半面阳光 (2022-09-30 20:30):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2022.05.011 Detection and characterization of male sex chromosome abnormalities in the UK Biobank study. 这篇文章发表在2022年9月的Genetics in Medicine,可以概括为一篇综合分析类的文章。 作者以UK Biobank数据库中的20万欧洲血统的男性的基因检测(SNV芯片)数据和健康记录作为数据来源,系统性地分析研究了两种常见的男性性染色体异常(47,XXY和47,XYY)以及这两种性染色体异常所关联的疾病风险。 这篇研究的一个主要切入点是以往研究中存在的样本采集偏差(sampling bias)。47,XXY(即Klinefelter综合征简称(KS))的特征和相关风险疾病报道较多,而相比较之下,47,XYY的特征和相关联的疾病则没有较为系统的归纳,主要原因是很多XYY的人没有到临床机构就诊,进而无从得知自己的基因型。这些性染色体异常表型特征报道受到样本采集偏差(sampling bias)的影响,就导致我们无法全面地了解此类染色体异常相关的临床特征。 一个尽量减小样本采集偏差研究方法是基于大规模人群进行系统性评估分析。本研究就采样了这一方法来研究这两种性染色体异常的发病率和疾病表型特征。作者首先根据UK Biobank数据库中的基因检测数据筛选出213例XXY和143例XYY,得到了成年男性性染色体异常的发病率数据,同时发现这些病例大部分未能在常规临床中检出。对这些性染色体异常人群的医疗健康记录进一步研究还发现XXY和XYY在生殖相关的表型上有明显差异,但是两者在其他相关疾病风险上却表现出惊人一致,比如2型糖尿病、肺栓塞和动脉硬化等,但是对这种现象目前还没有比较明确的解释。最后作者提到,在未来的研究中,如果针对某种疾病风险(如血栓风险)进行基因检测时,可以考虑同时将性染色体异常的评估纳入进来。
Detection and characterization of male sex chromosome abnormalities in the UK Biobank study
PURPOSE: The study aimed to systematically ascertain male sex chromosome abnormalities, 47,XXY (Klinefelter syndrome [KS]) and 47,XYY, and characterize their risks of adverse health outcomes.METHODS: We analyzed genotyping array or exome sequence data in 207,067 men of European ancestry aged 40 to 70 years from the UK Biobank and related these to extensive routine health record data.RESULTS: Only 49 of 213 (23%) of men whom we identified with KS and only 1 of 143 (0.7%) with 47,XYY had a diagnosis of abnormal karyotype on their medical records or self-report. We observed expected associations for KS with reproductive dysfunction (late puberty: risk ratio [RR] = 2.7; childlessness: RR = 4.2; testosterone concentration: RR = -3.8 nmol/L, all P < 2 × 10-8), whereas XYY men appeared to have normal reproductive function. Despite this difference, we identified several higher disease risks shared across both KS and 47,XYY, including type 2 diabetes (RR = 3.0 and 2.6, respectively), venous thrombosis (RR = 6.4 and 7.4, respectively), pulmonary embolism (RR = 3.3 and 3.7, respectively), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (RR = 4.4 and 4.6, respectively) (all P < 7 × 10-6).CONCLUSION: KS and 47,XYY were mostly unrecognized but conferred substantially higher risks for metabolic, vascular, and respiratory diseases, which were only partially explained by higher levels of body mass index, deprivation, and smoking.