哪有情可长 (2023-11-30 10:03):
#paper Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding, Nature plants,18 July 2022,doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01190-2. 玉米杂交种表现出优越的杂种,是通过跨越属于遗传不同异种群的两个亲本近交系产生的。在这里,本文研究者装了 1,604 个历史上利用属于各种母本异质性组 (FHG) 和父本异质性组 (MHG) 的玉米系,并进行了表型和基因组测序分析。发现 FHG 和 MHG 对不同的农艺性状集经历了收敛和发散的变化。使用全基因组选择扫描和关联分析,确定了大量候选基因,这些基因有助于提高 FHG 和 MHG 的农艺性状。此外,研究人员还观察到FHGs和MHGs在育种时代的遗传分化增加,发现分化基因杂合子水平增加与杂交种杂合子杂合性呈正相关。后续验证了两个选定基因和分化基因的功能,确定其对株高和籽粒大小具有重要的影响。
IF:15.800Q1 Nature plants, 2022-07. DOI: 10.1038/s41477-022-01190-2 PMID: 35851624
Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding
Single-cross maize hybrids display superior heterosis and are produced from crossing two parental inbred lines belonging to genetically different heterotic groups. Here we assembled 1,604 historically utilized maize inbred lines belonging to various female heterotic groups (FHGs) and male heterotic groups (MHGs), and conducted phenotyping and genomic sequencing analyses. We found that the FHGs and MHGs have undergone both convergent and divergent changes for different sets of agronomic traits. Using genome-wide selection scans and association analyses, we identified a large number of candidate genes that contributed to the improvement of agronomic traits of the FHGs and MHGs. Moreover, we observed increased genetic differentiation between the FHGs and MHGs across the breeding eras, and we found a positive correlation between increasing heterozygosity levels in the differentiated genes and heterosis in hybrids. Furthermore, we validated the function of two selected genes and a differentiated gene. This study provides insights into the genomic basis of modern hybrid maize breeding.