Ricardo (2023-10-31 22:15):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2308.01316 Patched Denoising Diffusion Models For High-Resolution Image Synthesis 最近在研究如何使用生成模型将脑分割图像映射回T1w/T2w图像,不过大多数医学图像生成算法都是基于patch的,然后将patch在体素空间拼回,但是这样的方法会出现边界不连续的现象。这篇文章提出用patch训练扩散模型,并在特征空间中消除边界效应。因此最近在尝试如何将这个方法应用于我的工作里。最近在做的工作是在全年龄段上构建脑模板图像,有机会可以和大家讲一讲这方面的工作。
Patched Denoising Diffusion Models For High-Resolution Image Synthesis
We propose an effective denoising diffusion model for generatinghigh-resolution images (e.g., 1024$\times$512), trained on small-size imagepatches (e.g., 64$\times$64). We name our algorithm Patch-DM, in which a newfeature collage strategy is designed to avoid the boundary artifact whensynthesizing large-size images. Feature collage systematically crops andcombines partial features of the neighboring patches to predict the features ofa shifted image patch, allowing the seamless generation of the entire image dueto the overlap in the patch feature space. Patch-DM produces high-quality imagesynthesis results on our newly collected dataset of nature images(1024$\times$512), as well as on standard benchmarks of smaller sizes(256$\times$256), including LSUN-Bedroom, LSUN-Church, and FFHQ. We compare ourmethod with previous patch-based generation methods and achievestate-of-the-art FID scores on all four datasets. Further, Patch-DM alsoreduces memory complexity compared to the classic diffusion models.