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半面阳光 (2024-05-31 23:44):
#paper DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2023.100879, Genetic in Medicine, 2023, Performance of prenatal cfDNA screening for sex chromosomes. 这篇文章的主要研究目的是评估和确认游离DNA (cfDNA) 筛查在未选择的产科人群中检测性染色体非整倍体 (SCAs) 的性能。采用的方法是基于SNP的实验方法,检测的性染色体异常包括monosomy X (MX) 和三种 sex chromosome trisomies (SCT: 47,XXX; 47,XXY; 47,XYY)。共有 17,538 例符合纳入标准。cfDNA 对 MX、SCT 和胎儿性别的性能分别在 17,297、10,333 和 14,486 个妊娠中进行了评估。cfDNA 对 MX 的敏感性、特异性和阳性预测值 (PPV) 分别为 83.3%、99.9% 和 22.7%;对 SCTs 的敏感性、特异性和阳性预测值分别为 70.4%、99.9% 和 82.6%。cfDNA 对胎儿性别预测的准确率为 100%。得出的结论是cfDNA 对 SCAs 的筛查性能与其他研究报告的结果相当。SCTs 的 PPV 与常染色体三体相似,而 MX 的 PPV 明显较低。在整倍体妊娠中,cfDNA 和产后遗传筛查的胎儿性别没有不一致。这些数据将有助于解释和咨询 cfDNA 性染色体结果。
符毓 Yu (2024-05-31 23:30):
#paper doi:10.1109/TIA.2002.805572 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2002, Molecular structure of nucleic acids; A comparison between the axial flux and the radial flux structures for PM synchronous motors. 本文对比了两个外部定子一个内部转子的轴向磁通电机和一个外定子一个内转子的径向磁通电机,在电机总体积、单位损耗表面的损耗和气隙磁通密度保持不变的情况下,比较了两种电机结构的电磁转矩和转矩密度。证明当轴向长度短并且极数高的情况下,轴向磁通电机有优势
muton (2024-05-31 23:28):
#paper DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02722-7 Similar neural responses predict friendship 一个很有意思的研究,当我们处在群体当中时,我们有很明显的同质性趋向,另外个体也更倾向于和与自己更相似的人交朋友。那么朋友之间的相似性是否反映了我们在感知、解释和应对世界方面的更深层次的相似性?作者为了测试社交网络相似性与心理反应相似性的关系,使用功能性磁共振成像来扫描受试者在自由观看自然主义电影时的大脑。结果发现,朋友之间观看视听电影时的神经反应非常相似,并且在现实世界的社交网络中,这种相似性随着距离的增加而降低。这表明你和你的朋友越像你们在面对同一个事物的神经相似性可能也越高。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2018-01-30. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02722-7 PMID: 29382820
Human social networks are overwhelmingly homophilous: individuals tend to befriend others who are similar to them in terms of a range of physical attributes (e.g., age, gender). Do similarities among … >>>
Human social networks are overwhelmingly homophilous: individuals tend to befriend others who are similar to them in terms of a range of physical attributes (e.g., age, gender). Do similarities among friends reflect deeper similarities in how we perceive, interpret, and respond to the world? To test whether friendship, and more generally, social network proximity, is associated with increased similarity of real-time mental responding, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to scan subjects' brains during free viewing of naturalistic movies. Here we show evidence for neural homophily: neural responses when viewing audiovisual movies are exceptionally similar among friends, and that similarity decreases with increasing distance in a real-world social network. These results suggest that we are exceptionally similar to our friends in how we perceive and respond to the world around us, which has implications for interpersonal influence and attraction. <<<
翁凯 (2024-05-31 22:29):
#paper doi: 10.1038/s41587-021-01033-z. Differential abundance testing on single-cell data using k-nearest neighbor graphs. 这个研究跳出了对细胞分群的框架,而是从一个细胞的邻居入手,比较组间的细胞比例差异
IF:33.100Q1 Nature biotechnology, 2022-02. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-021-01033-z PMID: 34594043
Current computational workflows for comparative analyses of single-cell datasets typically use discrete clusters as input when testing for differential abundance among experimental conditions. However, clusters do not always provide the … >>>
