muton (2022-09-30 21:34):
#paper doi:10.1038/nature02223 Sleep inspires insight. 睡眠激发洞察力(Insight):洞察力表示一种心理重组的过程,指突然获得显性知识,从而使行为发生质的变化的过程。科学报告表明,可以通过睡眠获得这种洞察力(有点像顿悟的意思)。睡眠可以巩固最近的记忆,同时,可以通过改变其表征结构来获得洞察力。本文中,作者让被试执行了一种需要学习刺激-反应序列的认知任务,在学习这项任务过程中,被试通过提高任务组块间的反应速度体现出了表现的提升。然而,被试也可以通过洞察到所有序列背后隐藏的抽象规则来提高行为表现。实验条件分为三种:初始训练后的 8 小时夜间睡眠、夜间清醒或白天清醒。在随后的重新测试中,睡眠后对隐藏规则的洞察力是清醒后的两倍多。然而在没有初始训练的情况下,睡眠并不能增强洞察力,所以,本文认为睡眠通过重构新的记忆表征,有助于提取显性知识和有洞察力的行为。行为实验例子:让被试在给定的两个规则中将8位数字序列减少到7位,这两个规则是相同规则:如两个相同的数字仍得到此数字;还有不同规则:即两个数字不同得到另外一个数字:如11449494,通过前两位得到1,然后1和4比较得到9,最终得到1914419的7位数字序列,然而没有告诉被试的是在最终得到的7位数字序列中,2-4位和5-7位总是镜像对称的,如果被试能够发现这一隐藏规则,其反应时会大大减少,而作者发现在之前睡眠或清醒的三个条件中,在经过睡眠之后,能够发现这一隐藏规则的被试大大增加,也表明了睡眠对于获得洞察力的贡献。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2004-Jan-22. PMID: 14737168
Sleep inspires insight
Insight denotes a mental restructuring that leads to a sudden gain of explicit knowledge allowing qualitatively changed behaviour. Anecdotal reports on scientific discovery suggest that pivotal insights can be gained through sleep. Sleep consolidates recent memories and, concomitantly, could allow insight by changing their representational structure. Here we show a facilitating role of sleep in a process of insight. Subjects performed a cognitive task requiring the learning of stimulus-response sequences, in which they improved gradually by increasing response speed across task blocks. However, they could also improve abruptly after gaining insight into a hidden abstract rule underlying all sequences. Initial training establishing a task representation was followed by 8 h of nocturnal sleep, nocturnal wakefulness, or daytime wakefulness. At subsequent retesting, more than twice as many subjects gained insight into the hidden rule after sleep as after wakefulness, regardless of time of day. Sleep did not enhance insight in the absence of initial training. A characteristic antecedent of sleep-related insight was revealed in a slowing of reaction times across sleep. We conclude that sleep, by restructuring new memory representations, facilitates extraction of explicit knowledge and insightful behaviour.