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林李泽强 (2022-11-27 19:25):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25980 Human Brain Mapping, 2022: Voxel-wise intermodal coupling analysis of two or more modalities using local covariance decomposition. 这篇文章提出了一种新的多模态耦合的方法——基于协方差特征分解的耦合方法,这种方法解决了先前相关的研究中耦合值不对称以及仅限两种模态的缺点(Vandekar et al., 2016)。 该方法使用局部协方差分解(主成分分析中的最大特征值的方差占比)来定义对两个或多个模态有效的对称体素耦合值,较大的值表明体素的跨模态的局部协方差矩阵可以在单个维度中很好地概括。此外,作者还验证中这个指标的生物相关性,即验证该指标与年龄或性别的相关性。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2022-10-15. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25980 PMID: 35730989
When individual subjects are imaged with multiple modalities, biological information is present not only within each modality, but also between modalities - that is, in how modalities covary at the … >>>
When individual subjects are imaged with multiple modalities, biological information is present not only within each modality, but also between modalities - that is, in how modalities covary at the voxel level. Previous studies have shown that local covariance structures between modalities, or intermodal coupling (IMCo), can be summarized for two modalities, and that two-modality IMCo reveals otherwise undiscovered patterns in neurodevelopment and certain diseases. However, previous IMCo methods are based on the slopes of local weighted linear regression lines, which are inherently asymmetric and limited to the two-modality setting. Here, we present a generalization of IMCo estimation which uses local covariance decompositions to define a symmetric, voxel-wise coupling coefficient that is valid for two or more modalities. We use this method to study coupling between cerebral blood flow, amplitude of low frequency fluctuations, and local connectivity in 803 subjects ages 8 through 22. We demonstrate that coupling is spatially heterogeneous, varies with respect to age and sex in neurodevelopment, and reveals patterns that are not present in individual modalities. As availability of multi-modal data continues to increase, principal-component-based IMCo (pIMCo) offers a powerful approach for summarizing relationships between multiple aspects of brain structure and function. An R package for estimating pIMCo is available at: https://github.com/hufengling/pIMCo. <<<
林李泽强 (2022-10-31 23:29):
#paper doi:arxiv.org/abs/2210.09217 Statistical learning methods for neuroimaging data analysis with applications 这是一篇尚未发布得预印本,作者是具有统计学背景的研究人员。 在这篇文章中,作者从统计学的角度全面回顾了从神经成像技术到大规模神经成像研究再到统计学习方法中的统计问题。 文中有三个主要的内容:(1)从统计学视角看待和综述影像处理方法;(2)介绍了当前最前沿的几个神经成像数据集;(3)从统计学视角介绍了9类影像数据的统计方法。 这篇文章从统计学的角度讲述神经成像领域的问题,适合具有数理背景的作为领域入门读物,当然也适合其他背景的研究人员站在统计学角度看待神经成像数据分析中的问题。
arXiv, 2022.
The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of statistical challenges in neuroimaging data analysis from neuroimaging techniques to large-scale neuroimaging studies to statistical learning methods. We … >>>
The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of statistical challenges in neuroimaging data analysis from neuroimaging techniques to large-scale neuroimaging studies to statistical learning methods. We briefly review eight popular neuroimaging techniques and their potential applications in neuroscience research and clinical translation. We delineate the four common themes of neuroimaging data and review major image processing analysis methods for processing neuroimaging data at the individual level. We briefly review four large-scale neuroimaging-related studies and a consortium on imaging genomics and discuss four common themes of neuroimaging data analysis at the population level. We review nine major population-based statistical analysis methods and their associated statistical challenges and present recent progress in statistical methodology to address these challenges. <<<
林李泽强 (2022-09-30 23:42):
#paper doi:10.1073/pnas.1910666116,PNAS, 2019, Population-based neuroimaging reveals traces of childbirth in the maternal brain. 这项利用神经成像和机器学习(大脑年龄分析范式),分析了来自the UK Biobank的12021名中年女性的大脑结构特征,结果表明,与未分娩的同龄人相比,产妇大脑老化证据较少(即产妇展现出更'年轻'的大脑)。分娩(生育)和“看起来更年轻”的大脑之间的关系不受常见的基因变异或相关的混杂因素影响。结果表明,胎次可能涉及神经变化,可能会影响女性晚年的大脑老化,当然这需要更进一步的纵向研究确认。这项研究的结果还是相当有意思,与我们平时的认知(生多孩子的人‘老得快’)是截然相反。
Maternal brain adaptations have been found across pregnancy and postpartum, but little is known about the long-term effects of parity on the maternal brain. Using neuroimaging and machine learning, we … >>>
Maternal brain adaptations have been found across pregnancy and postpartum, but little is known about the long-term effects of parity on the maternal brain. Using neuroimaging and machine learning, we investigated structural brain characteristics in 12,021 middle-aged women from the UK Biobank, demonstrating that parous women showed less evidence of brain aging compared to their nulliparous peers. The relationship between childbirths and a "younger-looking" brain could not be explained by common genetic variation or relevant confounders. Although prospective longitudinal studies are needed, the results suggest that parity may involve neural changes that could influence women's brain aging later in life. <<<
林李泽强 (2022-08-31 22:57):
