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钟鸣 (2023-03-31 22:47):
#paper doi:10.1128/iai.00529-22 Hyperglycemia Increases Severity of Staphylococcus aureus Osteomyelitis and Influences Bacterial Genes Required for Survival in Bone 过去的研究中发现高血糖患者更容易发生严重的金黄色葡萄球菌感染,这是一种广泛存在于环境中且具有重要公共卫生意义的细菌。为了这种现象的原因,研究者使用小鼠作为实验动物,构建了高血糖模型,同时使用转座子测序技术对金黄色葡萄球菌随机插入突变,随后攻毒检验毒力。实验结果是得到一个基因,sodA ,编码超氧化物歧化酶 A,与该菌在高糖环境下的毒力增加有关。从技术和研究方案来说很成熟很简单,但是得到的结论很有价值且深远。但该基因如何影响金黄色葡萄球菌在特定环境下的表型,以及这种调控是否具有种属特异性、该基因是否具有未探明的功能,仍然未知。当然还需要更多的实验从不同角度验证本文的结论。
IF:2.900Q2 Infection and immunity, 2023-04-18. DOI: 10.1128/iai.00529-22 PMID: 36877063
Hyperglycemia, or elevated blood glucose, renders individuals more prone to developing severe Staphylococcus aureus infections. S. aureus is the most common etiological agent of musculoskeletal infection, which is a common … >>>
Hyperglycemia, or elevated blood glucose, renders individuals more prone to developing severe Staphylococcus aureus infections. S. aureus is the most common etiological agent of musculoskeletal infection, which is a common manifestation of disease in hyperglycemic patients. However, the mechanisms by which S. aureus causes severe musculoskeletal infection during hyperglycemia are incompletely characterized. To examine the influence of hyperglycemia on S. aureus virulence during invasive infection, we used a murine model of osteomyelitis and induced hyperglycemia with streptozotocin. We discovered that hyperglycemic mice exhibited increased bacterial burdens in bone and enhanced dissemination compared to control mice. Furthermore, infected hyperglycemic mice sustained increased bone destruction relative to euglycemic controls, suggesting that hyperglycemia exacerbates infection-associated bone loss. To identify genes contributing to S. aureus pathogenesis during osteomyelitis in hyperglycemic animals relative to euglycemic controls, we used transposon sequencing (TnSeq). We identified 71 genes uniquely essential for S. aureus survival in osteomyelitis in hyperglycemic mice and another 61 mutants with compromised fitness. Among the genes essential for S. aureus survival in hyperglycemic mice was the gene encoding superoxide dismutase A (), one of two S. aureus superoxide dismutases involved in detoxifying reactive oxygen species (ROS). We determined that a mutant exhibits attenuated survival in high glucose and during osteomyelitis in hyperglycemic mice. SodA therefore plays an important role during growth in high glucose and promotes S. aureus survival in bone. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that hyperglycemia increases the severity of osteomyelitis and identify genes contributing to S. aureus survival during hyperglycemic infection. <<<
muton (2023-03-31 22:44):
#paper https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.82250 Extra-hippocampal contributions to pattern separation 模式分离,或记忆中高度相似的刺激或经验由不重叠的神经组合代表的过程,通常被归结为由海马体支持的过程。然而,广泛研究的证据表明,模式分离是一个由大脑区域网络支持的多阶段过程。基于这些证据,再加上文献中的相关发现,作者提出了 "皮质-海马模式分离"(CHiPS)框架,认为参与认知控制的大脑区域在模式分离中发挥了重要作用。特别是,这些区域可能通过以下方式对模式分离做出贡献:(1)解决投射到海马的感觉区域的干扰,从而调节其皮质输入;或(2)根据任务要求直接调节海马的过程。本文创新之处是作者认为模式分离也同样受到新皮层-海马而不仅仅是海马的支持。
IF:6.400Q1 eLife, 2023-03-27. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.82250 PMID: 36972123
Pattern separation, or the process by which highly similar stimuli or experiences in memory are represented by non-overlapping neural ensembles, has typically been ascribed to processes supported by the hippocampus. … >>>
Pattern separation, or the process by which highly similar stimuli or experiences in memory are represented by non-overlapping neural ensembles, has typically been ascribed to processes supported by the hippocampus. Converging evidence from a wide range of studies, however, suggests that pattern separation is a multistage process supported by a network of brain regions. Based on this evidence, considered together with related findings from the interference resolution literature, we propose the 'cortico-hippocampal pattern separation' (CHiPS) framework, which asserts that brain regions involved in cognitive control play a significant role in pattern separation. Particularly, these regions may contribute to pattern separation by (1) resolving interference in sensory regions that project to the hippocampus, thus regulating its cortical input, or (2) directly modulating hippocampal processes in accordance with task demands. Considering recent interest in how hippocampal operations are modulated by goal states likely represented and regulated by extra-hippocampal regions, we argue that pattern separation is similarly supported by neocortical-hippocampal interactions. <<<
Ricardo (2023-03-31 22:43):
#paper Growth charts of brain morphometry for preschool children https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119178 从1到6岁的大脑发育确定了广泛的功能能力,并带有神经发育障碍的早期迹象。然而,目前缺乏描述大脑形态变化和进行个性化推断的定量模型,阻碍了这一时期早期大脑非典型性的识别。通过285个样本,我们描述了神经功能正常儿童皮层厚度和皮层下体积的年龄依赖性,并构建了学龄前儿童所有大脑区域的定量生长图表。大部分脑区的皮质厚度随年龄的增加而减小,而内嗅区和海马旁区则呈现出倒u型的年龄依赖关系。与皮层厚度相比,皮层下区域的归一化体积变化趋势更为发散,有的区域增大,有的区域减小,有的区域呈倒u型变化趋势。所有大脑区域的生长曲线模型在识别大脑非典型性方面显示出效用。生长曲线的百分位数测量有助于识别发育性言语和语言障碍儿童,其准确率为0.875。该结果填补了关键发育时期脑形态测量学的知识空白,并为个性化的脑发育状态评估提供了一条途径,具有良好的敏感性。
