DeDe宝 (2023-07-29 14:54):
#paper Language network lateralization is reflected throughout the macroscale functional organization of cortex doi:10.1038/s41467-023-39131-y 半球偏侧化是人类大脑组织的一个基本特征。虽然大多数人表现出左半球语言优势,但相当一部分人口表现出反向偏侧化。利用来自HCP的双胞胎和家庭数据,本研究为语言偏侧化在大脑皮层宏观功能组织中的反映提供证据。分析表明,语言的侧化和梯度不对称在一定程度上是由遗传因素驱动的。这些发现为更深入地理解大脑半球偏侧化的种群水平变异和皮层组织的整体属性之间的起源和关系铺平了道路。
IF:14.700Q1 Nature communications, 2023-06-09. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-39131-y PMID: 37296118
Language network lateralization is reflected throughout the macroscale functional organization of cortex
Hemispheric specialization is a fundamental feature of human brain organization. However, it is not yet clear to what extent the lateralization of specific cognitive processes may be evident throughout the broad functional architecture of cortex. While the majority of people exhibit left-hemispheric language dominance, a substantial minority of the population shows reverse lateralization. Using twin and family data from the Human Connectome Project, we provide evidence that atypical language dominance is associated with global shifts in cortical organization. Individuals with atypical language organization exhibit corresponding hemispheric differences in the macroscale functional gradients that situate discrete large-scale networks along a continuous spectrum, extending from unimodal through association territories. Analyses reveal that both language lateralization and gradient asymmetries are, in part, driven by genetic factors. These findings pave the way for a deeper understanding of the origins and relationships linking population-level variability in hemispheric specialization and global properties of cortical organization.