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DeDe宝 (2024-05-11 23:37):
#paper Visual boundary cues suffice to anchor place and grid cells in virtual reality. Current Biology. 2024 May 2; doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.026. 空间导航过程中,边界作为一类重要的地标线索,为位置估计提供了重要的信息。在虚拟环境中,去除边界将对位置细胞和网格细胞的空间特异性和试次内稳定性产生强烈破坏。然而,检测边界的感官信息的精确性尚未可知。在该研究中,研究者令小鼠在虚拟环境中完成目标位置寻找任务,同时记录小鼠位置细胞和网格细胞的放电情况。研究表明: 1-仅具有一定高度的边界(而不是在平面上以纹理定义的边界)可以锚定虚拟现实环境中位置细胞和网格细胞的空间放电。 2-不稳定的网格细胞保持六倍调制,然而firing fields将在短时间内(>5s)发生偏移,且该偏移不受到光流信息的调制。 3-部分位置细胞显示出基于地标线索(标志目标位置的线索)的异己中心定向调谐,然而调谐强度与firing fields的稳定性相关。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2024-05-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.026 PMID: 38701787
The hippocampal formation contains neurons responsive to an animal's current location and orientation, which together provide the organism with a neural map of space. Spatially tuned neurons rely on external … >>>
The hippocampal formation contains neurons responsive to an animal's current location and orientation, which together provide the organism with a neural map of space. Spatially tuned neurons rely on external landmark cues and internally generated movement information to estimate position. An important class of landmark cue are the boundaries delimiting an environment, which can define place cell field position and stabilize grid cell firing. However, the precise nature of the sensory information used to detect boundaries remains unknown. We used 2-dimensional virtual reality (VR) to show that visual cues from elevated walls surrounding the environment are both sufficient and necessary to stabilize place and grid cell responses in VR, when only visual and self-motion cues are available. By contrast, flat boundaries formed by the edges of a textured floor did not stabilize place and grid cells, indicating only specific forms of visual boundary stabilize hippocampal spatial firing. Unstable grid cells retain internally coherent, hexagonally arranged firing fields, but these fields "drift" with respect to the virtual environment over periods >5 s. Optic flow from a virtual floor does not slow drift dynamics, emphasizing the importance of boundary-related visual information. Surprisingly, place fields are more stable close to boundaries even with floor and wall cues removed, suggesting invisible boundaries are inferred using the motion of a discrete, separate cue (a beacon signaling reward location). Subsets of place cells show allocentric directional tuning toward the beacon, with strength of tuning correlating with place field stability when boundaries are removed. <<<
哪有情可长 (2024-01-31 14:34):
#paper Cell-cycle-linked growth reprogramming encodes developmental time into leaf morphogenesis, Current Biology, 19 January 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.050. 这篇文章开发出了针对植物活体组织生长的延时摄影体系,对拟南芥的幼小的叶片和成年叶片的发育进程从原基分化起始到形态分化进行全过程的追踪。该技术能够直观的展示植物年龄增长如何改变细胞的生长和增值,以及植物叶片内同等细胞层的组织形成潜力。后续为了验证这个体系的可靠性,选择了一个在拟南芥中前人鉴定发现的控制叶片的基因SPL9的突变体进行验证。本文的这个体系只能用于漏在外边的植物活体组织,但是像小麦穗和玉米穗这样前期被包裹的材料,进行活体组织生长的延时摄影应该还不能应用。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2024-02-05. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.050 PMID: 38244542
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric … >>>
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric analyses, fate-mapping through live-imaging, computational analyses, and genetics, we identify age-dependent changes in cell-cycle-associated growth and histogenesis that underpin leaf heteroblasty. We show that in juvenile leaves, cell proliferation competence is rapidly released in a "proliferation burst" coupled with fast growth, whereas in adult leaves, proliferative growth is sustained for longer and at a slower rate. These effects are mediated by the SPL9 transcription factor in response to inputs from both shoot age and individual leaf maturation along the proximodistal axis. SPL9 acts by activating CyclinD3 family genes, which are sufficient to bypass the requirement for SPL9 in the control of leaf shape and in heteroblastic reprogramming of cellular growth. In conclusion, we have identified a mechanism that bridges across cell, tissue, and whole-organism scales by linking cell-cycle-associated growth control to age-dependent changes in organ geometry. <<<
