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白鸟 (2025-01-31 11:26):
#paper 10.1126/sciadv.aba1972 Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals profibrotic roles of distinct epithelial and mesenchymal lineages in pulmonary fibrosis. 这是2020年发表一篇PF肺纤维化的文章,文章很经典,发现了一群稀有细胞群,KRT5 −/KRT17 +上皮细胞群, 产生ECM细胞外基质。文章的分析也很系统,单细胞的常规分析和湿实验验证,同类文章的稀有细胞验证。实验部分有个细节,流式分选CD45 −和 C45 +细胞以 2:1 的比例混合成单细胞悬液,故上皮细胞检出很多。目前,疾病相关的单细胞文章很多,对同类疾病文章之间结论,细节,反复梳理和验证,可能会有新的发现。
DeDe宝 (2024-11-02 15:29):
#paper:doi: doi/10.1126/sciadv.ado4103 Noninvasive modulation of the hippocampal-entorhinal complex during spatial navigation in humans.本研究利用经颅时间干扰电刺激(tTIS)技术,非侵入性地调节人脑海马-内嗅皮层复合体(HC-EC)活动,以研究其在空间导航中的作用。通过在虚拟现实空间导航任务中应用连续(cTBS)和间歇(iTBS)theta-burst刺激模式,与控制条件相比较,研究发现iTBS提高了空间导航性能,与海马活动增加和内嗅皮层网格细胞样活动减少相关。这些结果表明,通过非侵入性手段可以直接调节HC-EC活动,改变空间导航行为,为认知障碍患者提供了潜在的治疗策略。
Because of the depth of the hippocampal-entorhinal complex (HC-EC) in the brain, understanding of its role in spatial navigation via neuromodulation was limited in humans. Here, we aimed to better … >>>
Because of the depth of the hippocampal-entorhinal complex (HC-EC) in the brain, understanding of its role in spatial navigation via neuromodulation was limited in humans. Here, we aimed to better elucidate this relationship in healthy volunteers, using transcranial temporal interference electric stimulation (tTIS), a noninvasive technique allowing to selectively neuromodulate deep brain structures. We applied tTIS to the right HC-EC in either continuous or intermittent theta-burst stimulation patterns (cTBS or iTBS), compared to a control condition, during a virtual reality–based spatial navigation task and concomitant functional magnetic resonance imaging. iTBS improved spatial navigation performance, correlated with hippocampal activity modulation, and decreased grid cell–like activity in EC. Collectively, these data provide the evidence that human HC-EC activity can be directly and noninvasively modulated leading to changes of spatial navigation behavior. These findings suggest promising perspectives for patients suffering from cognitive impairment such as following traumatic brain injury or dementia. <<<