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Vincent (2024-01-31 15:43):
#paper doi:https://www.jstor.org/stable/30047444 Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2006, Prediction by Supervised Principal Components. 当特征维度较高时,回归分析结果往往不是很理想,这一方面是因为数据噪声较大,另一方面是特征之间的相关性较高所导致的。这篇文章提出了一个简单有效的监督学习降维的框架,即根据特征与因变量之间的回归系数进行阈值筛选,再对筛出的少量特征降维,利用得到的主成分进行回归或者广义回归分析。这篇文章的主要理论贡献是在回归和生存分析的背景下论证了该方法的渐进一致性,比较了该方法其他方法(例如岭回归,lasso回归,偏最小二乘)的异同。文章最后还提到了该方法的局限性,例如无法处理单个特征与因变量边缘独立,但是几个特征联合起来与因变量不独立的情况等。
陆一幺 (2024-01-31 14:48):
#paper Integrated multi-omics profiling to dissect the spatiotemporal evolution of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma, Cancer cell vol. 42,1 (2024): 135-156.e17. doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2023.11.010 本文利用基因组、转录组、单细胞转录组和空转,包括数字病理等多组学联合测序技术,对肝癌组织样本进行了转移机制的探索:1.肝癌瘤内异质性和进化轨迹:PT和MT病灶基因组层面比较类似(包括CNA层面),肝外转移主要是单中心谱系播种的,而非多中心模式,且来源比较多样化。多克隆播种方式预后会更差。2.低氧信号促进多克隆扩散:富含低氧信号的原发肿瘤被发现促进了多克隆扩散。3.新抗原异质性与T细胞反应性降低:转移肿瘤中观察到的显著肿瘤内新抗原异质性与T细胞反应性降低相关。可能是由于转移肿瘤细胞进化出了抗原递呈缺陷的能力。4.亚克隆选择机制:在亚克隆选择机制的研究中发现,没有Wnt突变的亚克隆显示出比有Wnt突变的亚克隆更强的转移选择性优势。此外,没有Wnt突变的转移肿瘤表现出更多的免疫抑制B细胞,这些B细胞通过HLA-E:CD94-NKG2A免疫检查点轴介导CD8+ T细胞的终末耗竭。 文章工作量非常大,但故事性非常好,值得精读。
IF:48.800Q1 Cancer cell, 2024-01-08. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.11.010 PMID: 38101410
Comprehensive molecular analyses of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are lacking. Here, we generate multi-omic profiling of 257 primary and 176 metastatic regions from 182 HCC patients. Primary tumors rich in … >>>
Comprehensive molecular analyses of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are lacking. Here, we generate multi-omic profiling of 257 primary and 176 metastatic regions from 182 HCC patients. Primary tumors rich in hypoxia signatures facilitated polyclonal dissemination. Genomic divergence between primary and metastatic HCC is high, and early dissemination is prevalent. The remarkable neoantigen intratumor heterogeneity observed in metastases is associated with decreased T cell reactivity, resulting from disruptions to neoantigen presentation. We identify somatic copy number alterations as highly selected events driving metastasis. Subclones without Wnt mutations show a stronger selective advantage for metastasis than those with Wnt mutations and are characterized by a microenvironment rich in activated fibroblasts favoring a pro-metastatic phenotype. Finally, metastases without Wnt mutations exhibit higher enrichment of immunosuppressive B cells that mediate terminal exhaustion of CD8 T cells via HLA-E:CD94-NKG2A checkpoint axis. Collectively, our results provide a multi-dimensional dissection of the complex evolutionary process of metastasis. <<<
哪有情可长 (2024-01-31 14:34):
#paper Cell-cycle-linked growth reprogramming encodes developmental time into leaf morphogenesis, Current Biology, 19 January 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.050. 这篇文章开发出了针对植物活体组织生长的延时摄影体系,对拟南芥的幼小的叶片和成年叶片的发育进程从原基分化起始到形态分化进行全过程的追踪。该技术能够直观的展示植物年龄增长如何改变细胞的生长和增值,以及植物叶片内同等细胞层的组织形成潜力。后续为了验证这个体系的可靠性,选择了一个在拟南芥中前人鉴定发现的控制叶片的基因SPL9的突变体进行验证。本文的这个体系只能用于漏在外边的植物活体组织,但是像小麦穗和玉米穗这样前期被包裹的材料,进行活体组织生长的延时摄影应该还不能应用。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2024-02-05. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.050 PMID: 38244542
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric … >>>
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric analyses, fate-mapping through live-imaging, computational analyses, and genetics, we identify age-dependent changes in cell-cycle-associated growth and histogenesis that underpin leaf heteroblasty. We show that in juvenile leaves, cell proliferation competence is rapidly released in a "proliferation burst" coupled with fast growth, whereas in adult leaves, proliferative growth is sustained for longer and at a slower rate. These effects are mediated by the SPL9 transcription factor in response to inputs from both shoot age and individual leaf maturation along the proximodistal axis. SPL9 acts by activating CyclinD3 family genes, which are sufficient to bypass the requirement for SPL9 in the control of leaf shape and in heteroblastic reprogramming of cellular growth. In conclusion, we have identified a mechanism that bridges across cell, tissue, and whole-organism scales by linking cell-cycle-associated growth control to age-dependent changes in organ geometry. <<<