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2022-07-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119178 PMID: 35430358
Brain development from 1 to 6 years of age anchors a wide range of functional capabilities and carries early signs of neurodevelopmental disorders. However, quantitative models for depicting brain morphology … >>>
Brain development from 1 to 6 years of age anchors a wide range of functional capabilities and carries early signs of neurodevelopmental disorders. However, quantitative models for depicting brain morphology changes and making individualized inferences are lacking, preventing the identification of early brain atypicality during this period. With a sample size of 285, we characterized the age dependence of the cortical thickness and subcortical volume in neurologically normal children and constructed quantitative growth charts of all brain regions for preschool children. While the cortical thickness of most brain regions decreased with age, the entorhinal and parahippocampal regions displayed an inverted-U shape of age dependence. Compared to the cortical thickness, the normalized volume of subcortical regions exhibited more divergent trends, with some regions increasing, some decreasing, and some displaying inverted-U-shaped trends. The growth curve models for all brain regions demonstrated utilities in identifying brain atypicality. The percentile measures derived from the growth curves facilitate the identification of children with developmental speech and language disorders with an accuracy of 0.875 (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.943). Our results fill the knowledge gap in brain morphometrics in a critical development period and provide an avenue for individualized brain developmental status evaluation with demonstrated sensitivity. The brain growth charts are shared with the public (http://phi-group.top/resources.html). <<<
张贝 (2023-03-31 22:30):
#paper RNA sequence analysis reveals macroscopic somatic clonal expansion across normal tissues. Science. 2019 Jun 7;364(6444):eaaw0726.doi: 10.1126/science.aaw0726. 体细胞突变是如何在正常细胞中积累的,目前尚不清楚。本文通过对来自29个正常组织的6700个样本的RNA测序数据的综合分析揭示了多个体细胞变异,表明在许多正常组织中可以发现宏观克隆。本文证实阳光照射的皮肤、食道和肺比其他测试组织有更高的突变负担,这表明环境因素可以促进体细胞嵌合。突变负担与年龄和组织特异性细胞增殖率相关,强调突变随着时间和细胞分裂数量的增加而积累。最后,作者发现正常组织中存在已知癌症基因和热点突变。本研究提供了人体组织中宏观克隆扩增的广阔视野,从而作为将克隆扩增与环境因素、衰老和疾病风险联系起来的基础
How somatic mutations accumulate in normal cells is poorly understood. A comprehensive analysis of RNA sequencing data from ~6700 samples across 29 normal tissues revealed multiple somatic variants, demonstrating that … >>>
How somatic mutations accumulate in normal cells is poorly understood. A comprehensive analysis of RNA sequencing data from ~6700 samples across 29 normal tissues revealed multiple somatic variants, demonstrating that macroscopic clones can be found in many normal tissues. We found that sun-exposed skin, esophagus, and lung have a higher mutation burden than other tested tissues, which suggests that environmental factors can promote somatic mosaicism. Mutation burden was associated with both age and tissue-specific cell proliferation rate, highlighting that mutations accumulate over both time and number of cell divisions. Finally, normal tissues were found to harbor mutations in known cancer genes and hotspots. This study provides a broad view of macroscopic clonal expansion in human tissues, thus serving as a foundation for associating clonal expansion with environmental factors, aging, and risk of disease. <<<
大勇 (2023-03-31 21:39):
#paper Tertiary lymphoid structures generate and propagate anti-tumor antibody-producing plasma cells in renal cell cancer. Immunity. 2022 Mar 8;55(3):527-541.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.02.001. Epub 2022 Feb 28. PMID: 35231421这篇文献主要通过空间转录组的数据和计算机成像,给我们展示了肿瘤组织中三级淋巴结构的微环境细胞图谱,发现B细胞聚集区以及B细胞抗原刺激的过程。并且CXCL12的成纤维细胞可以促进B细胞的扩散和发挥抗体介导的肿瘤ADCC的作用。
IF:25.500Q1 Immunity, 2022-03-08. DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.02.001 PMID: 35231421
The presence of intratumoral tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) is associated with positive clinical outcomes and responses to immunotherapy in cancer. Here, we used spatial transcriptomics to examine the nature of … >>>
The presence of intratumoral tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) is associated with positive clinical outcomes and responses to immunotherapy in cancer. Here, we used spatial transcriptomics to examine the nature of B cell responses within TLS in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). B cells were enriched in TLS, and therein, we could identify all B cell maturation stages toward plasma cell (PC) formation. B cell repertoire analysis revealed clonal diversification, selection, expansion in TLS, and the presence of fully mature clonotypes at distance. In TLS+ tumors, IgG- and IgA-producing PCs disseminated into the tumor beds along fibroblastic tracks. TLS+ tumors exhibited high frequencies of IgG-producing PCs and IgG-stained and apoptotic malignant cells, suggestive of anti-tumor effector activity. Therapeutic responses and progression-free survival correlated with IgG-stained tumor cells in RCC patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Thus, intratumoral TLS sustains B cell maturation and antibody production that is associated with response to immunotherapy, potentially via direct anti-tumor effects. <<<
