林李泽强 (2022-09-30 23:42):
#paper doi:10.1073/pnas.1910666116,PNAS, 2019, Population-based neuroimaging reveals traces of childbirth in the maternal brain. 这项利用神经成像和机器学习(大脑年龄分析范式),分析了来自the UK Biobank的12021名中年女性的大脑结构特征,结果表明,与未分娩的同龄人相比,产妇大脑老化证据较少(即产妇展现出更'年轻'的大脑)。分娩(生育)和“看起来更年轻”的大脑之间的关系不受常见的基因变异或相关的混杂因素影响。结果表明,胎次可能涉及神经变化,可能会影响女性晚年的大脑老化,当然这需要更进一步的纵向研究确认。这项研究的结果还是相当有意思,与我们平时的认知(生多孩子的人‘老得快’)是截然相反。
Population-based neuroimaging reveals traces of childbirth in the maternal brain
Maternal brain adaptations have been found across pregnancy and postpartum, but little is known about the long-term effects of parity on the maternal brain. Using neuroimaging and machine learning, we investigated structural brain characteristics in 12,021 middle-aged women from the UK Biobank, demonstrating that parous women showed less evidence of brain aging compared to their nulliparous peers. The relationship between childbirths and a "younger-looking" brain could not be explained by common genetic variation or relevant confounders. Although prospective longitudinal studies are needed, the results suggest that parity may involve neural changes that could influence women's brain aging later in life.