半面阳光 (2024-01-31 13:17):
#paper DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pd.5079, Prenatal diagnosis, 2017, Comparing methods for fetal fraction determination and quality control of NIPT samples. 在无创产前筛查(NIPT)的分析流程中,胎儿游离DNA浓度(cell-free fetal DNA fraction )是一个重要的参数,尤其是检测样本中具有高背景浓度的母亲游离DNA(maternal cell-free DNA),计算fetal fraction是NIPT流程中的一个重要环节。这篇文献比较了四种计算fetal fraction的方法,分别是DEFRAG、BAYINDIR、SEQFF、SANEFALCON。作者手机了654例外周血样本,其中279例为女胎,375例为男胎,然后进行NGS测序,再分别用4种方法计算fetal fraction。研究结果发现,DEFRAG和BAYINDIR这两种基于Y染色体测序数据进行计算的方法一致性要优于另外两种可以同时计算男女胎fetal fraction的方法。其中DEFRAG在计算低胎儿浓度的样本时,表现比BAYINDIR方法更好。而SeqFF和SANEFALCON这两种可计算女胎胎儿浓度的方法,虽然不及DEFRAG和BAYINDIR的准确性,但是SANEFALCON在计算由于胎儿浓度低而分析失败样本时表现较好,甚至优于DEFRAG。此外,作者还探讨分析了孕妇BMI指数和孕周对计算fetal fraction的影响,结果显示DEFRAG在计算fetal fraction时受到这两个参数的影响较其他方法更明显。
IF:2.700Q2 Prenatal diagnosis, 2017-Aug. DOI: 10.1002/pd.5079 PMID: 28561435
OBJECTIVE: To compare available analysis methods for determining fetal fraction on single read next generation sequencing data. This is important as the performance of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) procedures depends … >>>
OBJECTIVE: To compare available analysis methods for determining fetal fraction on single read next generation sequencing data. This is important as the performance of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) procedures depends on the fraction of fetal DNA.METHODS: We tested six different methods for the detection of fetal fraction in NIPT samples. The same clinically obtained data were used for all methods, allowing us to assess the effect of fetal fraction on the test result, and to investigate the use of fetal fraction for quality control.RESULTS: We show that non-NIPT methods based on body mass index (BMI) and gestational age are unreliable predictors of fetal fraction, male pregnancy specific methods based on read counts on the Y chromosome perform consistently and the fetal sex-independent new methods SeqFF and SANEFALCON are less reliable but can be used to obtain a basic indication of fetal fraction in case of a female fetus.CONCLUSION: We recommend the use of a combination of methods to prevent the issue of reports on samples with insufficient fetal DNA; SANEFALCON to check for presence of fetal DNA, SeqFF for estimating the fetal fraction for a female pregnancy and any Y-based method for estimating the fetal fraction for a male pregnancy. © 2017 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. <<<
尹志 (2024-01-31 10:39):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2304.02643 Segment Anything。Meta在2023年的一篇工作,提出了一个CV领域的基础模型。文章的目标很清楚,通过prompt的方式,实现通用的segmentatoin任务。虽然在互联网上爆炒一轮后趋于平淡,但是对CV社区的影响还是非常大的。后续的Grounding-DINO,Grounded-SAM等工作,都有着不错的效果,而且对后续CV任务的解决给出了一套不同的思考范式。整个工作偏工程,或者想法上原创性的亮点不多,网络结构上也充分借鉴了大量基于Transformer的创新工作。值得一提的正是工程上的思路或者说解决方案。meta提出了一个新颖的任务,即:如何通过一个通用的任务来解决图像分割。进而设计训练流程和对应的损失。在过程中,设计了一套有效的数据标注引擎,实现了高效标注数据生产,这对于行业应用有着很强的借鉴价值。 从研究角度来看,如何充分利用预训练好的sam模型,大模型中的先验如何提取,从而为特定领域下游任务提供支持是一个重要的研究方向。
We introduce the Segment Anything (SA) project: a new task, model, anddataset for image segmentation. Using our efficient model in a data collectionloop, we built the largest segmentation dataset to … >>>
We introduce the Segment Anything (SA) project: a new task, model, anddataset for image segmentation. Using our efficient model in a data collectionloop, we built the largest segmentation dataset to date (by far), with over 1billion masks on 11M licensed and privacy respecting images. The model isdesigned and trained to be promptable, so it can transfer zero-shot to newimage distributions and tasks. We evaluate its capabilities on numerous tasksand find that its zero-shot performance is impressive -- often competitive withor even superior to prior fully supervised results. We are releasing theSegment Anything Model (SAM) and corresponding dataset (SA-1B) of 1B masks and11M images at https://segment-anything.com to foster research into foundationmodels for computer vision. <<<
