他者 (2023-05-29 09:31):
#paper doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002056 PLOS Biology, 2023, Feature-specific reactivations of pastinformation shift current neural encoding thereby mediating serial bias behaviors。serial bias是知觉领域的一个重要现象,该现象表明当前实验试次的感知决策受到前几个试次的影响并产生系统偏差。但是,当前感知决策是受到之前试次的什么信息影响,是之前的刺激、之前的类别决策还是之前的运动反应?这一直处于长期争论中。本研究的行为分析和脑电信号分析揭示了序列依赖效应的动态神经机制。首先,当前试次的脑电活动中能解码当前试次的信息(预料之中)。但最为有趣的是,当前的事件发生会自动激发过去试次的相应特征信息:音调信息激发过去试次的音调,类别信息激发过去试次的类别,运动响应激活过去试次的运动反应(图2)。值得注意的是,过去试次包含的信息因为已经发生,理论上是可以一直处于激活状态的,然而研究结果表明,它们会潜入记忆的“静默态”,直到被当前试次的相应事件所重新激活。
IF:7.800Q1 PLoS biology, 2023-03. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002056 PMID: 36961821
Feature-specific reactivations of past information shift current neural encoding thereby mediating serial bias behaviors
The regularities of the world render an intricate interplay between past and present. Even across independent trials, current-trial perception can be automatically shifted by preceding trials, namely the "serial bias." Meanwhile, the neural implementation of the spontaneous shift of present by past that operates on multiple features remains unknown. In two auditory categorization experiments with human electrophysiological recordings, we demonstrate that serial bias arises from the co-occurrence of past-trial neural reactivation and the neural encoding of current-trial features. The meeting of past and present shifts the neural representation of current-trial features and modulates serial bias behavior. Critically, past-trial features (i.e., pitch, category choice, motor response) keep their respective identities in memory and are only reactivated by the corresponding features in the current trial, giving rise to dissociated feature-specific serial biases. The feature-specific automatic reactivation might constitute a fundamental mechanism for adaptive past-to-present generalizations over multiple features.