Current computational workflows for comparative analyses of single-cell datasets typically use discrete clusters as input when testing for differential abundance among experimental conditions. However, clusters do not always provide the appropriate resolution and cannot capture continuous trajectories. Here we present Milo, a scalable statistical framework that performs differential abundance testing by assigning cells to partially overlapping neighborhoods on a k-nearest neighbor graph. Using simulations and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data, we show that Milo can identify perturbations that are obscured by discretizing cells into clusters, that it maintains false discovery rate control across batch effects and that it outperforms alternative differential abundance testing strategies. Milo identifies the decline of a fate-biased epithelial precursor in the aging mouse thymus and identifies perturbations to multiple lineages in human cirrhotic liver. As Milo is based on a cell-cell similarity structure, it might also be applicable to single-cell data other than scRNA-seq. Milo is provided as an open-source R software package at https://github.com/MarioniLab/miloR . <<<
白鸟 (2024-05-31 22:17):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41467-024-46625-w Shared inflammatory glial cell signature after stab wound injury, revealed by spatial, temporal, and cell-type-specific profiling of the murine cerebral cortex 文章是伤性脑损伤病理机制研究,处理小鼠被刺穿大脑灰质,3天后,进行脑部切片空转,皮层出现刺伤核心区域,常规思路是分析簇VI中上调的基因,进行富集通路分析;文章一个亮点是空间梯度分析,刺穿部位损伤引起的周围区域异质性的基因表达。文章作者提出一些观点,湿实验验证等。 我比较关注的一个分析点是,脑区空间细胞类型的注释;这个目前技术比较难实现,除非原位空转技术;一般策略是空转+单细胞联用,去卷积解析每个spot的细胞类型;目前同类算法也很多,但是受匹配数据的影响,空间注释的结果不敢云云,或者说这个预测结论很多不够牢靠。文章中也同样需要分析损伤脑区的细胞类型,针对核心损伤部位的细胞进行单细胞测序,通过Tangram算法预测空间位置信息,这个预测分析不属于重要结论。我粗浅地认为,空转的细胞类型注释,唯一能把握的是,在具体空间位置上基因的表达。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2024-Apr-03. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46625-w PMID: 38570482
Traumatic brain injury leads to a highly orchestrated immune- and glial cell response partially responsible for long-lasting disability and the development of secondary neurodegenerative diseases. A holistic understanding of the … >>>
Traumatic brain injury leads to a highly orchestrated immune- and glial cell response partially responsible for long-lasting disability and the development of secondary neurodegenerative diseases. A holistic understanding of the mechanisms controlling the responses of specific cell types and their crosstalk is required to develop an efficient strategy for better regeneration. Here, we combine spatial and single-cell transcriptomics to chart the transcriptomic signature of the injured male murine cerebral cortex, and identify specific states of different glial cells contributing to this signature. Interestingly, distinct glial cells share a large fraction of injury-regulated genes, including inflammatory programs downstream of the innate immune-associated pathways Cxcr3 and Tlr1/2. Systemic manipulation of these pathways decreases the reactivity state of glial cells associated with poor regeneration. The functional relevance of the discovered shared signature of glial cells highlights the importance of our resource enabling comprehensive analysis of early events after brain injury. <<<
庞庞 (2024-05-31 21:55):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-023-01259-x Molecular and network-level mechanisms explaining individual differences in autism spectrum disorder 该论文基于ASD患者功能连接和症状的相关情况,将ASD患者分为了三个亚型,并进一步探究了亚型间脑和基因的差异情况。对我而言其在CCA时做的特征筛选、模型验证等比较充分,且基因的部分还用brainspan数据集做了验证,可以参考。
IF:21.200Q1 Nature neuroscience, 2023-04. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01259-x PMID: 36894656
The mechanisms underlying phenotypic heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not well understood. Using a large neuroimaging dataset, we identified three latent dimensions of functional brain network connectivity that … >>>