徐炳祥 (2024-01-31 09:45):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41588-020-00712-y Nature Genetics, 2020, CHESS enables quantitative comparison of chromatin contact data and automatic feature extraction。本文介绍了一种基于计算机视觉中结构相似度(SSIM)的Hi-C数据相似度度量和结构变化区域的搜索算法,通过在基因组上进行滑窗计算,该算法不仅能基于Hi-C数据计算出两个样品在全基因组水平下染色质空间构象的相似程度,更能通过局部计算寻找出存在显著染色质空间构象变异的区域。该算法不仅可以进行同一物种内的比较,也可以进行跨物种比较。且对测序深度不敏感。本文将计算机视觉中的很多降噪/特征提取/形态学处理技术引入到了Hi-C相互作用图谱的处理中,对计算机上视觉技术在染色质空间构象数据的分析中的应用有重要参考价值。
IF:31.700Q1 Nature genetics, 2020-11. DOI: 10.1038/s41588-020-00712-y PMID: 33077914
Dynamic changes in the three-dimensional (3D) organization of chromatin are associated with central biological processes, such as transcription, replication and development. Therefore, the comprehensive identification and quantification of these changes … >>>
Dynamic changes in the three-dimensional (3D) organization of chromatin are associated with central biological processes, such as transcription, replication and development. Therefore, the comprehensive identification and quantification of these changes is fundamental to understanding of evolutionary and regulatory mechanisms. Here, we present Comparison of Hi-C Experiments using Structural Similarity (CHESS), an algorithm for the comparison of chromatin contact maps and automatic differential feature extraction. We demonstrate the robustness of CHESS to experimental variability and showcase its biological applications on (1) interspecies comparisons of syntenic regions in human and mouse models; (2) intraspecies identification of conformational changes in Zelda-depleted Drosophila embryos; (3) patient-specific aberrant chromatin conformation in a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma sample; and (4) the systematic identification of chromatin contact differences in high-resolution Capture-C data. In summary, CHESS is a computationally efficient method for the comparison and classification of changes in chromatin contact data. <<<
🐼太真实 (2024-01-30 21:45):
#paper: doi:2110.11316 文章《CLOOB: Modern Hopfield Networks with InfoLOOB Outperform CLIP》介绍了一种名为CLOOB(Contrastive Leave One Out Boost)的新型自监督学习方法。这种方法结合了现代霍普菲尔德网络(Modern Hopfield Networks)和InfoLOOB目标(Leave One Out Bound),用于提升对比学习的效能。CLOOB在零样本转移学习(zero-shot transfer learning)方面,不论在哪种架构或数据集上,均优于之前的CLIP方法。 CLOOB的核心是使用现代霍普菲尔德网络来增强数据的共现性和协方差结构。这种网络与传统的霍普菲尔德网络相比,具有更高的存储容量和更快的检索速度。通过使用这些网络,CLOOB能够加强输入样本中特征的共现性和协方差结构,有效地提取和强化数据中的重要特征。 此外,CLOOB还采用了InfoLOOB目标函数来避免InfoNCE目标函数中出现的饱和问题。InfoLOOB目标是一种对比学习的目标,用于处理匹配对和不匹配对之间的关系,以减少目标函数的饱和,并使得学习过程更加高效。
CLIP yielded impressive results on zero-shot transfer learning tasks and isconsidered as a foundation model like BERT or GPT3. CLIP vision models thathave a rich representation are pre-trained using the … >>>
CLIP yielded impressive results on zero-shot transfer learning tasks and isconsidered as a foundation model like BERT or GPT3. CLIP vision models thathave a rich representation are pre-trained using the InfoNCE objective andnatural language supervision before they are fine-tuned on particular tasks.Though CLIP excels at zero-shot transfer learning, it suffers from anexplaining away problem, that is, it focuses on one or few features, whileneglecting other relevant features. This problem is caused by insufficientlyextracting the covariance structure in the original multi-modal data. Wesuggest to use modern Hopfield networks to tackle the problem of explainingaway. Their retrieved embeddings have an enriched covariance structure derivedfrom co-occurrences of features in the stored embeddings. However, modernHopfield networks increase the saturation effect of the InfoNCE objective whichhampers learning. We propose to use the InfoLOOB objective to mitigate thissaturation effect. We introduce the novel "Contrastive Leave One Out Boost"(CLOOB), which uses modern Hopfield networks for covariance enrichment togetherwith the InfoLOOB objective. In experiments we compare CLOOB to CLIP afterpre-training on the Conceptual Captions and the YFCC dataset with respect totheir zero-shot transfer learning performance on other datasets. CLOOBconsistently outperforms CLIP at zero-shot transfer learning across allconsidered architectures and datasets. <<<
