cellsarts (2022-09-30 23:43):
#paper DOI 10.1074/jbc.M111.293795 Crystal Structure of Human  -Galactosidase STRUCTURAL BASIS OF GM1 GANGLIOSIDOSIS AND MORQUIO B DISEASES* author: Umeharu Ohto , THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY January 13, 2012 人β -半乳糖苷酶的晶体结构 GM1神经节肥瘦症和Morquio B是常染色体隐性遗传与神经退行性疾病相关的溶酶体积储病, 这些疾病是因溶酶体缺乏β -半乳糖苷酶引起的,β -半乳糖苷酶缺乏导致β -半乳糖苷酶底物---GM1神经节苷和角蛋白硫酸盐---的积累分别导致了侏儒症和骨骼异常。缺乏 β -半乳糖苷酶会导致溶酶体储存性疾病。文章首次报道了人类β -半乳糖苷酶的晶体结构。人类β -半乳糖苷酶是由TIM 催化结构域和两个β -折叠结构域所组成人类β -半乳糖苷酶突变可分为直接影响配体识别的突变、蛋白质内部核心突变、或位于蛋白质表面的突变。文章探讨了这一些结构突变与:对溶酶体储存疾病的关系。
Crystal structure of human β-galactosidase: structural basis of Gm1 gangliosidosis and morquio B diseases
G(M1) gangliosidosis and Morquio B are autosomal recessive lysosomal storage diseases associated with a neurodegenerative disorder or dwarfism and skeletal abnormalities, respectively. These diseases are caused by deficiencies in the lysosomal enzyme β-d-galactosidase (β-Gal), which lead to accumulations of the β-Gal substrates, G(M1) ganglioside, and keratan sulfate. β-Gal is an exoglycosidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal β-linked galactose residues. This study shows the crystal structures of human β-Gal in complex with its catalytic product galactose or with its inhibitor 1-deoxygalactonojirimycin. Human β-Gal is composed of a catalytic TIM barrel domain followed by β-domain 1 and β-domain 2. To gain structural insight into the molecular defects of β-Gal in the above diseases, the disease-causing mutations were mapped onto the three-dimensional structure. Finally, the possible causes of the diseases are discussed.