龙海晨 (2023-11-30 01:51):
#paper Janbazacyabar H, van Bergenhenegouwen J, Varasteh S, Garssen J, Folkerts G, Braber S. Repeated exposure of bronchial epithelial cells to particular matter increases allergen-induced cytokine release and permeability. Cytokine. 2022 Jun;154:155878. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155878. Epub 2022 Apr 8. PMID: 35405483. 这是一篇研究暴露在颗粒污染物下与过敏的文章。作者构建了一个通有电极的细胞模型。用以模拟检测长期暴露在柴油废气颗粒物环境下细胞的过敏反应。为进一步研究呼吸道在重污染下的过敏,哮喘提供了基础。
IF:3.700Q2 Cytokine, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155878 PMID: 35405483
Repeated exposure of bronchial epithelial cells to particular matter increases allergen-induced cytokine release and permeability
Long term particulate matter (PM) exposure has been associated with an increased incidence of respiratory diseases. Here, an in vitro model was developed to study how long term diesel exhaust particle (DEP) exposure might predispose to the development of allergic reactions. Airway epithelial (16HBE) cells were exposed to low concentrations of diesel exhaust particle (DEP) for 4 days after which they were challenged with house dust mite (HDM) extract (24 h). Compared to acute exposure (24 h), 4 days DEP exposure to 16HBE cells further reduced the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and increased CXCL-8 release. DEP pre-exposure aggravated HDM-induced loss of TEER, increased tracer flux across the barrier and reduced CLDN-3 expression in these 16HBE cells. HDM-induced cytokine (IL-6, CCL-22, IL-10 and CXCL-8) release was significantly increased after DEP pre-exposure. In the current study an in vitro model with long term PM exposure was presented, which might be helpful for further understanding the interplay between long term PM exposure and allergic responses.