李翛然 (2024-01-30 16:22):
#paper: doi:doi.org/10.1186/s42825-019-0012-x Quantitative and structural analysis of isotopically labelled natural crosslinks in type I skin collagen using LC-HRMS and SANS 这篇文章主要介绍了使用液相色谱-高分辨质谱(LC-HRMS)和小角散射(SANS)技术对I型皮肤胶原蛋白中的同位素标记天然交联物进行定量和结构分析的方法和结果。这项研究对于了解皮肤胶原蛋白的结构和功能具有重要意义。 1. 样品制备:研究使用了同位素标记的I型皮肤胶原蛋白样品,通过特定的实验方法进行制备。 2. 液相色谱-高分辨质谱(LC-HRMS)分析:研究使用LC-HRMS技术对样品中的同位素标记天然交联物进行定量分析。LC-HRMS技术能够提供高分辨率和高灵敏度的分析结果。 3. 小角散射(SANS)分析:研究使用SANS技术对样品中的同位素标记天然交联物进行结构分析。SANS技术能够提供关于样品中交联物的大小、形状和分布等信息。 这篇论文的优势包括: 1. 综合分析方法:研究采用了LC-HRMS和SANS两种不同的分析技术,能够从定量和结构两个方面全面地研究同位素标记天然交联物。 2. 高分辨率和高灵敏度:LC-HRMS技术具有高分辨率和高灵敏度的特点,能够提供准确的定量分析结果。 3. 结构信息获取:SANS技术能够提供关于交联物的结构信息,有助于深入了解其在皮肤胶原蛋白中的分布和作用。 然而,这篇论文也存在一些局限性: 1. 样品限制:研究中使用的是同位素标记的I型皮肤胶原蛋白样品,可能无法完全代表自然状态下的胶原蛋白。 2. 技术限制:虽然LC-HRMS和SANS技术在分析同位素标记天然交联物方面具有优势,但仍然存在一定的局限性,如分析时间较长、设备成本较高等。 3. 结果解释:由于同位素标记天然交联物的复杂性,对于分析结果的解释可能存在一定的挑战,需要进一步的研究和验证。 总体而言,这篇论文通过综合应用LC-HRMS和SANS技术,提供了一种定量和结构分析同位素标记天然交联物的方法,并揭示了其在I型皮肤胶原蛋白中的特征和作用,为进一步研究皮肤胶原蛋白的结构和功能提供了重要的参考。 这文章证是我的研究方向,帮助很大
Abstract Collagen structure in biological tissues imparts its intrinsic physical properties by the formation of several covalent crosslinks. For the first time, two major crosslinks in the skin dihydroxylysinonorleucine (HLNL) … >>>
Abstract Collagen structure in biological tissues imparts its intrinsic physical properties by the formation of several covalent crosslinks. For the first time, two major crosslinks in the skin dihydroxylysinonorleucine (HLNL) and histidinohydroxymerodesmosine (HHMD), were isotopically labelled and then analysed by liquid-chromatography high-resolution accurate-mass mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The isotopic labelling followed by LC-HRMS confirmed the presence of one imino group in both HLNL and HHMD, making them more susceptible to degrade at low pH. The structural changes in collagen due to extreme changes in the pH and chrome tanning were highlighted by the SANS contrast variation between isotopic labelled and unlabelled crosslinks. This provided a better understanding of the interaction of natural crosslinks with the chromium sulphate in collagen suggesting that the development of a benign crosslinking method can help retain the intrinsic physical properties of the leather. This analytical method can also be applied to study artificial crosslinking in other collagenous tissues for biomedical applications. Graphical abstract <<<
颜林林 (2024-01-30 09:58):
#paper doi:10.1101/2023.12.20.570816. bioRxiv, 2024, Neoantigen Cancer Vaccines and Different Immune Checkpoint Therapies Each Utilize Both Converging and Distinct Mechanisms that in Combination Enable Synergistic Therapeutic Efficacy. 本文使用甲基胆蒽烷(Methylcholanthrene,简称MCA,一种化学致癌物)诱导基因工程小鼠,构造了肉瘤动物模型,并以此作为研究体系,比较了新抗原疫苗和抗CTLA-4/抗PD-1的疗效。两种疗法都能促进肿瘤内特定CD8 T细胞的扩张,而新抗原疫苗的效应更为显著。文章通过单细胞转录组测序和单细胞免疫组库测序,分析了不同疗法导致了免疫微环境变化,揭示了这些细胞克隆型扩张与特定免疫治疗相关的表型和功能状态。新抗原疫苗与ICT联合使用显示出比单独使用任一治疗更高的疗效,为联合使用肿瘤免疫和免疫检查点治疗方法提供了证据支持。
The goal of therapeutic cancer vaccines and immune checkpoint therapy (ICT) is to eliminate cancer by expanding and/or sustaining T cells with anti-tumor capabilities. However, whether cancer vaccines and ICT … >>>
