当前共找到 1168 篇文献分享,本页显示第 61 - 80 篇。
(2024-12-22 16:33):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41593-024-01812-2, Nature Neuroscience, The cell-type underpinnings of the human functional cortical connectome. 这篇文章于上月发表在《Nature Neuroscience》,结合 fMRI 和单细胞转录组测序数据,研究大脑皮层功能梯度与细胞类型分布的关系。fMRI 通常用于从宏观上研究大脑功能,而转录组等基于高通量测序的技术则太过微观,难以直接对应到宏观功能上。我最近因参与的课题,需要将基因组学与脑影像学结合起来,因此对这个方向做了一些文献调研,但发现绝大多数文章在将fMRI和组学数据进行关联时都浅尝辄止,所幸找到这篇文章在这方面的分析相对深入,因此给了我一定的启发。他们的 fMRI 数据来自 Human Connectome Project(HCP),而单核 RNA 测序(snRNA-seq)数据来自 Allen 人脑图谱(AHBA)。通过将 fMRI 数据得到的功能网络,映射成为功能梯度(functional gradients),功能梯度反映了从单模态(如视觉)到跨模态(如默认网络)的连续变化;再利用反卷积方法分析转录组数据,推断出每个皮层分区的细胞组成;之后通过空间坐标将两者对齐并联系起来,从而可以对不同功能梯度的细胞组成分布变化关系进行详细讨论。这篇文章的数据和方法都是公开的,值得仔细研究下其方法细节。
(2024-12-09 13:52):
#paper Järve M, Saag L, Scheib CL, Pathak AK, Montinaro F, Pagani L, Flores R, Guellil M, Saag L, Tambets K, Kushniarevich A, Solnik A, Varul L, Zadnikov S, Petrauskas O, Avramenko M, Magomedov B, Didenko S, Toshev G, Bruyako I, Grechko D, Okatenko V, Gorbenko K, Smyrnov O, Heiko A, Reida R, Sapiehin S, Sirotin S, Tairov A, Beisenov A, Starodubtsev M, Vasilev V, Nechvaloda A, Atabiev B, Litvinov S, Ekomasova N, Dzhaubermezov M, Voroniatov S, Utevska O, Shramko I, Khusnutdinova E, Metspalu M, Savelev N, Kriiska A, Kivisild T, Villems R. Shifts in the Genetic Landscape of the Western Eurasian Steppe Associated with the Beginning and End of the Scythian Dominance. Curr Biol. 2019 Jul 22;29(14):2430-2441.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.06.019. Epub 2019 Jul 11. PMID: 31303491. 这是一篇DNA检测与考古相结合的文章,文章对欧洲西部草原古代人类DNA进行研究,根据古代 DNA 证据,铁器时代早期的游牧斯基泰人被描述为不同起源的部落联盟 。研究提供了 31 个古代西方和东方草原个体的新全基因组序列,包括斯基泰人以及他们之前和之后的样本,在斯基泰人统治初期的铁器时代早期滨海基因库中检测到东部(阿尔泰)亲和力的增加以及东部狩猎采集者血统的减少。乌克兰斯基泰人之后的切尔尼亚希夫文化样本中近东血统的比例明显高于本研究的其他样本。基因构成与后斯基泰切尔尼亚希夫文化的哥特式起源一致。
(2024-12-02 21:14):
#paper Topological semimetals with intrinsic chirality as spin-controlling electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction. Published: 25 November 2024
这篇文章是由德国马克斯·普朗克固体研究所(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)的科学家们主导的研究工作。研究团队报告了一系列具有内在手性的拓扑半金属,这些材料能够有效地进行水分解。特别是,基于Rh的拓扑单晶(RhSi、RhSn和RhBiS)展现了手性、大的自旋-轨道耦合(SOC)和良好的导电性这三个关键特性。这些Rh基手性晶体作为OER催化剂在碱性电解质中展现出比RuO2显著增强的OER活性。实验和量子输运计算表明,Rh基手性晶体的OER活性与SOC和自旋极化成正比。其中,具有最大SOC的RhBiS即使在100 mA cm–2的电流密度下也展现出266 mV的过电位,性能超过了具有相当大表面积的最先进的纳米结构催化剂。该研究为设计高性能的内在手性OER催化剂提供了实验证据,证实了自旋放大OER与SOC之间的密切关系。
Nature Energy,
DOI: 10.1038/s41560-024-01674-9
AbstractElectrocatalytic water splitting is a promising approach for clean hydrogen production, but the process is hindered by the sluggish kinetics of the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) owing to the …
AbstractElectrocatalytic water splitting is a promising approach for clean hydrogen production, but the process is hindered by the sluggish kinetics of the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) owing to the spin-dependent electron transfer process. Efforts to control spin through chirality and magnetization have shown potential in enhancing OER performance. Here we harnessed the potential of topological chiral semimetals (RhSi, RhSn and RhBiS) and their spin-polarized Fermi surfaces to promote the spin-dependent electron transfer in the OER, addressing the traditional volcano-plot limitations. We show that OER activities follow the trend RhSi < RhSn < RhBiS, corresponding to the increasing extent of spin–orbit coupling (SOC). The chiral single crystals outperform achiral counterparts (RhTe2, RhTe and RuO2) in alkaline electrolyte, with RhBiS exhibiting a specific activity two orders of magnitude higher than RuO2. Our work reveals the pivotal roles of chirality and SOC in spin-dependent catalysis, facilitating the design of ultra-efficient chiral catalysts.