The mechanisms underlying phenotypic heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not well understood. Using a large neuroimaging dataset, we identified three latent dimensions of functional brain network connectivity that predicted individual differences in ASD behaviors and were stable in cross-validation. Clustering along these three dimensions revealed four reproducible ASD subgroups with distinct functional connectivity alterations in ASD-related networks and clinical symptom profiles that were reproducible in an independent sample. By integrating neuroimaging data with normative gene expression data from two independent transcriptomic atlases, we found that within each subgroup, ASD-related functional connectivity was explained by regional differences in the expression of distinct ASD-related gene sets. These gene sets were differentially associated with distinct molecular signaling pathways involving immune and synapse function, G-protein-coupled receptor signaling, protein synthesis and other processes. Collectively, our findings delineate atypical connectivity patterns underlying different forms of ASD that implicate distinct molecular signaling mechanisms. <<<
朵朵 (2024-05-31 21:47):
#paper 史晓宇,阮琳燕,何丽.他们为什么不上学?中学生拒绝上学影响因素的质性研究[J].社区心理学研究,2023,16(02):193-210. 国内有学者研究发现, 广州市中小学生拒学行为检出率为22. 5%,且拒学行为的检出率随年龄增长呈上升趋势, 小学阶段处于较低水平(4. 5%), 进入中学阶段陡升(24. 6%), 整个初中阶段约1/3 的学生有拒学行为, 到高中阶段, 拒学行为的检出率高达37. 6%。 论文采用质性研究取向的个案研究法,选取了北京市7名拒学中学生及其父母进行半结构式深度访谈。结果显示,在个人层面,主要是人际敏感、完美主义的鲜明特质;在学校层面,包括残酷的竞争与学业压力、高压高控的管理风格、面临危机的师生关系、倍感受伤的同伴群体、返校复学的重重障碍;在家庭层面,包括矛盾重重的父母关系、愈演愈烈的亲子冲突、日积月累的负面情绪、纠结复杂的二胎家庭、混乱失调的家庭功能;利弊难辨的新事物,包括网络与手机、电竞游戏、偶像练习生;精神医学层面,包括抑郁、焦虑状态。这些因素相互影响,最终导致了中学生拒学行为。 可惜的是,本论文分析比较浅,只是指出“中学生拒学行为的发生反映了个体的不适当性及社会系统的失衡,是学生个人、家庭、学校和社会因素相互作用的结果”,没有更深刻的洞见。
小W (2024-05-31 17:01):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.003 Biomarkers of aging for the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions 这是一篇介绍衰老生物标志物术语和表征框架的文章,描述了衰老领域关键术语,从监管和应用角度对生物标志物进行分类、对生物标志物的评估等方面建立共识,并介绍了现有的生物标志物、衰老时钟和试验。总体是一个PPT式的论文,其对于衰老术语和表征框架感觉还有欠缺,但其对于衰老研究的思考,以及提到的衰老领域的研究资源和试验还是值得去看一看。
IF:45.500Q1 Cell, 2023-08-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.003 PMID: 37657418
With the rapid expansion of aging biology research, the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions in humans have become key goals of this field. Biomarkers of aging are critically important … >>>
With the rapid expansion of aging biology research, the identification and evaluation of longevity interventions in humans have become key goals of this field. Biomarkers of aging are critically important tools in achieving these objectives over realistic time frames. However, the current lack of standards and consensus on the properties of a reliable aging biomarker hinders their further development and validation for clinical applications. Here, we advance a framework for the terminology and characterization of biomarkers of aging, including classification and potential clinical use cases. We discuss validation steps and highlight ongoing challenges as potential areas in need of future research. This framework sets the stage for the development of valid biomarkers of aging and their ultimate utilization in clinical trials and practice. <<<
哪有情可长 (2024-05-31 16:03):
#paper Defective pollen tube tip growth inducesneo-polyploid infertility, Science,1 March 2024, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh0755. 多倍体过程与植物的进化和适应有关。自然环境中的多倍体植物形成能够进行有性生殖,而利用技术新形成的多倍体个体通常完全或几乎完全不育,不容易繁殖。研究人员利用二倍体和自然形成四倍体和秋水仙素处理的新四倍体以及新形成的四倍体与自然形成的四倍体的杂交子一代,通过鉴定其花粉管的生长速率、花粉大小、花粉管等状态鉴定出新四倍体有差异,后续发现是因为新四倍体的花粉管缺乏正常的钙离子浓度梯度,导致花粉管中微管蛋白分布异常,导致花粉管中细胞壁的酸性果胶酯化分布异常。对上述材料的花粉管进行转录组分析,鉴定到一些钙信号相关的基因。结合全基因组测序分析,发现两个基因AGC1.5和ACA8在多倍体和二倍体植物件存在显著差异,表明在多倍体中受到强烈的正向选择,且基因的表达模式存在不同程度的差异。
Genome duplication (generating polyploids) is an engine of novelty in eukaryotic evolution and a promising crop improvement tool. Yet newly formed polyploids often have low fertility. Here we report that … >>>
