in pancreatic cancer via selective Toll-like receptor ligation leading to T-cell anergy. Targeting the microbiome protects against oncogenesis, reverses intratumoral immune tolerance, and enables efficacy for checkpoint-based immunotherapy. These data have implications for understanding immune suppression in pancreatic cancer and its reversal in the clinic. .
(2022-06-30 22:52):
#paper 10.1038/s41586-020-03091-w. Nature. Genomic basis of geographical adaptation to soil nitrogen in rice. 推荐理由:这篇文章是水稻里面发现了一个关于适应当地土壤环境相关氮利用效率的基因。本研究课题的试验方式是先通过GWAS在不同区域环境下氮素利用的密切相关的性状进行定位,鉴定发现OsTCP19。后续发现该基因缺失了29bp的插入导致不同水稻品种之间不同的基因表达量和对氮素反应分蘖能力的变化。在野生稻和栽培稻中鉴定该基因29bp位点的变化,且发现现代栽培品种中该位点丢失,丢失的位点导致氮的利用率低。后续又进行全国各个区域试验,证明这个基因能够提高氮利用率,可以减少氮肥的施用,也能改善土壤中过量的氮素对环境的污染。很漂亮的正向遗传研究,从基因定位,得到转基因,转基因验证,大田产量验证,每一步逻辑都很严谨且证明的过程流畅。
The intensive application of inorganic nitrogen underlies marked increases in crop production, but imposes detrimental effects on ecosystems: it is therefore crucial for future sustainable agriculture to improve the nitrogen-use …
The intensive application of inorganic nitrogen underlies marked increases in crop production, but imposes detrimental effects on ecosystems: it is therefore crucial for future sustainable agriculture to improve the nitrogen-use efficiency of crop plants. Here we report the genetic basis of nitrogen-use efficiency associated with adaptation to local soils in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Using a panel of diverse rice germplasm collected from different ecogeographical regions, we performed a genome-wide association study on the tillering response to nitrogen-the trait that is most closely correlated with nitrogen-use efficiency in rice-and identified OsTCP19 as a modulator of this tillering response through its transcriptional response to nitrogen and its targeting to the tiller-promoting gene DWARF AND LOW-TILLERING (DLT). A 29-bp insertion and/or deletion in the OsTCP19 promoter confers a differential transcriptional response and variation in the tillering response to nitrogen among rice varieties. The allele of OsTCP19 associated with a high tillering response to nitrogen is prevalent in wild rice populations, but has largely been lost in modern cultivars: this loss correlates with increased local soil nitrogen content, which suggests that it might have contributed to geographical adaptation in rice. Introgression of the allele associated with a high tillering response into modern rice cultivars boosts grain yield and nitrogen-use efficiency under low or moderate levels of nitrogen, which demonstrates substantial potential for rice breeding and the amelioration of negative environment effects by reducing the application of nitrogen to crops.
(2022-06-30 22:36):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.aav1898 Science 362, 420 (2018). The chromatin accessibility landscape of primary human cancers。推荐理由:这篇文章对TCGA数据库的23种癌症的410份肿瘤组织的ATAC-seq数据进行了分析,得到562,709个染色质开发区域。其中远端调控区域具有癌种特异性,将癌种间差异最大的250,000个区域通过tSNE分成18个cluster,发现这18个cluster based clustering schemes和mRNA based clustering schemes相关性很好,和癌种也有强相关性。
We present the genome-wide chromatin accessibility profiles of 410 tumor samples spanning 23 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We identify 562,709 transposase-accessible DNA elements that substantially extend …
We present the genome-wide chromatin accessibility profiles of 410 tumor samples spanning 23 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We identify 562,709 transposase-accessible DNA elements that substantially extend the compendium of known cis-regulatory elements. Integration of ATAC-seq (the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing) with TCGA multi-omic data identifies a large number of putative distal enhancers that distinguish molecular subtypes of cancers, uncovers specific driving transcription factors via protein-DNA footprints, and nominates long-range gene-regulatory interactions in cancer. These data reveal genetic risk loci of cancer predisposition as active DNA regulatory elements in cancer, identify gene-regulatory interactions underlying cancer immune evasion, and pinpoint noncoding mutations that drive enhancer activation and may affect patient survival. These results suggest a systematic approach to understanding the noncoding genome in cancer to advance diagnosis and therapy.
