来自用户 DeDe宝 的文献。
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DeDe宝 (2023-04-10 11:47):
#paper doi:/10.1371/journal.pone.0000943.Causal Inference in Multisensory Perception,2007,Plos One(发表在Plos One,但是引用高) 神经系统不断地将来自不同感觉方式的不确定信息组合成对感觉刺激原因的综合理解。这些信息可能有相同的来源,也可能来自不同的来源,因此,线索的组合必须根据线索的因果关系。多模式感知整合的方法之一是线索整合概率模型,线索整合概率模型的基础是假定原因是统一的,但是后来的实验发现,当视觉和听觉刺激差异很大时,这种整合就会失效。信息之间的差异称为disparity(分离度)。当两个线索之间的disparity(分离度)增大,那么线索A对于另一个线索B的影响就会减小,反之亦然。disparity(分离度)的存在说明强制融合(无条件假定原因统一)是不成立的,因此还需要对线索之间的因果关系进行推断,需要在模型中增加一个检验交互性的先验(一个联合先验分布),用来分析两个线索同源的可能性高,还是不同源的可能性高。本研究提出了一个因果推断模型,该模型准确地预测了人类受试者在两个听觉-视觉定位任务中对线索的非线性整合。结果表明,人类确实可以有效地推断因果结构以及线索源的位置。推断因果结构的能力不仅限于有意识的、高层次的认知;它也在感知中不断地、毫不费力地进行。
IF:2.900Q1 PLoS ONE, 2007. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0000943
Perceptual events derive their significance to an animal from their meaning about the world, that is from the information they carry about their causes. The brain should thus be able … >>>
Perceptual events derive their significance to an animal from their meaning about the world, that is from the information they carry about their causes. The brain should thus be able to efficiently infer the causes underlying our sensory events. Here we use multisensory cue combination to study causal inference in perception. We formulate an ideal-observer model that infers whether two sensory cues originate from the same location and that also estimates their location(s). This model accurately predicts the nonlinear integration of cues by human subjects in two auditory-visual localization tasks. The results show that indeed humans can efficiently infer the causal structure as well as the location of causes. By combining insights from the study of causal inference with the ideal-observer approach to sensory cue combination, we show that the capacity to infer causal structure is not limited to conscious, high-level cognition; it is also performed continually and effortlessly in perception. <<<
DeDe宝 (2023-03-22 11:38):
#paper doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14270 Wrinkles in subsecond time perception are synchronized to the heart 心脏在时间知觉中的作用的证据很少,本研究探究了心脏动力学和亚秒级别时间间隔感知之间的相互作用。被试根据与心脏同步的音调做时间二分法任务,结果显示颞叶对时间间隔感知的延长或缩短与心脏动力学同步。较低的刺激前心理与较长的编码偏差相关。本研究开发了心脏漂移模型(cDDM),为心脏在时间感知觉判断中的作用提供了新的方法论。
IF:2.900Q1 Psychophysiology, 2023-08. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.14270 PMID: 36864822
The role of the heart in the experience of time has been long theorized but empirical evidence is scarce. Here, we examined the interaction between fine-grained cardiac dynamics and the … >>>
The role of the heart in the experience of time has been long theorized but empirical evidence is scarce. Here, we examined the interaction between fine-grained cardiac dynamics and the momentary experience of subsecond intervals. Participants performed a temporal bisection task for brief tones (80-188 ms) synchronized with the heart. We developed a cardiac Drift-Diffusion Model (cDDM) that embedded contemporaneous heart rate dynamics into the temporal decision model. Results revealed the existence of temporal wrinkles-dilation or contraction of short intervals-in synchrony with cardiac dynamics. A lower prestimulus heart rate was associated with an initial bias in encoding the millisecond-level stimulus duration as longer, consistent with facilitation of sensory intake. Concurrently, a higher prestimulus heart rate aided more consistent and faster temporal judgments through more efficient evidence accumulation. Additionally, a higher speed of poststimulus cardiac deceleration, a bodily marker of attention, was associated with a greater accumulation of sensory temporal evidence in the cDDM. These findings suggest a unique role of cardiac dynamics in the momentary experience of time. Our cDDM framework opens a new methodological avenue for investigating the role of the heart in time perception and perceptual judgment. <<<
DeDe宝 (2023-02-01 00:18):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118723. NeuroImage 2018. Structural connectivity-based segmentation of the human entorhinal cortex 在啮齿动物中,将内嗅皮层分割为内侧(MEC)与外侧(LEC)具有明确的定义和特征。然而,在人类中,MEC和LEC的对应确切位置却仍然不确定。之前功能性磁共振成像 (fMRI) 研究已将人类内嗅皮层细分为后内侧 (pmEC) 和前外侧 (alEC)部分,但是成像方式和种子区域(seed)对划分结果的影响仍不明确。本研究使用扩散张量成像(DTI) 和概率纤维束成像,根据与已知选择性投射到的其他大脑区域的差异连接来分割人类内嗅皮层的MEC和LEC。我们将 MEC定义为与前下托和压后皮层(RSC) 的联系更紧密的内嗅皮层,LEC定义为与远端 CA1、近端dCA1pSub)以及外侧眶额叶皮层(OFC) 的联系更紧密的内嗅皮层。尽管我们的DTI分割比之前的 fMRI 研究具有更大的内侧-外侧成分,但我们的结果表明人类 MEC 和 LEC 同系物具有朝向后-前和内侧-外侧轴的边界,支持 pmEC 后内侧 (pmEC) 和前外侧 (alEC)的划分方式。