Genome duplication (generating polyploids) is an engine of novelty in eukaryotic evolution and a promising crop improvement tool. Yet newly formed polyploids often have low fertility. Here we report that a severe fertility-compromising defect in pollen tube tip growth arises in new polyploids of . Pollen tubes of newly polyploid grow slowly, have aberrant anatomy and disrupted physiology, often burst prematurely, and have altered gene expression. These phenotypes recover in evolved polyploids. We also show that gametophytic (pollen tube) genotypes of two tip-growth genes under selection in natural tetraploid are strongly associated with pollen tube performance in the tetraploid. Our work establishes pollen tube tip growth as an important fertility challenge for neo-polyploid plants and provides insights into a naturally evolved multigenic solution. <<<
Vincent (2024-05-31 15:19):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.027 Cell. 2023 Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging 衰老过程伴随着信息丢失。遗传信息(DNA层面)和表观遗传信息(DNA组蛋白修饰等)可以类比为生物体的硬件和软件,这两个层面的信息丢失都有可能导致衰老。这篇文章主要是通过不引起突变的DNA双链断裂,利用细胞修复DNA的过程破坏其表观遗传信息全景。验证了在只有表观遗传信息丢失的情况下,哺乳动物细胞展现出了衰老特征,例如细胞特征的丢失,细胞休眠等。后续实验通过表观遗传重编程又将细胞拉回到年轻的状态,验证了表观遗传信息的丢失能够导致衰老,且该变化在一定程度上是可逆的。
张浩彬 (2024-05-31 07:31):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.10131 RAFT: Adapting Language Model to Domain Specific RAG 简单但有效的思路。传统大模型变为领域 应用,我们可以微调也可以使用rag,但微软说,我们可以应该基于rag微调。RAFT 是一种将预训练的大型语言模型微调到特定领域 RAG 设置的通用方法。在特定领域 RAG 中,模型需要根据特定领域的一组文档回答问题,例如企业中的私有文件。这与通用 RAG 不同,因为通用 RAG 中的模型并不知道它将在哪个领域进行测试。简单来说,微调是闭卷考试,靠记忆回答。rag是开卷开始,虽然我没记忆,但是考试的时候可以翻书,那么raft就是开卷考试前,我还是先看了一下教科书,虽然没看全,但是大概知道考题长什么样子,但没关系,因为考试的时候我还可以翻书。
arXiv, 2024.
Abstract: No abstract available.
尹志 (2024-05-30 15:52):
#paper  Protein Conformation Generation via Force-Guided SE(3) Diffusion Models  https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.14088 字节跳动的一个新工作,还是蛋白质构象生成,还是SE(3) diffusion model, 不过区别于常见的静态构象的生成,这个工作提出了动态构象的生成, 这当然有意义的多,毕竟真实世界的蛋白质构象是动态的,是一个构象分布。文章引入物理信息作为guidance,这个思路很有意思,因为这样既可以 兼顾物理系统的先验,又回避了类似md这样的纯模型计算的性能问题,类似将md的计算进行了抽象,形成先验,作为guidance,然后利用生成模型进行生成。
The conformational landscape of proteins is crucial to understanding theirfunctionality in complex biological processes. Traditional physics-basedcomputational methods, such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, suffer fromrare event sampling and long equilibration … >>>
The conformational landscape of proteins is crucial to understanding theirfunctionality in complex biological processes. Traditional physics-basedcomputational methods, such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, suffer fromrare event sampling and long equilibration time problems, hindering theirapplications in general protein systems. Recently, deep generative modelingtechniques, especially diffusion models, have been employed to generate novelprotein conformations. However, existing score-based diffusion methods cannotproperly incorporate important physical prior knowledge to guide the generationprocess, causing large deviations in the sampled protein conformations from theequilibrium distribution. In this paper, to overcome these limitations, wepropose a force-guided SE(3) diffusion model, ConfDiff, for proteinconformation generation. By incorporating a force-guided network with a mixtureof data-based score models, ConfDiff can can generate protein conformationswith rich diversity while preserving high fidelity. Experiments on a variety ofprotein conformation prediction tasks, including 12 fast-folding proteins andthe Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor (BPTI), demonstrate that our methodsurpasses the state-of-the-art method. <<<
前进 (2024-05-30 13:53):