(2022-06-30 22:25):
#paper 早进城的回报:农村移民的城市经历和就业表现[J].经济研究,2021,56(12):168-186.这篇文章是我随机找的一篇,更多的是满足好奇心。论文用两阶段最小二乘法,以进城年龄为主要依据,通过对中国流动人口数据(数据来源于:2017年国家卫计委流动人口动态监测数据,感兴趣的各位可以把数据集下载下来试试看)识别进行分析,结果表明农村移民要“趁早”,早期的农村移民表现出的城市学习效应,这里的学习效应并不是在学校接受教育所致,而是真正在城市中稳定就业带来的,城市越大效果越明显。作者随后分析这种学习效应的内在机制,利用流动人口监测数据,区分移民进城和从事当前工作的先后顺序,表明非认知能力的提高确实是进城生活后获得的,同样,不同的工作也会带来不同的学习效应,如现代服务业优于第二产业等等,但文中并未进一步区分。至于论文中部分系数的拟定,尚待考究和确认,部分结果也因篇幅原因没有做进一步的解释说明~
(2022-06-30 22:15):
#paper 10.1038/s41588-018-0129-5。Nature Genetics。2018。Genetic identification of brain cell types underlying schizophrenia。貌似是第一批利用单细胞转录组来定位遗传学研究积累的候选致病基因富集在哪些细胞类型。这有利于进行更细致的机制研究。
Nature genetics,
DOI: 10.1038/s41588-018-0129-5
PMID: 29785013
With few exceptions, the marked advances in knowledge about the genetic basis of schizophrenia have not converged on findings that can be confidently used for precise experimental modeling. By applying …
With few exceptions, the marked advances in knowledge about the genetic basis of schizophrenia have not converged on findings that can be confidently used for precise experimental modeling. By applying knowledge of the cellular taxonomy of the brain from single-cell RNA sequencing, we evaluated whether the genomic loci implicated in schizophrenia map onto specific brain cell types. We found that the common-variant genomic results consistently mapped to pyramidal cells, medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and certain interneurons, but far less consistently to embryonic, progenitor or glial cells. These enrichments were due to sets of genes that were specifically expressed in each of these cell types. We also found that many of the diverse gene sets previously associated with schizophrenia (genes involved in synaptic function, those encoding mRNAs that interact with FMRP, antipsychotic targets, etc.) generally implicated the same brain cell types. Our results suggest a parsimonious explanation: the common-variant genetic results for schizophrenia point at a limited set of neurons, and the gene sets point to the same cells. The genetic risk associated with MSNs did not overlap with that of glutamatergic pyramidal cells and interneurons, suggesting that different cell types have biologically distinct roles in schizophrenia.
(2022-06-30 21:45):
#paper doi:10.1111/cdep.12275 Child Development Perspectives, (2018), Fathers Are Parents, Too! Widening the Lens on Parenting for Children’s Development.
Why do fathers matter? Recent conceptual and theoretical advances regarding father–child relationships have demonstrated that fathers affect children's outcomes both directly and indirectly. To attain a complete developmental account of …
Why do fathers matter? Recent conceptual and theoretical advances regarding father–child relationships have demonstrated that fathers affect children's outcomes both directly and indirectly. To attain a complete developmental account of the ecologically rich contexts of child development, in this article, we recommend best practices regarding the conceptualization and assessment of father–child relationships that reflect contemporary family life. We also discuss conceptual and measurement issues pertaining to father–child relationships in different family configurations, including those with resident and nonresident fathers. We conclude with recommendations that can help developmental researchers advance our understanding of fathering, parenting, and children's development.
(2022-06-30 17:14):
#paper doi:10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00470 CVPR 2020 Fast Symmetric Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Convolutional Neural Networks 这篇图像配准论文的思路新颖,不同于以往浮动图像朝着固定图像配准的思路,本文将浮动图像和固定图像同时朝着中间图像进行配准。在图像配准过程中,需要保证变形场的微分同胚性,即需要保留图像的拓扑结构,保证变形场是可逆的(不发生折叠)。以往的基于学习的方法通常通过给变形场施加一个全局的正则化来实现这一要求。但是这种做法引入了超参数,要么容易导致变形场过度平坦使得配准精度下降,要么变形场变形过大无法保证变形场不发生折叠。受到传统的对称图像归一化方法的启发,本文提出了一种新的、有效的无监督对称图像配准方法,该方法使微分纯映射空间内图像之间的相似性最大化,并同时估计正变换和逆变换,使得输入的图像从两个方向朝中间对齐,能够同时保证配准精度和变形场的微分同胚性。
Diffeomorphic deformable image registration is crucial in many medical image studies, as it offers unique, special features including topology preservation and invertibility of the transformation. Recent deep learning-based deformable image …
Diffeomorphic deformable image registration is crucial in many medical image studies, as it offers unique, special features including topology preservation and invertibility of the transformation. Recent deep learning-based deformable image registration methods achieve fast image registration by leveraging a convolutional neural network (CNN) to learn the spatial transformation from the synthetic ground truth or the similarity metric. However, these approaches often ignore the topology preservation of the transformation and the smoothness of the transformation which is enforced by a global smoothing energy function alone. Moreover, deep learning-based approaches often estimate the displacement field directly, which cannot guarantee the existence of the inverse transformation. In this paper, we present a novel, efficient unsupervised symmetric image registration method which maximizes the similarity between images within the space of diffeomorphic maps and estimates both forward and inverse transformations simultaneously. We evaluate our method on 3D image registration with a large scale brain image dataset. Our method achieves state-of-the-art registration accuracy and running time while maintaining desirable diffeomorphic properties.
(2022-06-30 17:08):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2201.12086 BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding and Generation. arXiv:2201.12086 [cs].