小小小小小小萌 (2023-03-31 21:16):
#paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-022-00416-z Dynamic 3D genome reorganization during development and metabolic stress of the porcine liver. 这篇文章运用了基因组学尤其是三维基因组学功能研究中最常用的实验技术,包括ChIP-seq,Hi-C,ATAC-seq和RNA-seq,研究了猪的肝脏在胚胎形成阶段的两个时期及猪出生后肝脏生长至2.5cm, 8cm, 10cm的基因组学变化情况。揭示了肝脏发育过程中染色质空间结构的建立以及参与转录调控的过程。同时,对成年后高脂饮食诱导肥胖组的分析表明猪的各项代谢指标和染色质层级构象在体重增加的过程中并未发生明显变化。
IF:13.000Q1 Cell discovery, 2022-Jun-14. DOI: 10.1038/s41421-022-00416-z PMID: 35701393
Liver development is a complex process that is regulated by a series of signaling pathways. Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture plays an important role in transcriptional regulation; nonetheless, its dynamics and … >>>
Liver development is a complex process that is regulated by a series of signaling pathways. Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture plays an important role in transcriptional regulation; nonetheless, its dynamics and role in the rapid transition of core liver functions during development and obesity-induced metabolic stress remain largely unexplored. To investigate the dynamic chromatin architecture during liver development and under metabolic stress, we generated high-resolution maps of chromatin architecture for porcine livers across six major developmental stages (from embryonic day 38 to the adult stage) and under a high-fat diet-induced obesity. The characteristically loose chromatin architecture supports a highly plastic genome organization during early liver development, which fundamentally contributes to the rapid functional transitions in the liver after birth. We reveal the multi-scale reorganization of chromatin architecture and its influence on transcriptional regulation of critical signaling processes during liver development, and show its close association with transition in hepatic functions (i.e., from hematopoiesis in the fetus to metabolism and immunity after birth). The limited changes in chromatin structure help explain the observed metabolic adaptation to excessive energy intake in pigs. These results provide a global overview of chromatin architecture dynamics associated with the transition of physiological liver functions between prenatal development and postnatal maturation, and a foundational resource that allows for future in-depth functional characterization. <<<
AI 5.0.3 (2023-03-31 20:44):
#paper 主要内容:快速伽马震荡精准协调上下神经系统,分别从海马外内侧收集神经元信息传入海马实现在物体识别和方位判断的作用。主要结论:空间导航中快伽马震荡协调齿状回和MEC,慢伽马震荡协调齿状回和LEC,MEC和LEC的信息以伽马周期对任务进行特异性选择。A. Fernández-Ruiz et al., Science 372, eabf3119 (2021). DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3119
Gamma oscillations are thought to coordinate the spike timing of functionally specialized neuronal ensembles across brain regions. To test this hypothesis, we optogenetically perturbed gamma spike timing in the rat … >>>
Gamma oscillations are thought to coordinate the spike timing of functionally specialized neuronal ensembles across brain regions. To test this hypothesis, we optogenetically perturbed gamma spike timing in the rat medial (MEC) and lateral (LEC) entorhinal cortices and found impairments in spatial and object learning tasks, respectively. MEC and LEC were synchronized with the hippocampal dentate gyrus through high- and low-gamma-frequency rhythms, respectively, and engaged either granule cells or mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal cells in a task-dependent manner. Gamma perturbation disrupted the learning-induced assembly organization of target neurons. Our findings imply that pathway-specific gamma oscillations route task-relevant information between distinct neuronal subpopulations in the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit. We hypothesize that interregional gamma-time-scale spike coordination is a mechanism of neuronal communication. <<<
cellsarts (2023-03-31 19:54):
#Paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-022-01195-x 海底热液羽流中硫氧化细菌(SUP05)的生态位分化 Niche differentiation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SUP05) in submarine hydrothermal plumes热液柱将还原态的化学物质和金属输送到开阔的海洋中。尽管它们对生物地球化学循环有广泛及巨大的影响,但对热液柱之中的丰富的微生物演化支的生态位分化知之甚少。在这里,我们分析了在南太平洋的克马德克海内弧上两个热泉的——(兄弟火山;brv锥和西北破火山口;NWC)和中海火山(Macauley火山;McV)絮凝物物微生物生态。通过结合16S rRNA基因、荧光原位杂交和宏基因组分析确定的微生物群落结构与在其他富硫羽流中观察到的群落相似。这包括排硫特征的SUP05分支的优势(在McV中高达22%,在BrV中高达51%)。在分析的三个羽中,群落由不同的尚未培养的化学自养SUP05物种主导,这里暂时命名为Candidatus Thioglobus vadi (McV), Candidatus thiglobus vulcanius (BrV-cone)和Candidatus thiglobus plumae (BrV-NWC)。统计分析、基因组潜能和mRNA表达谱表明,SUP05的生态位划分基于硫化物和铁浓度以及水深。第四种SUP05在整个研究的絮凝状样品中出现频率很低,可能具有异养或混合生长的能力。综上所述,我们认为环境参数和深度的微小变化推动了热液柱中SUP05生态位的划分。
Hydrothermal plumes transport reduced chemical species and metals into the open ocean. Despite their considerable spatial scale and impact on biogeochemical cycles, niche differentiation of abundant microbial clades is poorly … >>>