The goal of therapeutic cancer vaccines and immune checkpoint therapy (ICT) is to eliminate cancer by expanding and/or sustaining T cells with anti-tumor capabilities. However, whether cancer vaccines and ICT enhance anti-tumor immunity by distinct or overlapping mechanisms remains unclear. Here, we compared effective therapeutic tumor-specific mutant neoantigen (NeoAg) cancer vaccines with anti-CTLA-4 and/or anti-PD-1 ICT in preclinical models. Both NeoAg vaccines and ICT induce expansion of intratumoral NeoAg-specific CD8 T cells, though the degree of expansion and acquisition of effector activity was much more substantial following NeoAg vaccination. Further, we found that NeoAg vaccines are particularly adept at inducing proliferating and stem-like NeoAg-specific CD8 T cells. Single cell T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing revealed that TCR clonotype expansion and diversity of NeoAg-specific CD8 T cells relates to their phenotype and functional state associated with specific immunotherapies employed. Effective NeoAg vaccines and ICT required both CD8 and CD4 T cells. While NeoAg vaccines and anti-PD-1 affected the CD4 T cell compartment, it was to less of an extent than observed with anti-CTLA-4, which notably induced ICOSBhlhe40 Th1-like CD4 T cells and, when combined with anti-PD-1, a small subset of Th2-like CD4 T cells. Although effective NeoAg vaccines or ICT expanded intratumoral M1-like iNOS macrophages, NeoAg vaccines expanded rather than suppressed (as observed with ICT) M2-like CX3CR1CD206 macrophages, associated with the vaccine adjuvant. Further, combining NeoAg vaccination with ICT induced superior efficacy compared to either therapy in isolation, highlighting the utility of combining these modalities to eliminate cancer. <<<
龙海晨 (2024-01-23 11:39):
#paper Matarazzo L, Hernandez Santana YE, Walsh PT, Fallon PG. The IL-1 cytokine family as custodians of barrier immunity. Cytokine. 2022 Jun;154:155890. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155890. Epub 2022 Apr 21. PMID: 35462264.这是一篇介绍白介素1(IL-1)的综述,文章介绍了白介素家族成员的性质,人体相关的器官与白介素的关系,白介素相关的疾病,包括肺部,皮肤,肠道。不同的白介素在人体不同疾病中的作用。如何发挥免疫作用。
IF:3.700Q2 Cytokine, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155890 PMID: 35462264
The interleukin-1 (IL-1) family of cytokines and receptors are implicated in the functioning of innate and adaptive immunity and the genesis of inflammation. They are widely expressed in structural and … >>>
The interleukin-1 (IL-1) family of cytokines and receptors are implicated in the functioning of innate and adaptive immunity and the genesis of inflammation. They are widely expressed in structural and immune cells with marked expression within barrier mucosal surfaces. In the lung, gut and skin, which are common entry sites for pathogens, they play essential functions in maintaining the functional integrity of the barrier and manage innate and adaptive immunity in response to insult and infections. In tissue sites, the IL-1 cytokines are tightly regulated by mechanisms involving decoy receptors and protease degradation. Dysregulation of these processes are associated with aberrant tissue inflammation leading to a number of inflammatory diseases. This review will address the roles of the different IL-1 cytokines at the lung, gut and skin barrier surfaces at homeostasis, and their roles as inflammatory mediators in diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. <<<
DeDe宝 (2024-01-03 23:11):
#paper doi: 10.1037/xge0001279 Did it Move? Humans use Spatio-temporal Landmark Permanency Efficiently for Navigation, J Exp Psychol Gen 地标在导航过程提供重要信息,且永久性(不随时间变化)的地标似乎更加可信。这篇研究将地标的时空永久性视为概率属性,研究了人类对地标永久性概率的学习。研究假设人类将能够了解地标永久性的概率性质,并为更永久的地标分配更高的权重。研究使用homing task,要求被试返回三个地标指示的位置。在学习阶段,研究者在被试返航前重定位其中一个地标以操纵其时间永久性(被试不被告知该移动),在测试阶段,研究者分析被试分配给非永久地标的权重。研究一共使用四个实验,前两个实验改变了地标的永久性,发现被试分配给非永久性地标更低的权重。后两个实验分析短期学习和长期经验对地标永久性的影响,结果发现长期的先验信念很快就会被当前的永久性统计数据更新。这些结果表明人类快速学习和更新地标永久性的规律,并以有效的方式使用它,逐渐为更永久的地标分配更多的权重,使其对导航更加重要。
