来自杂志 Infection and Immunity 的文献。
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钟鸣 (2024-12-31 12:59):
#paper doi:10.1128/iai.00346-24 A newly developed oral infection mouse model of shigellosis for immunogenicity and protective efficacy studies of a candidate vaccine 志贺氏菌感染引发消化系统疾病,对发展中国家构成重大的公共卫生挑战,本文开发了第一个通过口腔攻毒志贺氏菌建立感染的小鼠模型,方式是腹膜内注射去铁胺和氯化铁。作者通过攻毒,从大体病变、免疫系统改变、病理症状等角度验证了该模型的有效性及参考价值。随后还使用该模型验证了志贺氏菌侵袭蛋白侵袭质粒抗原 B (IpaB) 重组蛋白疫苗及嵌合重组疫苗 (rIpaB–T2544)(T2544是沙门氏菌外膜蛋白)的保护效果。
ABSTRACT Shigella infection poses a significant public health challenge in the developing world. However, lack of a widely available mouse model that replicates human shigellosis creates a major bottleneck to … >>>
ABSTRACT Shigella infection poses a significant public health challenge in the developing world. However, lack of a widely available mouse model that replicates human shigellosis creates a major bottleneck to better understanding of disease pathogenesis and development of newer drugs and vaccines. BALB/c mice pre-treated with streptomycin and iron (FeCl 3 ) plus desferrioxamine intraperitoneally followed by oral infection with virulent Shigella flexneri 2a resulted in diarrhea, loss of body weight, bacterial colonization and progressive colitis characterized by disruption of epithelial lining, loss of crypt architecture with goblet cell depletion, increased polymorphonuclear infiltration into the mucosa, submucosal swelling (edema), and raised proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the large intestine. To evaluate the usefulness of the model for vaccine efficacy studies, mice were immunized intranasally with a recombinant protein vaccine containing Shigella invasion protein invasion plasmid antigen B (IpaB). Vaccinated mice conferred protection against Shigella , indicating that the model is suitable for testing of vaccine candidates. To protect both Shigella and Salmonella , a chimeric recombinant vaccine (rIpaB–T2544) was developed by fusing IpaB with Salmonella outer membrane protein T2544. Vaccinated mice developed antigen-specific serum IgG and IgA antibodies and a balanced Th1/Th2 response and were protected against oral challenge with Shigella ( S. flexneri 2a , Shigella dysenteriae , and Shigella sonnei ) using our present mouse model and Salmonella ( Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi) using an iron overload mouse model. We describe here the development of an oral S higella infection model in wild-type mouse. This model was successfully used to demonstrate the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a candidate protein subunit vaccine against Shigella . <<<
钟鸣 (2022-09-30 22:51):
#paper doi:10.1128/IAI.71.11.6192-6198.2003 , infection and immunity, 2003, Genetic basis for the structural difference between Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 15B and 15C capsular polysaccharides 肺炎链球菌血清型众多,血清型的不同取决于荚膜结构,且荚膜在激发免疫反应时占主导作用,因此血清型间缺少交叉保护作用。对肺炎球菌荚膜形成机制的深入了解有助于指导疫苗的开发。 此前有报道称血清型15B与15C会相互转化,这里,作者通过比较这两种血清型的荚膜编码基因,发现编码O-乙酰转移酶的基因中TA序列重复数量不同决定该酶是否有完全活性,进而导致荚膜结构不同。而TA数量的可变性,正是两种血清型可以相互转化的原因。 作者将荚膜结构不同的原因定位到了具体的基因,感觉是大道至简的规律。也为其他细菌的荚膜研究提供了参考和借鉴。
In a search for the genetic basis for the structural difference between the related Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular serotypes 15B and 15C and for the reported reversible switching between these serotypes, … >>>
In a search for the genetic basis for the structural difference between the related Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular serotypes 15B and 15C and for the reported reversible switching between these serotypes, the corresponding capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) loci were investigated by keeping in mind that at the structural level, the capsules differ only in O acetylation. The cps locus of a serotype 15B strain was identified, partially PCR amplified with primers based on the related serotype 14 sequence, and sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed, among other open reading frames, an intact open reading frame (designated cps15bM) whose product, at the protein level, exhibited characteristics of previously identified acetyltransferases. Genetic analysis of the corresponding region in a serotype15C strain indicated that the same gene was present but had a premature stop in translation. Closer analysis indicated that the serotype 15B gene contained a short tandem TA repeat consisting of eight TA units. In serotype 15C, this gene contained nine TA units that resulted in a frameshift and a truncated product. Genetic analysis of 17 serotype 15B and 15C clinical isolates revealed a perfect correlation between the serotype and the length of the short tandem repeat in the putative O-acetyltransferase gene. The number of TA repeating units varied between seven and nine in the various isolates. Together, the data strongly suggest that the structural difference between serotypes 15B and 15C is based on variation in the short tandem TA repeat in the O-acetyltransferase gene and that the transition between serotypes is due to slipped-strand mispairing with deletion or insertion of TA units in the cps15bM gene. <<<
钟鸣 (2022-07-11 12:18):
#paper DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00963-06 Infection and immunity, 2007, Analysis of Bartonella adhesin A expression reveals differences between various B. henselae strains. 汉氏巴尔通体的BadA基因编码分子量340kDa的黏附素,是该物种重要的毒力因子。奇怪的是,在体外多次传代后,这个基因就不表达了。为探索可能的机制,作者分析了5株菌的BadA基因序列及启动子区域。他们发现,BadA的N端和C端是相同的,启动子区域也是相同的,他们认为BadA的表达缺失不是终止突变造成的,也不是启动子区域突变造成的,他们认为存在其他调控方式。
Bartonella henselae causes cat scratch disease and the vasculoproliferative disorders bacillary angiomatosis and peliosis hepatis in humans. One of the best known pathogenicity factors of B. henselae is Bartonella adhesin … >>>
Bartonella henselae causes cat scratch disease and the vasculoproliferative disorders bacillary angiomatosis and peliosis hepatis in humans. One of the best known pathogenicity factors of B. henselae is Bartonella adhesin A (BadA), which is modularly constructed, consisting of head, neck/stalk, and membrane anchor domains. BadA is important for the adhesion of B. henselae to extracellular-matrix proteins and endothelial cells (ECs). In this study, we analyzed different B. henselae strains for BadA expression, autoagglutination, fibronectin (Fn) binding, and adhesion to ECs. We found that the B. henselae strains Marseille, ATCC 49882, Freiburg 96BK3 (FR96BK3), FR96BK38, and G-5436 express BadA. Remarkably, BadA expression was lacking in a B. henselae ATCC 49882 variant, in strains ATCC 49793 and Berlin-1, and in the majority of bacteria of strain Berlin-2. Adherence of B. henselae to ECs and Fn reliably correlated with BadA expression. badA was present in all tested strains, although the length of the gene varied significantly due to length variations of the stalk region. Sequencing of the promoter, head, and membrane anchor regions revealed only minor differences that did not correlate with BadA expression, apart from strain Berlin-1, in which a 1-bp deletion led to a frameshift in the head region of BadA. Our data suggest that, apart from the identified genetic modifications (frameshift deletion and recombination), other so-far-unknown regulatory mechanisms influence BadA expression. Because of variations between and within different B. henselae isolates, BadA expression should be analyzed before performing infection experiments with B. henselae. <<<