Hydrothermal plumes transport reduced chemical species and metals into the open ocean. Despite their considerable spatial scale and impact on biogeochemical cycles, niche differentiation of abundant microbial clades is poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the microbial ecology of two bathy- (Brothers volcano; BrV-cone and northwest caldera; NWC) and a mesopelagic (Macauley volcano; McV) plumes on the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc in the South Pacific Ocean. The microbial community structure, determined by a combination of 16S rRNA gene, fluorescence in situ hybridization and metagenome analysis, was similar to the communities observed in other sulfur-rich plumes. This includes a dominance of the vent characteristic SUP05 clade (up to 22% in McV and 51% in BrV). In each of the three plumes analyzed, the community was dominated by a different yet uncultivated chemoautotrophic SUP05 species, here, provisionally named, Candidatus Thioglobus vadi (McV), Candidatus Thioglobus vulcanius (BrV-cone) and Candidatus Thioglobus plumae (BrV-NWC). Statistical analyses, genomic potential and mRNA expression profiles suggested a SUP05 niche partitioning based on sulfide and iron concentration as well as water depth. A fourth SUP05 species was present at low frequency throughout investigated plume samples and may be capable of heterotrophic or mixotrophic growth. Taken together, we propose that small variations in environmental parameters and depth drive SUP05 niche partitioning in hydrothermal plumes. <<<
LXJ (2023-03-31 19:51):
#paper Gut-innervating nociceptors regulate the intestinal microbiota to promote tissue protection. Cell. 2022 Oct 27;185(22):4170-4189.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.008. 伤害性疼痛是许多慢性炎症性疾病的标志,包括炎症性肠病(IBD);然而,痛觉神经元是否会影响肠道炎症仍不清楚。利用化学遗传学沉默、腺病毒介导的结肠特异性沉默和TRPV1+伤害感受器的药理学消融,我们在肠道损伤和炎症的小鼠模型中观察到更严重的炎症和有缺陷的组织保护性修复过程。破坏的伤害感受导致肠道微生物群的显著改变和可传播的微生态失调,而革兰氏+梭菌对无菌小鼠的单定殖。通过伤害感受器依赖性途径促进肠道组织保护。从机制上讲,伤害感受的破坏导致P物质水平下降,而P物质的治疗性递送以微生物群依赖的方式促进了TRPV1+伤害感受器发挥的组织保护作用。最后,在IBD患者的肠道活检中观察到伤害感受器基因表达失调。总之,这些发现表明,伤害感受、肠道微生物群和肠道稳态恢复之间存在进化上保守的功能联系。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2022-10-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.008 PMID: 36240781
Nociceptive pain is a hallmark of many chronic inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs); however, whether pain-sensing neurons influence intestinal inflammation remains poorly defined. Employing chemogenetic silencing, adenoviral-mediated colon-specific … >>>
Nociceptive pain is a hallmark of many chronic inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs); however, whether pain-sensing neurons influence intestinal inflammation remains poorly defined. Employing chemogenetic silencing, adenoviral-mediated colon-specific silencing, and pharmacological ablation of TRPV1 nociceptors, we observed more severe inflammation and defective tissue-protective reparative processes in a murine model of intestinal damage and inflammation. Disrupted nociception led to significant alterations in the intestinal microbiota and a transmissible dysbiosis, while mono-colonization of germ-free mice with GramClostridium spp. promoted intestinal tissue protection through a nociceptor-dependent pathway. Mechanistically, disruption of nociception resulted in decreased levels of substance P, and therapeutic delivery of substance P promoted tissue-protective effects exerted by TRPV1 nociceptors in a microbiota-dependent manner. Finally, dysregulated nociceptor gene expression was observed in intestinal biopsies from IBD patients. Collectively, these findings indicate an evolutionarily conserved functional link between nociception, the intestinal microbiota, and the restoration of intestinal homeostasis. <<<
半面阳光 (2023-03-31 19:02):
#paper DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.12.006, Am J Hum Genet. 2013, Noninvasive detection of fetal subchromosome abnormalities via deep sequencing of maternal plasma. 基于NGS的NIPT检测染色体非整倍体技术建立之后,进一步的研究重点和热点之一是将NIPT从检测染色体非整倍体拓展到检测染色体上的微缺失微重复片段。这篇文献可能是首次系统性建立用于检测微缺失和微重复的NIPT方法学文章。
The purpose of this study was to determine the deep sequencing and analytic conditions needed to detect fetal subchromosome abnormalities across the genome from a maternal blood sample. Cell-free (cf) … >>>
The purpose of this study was to determine the deep sequencing and analytic conditions needed to detect fetal subchromosome abnormalities across the genome from a maternal blood sample. Cell-free (cf) DNA was isolated from the plasma of 11 pregnant women carrying fetuses with subchromosomal duplications and deletions, translocations, mosaicism, and trisomy 20 diagnosed by metaphase karyotype. Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) was performed with 25-mer tags at approximately 10(9) tags per sample and mapped to reference human genome assembly hg19. Tags were counted and normalized to fixed genome bin sizes of 1 Mb or 100 kb to detect statistically distinct copy-number changes compared to the reference. All seven cases of microdeletions, duplications, translocations, and the trisomy 20 were detected blindly by MPS, including a microdeletion as small as 300 kb. In two of these cases in which the metaphase karyotype showed additional material of unknown origin, MPS identified both the translocation breakpoint and the chromosomal origin of the additional material. In the four mosaic cases, the subchromosomal abnormality was not demonstrated by MPS. This work shows that in nonmosaic cases, it is possible to obtain a fetal molecular karyotype by MPS of maternal plasma cfDNA that is equivalent to a chromosome microarray and in some cases is better than a metaphase karyotype. This approach combines the advantage of enhanced fetal genomic resolution with the improved safety of a noninvasive maternal blood test. <<<