小年 (2023-12-31 22:02):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28421-6. Machine learning-based integration develops an immune-derived lncRNA signature for improving outcomes in colorectal cancer. Nat Commun. 2022 Feb 10;13(1):816. 在该项研究中,作者开发了一种基于机器学习的整合程序,用于构建共识免疫相关lncRNA特征(称为IRLS)。整体思路为:免疫浸润共识簇的开发和验证-鉴定源自免疫浸润模式的lncRNA模块-101种机器学习算法筛选最佳预测模型。通过对模型的评估发现,IRLS和AJCC分期的结合可以进一步提高模型的预测能力。作者还通过免疫相关lnRNA预后评分模型与已知发表了的基因signature多套数据集中进行比较分析,计算当前癌症类型中已发表的signature的C-index,重点体现本研究中lncRNAs的优势。 这篇免疫相关lncRNA的文章值得我们学习的最大亮点是,不像常规预后模型文章那样只用2-4种机器学习算法然后取交集(cox、lasso、RF等等),而是通过整合了10种不同的机器学习算法(包括Support Vector Machine (SVM), Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (Lasso), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Random Forest, Elastic Net, Stepwise Cox, Ridge, CoxBoost, Super Partial Correlation (SuperPC), and Partial Least Squares with Cox regression (plsRcox)),并评估了101种算法组合这些机器学习算法,直至筛选出最优的预后模型。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2022-02-10. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28421-6 PMID: 35145098
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are recently implicated in modifying immunology in colorectal cancer (CRC). Nevertheless, the clinical significance of immune-related lncRNAs remains largely unexplored. In this study, we develope a … >>>
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are recently implicated in modifying immunology in colorectal cancer (CRC). Nevertheless, the clinical significance of immune-related lncRNAs remains largely unexplored. In this study, we develope a machine learning-based integrative procedure for constructing a consensus immune-related lncRNA signature (IRLS). IRLS is an independent risk factor for overall survival and displays stable and powerful performance, but only demonstrates limited predictive value for relapse-free survival. Additionally, IRLS possesses distinctly superior accuracy than traditional clinical variables, molecular features, and 109 published signatures. Besides, the high-risk group is sensitive to fluorouracil-based adjuvant chemotherapy, while the low-risk group benefits more from bevacizumab. Notably, the low-risk group displays abundant lymphocyte infiltration, high expression of CD8A and PD-L1, and a response to pembrolizumab. Taken together, IRLS could serve as a robust and promising tool to improve clinical outcomes for individual CRC patients. <<<
朵朵 (2023-12-31 22:01):
#Paper DOI:10.14015 / j.cnki.1004-8049.2023.11.001 吴琳:“大国身份叙事重塑与印度的新‘全球南方’外交”,《太平洋学报》,2023 年第 11 期,第 1-15 页。 2023年是印度外交大年,也是2024年印度大选前的关键一年。莫迪政府外交政策在两个重点方向均出现新动向:一是“亲西方”外交取得实质性进展;二是力推“全球南方”议程。外交学院亚洲研究所副研究员吴琳的这篇论文认为,印度在“领导型大国”“西南方大国”和“全球南方领导者”的新叙事下,开启了大国战略转型进程。 印度独立以前就是一个极为重要的南方国家。印度作为“全球南方”地缘中心、文明中心的历史地位形塑了其“全球南方”的身份认知。印度处于亚洲东西两大经济世界的交汇处,它们彼此之间的联系是以印度为中心的跷跷板向两端摆动的结果:时而东方得势,时而西方抬头,在摇摆的过程中印度的地位始终保持不变。十八世纪英国殖民体系在全球的建立,同样是以印度为主要战略中心的。这种长期以来形成的无与伦比的文明优越感和得天独厚的地缘中心地位,为现代印度崇尚“有声有色”外交和“摇摆国家”战略偏好提供了强大的历史基础。 而现在,为了抓住历史性发展机遇,助力印度大国崛起,莫迪政府对印度国际角色进行了改造,即从“全球南方”的身份叙事转向“世界大国”的身份叙事。在国内动员和国际叙事塑造的推动下,“领导型大国”“西南大国”和“全球南方领导者”日渐成为印度国际角色的新标签。 政策取向上,印度的新“全球南方”外交主要表现为推动国际发展合作转型,强化以印度教文化为基础的软实力外交,倡导以联合国改革为核心的“改革多边主义”,特别是联合西方对华进行“全球南方领导者”的地位竞争,具体表现为以下两个方面:一是反对“一带一路”倡议,联合西方提出对冲中国的替代性方案;二是在新兴国家合作平台中对中国实施软制衡。 不过,尽管当前的国际战略环境总体有利于印度,但在新“全球南方”外交的实施过程中,印度仍将面临多方面的制约:一是发展融资能力有限制约其国际发展合作,二是国内政治极端化外溢损害其软实力投射,三是“全球南方”代言人承诺面临来自西方和“全球南方”的双重张力,包括西方对印度战略利诱的张力和南方国家避免在大国地缘政治竞争中选边站队的张力。
Vincent (2023-12-31 21:15):
#paper doi: 10.1126/science.adi6000 Prediction-powered inference, science 2023 目前很多领域里已标注的数据(金标准)较稀缺而未标注的数据较丰富,如何使用这些数据得到严谨的统计结论还面临着颇多挑战。传统方法的思路是只使用这些少数的金标准的数据进行统计推断,这种方案得到的统计结果有效,但样本量少会导致可能的发现较少。另一种思路是使用预测模型对未标注的数据进行标注,用补全标签后的数据和金标准数据进行统计推断,这种方案样本量大,但其假设了预测模型是完美的, 很多时候这种假设并不成立,预测误差与偏差累计可能会导致无效的统计结论。这篇文章提出了一个通用的框架,在使用预测模型的同时也保证了统计结论的有效性。该框架分为三步,1.选择需要估计的参数,2.从未标注数据估计拟合度,从标注数据估计矫正量,3.结合拟合度与校正量获取参数的置信区间。文章在数学上证明了对于任意的预测算法与数据分布,这种基于预测的统计推断能够确保置信区间涵盖真实值的概率达到给定的置信度。由于该方法能够使用的样本量更大,后续数据分析也验证了其较传统方法得到的置信区间更窄,p-value更有效。
Prediction-powered inference is a framework for performing valid statistical inference when an experimental dataset is supplemented with predictions from a machine-learning system. The framework yields simple algorithms for computing provably … >>>