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2021-12-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118723 PMID: 34780919
The medial (MEC) and lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), widely studied in rodents, are well defined and characterized. In humans, however, the exact locations of their homologues remain uncertain. Previous functional … >>>
The medial (MEC) and lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), widely studied in rodents, are well defined and characterized. In humans, however, the exact locations of their homologues remain uncertain. Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have subdivided the human EC into posteromedial (pmEC) and anterolateral (alEC) parts, but uncertainty remains about the choice of imaging modality and seed regions, in particular in light of a substantial revision of the classical model of EC connectivity based on novel insights from rodent anatomy. Here, we used structural, not functional imaging, namely diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and probabilistic tractography to segment the human EC based on differential connectivity to other brain regions known to project selectively to MEC or LEC. We defined MEC as more strongly connected with presubiculum and retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and LEC as more strongly connected with distal CA1 and proximal subiculum (dCA1pSub) and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Although our DTI segmentation had a larger medial-lateral component than in the previous fMRI studies, our results show that the human MEC and LEC homologues have a border oriented both towards the posterior-anterior and medial-lateral axes, supporting the differentiation between pmEC and alEC. <<<
DeDe宝 (2023-01-29 17:31):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.23983 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2018. The retrosplenial cortex: A memory gateway between the cortical default mode network and the medial temporal lobe 默认模式网络 (DMN) 涉及相互作用的皮质区域,包括后扣带皮层 (PCC) 和压后皮质 (RSC),以及皮质下区域,包括内侧颞叶 (MTL)。过去的研究中DMN-MTL的功能连接FC与情景记忆EM表现的关联的静息态研究具有不一致的结果。动物研究表明RSC可以作为促进大脑皮层和皮层下 DMN 之间信息传递的中间层,研究假设RSC对DMN-MTL的功能连接FC与情景记忆EM表现具有中介作用。本研究使用COBRA项目数据集,采集了180名健康老年人(64-68 岁)的EM表现与rfmri,用图论方法对DMN节点进行的进一步分析揭示了RSC 的最高介数中心性,证实了DMN 区域中有很大比例的短路径通过 RSC。
IF:3.500Q1 Human brain mapping, 2018-05. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23983 PMID: 29363256
The default mode network (DMN) involves interacting cortical areas, including the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and subcortical areas, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The … >>>
The default mode network (DMN) involves interacting cortical areas, including the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and subcortical areas, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The degree of functional connectivity (FC) within the DMN, particularly between MTL and medial-parietal subsystems, relates to episodic memory (EM) processes. However, past resting-state studies investigating the link between posterior DMN-MTL FC and EM performance yielded inconsistent results, possibly reflecting heterogeneity in the degree of connectivity between MTL and specific cortical DMN regions. Animal work suggests that RSC has structural connections to both cortical DMN regions and MTL, and may thus serve as an intermediate layer that facilitates information transfer between cortical and subcortical DMNs. We studied 180 healthy old adults (aged 64-68 years), who underwent comprehensive assessment of EM, along with resting-state fMRI. We found greater FC between MTL and RSC than between MTL and the other cortical DMN regions (e.g., PCC), with the only significant association with EM observed for MTL-RSC FC. Mediational analysis showed that MTL-cortical DMN connectivity increased with RSC as a mediator. Further analysis using a graph-theoretical approach on DMN nodes revealed the highest betweenness centrality for RSC, confirming that a high proportion of short paths among DMN regions pass through RSC. Importantly, the degree of RSC mediation was associated with EM performance, suggesting that individuals with greater mediation have an EM advantage. These findings suggest that RSC forms a critical gateway between MTL and cortical DMN to support EM in older adults. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-12-31 17:34):