小W (2023-03-31 16:57):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41576-022-00511-7 Measuring biological age using omics data. 生物老化是随着实际年龄的增长而发生的系统完整性进行性下降 ,最终导致疾病、残疾和死亡。本文是利用组学数据量化生物衰老方法(衰老时钟)研究的综述文章,介绍了表观遗传、转录组学、蛋白质组学、代谢组学等方面衰老时钟的研究原理、局限性和优化。比较有意思的一点,第一代表观时钟彼此之间只有轻微的相关性,增大样本量的情况下训练第一代甲基化时钟过拟合,又消除了年龄和生物学年龄之间的联系。这里提出对之后开发衰老时钟的展望,定义衰老时钟的应用场景,通过有目的的特征选择或通过开发复合训练指标,将衰老生物学的特定方面纳入其中的建模方法应有助于提高模型的可解释性,并指导它们识别衰老的因果特征。一个大胆的方法是在时钟的训练中排除年龄,从而更接近于测量老化生物学特征。
Age is the key risk factor for diseases and disabilities of the elderly. Efforts to tackle age-related diseases and increase healthspan have suggested targeting the ageing process itself to 'rejuvenate' … >>>
Age is the key risk factor for diseases and disabilities of the elderly. Efforts to tackle age-related diseases and increase healthspan have suggested targeting the ageing process itself to 'rejuvenate' physiological functioning. However, achieving this aim requires measures of biological age and rates of ageing at the molecular level. Spurred by recent advances in high-throughput omics technologies, a new generation of tools to measure biological ageing now enables the quantitative characterization of ageing at molecular resolution. Epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic data can be harnessed with machine learning to build 'ageing clocks' with demonstrated capacity to identify new biomarkers of biological ageing. <<<
小年 (2023-03-31 15:44):
#paper doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.641487. Establishment of a Prognostic Model for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Related Gene Analysis. Front Oncol. 2021; 11: 641487. 这篇文章基于88个内质网应激(ERS)相关基因,用Cox回归分析鉴定了肝癌中由5个ERS基因组成的预后生物标志物,并构建预后模型,同时评估模型的性能。其次分析了临床信息与生存预后的关系,识别了独立预后因素并建立预测列线图。还对5个预后基因做了多组学分析(包括mutation、methylation、copy number、post-transcriptional regulation)。 该文值得我们借鉴的是不局限于RNA-seq层面开发预后模型,不仅从多组学维度分析了这些ERS基因在促进肝癌的作用,最后还讨论了关于数据库中一些重要参数和临床资料的局限性,对我们以后的研究有一些启发。
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide and its incidence continues to increase year by year. Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) caused by protein misfolding … >>>
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide and its incidence continues to increase year by year. Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) caused by protein misfolding within the secretory pathway in cells and has an extensive and deep impact on cancer cell progression and survival. Growing evidence suggests that the genes related to ERS are closely associated with the occurrence and progression of HCC. This study aimed to identify an ERS-related signature for the prospective evaluation of prognosis in HCC patients. RNA sequencing data and clinical data of patients from HCC patients were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC). Using data from TCGA as a training cohort (n=424) and data from ICGC as an independent external testing cohort (n=243), ERS-related genes were extracted to identify three common pathways IRE1, PEKR, and ATF6 using the GSEA database. Through univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis, 5 gene signals in the training cohort were found to be related to ERS and closely correlated with the prognosis in patients of HCC. A novel 5-gene signature (including HDGF, EIF2S1, SRPRB, PPP2R5B and DDX11) was created and had power as a prognostic biomarker. The prognosis of patients with high-risk HCC was worse than that of patients with low-risk HCC. Multivariate Cox regression analysis confirmed that the signature was an independent prognostic biomarker for HCC. The results were further validated in an independent external testing cohort (ICGC). Also, GSEA indicated a series of significantly enriched oncological signatures and different metabolic processes that may enable a better understanding of the potential molecular mechanism mediating the progression of HCC. The 5-gene biomarker has a high potential for clinical applications in the risk stratification and overall survival prediction of HCC patients. In addition, the abnormal expression of these genes may be affected by copy number variation, methylation variation, and post-transcriptional regulation. Together, this study indicated that the genes may have potential as prognostic biomarkers in HCC and may provide new evidence supporting targeted therapies in HCC. <<<
Vincent (2023-03-31 15:34):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1904.10098 ICML 2019 DAG-GNN: DAG Structure Learning with Graph Neural Networks. 有向无环图(DAG)的结构学习是一项十分具有挑战性的工作,其搜索空间随着节点数的增多而呈现指数式的增长。常用的研究手段是将结构学习转化为一种score的优化问题。为了让问题可解,传统的方法通常考虑线性结构方程模型(Linear SEM),这篇文章基于线性SEM的框架,发展了一套基于变分自编码器VAE和图神经网络GNN的DAG学习方法,得益于神经网络的非线性拟合,这套方法在保证至少比线性SEM好的情况下还能解决一些非线性的问题。通过数据仿真和真实数据的学习,文章验证了该方法的准确度比线性SEM好,假发现率比线性SEM低。