#paper Luo S, Xie Z, Chen G, et al. Hierarchical DNN with Heterogeneous Computing Enabled High-Performance DNA Sequencing[C]//2022 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS). IEEE, 2022: 35-40. 这篇论文采用深度学习算法进行第二代基因测序。算法AYB是所有测序算法中精度最高的,但是随着推移荧光信号减弱,AYB算法处理效果并不好,并且它也难以解决DNA的phasing效应。而深度学习方法则能很高的解决上述问题。它首先通过前5个循环的采集到的荧光图像检测cluster的位置,提取后续cluster强度,再通过传统通道校正算法校正强度色差,然后将校正后的结果输入到DNN中判断碱基类别。实验结果表明,深度学习的方案相比于传统算法能够多检测出12.18%的reads数量,且碱基的分类错误率从0.1432% 降到0.0175%
李翛然 (2024-05-30 11:40):
#paper Alpha2beta1 integrin is the major collagen-binding integrin expressed on human Th17 https://doi.org/10.1002/eji.201040307 这篇论文研究了人类Th17细胞中胶原结合整合素α1β1和α2β1的表达和功能。主要发现如下: Th17细胞在分化过程中更倾向于上调α2β1整合素(也称为VLA-2),而不是α1β1整合素(VLA-1)。 大多数Th17细胞表达α2整合素亚基,而只有少数表达α1整合素亚基。 Th17细胞通过α2β1整合素粘附于I型和II型胶原,但不粘附于IV型胶原。 α2β1整合素与I型和II型胶原的结合可共刺激人类Th17细胞产生IL-17A、IL-17F和IFN-γ。 我说过很多次,胶原蛋白用作敷料和护肤品根本就不是为了透皮吸收!!!!!!!就是卡在细胞间就能起作用!!!!这帮白痴 ,气死我了!
Growing evidence indicates that collagen-binding integrins are important costimulatory molecules of effector T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that the major collagen-binding integrin expressed by human Th17 cells is … >>>
Growing evidence indicates that collagen-binding integrins are important costimulatory molecules of effector T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that the major collagen-binding integrin expressed by human Th17 cells is alpha2beta1 (α2β1) or VLA-2, also known as the receptor for collagen I on T cells. Our results show that human naïve CD4(+) T cells cultured under Th17 polarization conditions preferentially upregulate α2β1 integrin rather than α1β1 integrin, which is the receptor for collagen IV on T cells. Double staining analysis for integrin receptors and intracellular IL-17 showed that α2 integrin but not α1 integrin is associated with Th17 cells. Cell adhesion experiments demonstrated that Th17 cells attach to collagen I and collagen II using α2β1 integrin but did not attach to collagen IV. Functional studies revealed that collagens I and II but not collagen IV costimulate the production of IL-17A, IL-17F and IFN-γ by human Th17 cells activated with anti-CD3. These results identify α2β1 integrin as the major collagen receptor expressed on human Th17 cells and suggest that it can be an important costimulatory molecule of Th17 cell responses. <<<
小年 (2024-05-30 11:08):
#paper A deep catalogue of protein-coding variation in 983,578 individuals. Nature. 2024 May 29. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07556-0. 在本篇文章中,作者通过对983,578个不同人群进行外显子测序,建立了一个涵盖多种人群的蛋白质编码变异目录。研究数据中,23%的样本来自非欧洲人群,包括非洲、东亚、美洲土著、中东和南亚血统。这一目录包含了超过1040万个错义变异和110万个预测的功能缺失变异(pLOF)。作者识别出了4848个基因中的罕见双等位基因pLOF变异,其中1751个基因是首次报道。此外,研究还识别出了3988个对功能缺失不耐受的基因,这些基因中包括86个以前被评估为耐受的基因和1153个缺乏已知疾病注释的基因。这项研究通过对大规模多样人群的外显子测序,丰富了我们对人类蛋白质编码变异的理解,并为精准医学提供了宝贵资源。特别是该研究强调了基因约束和变异频率在不同人群中的差异,揭示了基因功能与疾病风险之间的复杂关系,尤其是在识别和解释罕见的有害变异方面。然而,该研究的一个限制是其主要依赖于短读测序数据,可能对某些变异类型的准确性有所不足。
IF:50.500Q1 Nature, 2024-May-20. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07556-0 PMID: 38768635
Rare coding variants that substantially affect function provide insights into the biology of a gene. However, ascertaining the frequency of such variants requires large sample sizes. Here we present a … >>>
Rare coding variants that substantially affect function provide insights into the biology of a gene. However, ascertaining the frequency of such variants requires large sample sizes. Here we present a catalogue of human protein-coding variation, derived from exome sequencing of 983,578 individuals across diverse populations. In total, 23% of the Regeneron Genetics Center Million Exome (RGC-ME) data come from individuals of African, East Asian, Indigenous American, Middle Eastern and South Asian ancestry. The catalogue includes more than 10.4 million missense and 1.1 million predicted loss-of-function (pLOF) variants. We identify individuals