(2024-10-31 23:48):
#paper:doi: Parallel cognitive maps for short-term statistical and long-term semantic relationships in the hippocampal formation 海马-内嗅皮层不仅加工空间信息,同时也加工其它类型的信息,如关系信息(社交信息)等。但是海马到底是把刺激的不同维度整合到一个联合地图中还是每个信息纬度都是一个平行地图?作者重新分析了之前Garvert等的核磁数据,实验任务可以构建出一个包含语义信息和统计规律的地图,作者通过计算模型,mds等方法计算证明了海马中是形成了多个地图的,并不是将多个结构整合到一个地图中。
DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.29.505742
Parallel cognitive maps for short-term statistical and long-term semantic relationships in the hippocampal formation
AbstractThe hippocampal-entorhinal system uses cognitive maps to represent spatial knowledge and other types of relational information, such as the transition probabilities between objects. However, objects can often be characterized in terms of different types of relations simultaneously, e.g. semantic similarities learned over the course of a lifetime as well as transitions experienced over a brief timeframe in an experimental setting. Here we ask how the hippocampal formation handles the embedding of stimuli in multiple relational structures that differ vastly in terms of their mode and timescale of acquisition: Does it integrate the different stimulus dimensions into one conjunctive map, or is each dimension represented in a parallel map? To this end, we reanalyzed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from Garvert et al. (2017) that had previously revealed an entorhinal map which coded for newly learnt statistical regularities. We used a triplet odd-one-out task to construct a semantic distance matrix for presented items and applied fMRI adaptation analysis to show that the degree of similarity of representations in bilateral hippocampus decreases as a function of semantic distance between presented objects. Importantly, while both maps localize to the hippocampal formation, this semantic map is anatomically distinct from the originally described entorhinal map. This finding supports the idea that the hippocampal-entorhinal system forms parallel cognitive maps reflecting the embedding of objects in diverse relational structures.
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