Prediction-powered inference is a framework for performing valid statistical inference when an experimental dataset is supplemented with predictions from a machine-learning system. The framework yields simple algorithms for computing provably valid confidence intervals for quantities such as means, quantiles, and linear and logistic regression coefficients without making any assumptions about the machine-learning algorithm that supplies the predictions. Furthermore, more accurate predictions translate to smaller confidence intervals. Prediction-powered inference could enable researchers to draw valid and more data-efficient conclusions using machine learning. The benefits of prediction-powered inference were demonstrated with datasets from proteomics, astronomy, genomics, remote sensing, census analysis, and ecology. <<<
白鸟 (2023-12-31 20:28):
#paper The cancer-immunity cycle: Indication, genotype, and immunotype,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2023.09.011. 此文为综述文章,重点介绍了2013年发展的癌症免疫循环(CI),即一系列抗癌免疫反应,文章在此框架下进行更新补充。它强调免疫反应的循环迭代,T细胞杀死肿瘤细胞启动后续多轮次的抗原呈递和T细胞刺激,维持主动免疫并使其适应肿瘤进化。CI循环中的任一步骤都可能成为限速因素,导致免疫系统无法抑制肿瘤生长。 (1) 免疫检查点阻断治疗:必须在CI循环的背景下发挥作用; (2) 3种肿瘤免疫型:免疫炎症、免疫排斥或免疫沙漠型; (3) 免疫检查点阻断-Tex细胞:PD-L1最重要的来源可能不是肿瘤细胞,而是首先刺激肿瘤特异性T细胞的抗原呈递DC; (4) CI循环框架的影响因素:肿瘤环境TME, CAF,髓系细胞,肿瘤细胞的免疫抑制,TLS,宿主相关因素(遗传基因,微生物组);
IF:25.500Q1 Immunity, 2023-10-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.09.011 PMID: 37820582
The cancer-immunity cycle provides a framework to understand the series of events that generate anti-cancer immune responses. It emphasizes the iterative nature of the response where the killing of tumor … >>>
The cancer-immunity cycle provides a framework to understand the series of events that generate anti-cancer immune responses. It emphasizes the iterative nature of the response where the killing of tumor cells by T cells initiates subsequent rounds of antigen presentation and T cell stimulation, maintaining active immunity and adapting it to tumor evolution. Any step of the cycle can become rate-limiting, rendering the immune system unable to control tumor growth. Here, we update the cancer-immunity cycle based on the remarkable progress of the past decade. Understanding the mechanism of checkpoint inhibition has evolved, as has our view of dendritic cells in sustaining anti-tumor immunity. We additionally account for the role of the tumor microenvironment in facilitating, not just suppressing, the anti-cancer response, and discuss the importance of considering a tumor's immunological phenotype, the "immunotype". While these new insights add some complexity to the cycle, they also provide new targets for research and therapeutic intervention. <<<
龙海晨 (2023-12-31 20:01):
#paper Zhang W, Ma Z, Wu Y, Shi X, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Zhang M, Wang L, Liu W. SARS-CoV-2 3C-like protease antagonizes interferon-beta production by facilitating the degradation of IRF3. Cytokine. 2021 Dec;148:155697. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2021.155697. Epub 2021 Sep 3. PMID: 34509038; PMCID: PMC8413301. 文章通过对转染SARS-CoV-2的293T细胞(人)。研究感染病毒后,细胞的 RLR 通路,发现感染后,I 型干扰素的产生受到 SARS-CoV-2 3CL的显著影响。
IF:3.700Q2 Cytokine, 2021-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2021.155697 PMID: 34509038
The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 is a great threat to global public health. However, the relationship between the viral pathogen SARS-CoV-2 and host innate immunity has not yet been well studied. … >>>
The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 is a great threat to global public health. However, the relationship between the viral pathogen SARS-CoV-2 and host innate immunity has not yet been well studied. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 encodes a viral protease called 3C-like protease. This protease is responsible for cleaving viral polyproteins during replication. In this investigation, 293T cells were transfected with SARS-CoV-2 3CL and then infected with Sendai virus (SeV) to induce the RIG-I like receptor (RLR)-based immune pathway. q-PCR, luciferase reporter assays, and western blotting were used for experimental analyses. We found that SARS-CoV-2 3CL significantly downregulated IFN-β mRNA levels. Upon SeV infection, SARS-CoV-2 3CL inhibited the nuclear translocation of IRF3 and p65 and promoted the degradation of IRF3. This effect of SARS-CoV-2 3CL on type I IFN in the RLR immune pathway opens up novel ideas for future research on SARS-CoV-2. <<<