Learning a faithful directed acyclic graph (DAG) from samples of a joint distribution is a challenging combinatorial problem, owing to the intractable search space superexponential in the number of graph … >>>
Learning a faithful directed acyclic graph (DAG) from samples of a joint distribution is a challenging combinatorial problem, owing to the intractable search space superexponential in the number of graph nodes. A recent breakthrough formulates the problem as a continuous optimization with a structural constraint that ensures acyclicity (Zheng et al., 2018). The authors apply the approach to the linear structural equation model (SEM) and the least-squares loss function that are statistically well justified but nevertheless limited. Motivated by the widespread success of deep learning that is capable of capturing complex nonlinear mappings, in this work we propose a deep generative model and apply a variant of the structural constraint to learn the DAG. At the heart of the generative model is a variational autoencoder parameterized by a novel graph neural network architecture, which we coin DAG-GNN. In addition to the richer capacity, an advantage of the proposed model is that it naturally handles discrete variables as well as vector-valued ones. We demonstrate that on synthetic data sets, the proposed method learns more accurate graphs for nonlinearly generated samples; and on benchmark data sets with discrete variables, the learned graphs are reasonably close to the global optima. The code is available at \url{this https URL}. <<<
庞庞 (2023-03-31 15:06):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-01958-8 Individualized fMRI connectivity defines signatures of antidepressant and placebo responses in major depression 由于个体的异质性,不同个体对抗抑郁药物的缓释程度各有不同。因此,理解抗抑郁药物的作用机制对个性化医疗至关重要。本文采用去除组成分的COBE算法,获得个体化的功能连接矩阵,作为特征对抗抑郁药物舍曲林和安慰剂的疗效进行预测。研究发现,个体化的功能连接比起组水平的功能连接显著提高了预测准确率;对预测舍曲林贡献高的脑区主要位于左侧颞中皮层和右侧脑岛;对安慰剂贡献高的主要位于双侧扣带皮层和左侧颞上皮层。这位抗抑郁的疗效预测标志物提供了新视角。
IF:9.600Q1 Molecular psychiatry, 2023-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-01958-8 PMID: 36732585
Though sertraline is commonly prescribed in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), its superiority over placebo is only marginal. This is in part due to the neurobiological heterogeneity of the … >>>
Though sertraline is commonly prescribed in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), its superiority over placebo is only marginal. This is in part due to the neurobiological heterogeneity of the individuals. Characterizing individual-unique functional architecture of the brain may help better dissect the heterogeneity, thereby defining treatment-predictive signatures to guide personalized medication. In this study, we investigate whether individualized brain functional connectivity (FC) can define more predictable signatures of antidepressant and placebo treatment in MDD. The data used in the present work were collected by the Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response in Clinical Care (EMBARC) study. Patients (N = 296) were randomly assigned to antidepressant sertraline or placebo double-blind treatment for 8 weeks. The whole-brain FC networks were constructed from pre-treatment resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Then, FC was individualized by removing the common components extracted from the raw baseline FC to train regression-based connectivity predictive models. With individualized FC features, the established prediction models successfully identified signatures that explained 22% variance for the sertraline group and 31% variance for the placebo group in predicting HAMD change. Compared with the raw FC-based models, the individualized FC-defined signatures significantly improved the prediction performance, as confirmed by cross-validation. For sertraline treatment, predictive FC metrics were predominantly located in the left middle temporal cortex and right insula. For placebo, predictive FC metrics were primarily located in the bilateral cingulate cortex and left superior temporal cortex. Our findings demonstrated that through the removal of common FC components, individualization of FC metrics enhanced the prediction performance compared to raw FC. Associated with previous MDD clinical studies, our identified predictive biomarkers provided new insights into the neuropathology of antidepressant and placebo treatment. <<<
Spring (2023-03-31 13:10):
#paper doi: 10.15252/emmm.202317450 EMBO Molecular Medicine[IF:14.26] ① 纳入两个独立的队列人群,比较了早发性卵巢功能不全(POI)女性血清代谢组学,发现其表现为支链氨基酸(BCAA)不足相关的代谢紊乱;② 在小鼠模型中,低BCAA饮食干预使年轻小鼠出现POI样的代谢、内分泌、卵巢和生殖变化;③ 细胞实验表明,BCAA不足会上调神经酰胺,诱导ROS升高,从而使卵巢颗粒细胞功能受损;④ 有趣的是,BCAA膳食补充可以阻止雌性小鼠ROS诱导的POI发展,提示其预防价值。 BCAA insufficiency leads to premature ovarian insufficiency via ceramide-induced elevation of ROS
IF:9.000Q1 EMBO molecular medicine, 2023-04-11. DOI: 10.15252/emmm.202317450 PMID: 36847712
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a disease featured by early menopause before 40 years of age, accompanied by an elevation of follicle-stimulating hormone. Though POI affects many aspects of women's … >>>