(2024-12-01 20:41):
#paper Connect6 Opening Leveraging AlphaZero Algorithm and Job-Level Computing. 这是一篇基于 AlphaZero算法和作业级计算构建 Connect6 开局库的方法的研究论文。开局库构建可提升棋类程序实力,在限时比赛中优势明显。过去依赖游戏特定知识构建开局库,存在质量依赖人类知识、方法难以通用等问题。本文提出基于 AlphaZero 构建高质量开局库的方法,不依赖领域知识。实验和比赛证明,该开局库可提升 Connect6 程序实力,在常见开局位置表现良好,助力程序在实际比赛中夺冠。本文提出的方法为构建高质量开局库提供了新思路,有望在其他棋类游戏中得到应用和推广。下载地址:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pjsai/JSAI2021/0/JSAI2021_4N4IS1c05/_pdf/-char/ja
No abstract available.
(2024-12-01 20:18):
#paper Integrated Carbon Dioxide Capture by Amines and Conversion to Methane on Single-Atom Nickel Catalysts Pub Date : 2024-11-06 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c09744 二氧化碳 (CO2) 捕获物质(即氨基甲酸酯和(氢)碳酸盐)的直接电化学还原有望从点源捕获和转化 CO2,其中绕过了对能量要求高的汽提步骤。在这里,我们描述了一类电沉积在各种电极表面上的原子分散的镍 (Ni) 催化剂,这些催化剂被证明可以直接将捕获的 CO2 转化为甲烷 (CH4)。采用 X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 和电子显微镜 (EM) 的详细研究表明,高度分散的 Ni 原子对于将捕获物质转化为 CH4 具有独特的活性,并且单原子 Ni 的活性是通过使用分子定义的 Ni 酞菁催化剂的对照实验证实的碳纳米管负载。比较从氢氧化物、氨、伯胺、仲胺和叔胺获得的各种捕获溶液的动力学,可以证明氨基甲酸酯而不是(氢)酸盐和/或溶解的 CO2 是产生 CH4 的主要原因。这一结论得到了捕获溶液的 13C 核磁共振 (NMR) 波谱以及比较有和没有 CO2 吹扫的反应选择性的对照实验的支持。这些发现在密度泛函理论 (DFT) 计算的帮助下得到了理解,该计算表明分散在金 (Au) 上的单原子镍 (Ni) 对氨基甲酸酯的直接还原具有活性,产生 CH4 作为主要产物。 这是氨基甲酸酯直接电化学转化为 CH4 的第一个例子,该过程的机制为综合捕获 CO2 直接转化为碳氢化合物的潜力提供了新的见解。
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c09744
No abstract available.
(2024-12-01 16:21):
#paper, Impact of conflicts between long- and short-term priors on the weighted prior integration in visual perception, doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2024.106006, 本研究探讨了长期和短期先验冲突对视觉感知中加权先验整合的影响。研究要求被试估计Gabor的朝向,并提出了一个贝叶斯观察者模型,该模型预测了视觉系统通过加权平均来整合长期和短期先验,两种先验之间的冲突程度决定了它们在整合先验中的相对权重。随着长期和短期先验之间冲突程度的增加,新先验中短期先验的权重会降低。模型假设了两种先验:长期先验是被试固有的,不受训练影响的,对正交方向敏感的先验。短期先验是受到实验目标分布影响的先验。实验分布一共有三种:自然分布(正交方向居多,符合自然情况分布规律)、反自然分布(倾斜方向居多)和自然分布但振幅增加。行为结果显示,被试在不同分布中Gabor朝向时都存在正交偏差(cardinal bias),且反自然分布的朝向更倾向于长期先验的方向。先验分布影响被试的偏差,但不影响标准差。行为结果支持了研究提出的加权先验整合模型。这个研究的亮点在于区分了短期和长期的先验,并揭示了感知系统中长期和短期先验的加权整合机制。
(2024-11-30 23:26):
# paper DOI: [10.1093/bib/bbv088](https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbv088) A Comparison of Base-calling Algorithms for Illumina Sequencing Technology
Briefings in Bioinformatics,
DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbv088
No abstract available.