#paper doi: doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2202394119,Sleep facilitates spatial memory but not navigation using the Minecraft Memory and Navigation tas,PNAS这篇文章是今年10月刚发表的,基于《我的世界》这个游戏分别研究了睡眠对于导航能力、导航记忆的作用。之前的研究已经证实睡眠可以促进海马相关的记忆,而我们知道海马可以支持空间环境的获取和内部表征,也就是海马可以支持认知地图的形成,认知地图是通过环境探索构建的,是导航的重要表征。那么,推出睡眠可以促进导航相关的记忆就是相当自然的。但是,之前的研究者对于睡眠对导航相关空间记忆的作用的研究结果却不乐观,有一些证实了该推测,而有一些没有。本文研究者认为,睡眠对导航相关空间记忆的作用,要拆成睡眠对空间记忆的作用,以及睡眠对导航能力的作用两部分来看。研究结果支持睡眠促进空间记忆,但不能促进导航能力。
Sleep facilitates hippocampal-dependent memories, supporting the acquisition and maintenance of internal representation of spatial relations within an environment. In humans, however, findings have been mixed regarding sleep's contribution to spatial … >>>
Sleep facilitates hippocampal-dependent memories, supporting the acquisition and maintenance of internal representation of spatial relations within an environment. In humans, however, findings have been mixed regarding sleep's contribution to spatial memory and navigation, which may be due to task designs or outcome measurements. We developed the Minecraft Memory and Navigation (MMN) task for the purpose of disentangling how spatial memory accuracy and navigation change over time, and to study sleep's independent contributions to each. In the MMN task, participants learned the locations of objects through free exploration of an open field computerized environment. At test, they were teleported to random positions around the environment and required to navigate to the remembered location of each object. In study 1, we developed and validated four unique MMN environments with the goal of equating baseline learning and immediate test performance. A total of 86 participants were administered the training phases and immediate test. Participants' baseline performance was equivalent across all four environments, supporting the use of the MMN task. In study 2, 29 participants were trained, tested immediately, and again 12 h later after a period of sleep or wake. We found that the metric accuracy of object locations, i.e., spatial memory, was maintained over a night of sleep, while after wake, metric accuracy declined. In contrast, spatial navigation improved over both sleep and wake delays. Our findings support the role of sleep in retaining the precise spatial relationships within a cognitive map; however, they do not support a specific role of sleep in navigation. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-11-28 23:47):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0811-3 Nature Human Behaviour volume 4, pages397–411 (2020) Multimodal mapping of the face connectome 面部处理支持人脸识别和情感理解的能力,这依赖于脑区网络分布,但目前研究者对脑区的相互作用知之甚少。本篇文章结合解剖、功能连接测量与行为分析,建立了面部连接体的全脑模型,探明了模型的关键特征,如脑网络拓扑结构和纤维束构成。研究者提出了具有三个核心流的神经认知模型,面部处理流程沿着这些核心流并行或交互处理。虽然长程神经纤维束是很重要,但面部脑网络由短程神经纤维束主导,最后,研究者提供了面部处理流程右偏侧化是由于半球内和半球间连接不平衡的证据。总之,面部脑网络依赖于高度结构化的神经纤维束之间的动态链接,使支持行为和认知的面部处理流程成为可能。
IF:21.400Q1 Nature human behaviour, 2020-04. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-019-0811-3 PMID: 31988441
Face processing supports our ability to recognize friend from foe, form tribes and understand the emotional implications of changes in facial musculature. This skill relies on a distributed network of … >>>
Face processing supports our ability to recognize friend from foe, form tribes and understand the emotional implications of changes in facial musculature. This skill relies on a distributed network of brain regions, but how these regions interact is poorly understood. Here we integrate anatomical and functional connectivity measurements with behavioural assays to create a global model of the face connectome. We dissect key features, such as the network topology and fibre composition. We propose a neurocognitive model with three core streams; face processing along these streams occurs in a parallel and reciprocal manner. Although long-range fibre paths are important, the face network is dominated by short-range fibres. Finally, we provide evidence that the well-known right lateralization of face processing arises from imbalanced intra- and interhemispheric connections. In summary, the face network relies on dynamic communication across highly structured fibre tracts, enabling coherent face processing that underpins behaviour and cognition. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-10-23 15:17):