小W (2023-12-31 18:12):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2023.11.002 Mechanism-aware and multimodal AI: beyond model-agnostic interpretation 本文是一篇介绍通过多模态人工智能将多组学、临床数据和基因组规模代谢模型(GSMM 通量组学)结合起来,以生成更准确透明解释的生物标志物的综述文章。本文介绍了GSMM的构建方法、用于多模态数据集成的 AI 建模方法以及图神经网络方法。GSMM的构建来源于组学数据,其参考文章也验证使用转录组数据和GSMM的多模态模型对于酵母生长预测性能的提升,并揭示了仅从基因表达中无法直接推断的功能模式。
IF:13.000Q1 Trends in cell biology, 2024-02. DOI: 10.1016/j.tcb.2023.11.002 PMID: 38087709
Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used for exploiting multimodal biomedical data, with increasingly accurate predictions and model-agnostic interpretations, which are however also agnostic to biological mechanisms. Combining metabolic modelling, 'omics, … >>>
Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used for exploiting multimodal biomedical data, with increasingly accurate predictions and model-agnostic interpretations, which are however also agnostic to biological mechanisms. Combining metabolic modelling, 'omics, and imaging data via multimodal AI can generate predictions that can be interpreted mechanistically and transparently, therefore with significantly higher therapeutic potential. <<<
符毓 Yu (2023-12-31 16:44):
#paper doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06306-y Nature, 2023, Solid-body trajectoids shaped to roll along desired pathways 本文介绍了一种名为trajectoids的固体轨迹体,可以沿着所需路径滚动,并通过算法设计出这些轨迹体,并通过三维打印验证了这些设计的可行性。文章探讨了轨迹体的运动规律、路径设计和形态学,并提供了多个物理系统中的应用案例,如量子力学、经典光学和机器人学等。研究结果对于理解物体运动的动力学和设计新型光学器件具有重要意义
半面阳光 (2023-12-31 14:41):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41436-018-0295-y genetics in medicine, 2019,Performance of prenatal cfDNA screening for sex chromosomes. Copy-number variants in clinical genome sequencing: deployment and interpretation for rare and undiagnosed disease. 这篇文献是用测序的方法进行疾病相关的CNVs检测。研究分析比较了17个参考样本的测序和临床芯片检测CNVs的结果。进一步建立了以家庭为单位的基于测序技术的CNVs calling方法,并用79个罕见或未确诊案例的样本对该方法进行了验证。结果表明测序在CNV calling上与芯片效果无差。此外,文章建立的方法还可以检出UPD和三体的嵌合情况。这是一篇关注测序技术用于临床CNVsj检测文章,是了解目前临床已经广泛开展的CNV-Seq检测方法的前导和基础参考。
尹志 (2023-12-31 14:32):
#paper Consistency Models https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.01469 扩散模型目前已经是生成式AI的核心技术方案了,但是由于它的迭代生成的性质,使得采样速度一直存在问题,因此在实际应用的场景下就会遇到阻碍。CM(consistency models)作为常规的扩散模型的高效改进方案,基于PE(probability flow) ODE轨道,提出一个针对ODE轨道(可以认为是演化迭代的步骤)上的映射,使得我们能够从任意轨道点,即任意迭代的timestep,映射到初始点,即原图。cm模型的提出,让单步扩散模型采样的质量变得更高,从而带动了大量实际应用的产生,包括图像编辑、图像补全等。目前大量基于扩散模型的实际应用,都已经使用了cm。这个是年初的时候Yang Song大佬和Ilya Sutskever一起的工作,四个作者全部都是来自openAI的扩散模型大佬。
Diffusion models have significantly advanced the fields of image, audio, andvideo generation, but they depend on an iterative sampling process that causesslow generation. To overcome this limitation, we propose consistency … >>>
Diffusion models have significantly advanced the fields of image, audio, andvideo generation, but they depend on an iterative sampling process that causesslow generation. To overcome this limitation, we propose consistency models, anew family of models that generate high quality samples by directly mappingnoise to data. They support fast one-step generation by design, while stillallowing multistep sampling to trade compute for sample quality. They alsosupport zero-shot data editing, such as image inpainting, colorization, andsuper-resolution, without requiring explicit training on these tasks.Consistency models can be trained either by distilling pre-trained diffusionmodels, or as standalone generative models altogether. Through extensiveexperiments, we demonstrate that they outperform existing distillationtechniques for diffusion models in one- and few-step sampling, achieving thenew state-of-the-art FID of 3.55 on CIFAR-10 and 6.20 on ImageNet 64x64 forone-step generation. When trained in isolation, consistency models become a newfamily of generative models that can outperform existing one-step,non-adversarial generative models on standard benchmarks such as CIFAR-10,ImageNet 64x64 and LSUN 256x256. <<<