(2024-11-30 23:20):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.envint.2023.108349 本文作者通过两阶段的富集过程,从超级蠕虫的肠道微生物群落中建立了稳定且可复制的塑料相关生物膜群落。第一阶段是让蠕虫食用塑料,第二阶段是对食用塑料的蠕虫的肠道微生物群落进行体外孵化。研究结果表明塑料喂养对细菌多样性的影响较小,但显著改变了不同细菌群的相对丰度,并富集了潜在的塑料降解菌。在体外孵化过程中,微生物群落的更显著变化,塑料降解菌被进一步富集,而乳酸菌等其他菌类则减少。塑料特性分析证实了塑料相关微生物群落对孵化塑料的降解作用。通过基因丰度和群落表型的社区功能推断,体外孵化增强了塑料降解潜力。
Environment International,
DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2023.108349
No abstract available.
(2024-11-30 22:18):
#paper, 《Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature》, doi: 10.4310/jdg/1214436922, 理查德·S·汉密尔顿(Richard S. Hamilton)于1982年发表的论文, 主要研究了三维流形在正Ricci曲率条件下的几何演化规律。通过引入Ricci流这一核心工具,即一种类似热方程的演化方程,证明了若一个紧致三维流形具有严格正的Ricci曲率,则该性质在Ricci流的演化过程中会始终保持,并最终收敛到恒定正曲率的度量。这一结果解决了Bourguignon提出的关于正Ricci曲率流形分类的猜想,并进一步明确了正曲率三维流形的几何结构特性。为此,作者运用了Nash-Moser反演函数定理来处理非严格抛物性演化方程的解,同时结合最大值原理与插值不等式,确保了解的长期存在性和收敛性。
备注(引用维基百科):里奇-哈密顿流,一般称为里奇流(Ricci flow)在微分几何中是指一种固有的几何学流动,它的主要思想是让流形随时间变形,即是让度规张量随时间变化,观察在流形的变形下,里奇曲率是如何变化的,以此来研究整体的拓扑性质。它的核心是里奇-哈密顿流方程,是一个拟线性抛物型方程组。
Journal of Differential Geometry,
DOI: 10.4310/jdg/1214436922
No abstract available.
(2024-11-30 22:11):
#paper doi:10.1101/2021.04.29.441889 Type I interferon responsive microglia shape cortical development and behavior. 在Cell杂志发表的这篇文章,研究人员发现了一类I型干扰素(IFN-Ⅰ)响应性的小胶质细胞亚群,这一类群的细胞在皮层重塑期间高度活跃,可发挥吞噬神经元的作用,而在正常大脑发育过程中罕见。实验结果还表明,IFN-Ⅰ缺陷小鼠在触觉刺激时表现出更高的敏感性,这说明IFN-Ⅰ可能参与调节触觉反应。总之,这一类独特的小胶质细胞在大脑皮层的发育和感觉功能中发挥重要作用,这些发现为理解IFN-Ⅰ在大脑对多种损伤反应过程中的作用提供了新的视角。
DOI: 10.1101/2021.04.29.441889
SummaryMicroglia are brain resident phagocytes that can engulf synaptic components and extracellular matrix as well as whole neurons. However, whether there are unique molecular mechanisms that regulate these distinct phagocytic …
SummaryMicroglia are brain resident phagocytes that can engulf synaptic components and extracellular matrix as well as whole neurons. However, whether there are unique molecular mechanisms that regulate these distinct phagocytic states is unknown. Here we define a molecularly distinct microglial subset whose function is to engulf neurons in the developing brain. We transcriptomically identified a cluster of Type I interferon (IFN-I) responsive microglia that expanded 20-fold in the postnatal day 5 somatosensory cortex after partial whisker deprivation, a stressor that accelerates neural circuit remodeling.In situ, IFN-I responsive microglia were highly phagocytic and actively engulfed whole neurons. Conditional deletion of IFN-I signaling (Ifnar1fl/fl) in microglia but not neurons resulted in dysmorphic microglia with stalled phagocytosis and an accumulation of neurons with double strand DNA breaks, a marker of cell stress. Conversely, exogenous IFN-I was sufficient to drive neuronal engulfment by microglia and restrict the accumulation of damaged neurons. IFN-I deficient mice had excess excitatory neurons in the developing somatosensory cortex as well as tactile hypersensitivity to whisker stimulation. These data define a molecular mechanism through which microglia engulf neurons during a critical window of brain development. More broadly, they reveal key homeostatic roles of a canonical antiviral signaling pathway in brain development.