with rare biallelic pLOF variants in 4,848 genes, 1,751 of which have not been previously reported. From precise quantitative estimates of selection against heterozygous loss of function (LOF), we identify 3,988 LOF-intolerant genes, including 86 that were previously assessed as tolerant and 1,153 that lack established disease annotation. We also define regions of missense depletion at high resolution. Notably, 1,482 genes have regions that are depleted of missense variants despite being tolerant of pLOF variants. Finally, we estimate that 3% of individuals have a clinically actionable genetic variant, and that 11,773 variants reported in ClinVar with unknown significance are likely to be deleterious cryptic splice sites. To facilitate variant interpretation and genetics-informed precision medicine, we make this resource of coding variation from the RGC-ME dataset publicly accessible through a variant allele frequency browser. <<<
徐炳祥 (2024-05-30 10:59):
#paper doi: 10.1186/s13059-024-03269-9 Genome Biology, 2024, Breaking down causes, consequences, and mediating effects of telomere length variation on human health。众所周知,端粒长度是细胞衰老凋亡和生物体寿命的重要指标,然而目前人们对影响端粒长度的公共卫生因素及端粒长度缩短可能导致的公共卫生后果的研究尚不充分。本文基于UKBioBank的大规模人群队列信息,借助孟德尔随机化技术分析了端粒长度缩短的风险因素及其可能导致的结局。作者发现饮酒、肥胖、尿酸高、女性生育等是端粒缩短的风险因素,而戒烟和教育水平提升是其保护因素。此外,作者发现端粒的缩短与心血管事件、肺病和自身免疫病等结局间存在因果关系。本文是一项标准的分子流行病学研究,通过学习其方法,读者可进一步总结基于公共数据开展分子流行病研究的研究思路,也可以学习如何开展大型数据的孟德尔随机化。
IF:10.100Q1 Genome Biology, 2024. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-024-03269-9
Abstract Background Telomeres form repeated DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, which shorten with each cell division. Yet, factors modulating telomere attrition and the health consequences thereof are not … >>>
Abstract Background Telomeres form repeated DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, which shorten with each cell division. Yet, factors modulating telomere attrition and the health consequences thereof are not fully understood. To address this, we leveraged data from 326,363 unrelated UK Biobank participants of European ancestry. Results Using linear regression and bidirectional univariable and multivariable Mendelian randomization (MR), we elucidate the relationships between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and 142 complex traits, including diseases, biomarkers, and lifestyle factors. We confirm that telomeres shorten with age and show a stronger decline in males than in females, with these factors contributing to the majority of the 5.4% of LTL variance explained by the phenome. MR reveals 23 traits modulating LTL. Smoking cessation and high educational attainment associate with longer LTL, while weekly alcohol intake, body mass index, urate levels, and female reproductive events, such as childbirth, associate with shorter LTL. We also identify 24 traits affected by LTL, with risk for cardiovascular, pulmonary, and some autoimmune diseases being increased by short LTL, while longer LTL increased risk for other autoimmune conditions and cancers. Through multivariable MR, we show that LTL may partially mediate the impact of educational attainment, body mass index, and female age at childbirth on proxied lifespan. Conclusions Our study sheds light on the modulators, consequences, and the mediatory role of telomeres, portraying an intricate relationship between LTL, diseases, lifestyle, and socio-economic factors. <<<
钟鸣 (2024-05-27 23:13):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2023.11.016 Lights, fiber, action! A primer on in vivo fiber photometry 这是一篇比较权威也比较新出炉的综述,讲解全面也细致。 首先,指出近年来光度测定法迅速发展和普遍使用的背景,以及与其他方法相比独特的优势。 随后,讲解了不同类型的生物传感器。包括列举传感器类型、讲解传感器的两大组成部分(传感域和荧光报告域)的结构基础及相应特性。着重介绍了传感器的选择,包括2种获得阴性对照信号的方式及要注意的坑,指出了将生物传感器导入体内的方式及利弊,也顺带着提了一嘴多光同用的价值。 第三块介绍了相关机器的硬件,包括光源的分类、多光源调制方式(频分/时分)、信号带宽、灵敏度、使用转环的利弊、无线系统、多模态(联用光遗传)等方面。作者还科普了3个新兴且有潜力的硬件:光谱可分辨传感器、锥形光纤、FLiP。 接下来就是数据处理部分。在预处理阶段,强调了中间步骤的重要性、要理解光度信号的组成成分及相应的噪音影响。很有价值的是,作者以图片形式展示了过滤、漂白校正、运动校正和标准化(DF/F 、Zscore)的处理效果及代码。当然作者也以文字介绍了上述过程的处理注意事项。 在数据分析这块,主要介绍的是事件关联分析和线性回归。这块有点抽象。 最后展望了一下未来。
