Arwen (2022-09-30 23:41):
#paper doi:,Cross-Modality Multi-Atlas Segmentation via Deep Registration and Label Fusion 基于多图谱的分割技术是医学影像分割问题中一个比较有效的方法。一般来说,多图谱技术通过将多个图谱非线性配准到个体图像,并将对应的图谱分割图变换到个体图像空间,并利用融合算法融合多图谱分割图得到个体图像的分割图。但是,传统的多图谱分割技术受限两点:一是配准过程计算量太大,二是标签融合算法会影响到最终分割图的精度。这篇文章构建了两个神经网络,一个网络用于生成形变场,将图谱映射到个体空间,另一个网络用于计算各个图谱分割标签的融合权重,用于后续的分割图融合。不过这篇文章做的一般,我个人觉得不咋地。配准网络部分明明使用scaling and squaring算法就可以生成合理的形变场,非要做没啥必要的创新,应该就是强行扩充文章内容吧。
Cross-Modality Multi-Atlas Segmentation via Deep Registration and Label Fusion
Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) is a promising framework for medical image segmentation. Generally, MAS methods register multiple atlases, i.e., medical images with corresponding labels, to a target image; and the transformed atlas labels can be combined to generate target segmentation via label fusion schemes. Many conventional MAS methods employed the atlases from the same modality as the target image. However, the number of atlases with the same modality may be limited or even missing in many clinical applications. Besides, conventional MAS methods suffer from the computational burden of registration or label fusion procedures. In this work, we design a novel cross-modality MAS framework, which uses available atlases from a certain modality to segment a target image from another modality. To boost the computational efficiency of the framework, both the image registration and label fusion are achieved by well-designed deep neural networks. For the atlas-to-target image registration, we propose a bi-directional registration network (BiRegNet), which can efficiently align images from different modalities. For the label fusion, we design a similarity estimation network (SimNet), which estimates the fusion weight of each atlas by measuring its similarity to the target image. SimNet can learn multi-scale information for similarity estimation to improve the performance of label fusion. The proposed framework was evaluated by the left ventricle and liver segmentation tasks on the MM-WHS and CHAOS datasets, respectively. Results have shown that the framework is effective for cross-modality MAS in both registration and label fusion.