(2024-11-30 22:05):
#paper https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1701.08223 2017, The Python-based Simulations of Chemistry Framework (PySCF)。非常重要的量子化学工具PySCF的介绍。2014年启动的项目,从一开始的仅仅有几个函数功能,到现在对各种量化问题的计算的良好支持,其易用性及可扩展性得到了社群的认可。这个特性其实在软件于2015年发布的时候就设定好了。因此,几乎所有功能代码都由python实现,只有遇到特别的time-ciritical的代码部分才去用c实现。当然,这个特性使得目前大量量化计算的库都依赖于pyscf,俨然成为开源领域的gaussion的有力竞争者。
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1701.08223
PySCF is a general-purpose electronic structure platform designed from theground up to emphasize code simplicity, both to aid new method development, aswell as for flexibility in computational workflow. The package …
PySCF is a general-purpose electronic structure platform designed from theground up to emphasize code simplicity, both to aid new method development, aswell as for flexibility in computational workflow. The package provides a widerange of tools to support simulations of finite size systems, extended systemswith periodic boundary conditions, low dimensional periodic systems, and customHamiltonians, using mean-field and post-mean-field methods with standardGaussian basis functions. To ensure easy of extensibility, PySCF uses thePython language to implement almost all its features, while computationallycritical paths are implemented with heavily optimized C routines. Using thiscombined Python/C implementation, the package is as efficient as the bestexisting C or Fortran based quantum chemistry programs. In this paper wedocument the capabilities and design philosophy of the current version of thePySCF package.
(2024-11-30 21:53):
#paper An abstract relational map emerges in the human medial prefrontal cortex with consolidation. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.10.11.617652 我们在面对一个问题时,如果能够识别问题背后的结构,那么对于解决这个问题,以及面对类似问题时候的泛化是及其有帮助的。最近的理论研究强调了与感官细节完全分离的显式结构表征对于泛化的有用性。啮齿动物的研究表明,这种结构的抽象是逐渐发生的,随着时间的推移在大脑皮层中进行。然而,在人类中这种显式关系表征的直接证据很少,它与巩固机制的关系尚未研究清楚。因此,作者使用一种图形学习的范式在人类内侧前额叶皮质中找到了这样一个关系图。重要的是,这种表征在学习后早期并没有表现出来,但在几天后却出现了。说明这种抽象的关系结构图是逐渐形成并抽象化的,并且最终存储在内侧前额叶。这一结果为理解人类强大的推理能力提供了新的视角。
DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.11.617652
AbstractUnderstanding the structure of a problem, such as the relationships between stimuli, supports fast learning and flexible reasoning. Recent theoretical suggestions have highlighted the usefulness of explicit structural representations that …
AbstractUnderstanding the structure of a problem, such as the relationships between stimuli, supports fast learning and flexible reasoning. Recent theoretical suggestions have highlighted the usefulness of explicit structural representations that are fully divorced from sensory details for generalisation. Rodent work has suggested that abstraction of structure occurs gradually, over time, in cortex. However, direct evidence of such explicit relational representations in humans is scarce, and its relationship to consolidation mechanisms is underexplored. Here, we use a graph-learning paradigm to find such a relational map in the human medial prefrontal cortex. Importantly, this representation was absent early after learning but emerged on the time scale of days. These results shed new light on neural representations underlying the remarkable human ability to draw accurate inferences from little data.