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a disease featured by early menopause before 40 years of age, accompanied by an elevation of follicle-stimulating hormone. Though POI affects many aspects of women's health, its major causes remain unknown. Many clinical studies have shown that POI patients are generally underweight, indicating a potential correlation between POI and metabolic disorders. To understand the pathogenesis of POI, we performed metabolomics analysis on serum and identified branch-chain amino acid (BCAA) insufficiency-related metabolic disorders in two independent cohorts from two clinics. A low BCAA diet phenotypically reproduced the metabolic, endocrine, ovarian, and reproductive changes of POI in young C57BL/6J mice. A mechanism study revealed that the BCAA insufficiency-induced POI is associated with abnormal activation of the ceramide-reactive oxygen species (ROS) axis and consequent impairment of ovarian granulosa cell function. Significantly, the dietary supplement of BCAA prevented the development of ROS-induced POI in female mice. The results of this pathogenic study will lead to the development of specific therapies for POI. <<<
尹志 (2023-03-31 00:12):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05870-7. Nature, 2023, Programmable protein delivery with a bacterial contractile injection system。这是今年张锋组的一篇新文章。文章介绍了一种叫做外胞质收缩注射系统(eCISs)的纳米机器,它们可以被重新编程以针对人类细胞并传递各种蛋白质负载,包括Cas9、碱基编辑器和毒素。这些系统可以用于基因治疗、癌症治疗和生物控制等领域。还讨论了利用收缩注射系统(CIS)作为蛋白质传递和基因编辑的潜在工具以及它们在生物技术和医学中的应用。基本都是实验,方法部分简直大开眼界,琳琅满目,基本看不懂;但看结论还是觉得挺有前瞻性的工作,而且使用了AF技术作为structure-guided engineering,这个很引起我的兴趣。总之,先浅浅仰慕读一下
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2023-04. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05870-7 PMID: 36991127
Endosymbiotic bacteria have evolved intricate delivery systems that enable these organisms to interface with host biology. One example, the extracellular contractile injection systems (eCISs), are syringe-like macromolecular complexes that inject … >>>
Endosymbiotic bacteria have evolved intricate delivery systems that enable these organisms to interface with host biology. One example, the extracellular contractile injection systems (eCISs), are syringe-like macromolecular complexes that inject protein payloads into eukaryotic cells by driving a spike through the cellular membrane. Recently, eCISs have been found to target mouse cells, raising the possibility that these systems could be harnessed for therapeutic protein delivery. However, whether eCISs can function in human cells remains unknown, and the mechanism by which these systems recognize target cells is poorly understood. Here we show that target selection by the Photorhabdus virulence cassette (PVC)-an eCIS from the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus asymbiotica-is mediated by specific recognition of a target receptor by a distal binding element of the PVC tail fibre. Furthermore, using in silico structure-guided engineering of the tail fibre, we show that PVCs can be reprogrammed to target organisms not natively targeted by these systems-including human cells and mice-with efficiencies approaching 100%. Finally, we show that PVCs can load diverse protein payloads, including Cas9, base editors and toxins, and can functionally deliver them into human cells. Our results demonstrate that PVCs are programmable protein delivery devices with possible applications in gene therapy, cancer therapy and biocontrol. <<<
白鸟 (2023-03-30 17:22):
#paper https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(21)01381-7. Differential pre-malignant programs and microenvironment chart distinct paths to malignancy in human colorectal polyps. 此文是人类肿瘤图谱网络(HTAN)联盟两年多时间在CRC肿瘤领域发的2篇cell文章之一,另一篇文章是构建肿瘤空间3D图谱。该联盟的愿景是构建肿瘤的发生、局部扩张、转移和治疗性耐药的动态3D图谱。该文章的切入点很重要,通过已有文献猜想两条CRC癌变的不同机制,提出了一个整合了单细胞转录组学、基因组学和免疫组织病理学的多组学人类癌前图谱。从功能上验证了建立不同的肿瘤景观的不同起源和分子机制过程。也是该联盟的策略从病变起源来研究,才能对晚期和高度异质性的癌症有更清晰的认识,从而为精准预防、监测和治疗的新策略铺平道路。对于多组学文章,切入点(科学猜想)和策略很重要。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2021-12-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.11.031 PMID: 34910928
Colorectal cancers (CRCs) arise from precursor polyps whose cellular origins, molecular heterogeneity, and immunogenic potential may reveal diagnostic and therapeutic insights when analyzed at high resolution. We present a single-cell … >>>
Colorectal cancers (CRCs) arise from precursor polyps whose cellular origins, molecular heterogeneity, and immunogenic potential may reveal diagnostic and therapeutic insights when analyzed at high resolution. We present a single-cell transcriptomic and imaging atlas of the two most common human colorectal polyps, conventional adenomas and serrated polyps, and their resulting CRC counterparts. Integrative analysis of 128 datasets from 62 participants reveals adenomas arise from WNT-driven expansion of stem cells, while serrated polyps derive from differentiated cells through gastric metaplasia. Metaplasia-associated damage is coupled to a cytotoxic immune microenvironment preceding hypermutation, driven partly by antigen-presentation differences associated with tumor cell-differentiation status. Microsatellite unstable CRCs contain distinct non-metaplastic regions where tumor cells acquire stem cell properties and cytotoxic immune cells are depleted. Our multi-omic atlas provides insights into malignant progression of colorectal polyps and their microenvironment, serving as a framework for precision surveillance and prevention of CRC. <<<
