惊鸿 (2023-11-29 11:58):
#paper DOI : 10.1007/s00417-023-06158-2 Pub Date  : 2023-06-30 Comparisons of the protein expressions between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma in human 这篇论文的结论为,与中度近视角膜相比,高度近视角膜在前角膜基质上有 36 个 DEP。高度近视眼角膜的角质形成细胞迁移和细胞骨架的结构成分减弱,这可能部分解释了高度近视眼角膜生物力学较低的原因。较低表达的KRT16在高度近视角膜中发挥重要作用。
Comparisons of the protein expressions between high myopia and moderate myopia on the anterior corneal stroma in human
Abstract: No abstract available.