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颜林林 (2022-09-25 15:32):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.09.20.22280143 medRxiv, 2022, Whole-Genome Promoter Profiling of Plasma Cell-Free DNA Exhibits Predictive Value for Preterm Birth. 这篇文章试图从孕期母亲外周血cfDNA中发现早产相关生物标志物。对20例足月与20例早产的入组孕产妇进行全基因组测序,以及相应胎盘和外周血的全转录组测序,从中找到差异表达基因,并与外周血cfDNA中相应基因上游调控序列的覆盖深度进行关联,由此得到的特征,在2590例孕产妇(2072足月对518早产)的NIPT数据中进行验证,并预期此检测将为当前NIPT服务提供更多附加价值。这是一篇预发表文章,其摘要仅仅提及最后的两千多例的模型及性能,与正文整体逻辑还是有一定区别的,显然其文章逻辑还需要再继续打磨,不过这套数据及结果还是挺值得关注下的。
Preterm birth (PTB) occurs in around 11% of all births worldwide, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality for both mothers and offspring. Identification of pregnancies at risk of preterm birth … >>>
Preterm birth (PTB) occurs in around 11% of all births worldwide, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality for both mothers and offspring. Identification of pregnancies at risk of preterm birth in early pregnancy may help improve intervention and reduce its incidence. However, there exist few methods for PTB prediction developed with large sample size, high throughput screening and validation in independent cohorts. Here, we established a large scale, multi center, and case control study that included 2,590 pregnancies (2,072 full term and 518 preterm pregnancies) from three independent hospitals to develop a preterm birth classifier. We implemented whole genome sequencing on their plasma cfDNA and then their promoter profiling (read depth spanning from -1 KB to +1 KB around the transcriptional start site) was analyzed. Using three machine learning models and two feature selection algorithms, classifiers for predicting preterm delivery were developed. Among them, a classifier based on the support vector machine model and backward algorithm, named PTerm (Promoter profiling classifier for preterm prediction), exhibited the largest AUC value of 0.878 (0.852-0.904) following LOOCV cross validation. More importantly, PTerm exhibited good performance in three independent validation cohorts and achieved an overall AUC of 0.849 (0.831-0.866). Taken together, PTerm could be based on current noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT) data without changing its procedure or adding detection cost, which can be easily adapted for preclinical tests. <<<
颜林林 (2022-03-20 16:16):
#paper doi:10.1101/2022.03.14.22272390 medRxiv, 2022, AI-Augmented Clinical Decision Support in a Patient-Centric Precision Oncology Registry. 这篇文章介绍了一项由人工智能技术辅助开展肿瘤精准诊疗的工作。文章作者来自xCures公司(成立于2018年),通讯作者Jeff Shrager是该公司的创始人,同时也是斯坦福的客座教授。实现类似目的的医学专家系统,至少可以追溯至上世纪七十年代,到如今即使看似AI技术早已渗透至医疗诸多领域,但却依然缺乏卓有成效的医疗决策通用解决方案,随着IBM Watson折戟,更让人们意识到这个伟大梦想所遭遇的种种现实困难。本文介绍了xCures公司开展的一项临床试验(NCT03793088),该临床试验建立了一个在线平台XCELSIOR,用于登记癌症患者信息,使用NLP等技术对患者病历数据进行格式化和标准化,号称“以患者为中心”,应该是形成类似于患者大健康病历记录,再结合各类公共数据库资源及其他信息,形成针对患者的可选诊疗方案的推荐及排序,并通过由分子药理学家和肿瘤专家组成的虚拟肿瘤委员会 (VTB) 团队进行人工审查,将结果提供给医生和患者,用于指导后续治疗方案决策。该临床试验面向难治性或晚期癌症患者,预计入组1万人(起始于2019年,预计2024年完成),目前已入组2千多人,并以每周约15例患者的速度在持续。其目标正如该公司官网上宣称的“uses artificial intelligence (A.I.) and predictive modeling to identify and rank the most promising treatment options for people with cancer who have exhausted the standard of care”。我个人相信,类似工作在全球各地肯定并非屈指可数,这些工作在未来必然会体现出难以估量的价值,但价值究竟如何体现,目前尚不明朗,即使这篇文章也未呈现出其独特优势所在,临床试验的评判终点也语焉不详,更多信息还有待继续观察。不过从本文及其补充材料的详细介绍看,该工作的工程意义更胜于科学意义,而这篇preprint更多可能是宣传价值。该工作是否会给其公司形成足够盈利也很难说,但能够以正式临床试验的形式开展,看似认真地建立体系并执行,其中细节应该也还是值得关注和学习的。