(2024-11-30 21:45):
#paper Pan-genome bridges wheat structural variations with habitat and breeding,Nature,doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08277-0文章对中国育种过程中具有代表性的17个品种进行从头组装和注释。通过整合17个新组装的基因组和4个先前发表的基因组(CS、Fielder、Kariega和Attraktion)进行泛基因组分析,并通过直系同源基因鉴定,将21个基因组中的基因归类为170,517个潜在基因家族。后续对不同时期(50-60年代、80-90年代和2000年以后)基因组中NLR基因的拷贝数进行分析,发现80-90年代育成审定的小麦品种,如XY6和YM158,具有最多的NLR基因拷贝数。随着时间推移,CC-NBARC-LRR基因的拷贝数略有下降,而其他NLR基因(如NBARC-LRR)的变化不显著。对小麦春冬性基因 VRN-A1和籽粒硬度性状基因PIN基因的结构变异进行分析,发现不同的生态型跟环境和人文饮食习惯相关。该研究一方面扩大了小麦现有的参考基因组,在测序材料选择方便考虑到中国育种过程的材料品种和饮食习惯相结合,文章的故事性更丰富。此外文章关注了小麦育种的抗性蛋白NLR基因,为后续的小麦抗性育种研究提供了宝贵的资源。
(2024-11-30 21:35):
#paper DOI: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-57,BMC Medical Genomics, 2012, Noninvasive Fetal Trisomy (NIFTY) test: an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis methodology for fetal autosomal and sex chromosomal aneuploidies. 这是一篇由BGI发表的NIPT临床应用早期的技术方法文章。围绕的主题是WGS测序这个时期在用于T18和T13检测时的检测效果不够理想。本文的研究对不同染色体本身GC含量特点与测序reads的覆盖度之间的关系进行了研究,并将GC-bias的处理纳入了分析流程。在整体上提升了常染色体和性染色体非整倍体异常的检出效果。这篇文章发表在2012年,现在回看,感觉这个时期逐渐拉开了以NIPT为主的IVD检测行业开始“膨胀”的帷幕。
BMC Medical Genomics,
DOI: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-57
Abstract Background Conventional prenatal screening tests, such as maternal serum tests and ultrasound scan, have limited resolution and accuracy. Methods We developed an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis method based on …
Abstract Background Conventional prenatal screening tests, such as maternal serum tests and ultrasound scan, have limited resolution and accuracy. Methods We developed an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis method based on massively parallel sequencing. The Noninvasive Fetal Trisomy (NIFTY) test, combines an optimized Student’s t-test with a locally weighted polynomial regression and binary hypotheses. We applied the NIFTY test to 903 pregnancies and compared the diagnostic results with those of full karyotyping. Results 16 of 16 trisomy 21, 12 of 12 trisomy 18, two of two trisomy 13, three of four 45, X, one of one XYY and two of two XXY abnormalities were correctly identified. But one false positive case of trisomy 18 and one false negative case of 45, X were observed. The test performed with 100% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity for autosomal aneuploidies and 85.7% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity for sex chromosomal aneuploidies. Compared with three previously reported z-score approaches with/without GC-bias removal and with internal control, the NIFTY test was more accurate and robust for the detection of both autosomal and sex chromosomal aneuploidies in fetuses. Conclusion Our study demonstrates a powerful and reliable methodology for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.
符毓 Yu
(2024-11-30 20:46):
#paper doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2411.18454, 2024, Optimizing Coverage in Convex Quadrilateral Regions with a Single UAV. 本文研究了单个无人机的最佳悬停高度,以提供对地面上任何凸四边形区域的覆盖。无人机采用了一个定向天线与倾斜波束,产生一个椭圆形的覆盖模式。考虑两种情况:(1)在四边形内内接最大的椭圆以覆盖其内部,以及(2)围绕四边形外接最小的椭圆以确保完全覆盖。我们推导出最佳的无人机高度和天线倾斜条件下,在这两种情况下的简化但广泛接受的路径损耗模型和覆盖效率的数值结果。这项工作有助于开发节能的无人机通信系统。
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2411.18454
This letter investigates the optimal hovering altitude of a single UAV toprovide coverage over any convex quadrilateral region on the ground. The UAVemploys a directional antenna with a tiltable beam, …
This letter investigates the optimal hovering altitude of a single UAV toprovide coverage over any convex quadrilateral region on the ground. The UAVemploys a directional antenna with a tiltable beam, producing an ellipticalcoverage pattern. Two scenarios are considered: (1) inscribing the largestellipse within the quadrilateral to cover its interior, and (2) circumscribingthe smallest ellipse about the quadrilateral to ensure full coverage. We derivethe optimal UAV altitude and antenna tilt conditions in both scenarios for asimplified yet widely accepted path loss model and present numerical resultsfor coverage efficiency. The work contributes to the development ofenergy-efficient UAV-based communication systems.
(2024-11-30 20:32):
#paper doi: 10.1101/2024.01.11.575135 Comparative analysis of multiplexed in situ gene expression profiling technologies. bioRxiv.2024.
