前进 (2024-10-31 15:09):
#paper arXiv:2408.05839v2 Deep Learning in Medical Image Registration: Magic or Mirage? 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024) 这篇论文深入探讨了医学图像配准领域中,基于深度学习的图像配准(DLIR)与传统优化方法的性能对比。论文比较了传统优化方法和基于学习的学习方法在DIR中的性能,指出传统方法在跨模态的泛化能力和稳健性能方面具有优势,而基于学习的方法则通过弱监督来实现更优的性能。通过一系列实验,论文验证了在无监督设置下,基于学习的方法在标签匹配性能上并没有显著超越传统方法,并提出了一个假设,即学习方法中的架构设计不太可能影响像素强度分布和标签之间的互信息,因此也不太可能显著提升基于学习的方法的性能。此外,论文还展示了在弱监督下,基于学习的方法具有更高的配准精度,这是传统方法难以实现的。然而,基于学习的方法对数据分布的变化较为敏感,并且未能展现出对数据分布变化的鲁棒性。论文最后给出结论,如果没有大型标记数据集,传统优化方法仍然是更优的选择。
arXiv, 2024-08-11T18:20:08Z. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2408.05839
Deep Learning in Medical Image Registration: Magic or Mirage?
Classical optimization and learning-based methods are the two reigningparadigms in deformable image registration. While optimization-based methodsboast generalizability across modalities and robust performance, learning-basedmethods promise peak performance, incorporating weak supervision and amortizedoptimization. However, the exact conditions for either paradigm to perform wellover the other are shrouded and not explicitly outlined in the existingliterature. In this paper, we make an explicit correspondence between themutual information of the distribution of per-pixel intensity and labels, andthe performance of classical registration methods. This strong correlationhints to the fact that architectural designs in learning-based methods isunlikely to affect this correlation, and therefore, the performance oflearning-based methods. This hypothesis is thoroughly validated withstate-of-the-art classical and learning-based methods. However, learning-basedmethods with weak supervision can perform high-fidelity intensity and labelregistration, which is not possible with classical methods. Next, we show thatthis high-fidelity feature learning does not translate to invariance to domainshift, and learning-based methods are sensitive to such changes in the datadistribution. Finally, we propose a general recipe to choose the best paradigmfor a given registration problem, based on these observations.