#paper doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz128,Bioinformatics,2019,Brain annotation toolbox: exploring thefunctional and genetic associations of neuroimaging results. 过去以来,大多数神经影像学研究的结果(比如激活的簇/区域或大脑区域之间的功能连接),往往无法方便和系统地解释,导致生物学意义不明确。在这项研究中,作者开发了一个大脑注释工具箱,它可以为神经成像结果自动生成功能和基因注释。该工具包是基于Neurosynth数据库中的体素级功能描述以及Allen人脑图谱中的基因表达谱,将它们用于生成区域级神经成像结果的功能/基因信息。这个工具包是基于MATLAB的免费的开源工具包,可以帮助为新发现的具有未知功能的区域提供功能/基因注释。
MOTIVATION: Advances in neuroimaging and sequencing techniques provide an unprecedented opportunity to map the function of brain regions and identify the roots of psychiatric diseases. However, the results from most … >>>
MOTIVATION: Advances in neuroimaging and sequencing techniques provide an unprecedented opportunity to map the function of brain regions and identify the roots of psychiatric diseases. However, the results from most neuroimaging studies, i.e. activated clusters/regions or functional connectivities between brain regions, frequently cannot be conveniently and systematically interpreted, rendering the biological meaning unclear.RESULTS: We describe a brain annotation toolbox that generates functional and genetic annotations for neuroimaging results. The voxel-level functional description from the Neurosynth database and gene expression profile from the Allen Human Brain Atlas are used to generate functional/genetic information for region-level neuroimaging results. The validity of the approach is demonstrated by showing that the functional and genetic annotations for specific brain regions are consistent with each other; and further the region by region functional similarity network and genetic similarity network are highly correlated for major brain atlases. One application of brain annotation toolbox is to help provide functional/genetic annotations for newly discovered regions with unknown functions, e.g. the 97 new regions identified in the Human Connectome Project. Importantly, this toolbox can help understand differences between psychiatric patients and controls, and this is demonstrated using schizophrenia and autism data, for which the functional and genetic annotations for the neuroimaging changes in patients are consistent with each other and help interpret the results.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: BAT is implemented as a free and open-source MATLAB toolbox and is publicly available at INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. <<<
林李泽强 (2022-07-31 23:55):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01229-4. Molecular Psychiatry,2022,Resolving heterogeneity in schizophrenia through a novel systems approach to brain structure: individualized structural covariance network analysis. 本文作者提出了一种新的构建个体结构协变网络的方法。 在这个研究中,作者引入了一种网络模板扰动方法,利用脑区的灰质体积构建个体差异结构协变网络(IDSCN),该方法首先构建一个组水平的健康人结构协变网络,然后每次加入一个病人的数据以扰乱该协变网络,作为该病人的个体结构协变网络。IDSCN量化了患者两个脑区之间的结协变如何偏离健康被试的改变。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2021-12. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-021-01229-4 PMID: 34316005
Reliable mapping of system-level individual differences is a critical first step toward precision medicine for complex disorders such as schizophrenia. Disrupted structural covariance indicates a system-level brain maturational disruption in … >>>
Reliable mapping of system-level individual differences is a critical first step toward precision medicine for complex disorders such as schizophrenia. Disrupted structural covariance indicates a system-level brain maturational disruption in schizophrenia. However, most studies examine structural covariance at the group level. This prevents subject-level inferences. Here, we introduce a Network Template Perturbation approach to construct individual differential structural covariance network (IDSCN) using regional gray-matter volume. IDSCN quantifies how structural covariance between two nodes in a patient deviates from the normative covariance in healthy subjects. We analyzed T1 images from 1287 subjects, including 107 first-episode (drug-naive) patients and 71 controls in the discovery datasets and established robustness in 213 first-episode (drug-naive), 294 chronic, 99 clinical high-risk patients, and 494 controls from the replication datasets. Patients with schizophrenia were highly variable in their altered structural covariance edges; the number of altered edges was related to severity of hallucinations. Despite this variability, a subset of covariance edges, including the left hippocampus-bilateral putamen/globus pallidus edges, clustered patients into two distinct subgroups with opposing changes in covariance compared to controls, and significant differences in their anxiety and depression scores. These subgroup differences were stable across all seven datasets with meaningful genetic associations and functional annotation for the affected edges. We conclude that the underlying physiology of affective symptoms in schizophrenia involves the hippocampus and putamen/pallidum, predates disease onset, and is sufficiently consistent to resolve morphological heterogeneity throughout the illness course. The two schizophrenia subgroups identified thus have implications for the nosology and clinical treatment. <<<