IF:14.700Q1 Neuron, 2024-Mar-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.11.016 PMID: 38103545
Fiber photometry is a key technique for characterizing brain-behavior relationships in vivo. Initially, it was primarily used to report calcium dynamics as a proxy for neural activity via genetically encoded … >>>
Fiber photometry is a key technique for characterizing brain-behavior relationships in vivo. Initially, it was primarily used to report calcium dynamics as a proxy for neural activity via genetically encoded indicators. This generated new insights into brain functions including movement, memory, and motivation at the level of defined circuits and cell types. Recently, the opportunity for discovery with fiber photometry has exploded with the development of an extensive range of fluorescent sensors for biomolecules including neuromodulators and peptides that were previously inaccessible in vivo. This critical advance, combined with the new availability of affordable "plug-and-play" recording systems, has made monitoring molecules with high spatiotemporal precision during behavior highly accessible. However, while opening exciting new avenues for research, the rapid expansion in fiber photometry applications has occurred without coordination or consensus on best practices. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to help end-users execute, analyze, and suitably interpret fiber photometry studies. <<<
惊鸿 (2024-05-25 20:25):
#paper Pub Date : 2024-02-15 DOI : 10.1017/bap.2023.34 本研究认为韩国经济治国之道的核心是(1)高科技产业供应链多元化,以主动减轻经济胁迫的脆弱性,(2)追求技术主权,以提高先进技术的自给自足,(3) )治理改革以增强供应链的弹性,以及(4)产业政策以增强先进产业的竞争力。上述四种战略的共同点是都以高科技的战略运用为基础。基于这些特征,我将韩国的新经济安全战略定义为技术经济治国之道。韩国的技术经济治国之道有两个特点。首先,韩国利用高科技作为经济和安全之间的纽带。其次,韩国利用高科技作为衔接国内外政策的纽带。
Abstract This study identifies the core of Korea’s economic statecraft as (1) diversification of the supply chain of high-tech industries to proactively mitigate vulnerability to economic coercion, (2) the pursuit … >>>
Abstract This study identifies the core of Korea’s economic statecraft as (1) diversification of the supply chain of high-tech industries to proactively mitigate vulnerability to economic coercion, (2) the pursuit of technological sovereignty to increase self-sufficiency in advanced technologies, (3) governance reforms to strengthen supply chain resilience, and (4) industrial policies to enhance the competitiveness of advanced industries. The four strategies mentioned above all have in common that they are predicated on the strategic utilization of high technology. Based on these traits, I define Korea’s new economic security strategy as techno-economic statecraft. Korea’s techno-economic statecraft has two features. First, Korea utilizes high technology as a nexus between economy and security. Second, Korea uses high technology as a nexus to link domestic and foreign policies. <<<
颜林林 (2024-05-25 18:44):
#paper doi:10.1126/science.adh2602, Science, 2024, Molecular cascades and cell type-specific signatures in ASD revealed by single-cell genomics. 这周的Science集中发表了一大波脑科学的单细胞或空间转录组文章,本文是其中一篇。本文是联合使用了单核RNA-seq、单核ATAC-seq和空间转录组,研究遗传变异如何在健康和疾病状态下影响人脑,特别是在孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)中的作用。这是对ASD队列进行了迄今为止规模最大的单细胞分析,包括33例ASD和31例对照(共计64例),取样了这些受试者死后的大脑皮层组织,进行的实验。分析结果揭示了在ASD中从稳态到反应性的细胞状态转变过程,识别了涉及数千个基因的表达差异和转录因子网络,为理解ASD在人脑中的分子变化提供了有力的因果锚点和分子表型。
Genomic profiling in postmortem brain from autistic individuals has consistently revealed convergent molecular changes. What drives these changes and how they relate to genetic susceptibility in this complex condition are … >>>
