(2022-09-30 23:54):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.005 Cell, 2022, Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions。新鲜出炉的首个泛癌症真菌生物组图谱。35种癌症,17401个样本(组织,血液,血浆)。文章发现,细菌在肿瘤微生物组中优于真菌.但宏基因组的生物信息学分析,确实可以支持样本里真菌的存在。文章也用染色体显色的方法在癌组织中可视化了人类肿瘤里的真菌,并发现真菌会有癌症类型特异性的定位模式。真菌染色主要在胰腺癌,乳腺癌和卵巢癌中存在,但是大部分都定位在黑色素瘤和肺癌里的巨噬细胞。文献还使用了无监督分类揭示真菌共生驱动的真菌-细菌-免疫簇.这种免疫簇可以区分免疫反应亚型。
Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions
Cancer-microbe associations have been explored for centuries, but cancer-associated fungi have rarely been examined. Here, we comprehensively characterize the cancer mycobiome within 17,401 patient tissue, blood, and plasma samples across 35 cancer types in four independent cohorts. We report fungal DNA and cells at low abundances across many major human cancers, with differences in community compositions that differ among cancer types, even when accounting for technical background. Fungal histological staining of tissue microarrays supported intratumoral presence and frequent spatial association with cancer cells and macrophages. Comparing intratumoral fungal communities with matched bacteriomes and immunomes revealed co-occurring bi-domain ecologies, often with permissive, rather than competitive, microenvironments and distinct immune responses. Clinically focused assessments suggested prognostic and diagnostic capacities of the tissue and plasma mycobiomes, even in stage I cancers, and synergistic predictive performance with bacteriomes.