Ricardo (2022-09-30 23:32):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2202.03563,Aladdin: Joint Atlas Building and Diffeomorphic Registration Learning with Pairwise Alignment 图谱构建和图像配准是医学影像分析中的重要任务,但是图谱估计和无参形变的计算需要极高的计算代价。此外,以前的图谱构建方法通常计算模糊图谱和每个单独的图像之间的相似度驱动模型优化,这可能会增加预估的图谱和个体图像之间配准的难度,因为预估的模糊图谱相比个体图像不具有更清楚的解剖结构。这篇文章基于forward model从多个角度约束了图谱的生成空间,并做了充足的理论分析。但是由于模型较为复杂,并且涉及所有图像的同时优化,所以不太适合3d图像数据,目前还只是在2d图像数据上做实验。
Aladdin: Joint Atlas Building and Diffeomorphic Registration Learning with Pairwise Alignment
Atlas building and image registration are important tasks for medical image analysis. Once one or multiple atlases from an image population have been constructed, commonly (1) images are warped into an atlas space to study intra-subject or inter-subject variations or (2) a possibly probabilistic atlas is warped into image space to assign anatomical labels. Atlas estimation and nonparametric transformations are computationally expensive as they usually require numerical optimization. Additionally, previous approaches for atlas building often define similarity measures between a fuzzy atlas and each individual image, which may cause alignment difficulties because a fuzzy atlas does not exhibit clear anatomical structures in contrast to the individual images. This work explores using a convolutional neural network (CNN) to jointly predict the atlas and a stationary velocity field (SVF) parameterization for diffeomorphic image registration with respect to the atlas. Our approach does not require affine pre-registrations and utilizes pairwise image alignment losses to increase registration accuracy. We evaluate our model on 3D knee magnetic resonance images (MRI) from the OAI-ZIB dataset. Our results show that the proposed framework achieves better performance than other state-of-the-art image registration algorithms, allows for end-to-end training, and for fast inference at test time.