徐炳祥 (2023-03-30 13:13):
#paper doi: 10.1101/gad.333708.119. Genes Dev, 2020, Upon microbial challenge, human neutrophils undergo rapid changes in nuclear architecture and chromatin folding to orchestrate an immediate inflammatory gene program。中性粒细胞免疫应答过程中伴随着核型和染色质构象的剧烈变化,这些变化与免疫应答诱导的转录调控过程之间的关系尚不清楚。本文使用人类中性粒细胞为实验材料,以PMA和大肠杆菌为刺激源诱发免疫反应,以Hi-C测定应答前后的染色质空间构象并进行比较。结果显示,应答之前,炎性基因处于转录抑制的空间构象中,应答后这些基因所在区域发生常染色质化,由核周进入核内部,并与增强子靠近,这些过程与应答过程中转录的快速响应有关。这些染色质构象的重排可能是由cohesin驱动的。本研究处理时长已达3h,但仍未见染色质构象的大范围改变。这些结论提示虽然染色质构象的全基因组重构是罕见事件,其局部的改变依然有研究的价值。
IF:7.500Q1 Genes & development, 2020-02-01. DOI: 10.1101/gad.333708.119 PMID: 31919189
Differentiating neutrophils undergo large-scale changes in nuclear morphology. How such alterations in structure are established and modulated upon exposure to microbial agents is largely unknown. Here, we found that prior … >>>
Differentiating neutrophils undergo large-scale changes in nuclear morphology. How such alterations in structure are established and modulated upon exposure to microbial agents is largely unknown. Here, we found that prior to encounter with bacteria, an armamentarium of inflammatory genes was positioned in a transcriptionally passive environment suppressing premature transcriptional activation. Upon microbial exposure, however, human neutrophils rapidly (<3 h) repositioned the ensemble of proinflammatory genes toward the transcriptionally permissive compartment. We show that the repositioning of genes was closely associated with the swift recruitment of cohesin across the inflammatory enhancer landscape, permitting an immediate transcriptional response upon bacterial exposure. We found that activated enhancers, marked by increased deposition of H3K27Ac, were highly enriched for cistromic elements associated with PU.1, CEBPB, TFE3, JUN, and FOSL2 occupancy. These data reveal how upon microbial challenge the cohesin machinery is recruited to an activated enhancer repertoire to instruct changes in chromatin folding, nuclear architecture, and to activate an inflammatory gene program. <<<
符毓 Yu (2023-03-30 12:59):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.joule.2020.07.014, Joule, 2020, Ultrasonic Scanning to Observe Wetting and “Unwetting” in Li-Ion Pouch Cells。锂电池的非破坏性检测方式较少见,X射线检测在电极材料结构、尺寸和热机械效应等有应用,但对于电解质和内部气体不敏感;本文主要探讨用超声方式进行检测的可行性
IF:38.600Q1 Joule, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2020.07.014
An ultrasonic imaging technique has been developed to investigate the internal changes of pouch cells nondestructively. The local ultrasonic transmittance of pouch cells has been measured and used for imaging … >>>
An ultrasonic imaging technique has been developed to investigate the internal changes of pouch cells nondestructively. The local ultrasonic transmittance of pouch cells has been measured and used for imaging with a new ultrasonic scanning machine designed and built in-house. The wetting process of the cells is clearly observed via such ultrasonic imaging techniques. Furthermore, ultrasonic transmission images of fresh cells and aged cells with different electrolytes and cycling conditions exhibit very different ultrasonic transmittance, which can be caused by electrolyte dry-out or “unwetting” due to cell swelling. The ultrasonic imaging technique is a very sensitive method to probe failure mechanisms in Li-ion pouch cells. <<<
李翛然 (2023-03-28 21:41):
#paper A novel protein RASON encoded by a lncRNA controls oncogenic RAS signaling in KRAS mutant cancers doi: 10.1038/s41422-022-00726-7. Cell Research . 这篇文章是我最近精读的一篇文章,作者我都认识,做的靶点恰恰是我们正在做的。所以聊了很多。 这是很有可能针对未来一个大癌症种类的核心解决方案。 只不过现在rason 的结构还没有解析出来。 我们看看今年怎么处理一下。
IF:28.100Q1 Cell research, 2023-01. DOI: 10.1038/s41422-022-00726-7 PMID: 36241718
Mutations of the RAS oncogene are found in around 30% of all human cancers yet direct targeting of RAS is still considered clinically impractical except for the KRAS mutant. Here … >>>
Mutations of the RAS oncogene are found in around 30% of all human cancers yet direct targeting of RAS is still considered clinically impractical except for the KRAS mutant. Here we report that RAS-ON (RASON), a novel protein encoded by the long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 00673 (LINC00673), is a positive regulator of oncogenic RAS signaling. RASON is aberrantly overexpressed in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients, and it promotes proliferation of human PDAC cell lines in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of Rason in mouse embryonic fibroblasts inhibits KRAS-mediated tumor transformation. Genetic deletion of Rason abolishes oncogenic KRAS-driven pancreatic and lung cancer tumorigenesis in LSL-Kras; Trp53 mice. Mechanistically, RASON directly binds to KRAS and inhibits both intrinsic and GTPase activating protein (GAP)-mediated GTP hydrolysis, thus sustaining KRAS in the GTP-bound hyperactive state. Therapeutically, deprivation of RASON sensitizes KRAS mutant pancreatic cancer cells and patient-derived organoids to EGFR inhibitors. Our findings identify RASON as a critical regulator of oncogenic KRAS signaling and a promising therapeutic target for KRAS mutant cancers. <<<