BLIP 是一个统一的视觉语言预训练(vision-language pre-training, VLP)框架,从有噪声的图像文本对中学习。 BLIP 通过自展标注(bootstrapping the captions),可以有效地利用带有噪声的 web 数据,其中标注器(captioner)生成标注,过滤器(filter)去除有噪声的标注。本模型属于开源的视觉语言模型中性能较好的(2022年6月),可以直接docker部署,应用于多个视觉语言下游任务。我们尝试了以后可以一定程度上实现zero-shot的功能。在VQA 2.0数据集上性能较好。思考下一步将其作为预训练模型,微调后应用于落地的其它下游任务。
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2201.12086
Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) has advanced the performance for many vision-language tasks. However, most existing pre-trained models only excel in either understanding-based tasks or generation-based tasks. Furthermore, performance improvement has been …
Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) has advanced the performance for many vision-language tasks. However, most existing pre-trained models only excel in either understanding-based tasks or generation-based tasks. Furthermore, performance improvement has been largely achieved by scaling up the dataset with noisy image-text pairs collected from the web, which is a suboptimal source of supervision. In this paper, we propose BLIP, a new VLP framework which transfers flexibly to both vision-language understanding and generation tasks. BLIP effectively utilizes the noisy web data by bootstrapping the captions, where a captioner generates synthetic captions and a filter removes the noisy ones. We achieve state-of-the-art results on a wide range of vision-language tasks, such as image-text retrieval (+2.7% in average recall@1), image captioning (+2.8% in CIDEr), and VQA (+1.6% in VQA score). BLIP also demonstrates strong generalization ability when directly transferred to video-language tasks in a zero-shot manner. Code, models, and datasets are released at this https URL.
(2022-06-30 16:52):
#paper doi:10.1111/jftr.12227 Journal of Family Theory & Review, (2018), Father Love and Mother Love: Contributions of Parental Acceptance to Children’s Psychological Adjustment.
Research on child development increasingly includes data on both parents and from different cultures. However, the relative importance of fathers versus mothers for child adjustment is still under debate. The …
Research on child development increasingly includes data on both parents and from different cultures. However, the relative importance of fathers versus mothers for child adjustment is still under debate. The present review compares the contributions of perceived paternal and maternal acceptance to various child adjustment indicators among samples of families around the world. We reviewed 127 published studies that included child-reported paternal and maternal acceptance and developmental outcomes. Regardless of the sex of parent, children benefited from perceived parental acceptance. Fathers and mothers were often found to both predict adjustment significantly to varying degrees. Paternal acceptance tended to be related to children's problem behavior and psychopathology, whereas maternal acceptance was more likely to contribute to socioemotional development. Paternal and maternal acceptance also often jointly contributed to child adjustment through their interaction with each other and with other predictors. Moreover, the link between parental acceptance and adjustment was often moderated by child gender and cultural context.
(2022-06-30 16:51):
#paper . doi:10.1038/s41392-021-00572-w 分享一篇发表在2021年nature子刊Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy的有关肿瘤靶向治疗小分子药物研发的综述:Small molecules in targeted cancer therapy: advances, challenges, and future perspectives. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy。 这篇文章汇总了自2001年第一个靶向治疗药物伊马替尼(格列卫--我不是药神)上市以来二十年间89种抗肿瘤小分子药,其对应的靶点涵盖了酪受体氨酸激酶抑制剂(ALK/c-MET/EGFR/FLT3/VEGFR/FGFR/PDGFR/NTRK)、非受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(BCR-ABL/BTK/JAK)、丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶抑制剂(BRAF/MEK/ERK/CDK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR)、酪氨酸激酶样激酶抑制剂(BRAF/MEK/ERK/CDK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR)、 表观遗传抑制剂(EZH/HDAC/IDH1,2)、BCL-2 抑制剂、PROTEASOME 抑制剂、以及合成致死(PARP)。这些靶点中酪氨酸激酶获批的药物最多。本文章并没有太多新颖之处,主要是以量取胜,几乎每一种药物都有相关内容的阐述,所以工作量还是蛮大的。这篇文章适合当做字典对靶向药的查询使用。
Signal transduction and targeted therapy,
DOI: 10.1038/s41392-021-00572-w
PMID: 34054126
Due to the advantages in efficacy and safety compared with traditional chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapeutic drugs have become mainstream cancer treatments. Since the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib was approved …
Due to the advantages in efficacy and safety compared with traditional chemotherapy drugs, targeted therapeutic drugs have become mainstream cancer treatments. Since the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib was approved to enter the market by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, an increasing number of small-molecule targeted drugs have been developed for the treatment of malignancies. By December 2020, 89 small-molecule targeted antitumor drugs have been approved by the US FDA and the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of China. Despite great progress, small-molecule targeted anti-cancer drugs still face many challenges, such as a low response rate and drug resistance. To better promote the development of targeted anti-cancer drugs, we conducted a comprehensive review of small-molecule targeted anti-cancer drugs according to the target classification. We present all the approved drugs as well as important drug candidates in clinical trials for each target, discuss the current challenges, and provide insights and perspectives for the research and development of anti-cancer drugs.