muton (2023-07-31 22:52):
#paper:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.044 The memory trace of a stressful episode压力通过去甲肾上腺素和糖皮质激素对杏仁核和海马体的影响来影响情景记忆的形成。以往研究发现,当我们处在压力情境中时会有一种聚焦效应,也就是对情景中心方面的事情会记得更好。但是如何来用神经证据证明这一观点还未可知。本文作者使用神经表征相似性分析的方法分析了杏仁核脑区在压力情景下遇到物体的记忆情况。结果发现,出现在中心的物体比起出现在两边的物体神经表征的相似性会更高。并且这种更高的相似性预测了更好的记忆效果。这表明,中心物体被紧密地整合到一个以压力为中心的记忆表征中。本研究运用了一种生活化的实验范式巧妙设计并分析了压力情景下的“记忆痕迹”。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2021-12-06. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.044 PMID: 34653359
Stress influences episodic memory formation via noradrenaline and glucocorticoid effects on amygdala and hippocampus. A common finding is the improvement of memory for central aspects of a stressful episode. This … >>>
Stress influences episodic memory formation via noradrenaline and glucocorticoid effects on amygdala and hippocampus. A common finding is the improvement of memory for central aspects of a stressful episode. This is putatively related to changes in the neural representations of specific experiences, i.e., their memory traces. Here we show that the memory improvement for objects that were encountered in a stressful episode relates to differences in the neural representations of these objects in the amygdala. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that stress specifically altered the representations of central objects: compared to control objects, they became more similar to one another and more distinct from objects that were not part of this episode. Furthermore, higher similarity of central objects to the main stressor-the faces of the stress-inducing committee members-predicted better memory. This suggests that the central objects were closely integrated into a stressor-centered memory representation. Our findings provide mechanistic insights into how stress shapes the memory trace and have profound implications for neurocognitive models of stressful and emotional memory. <<<
DeDe宝 (2022-08-14 17:53):
#paper doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.006 Current Biology,2020,Stress Disrupts Human Hippocampal-Prefrontal Function during Prospective Spatial Navigation and Hinders Flexible Behavior.前瞻对空间导航的规划非常重要,前瞻性规划部分依赖于情景记忆检索机制,而检索能力受到压力的负面影响。本研究采用虚拟空间导航任务,检查压力是否以及如何影响前瞻和决策行为。研究结果表明,压力可能对新目标的导航规划神经机制产生影响。从行为角度,压力限制了检索landmark的能力和有效导航的能力,降低了采取新捷径的可能性,并增加了达到目标的路径长度。从神经角度,压力会降低海马后部、FPC、广义CCN脑区和其他与记忆相关脑区(如角回)在新路程规划的神经活动。
IF:8.100Q1 Current biology : CB, 2020-05-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.006 PMID: 32243859
The ability to anticipate and flexibly plan for the future is critical for achieving goal-directed outcomes. Extant data suggest that neural and cognitive stress mechanisms may disrupt memory retrieval and … >>>
The ability to anticipate and flexibly plan for the future is critical for achieving goal-directed outcomes. Extant data suggest that neural and cognitive stress mechanisms may disrupt memory retrieval and restrict prospective planning, with deleterious impacts on behavior. Here, we examined whether and how acute psychological stress influences goal-directed navigational planning and efficient, flexible behavior. Our methods combined fMRI, neuroendocrinology, and machine learning with a virtual navigation planning task. Human participants were trained to navigate familiar paths in virtual environments and then (concurrent with fMRI) performed a planning and navigation task that could be most efficiently solved by taking novel shortcut paths. Strikingly, relative to non-stressed control participants, participants who performed the planning task under experimentally induced acute psychological stress demonstrated (1) disrupted neural activity critical for mnemonic retrieval and mental simulation and (2) reduced traversal of shortcuts and greater reliance on familiar paths. These neural and behavioral changes under psychological stress were tied to evidence for disrupted neural replay of memory for future locations in the spatial environment, providing mechanistic insight into why and how stress can alter planning and foster inefficient behavior. <<<