跨平台基准测试,重要指标是每个细胞的分子数量。我们可以用 “空间捕获越多越好 ”来衡量,但实际上,这些指标不同技术差异较大,也很难解释清楚差异。
DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.11.575135
AbstractThe burgeoning interest in in situ multiplexed gene expression profiling technologies has opened new avenues for understanding cellular behavior and interactions. In this study, we present a comparative benchmark analysis …
AbstractThe burgeoning interest in in situ multiplexed gene expression profiling technologies has opened new avenues for understanding cellular behavior and interactions. In this study, we present a comparative benchmark analysis of six in situ gene expression profiling methods, including both commercially available and academically developed methods, using publicly accessible mouse brain datasets. We find that standard sensitivity metrics, such as the number of unique molecules detected per cell, are not directly comparable across datasets due to substantial differences in the incidence of off-target molecular artifacts impacting specificity. To address these challenges, we explored various potential sources of molecular artifacts, developed novel metrics to control for them, and utilized these metrics to evaluate and compare different in situ technologies. Finally, we demonstrate how molecular false positives can seriously confound spatially-aware differential expression analysis, requiring caution in the interpretation of downstream results. Our analysis provides guidance for the selection, processing, and interpretation of in situ spatial technologies.
(2024-11-30 19:58):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2024.100992 Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2024, GEPREP: A comprehensive data atlas of RNA-seq-based gene expression profiles of exercise responses。众所周知,不同形式的运动对不同组织器官的效应是不同的,运动对转录图谱的塑造是解析这些效应的重要基础。现在虽已有了大量运动相关的转录组研究、尤其是基于RNA测序的研究,然而他们远未被充分利用和汇编,尤其是其中包含的丰富的元数据。为此,本文收集整理了文献中已有的涉及人类和小鼠的多组织器官的逾2000份由RNA-seq测定的基因表达谱,对其31项样本元信息进行了细致整理。并汇集成了迄今为止规模最大,涵盖物种/组织类型/运动干预类型最全面,元数据最丰富的运动转录组数据库。本文是我作为体育老师主导的第一项体育相关研究,以期为缺乏生物信息基础的体育研究者提供方便的平台和资源。
(2024-11-30 19:16):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101762. A simplified and robust risk stratification model for stem cell transplantation in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. 2024 Oct 15;5(10):101762..该项研究纳入了来自多个临床医学研究中心共540例在CR1阶段接受SCT的pAML患者,最终阐明了与SCT生存率高度相关的3个因素,即年龄,KMT2A重排(KMT2A-rearrangement)和微小残留病(minimal residual disease at end of course 1, MRD1),基于上述三个因素构建的pAML SCT Model能有效区分患者的预后风险。值得注意的是,该模型只纳入了3个临床常用的因子,且预测性能在不同人种、不同移植物来源以及不同捐献者中均得到了认证,提示模型在各种临床环境的广泛适用性。为 CR1 期 pAML 患者的 SCT 开发了一种简化且稳健的风险分层模型。该模型独立于细胞分子风险分层,可对不同人群、移植物来源和供体类型提供可靠的预测。结合 FLT3/ITD 等位基因比率可增强其选择合适候选药物的能力。
(2024-11-30 16:27):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41467-024-44863-6
Structural connectome architecture shapes the maturation of cortical morphology from childhood to adolescence
Nature Communications,
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44863-6
AbstractCortical thinning is an important hallmark of the maturation of brain morphology during childhood and adolescence. However, the connectome-based wiring mechanism that underlies cortical maturation remains unclear. Here, we show …
AbstractCortical thinning is an important hallmark of the maturation of brain morphology during childhood and adolescence. However, the connectome-based wiring mechanism that underlies cortical maturation remains unclear. Here, we show cortical thinning patterns primarily located in the lateral frontal and parietal heteromodal nodes during childhood and adolescence, which are structurally constrained by white matter network architecture and are particularly represented using a network-based diffusion model. Furthermore, connectome-based constraints are regionally heterogeneous, with the largest constraints residing in frontoparietal nodes, and are associated with gene expression signatures of microstructural neurodevelopmental events. These results are highly reproducible in another independent dataset. These findings advance our understanding of network-level mechanisms and the associated genetic basis that underlies the maturational process of cortical morphology during childhood and adolescence.
(2024-11-28 15:55):
#paper 《'We need to be ready for a new world': scientists globally react to Trump election win》(DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-03635-4)
DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-03635-4
No abstract available.