Jarvi Coa (2023-11-30 09:39):
#paper DOI : 10.1021/jacs.2c11504 Pub Date  : 2023-01-26 Self-Stacking Autocatalytic Molecular Circuit with Minimal Catalytic DNA Assembly 本文提出了一种可扩展的自组装自催化DNNA电路(AAD),它由一个简单而有效的诱导序列反应组成。该系统由一小部分DNA分子序列反应和少量复制触发组成,且反应过程中可生成能够继续催化自身的trigger。通过深层理论模拟和系统实验演示,这些重新生成的trigger效率能够达到预期目标且具有较高特异性,因此可以很容易地改进以达到更有效且具有特征的DNA电路的信号放大。基于其指数级高信号感知性和最小反应组件,这种DNA分子电路大大加快了生物医学诊断和治疗评估的进程。
Self-Stacking Autocatalytic Molecular Circuit with Minimal Catalytic DNA Assembly
Isothermal autocatalytic DNA circuits have been proven to be versatile and powerful biocomputing platforms by virtue of their self-sustainable and self-accelerating reaction profiles, yet they are currently constrained by their complicated designs, severe signal leakages, and unclear reaction mechanisms. Herein, we developed a simpler-yet-efficient autocatalytic assembly circuit (AAC) for highly robust bioimaging in live cells and mice. The scalable and sustainable AAC system was composed of a mere catalytic DNA assembly reaction with minimal strand complexity and, upon specific stimulation, could reproduce numerous new triggers to expedite the whole reaction. Through in-depth theoretical simulations and systematic experimental demonstrations, the catalytic efficiency of these reproduced triggers was found to play a vital role in the autocatalytic profile and thus could be facilely improved to achieve more efficient and characteristic autocatalytic signal amplification. Due to its exponentially high signal amplification and minimal reaction components, our self-stacking AAC facilitated the efficient detection of trace biomolecules with low signal leakage, thus providing great clinical diagnosis and therapeutic assessment potential.