Genomic profiling in postmortem brain from autistic individuals has consistently revealed convergent molecular changes. What drives these changes and how they relate to genetic susceptibility in this complex condition are not well understood. We performed deep single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) to examine cell composition and transcriptomics, identifying dysregulation of cell type-specific gene regulatory networks (GRNs) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which we corroborated using single-nucleus assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (snATAC-seq) and spatial transcriptomics. Transcriptomic changes were primarily cell type specific, involving multiple cell types, most prominently interhemispheric and callosal-projecting neurons, interneurons within superficial laminae, and distinct glial reactive states involving oligodendrocytes, microglia, and astrocytes. Autism-associated GRN drivers and their targets were enriched in rare and common genetic risk variants, connecting autism genetic susceptibility and cellular and circuit alterations in the human brain. <<<
DeDe宝 (2024-05-11 23:37):
#paper Visual boundary cues suffice to anchor place and grid cells in virtual reality. Current Biology. 2024 May 2; doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.026. 空间导航过程中,边界作为一类重要的地标线索,为位置估计提供了重要的信息。在虚拟环境中,去除边界将对位置细胞和网格细胞的空间特异性和试次内稳定性产生强烈破坏。然而,检测边界的感官信息的精确性尚未可知。在该研究中,研究者令小鼠在虚拟环境中完成目标位置寻找任务,同时记录小鼠位置细胞和网格细胞的放电情况。研究表明: 1-仅具有一定高度的边界(而不是在平面上以纹理定义的边界)可以锚定虚拟现实环境中位置细胞和网格细胞的空间放电。 2-不稳定的网格细胞保持六倍调制,然而firing fields将在短时间内(>5s)发生偏移,且该偏移不受到光流信息的调制。 3-部分位置细胞显示出基于地标线索(标志目标位置的线索)的异己中心定向调谐,然而调谐强度与firing fields的稳定性相关。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2024-05-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.026 PMID: 38701787
The hippocampal formation contains neurons responsive to an animal's current location and orientation, which together provide the organism with a neural map of space. Spatially tuned neurons rely on external … >>>
The hippocampal formation contains neurons responsive to an animal's current location and orientation, which together provide the organism with a neural map of space. Spatially tuned neurons rely on external landmark cues and internally generated movement information to estimate position. An important class of landmark cue are the boundaries delimiting an environment, which can define place cell field position and stabilize grid cell firing. However, the precise nature of the sensory information used to detect boundaries remains unknown. We used 2-dimensional virtual reality (VR) to show that visual cues from elevated walls surrounding the environment are both sufficient and necessary to stabilize place and grid cell responses in VR, when only visual and self-motion cues are available. By contrast, flat boundaries formed by the edges of a textured floor did not stabilize place and grid cells, indicating only specific forms of visual boundary stabilize hippocampal spatial firing. Unstable grid cells retain internally coherent, hexagonally arranged firing fields, but these fields "drift" with respect to the virtual environment over periods >5 s. Optic flow from a virtual floor does not slow drift dynamics, emphasizing the importance of boundary-related visual information. Surprisingly, place fields are more stable close to boundaries even with floor and wall cues removed, suggesting invisible boundaries are inferred using the motion of a discrete, separate cue (a beacon signaling reward location). Subsets of place cells show allocentric directional tuning toward the beacon, with strength of tuning correlating with place field stability when boundaries are removed. <<<