#paper The source of systematic errors in human path integration,DOI: 10.7939/r3-ftnc(preprint)这篇文献使用交叉验证模型(cross-validation modeling)比较 M1(Encoding-error model)M2(execution-error model)M3(bi-component model)三种模型对人类在路径整合中的系统误差(压缩模式)的拟合和解释。结果支持了bi-component model的假设,该模型同时考虑了编码过程和执行过程引入的系统误差。此外,使用单响应输入条件无法将双成分模型与编码误差模型和执行误差模型分离,表明使用多个出站路径的多个入站响应进行交叉验证建模可能是了解人类路径整合的强大工具。
Triangle completion is a task widely used to study human path integration, an important navigation method relying on idiothetic cues. Systematic biases (compression patterns in the inbound responses) have been … >>>
Triangle completion is a task widely used to study human path integration, an important navigation method relying on idiothetic cues. Systematic biases (compression patterns in the inbound responses) have been well documented in human triangle completion. However, the sources of systematic biases remain controversial. We used cross-validation modeling to compare three plausible theoretical models that assume that systematic errors occur in the encoding outbound path solely (encoding-error model), executing the inbound responses solely (execution-error model), and both (bi-component model), respectively. The data for cross-validation modeling are from a previous study (Qi et al., 2021), in which participants learned three objects’ locations (one at the path origin, that is, home) very well before walking each outbound path and then pointed to the objects’ original locations after walking the outbound path. The modeling algorithm used one inbound response (i.e., response to the home) or multiple inbound responses (i.e., responses to two non-home locations and the home) for each outbound path. The algorithm of using multiple inbound responses demonstrated that the bi-component model outperformed the other models in accounting for the systematic errors. This finding suggests that both encoding the outbound path and executing the inbound responses contribute to the systematic biases in human path integration. In addition, the results showed that the algorithm using only the home response could not distinguish among these three models, suggesting that the typical triangle-completion task with only the home response for each outbound path cannot determine the sources of the systematic biases. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-09-29 17:28):
#paper doi: 10.1016/j.intell.2022.101681 Process-oriented intelligence research: A review from the cognitive perspective 2022.09,  Intelligence:过程导向的智力研究:从认知的角度进行回顾(综述) 综述回顾了工作记忆、加工速率、执行过程等认知过程与智力差异相关的实证结果,介绍了测量通用机制和过程的认知测量模型,提出了智力理论的启示和发展更多机械智能理论的可能性。作者认为:①智力差异背后的特定认知过程仍然难以捉摸。②平均表现通常无法隔离单个认知过程。③认知过程或机制的正式模型提供了更具体的指标
Despite over a century of research on intelligence, the cognitive processes underlying intelligent behavior are still unclear. In this review, we summarize empirical results investigating the contribution of cognitive processes … >>>
Despite over a century of research on intelligence, the cognitive processes underlying intelligent behavior are still unclear. In this review, we summarize empirical results investigating the contribution of cognitive processes associated with working memory capacity, processing speed, and executive processes to intelligence differences. Specifically, we (a) evaluate how cognitive processes associated with the three different cognitive domains have been measured, and (b) how these processes are related to individual differences in intelligence. Consistently, this review illustrates that isolating single cognitive processes using average performance in cognitive tasks is hardly possible. Instead, formal models that implement theories of cognitive processes underlying performance in different cognitive tasks may provide more adequate indicators of single cognitive processes. Therefore, we outlined which models for working memory capacity, processing speed, and executive processes may provide more specific insights into cognitive processes associated with individual differences in intelligence. Finally, we discuss implications of a process-oriented intelligence research using cognitive measurement models for psychometric theories of intelligence and argue that a model-based approach might overcome validity problems of traditional intelligence theories. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-08-14 17:53):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.006 Current Biology,2020,Stress Disrupts Human Hippocampal-Prefrontal Function during Prospective Spatial Navigation and Hinders Flexible Behavior.前瞻对空间导航的规划非常重要,前瞻性规划部分依赖于情景记忆检索机制,而检索能力受到压力的负面影响。本研究采用虚拟空间导航任务,检查压力是否以及如何影响前瞻和决策行为。研究结果表明,压力可能对新目标的导航规划神经机制产生影响。从行为角度,压力限制了检索landmark的能力和有效导航的能力,降低了采取新捷径的可能性,并增加了达到目标的路径长度。从神经角度,压力会降低海马后部、FPC、广义CCN脑区和其他与记忆相关脑区(如角回)在新路程规划的神经活动。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2020-05-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.006 PMID: 32243859
The ability to anticipate and flexibly plan for the future is critical for achieving goal-directed outcomes. Extant data suggest that neural and cognitive stress mechanisms may disrupt memory retrieval and … >>>
The ability to anticipate and flexibly plan for the future is critical for achieving goal-directed outcomes. Extant data suggest that neural and cognitive stress mechanisms may disrupt memory retrieval and restrict prospective planning, with deleterious impacts on behavior. Here, we examined whether and how acute psychological stress influences goal-directed navigational planning and efficient, flexible behavior. Our methods combined fMRI, neuroendocrinology, and machine learning with a virtual navigation planning task. Human participants were trained to navigate familiar paths in virtual environments and then (concurrent with fMRI) performed a planning and navigation task that could be most efficiently solved by taking novel shortcut paths. Strikingly, relative to non-stressed control participants, participants who performed the planning task under experimentally induced acute psychological stress demonstrated (1) disrupted neural activity critical for mnemonic retrieval and mental simulation and (2) reduced traversal of shortcuts and greater reliance on familiar paths. These neural and behavioral changes under psychological stress were tied to evidence for disrupted neural replay of memory for future locations in the spatial environment, providing mechanistic insight into why and how stress can alter planning and foster inefficient behavior. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-07-05 22:49):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.tics.2015.03.002 TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES, 2015, A Bayesian perspective on magnitude estimation. 这篇综述可以结合作者11年发表的Iterative Bayesian Estimation as an Explanation for Range and Regression Effects: A Study on Human Path Integration(DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2028-11.2011)一起看。综述简要介绍了人类被试估计物理量(如距离估计、角度估计、时长估计)时的行为特征,如回归效应、范围效应、序列效应等,并使用贝叶斯模型模拟并解释行为特征。综述还列举了贝叶斯模型在心理物理学、神经成像研究和临床研究中的应用,适合贝叶斯模型入门。11年的文章里有对经典贝叶斯模型(固定先验)和二阶贝叶斯模型(可迭代先验)的详细推导。
Our representation of the physical world requires judgments of magnitudes, such as loudness, distance, or time. Interestingly, magnitude estimates are often not veridical but subject to characteristic biases. These biases … >>>
Our representation of the physical world requires judgments of magnitudes, such as loudness, distance, or time. Interestingly, magnitude estimates are often not veridical but subject to characteristic biases. These biases are strikingly similar across different sensory modalities, suggesting common processing mechanisms that are shared by different sensory systems. However, the search for universal neurobiological principles of magnitude judgments requires guidance by formal theories. Here, we discuss a unifying Bayesian framework for understanding biases in magnitude estimation. This Bayesian perspective enables a re-interpretation of a range of established psychophysical findings, reconciles seemingly incompatible classical views on magnitude estimation, and can guide future investigations of magnitude estimation and its neurobiological mechanisms in health and in psychiatric diseases, such as schizophrenia. <<<